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GM Spada says goodbye and thank you



We thought that if we lasted for two to three years that would be fantastic."
-Ringo Starr of the Beatles

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been asked to take on new responsibilities and new work here in Customer Service supporting the EA Sports Label. It's been a pleasure to be a part of the support of UO for my 8 years at EA.

I’ve been and done just about everything related to UO support. I started out being a mod on the Official UO forums, I’ve written knowledge base articles, ran in-game events between the Seer program and the Event Moderator programs (Anyone remember a Vesper, boat loving Liche?) I was a Game Master, a Senior GM, a finally the Lead GM. For the last 3 years I’ve been the CS Product Manager for UO which let me focus more on making sure everyone was talking to the right people at the right times and that best practice was being shared.

It’s been a wonderful experience, and every single one of you have allowed that. The UO player base is a fantastic group of people who each bring their own unique experiences and opinions to a world where you can be anything you want. There are far too many people to thank for my particular experience but many of them know who they are, this is far from the full list and I apologize if I have left you out.

Special thanks to: Runesabre, Jalek, Oaks , Calandryll, GM Hugo, GM Silvani, GM Foster, GM Platinum, Binky, the dozens of other GM’s that I had the great pleasure of working with and all the great developers at Origin, like MrTact who allowed me to come up with the Instanced loot Backpack design and SunSword for listening and being a great mentor figure, and of course all the guys and gals at Mythic like Cal, Leurocian, Draconi (and his better half), Mesanna, and Wilki. You’ve all been great friends.

If you happen to see my NPC in Brit wave and say hi.. Or lead him outside the city and slay him, either way I had the chance to brighten your day =)

Remember to follow the rules! And hound Cal for a Bagball expansion so UO can be considered a Sports title!!

Thank you all so very much
GM Spada


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Although I hate waving farewell to veterans of the trenches, I wish your career the best.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fare well and good luck with your new responsibilities.

I saw some names in that list that I have not seen for a long time :) :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow, nice to see how much you are valued within EA! Great news for you which makes it great news for us despite the loss. Much luck to you Spada!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're leaving the gamer nerds to go be with the gamer jocks? Boo hiss!

Just kidding. Good luck!


It's been good working with you. I'm really glad we've remained friends, even as our career paths diverged. Congratulations on the promotion!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry to see you go, but grats on the promotion :)
Now which ingame monster would you like Mythic to add your name to so you'll be remembered :D

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
GM Spada,

Thanks for doing a damn fine job for the UO Community (behind the scenes or in the spotlight) for players and fellow employees alike. Stop by from time to time, and congratulations on the promotion. I'll take 69 sake shots! in your name. As another poster had stated, I haven't seen some of those names in a long time. Take care, GM Spada, may your journey involve good times, nudity, bars, sushi, and sushi served atop nude people in bars. :thumbsup:


Good luck Spada!

I'll always remember that structure you made in the GM pit to hold all of your toys.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We thought that if we lasted for two to three years that would be fantastic."
-Ringo Starr of the Beatles

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been asked to take on new responsibilities and new work here in Customer Service supporting the EA Sports Label. It's been a pleasure to be a part of the support of UO for my 8 years at EA.

I’ve been and done just about everything related to UO support. I started out being a mod on the Official UO forums, I’ve written knowledge base articles, ran in-game events between the Seer program and the Event Moderator programs (Anyone remember a Vesper, boat loving Liche?) I was a Game Master, a Senior GM, a finally the Lead GM. For the last 3 years I’ve been the CS Product Manager for UO which let me focus more on making sure everyone was talking to the right people at the right times and that best practice was being shared.

It’s been a wonderful experience, and every single one of you have allowed that. The UO player base is a fantastic group of people who each bring their own unique experiences and opinions to a world where you can be anything you want. There are far too many people to thank for my particular experience but many of them know who they are, this is far from the full list and I apologize if I have left you out.

Special thanks to: Runesabre, Jalek, Oaks , Calandryll, GM Hugo, GM Silvani, GM Foster, GM Platinum, Binky, the dozens of other GM’s that I had the great pleasure of working with and all the great developers at Origin, like MrTact who allowed me to come up with the Instanced loot Backpack design and SunSword for listening and being a great mentor figure, and of course all the guys and gals at Mythic like Cal, Leurocian, Draconi (and his better half), Mesanna, and Wilki. You’ve all been great friends.

If you happen to see my NPC in Brit wave and say hi.. Or lead him outside the city and slay him, either way I had the chance to brighten your day =)

Remember to follow the rules! And hound Cal for a Bagball expansion so UO can be considered a Sports title!!

Thank you all so very much
GM Spada
You helped us out a couple times in game as a GM, in the dozen years I have played this game.

Thanks very much for all you have done for us and UO, and I wish you all the best in your new opportunity!

Thanks again.



Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
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Dread Lord

Lord Drakelord

Good luck in the real world, I will be sure to toss a salute at your NPC when I see it. Safe travels.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good Luck on the new job. Thanks for the help you gave to us all over the years, you did a Great job & we all appreciated it. :thumbsup:


Congrats and Good luck in your new position! :thumbsup:

And dont forget to stop in and say hello when you get the chance!


you did instanced backpack loot? you will be missed. I feel violated.


Good luck with your new endeavors. Remember us here and stop in from time to time, okay?

Budweiser KDL

Spada grew tired of Listening to Someone Special and Her SIS calling every week to complain about anything UO related. Customer Service is a Hand Full when you have people who feel they are Victims 24/7!! Good Luck Spada!!!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Traitor!! You think you can get away from us did ya?


All the best in your new role!

And who's the replacement?


UO Forum Moderator
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Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Thanks for the help over the years, Spada -

And now that you aren't UO staff, pull out your player account and start playing again - trust me, if my idiot brother is any indication, you'll need the stress relief of a good boss fight or PvP, after spending the day dealing with knuckleheads that can't configure their PS3 properly to play NBA Live '09 online....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EVERYONE LETS PLAY MADDEN! Lets see how Larry Fritzgeralrd or Troy Polamalu Stands up to a greater dragon. The Curse would definatly continue. :cursing:


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations, Spada :)
Thank you for all you have done for UO over the years.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Safe journeys, and leave a trail of black rock, everyone needs to be able to find their way back!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EVERYONE LETS PLAY MADDEN! Lets see how Larry Fritzgeralrd or Troy Polamalu Stands up to a greater dragon. The Curse would definatly continue. :cursing:
ROFL, i'm in, thats hilarious.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I have your stuff??


Okay seriously, thanks for all the help you've provided and the get it done attitude. May your career flourish.

Pink Dragoness

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It really saddens my heart to see you leaving. It is like the last leaf falling from the old tree.

I hope life will always be good to you.

Thank you for all the years of service you have provided in my gaming enjoyment.


Sorry, of all the customer service people in UO, I'm just not a fan of you. Anytime you perform an in-game modification of a players legal item, per Dev stated design, on your own, to reduce "Calls" from house-sitters, think of me saying Good Riddance!

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wiki Moderator
Sorry, of all the customer service people in UO, I'm just not a fan of you. Anytime you perform an in-game modification of a players legal item, per Dev stated design, on your own, to reduce "Calls" from house-sitters, think of me saying Good Riddance!
Not everyone will be happy with every ones work. I for one wish you good luck Spada. You were and always will be my favorite GM and I LOVED when I got you when I paged. I hope everything works out wonderful for you and I personally will miss you LOTS!!!. Ive gone by a few names over the years so prolly wont remember me. *Smiles* You have been one of the biggest names in Ultima Online and always will remain that way. Safe Journeys to you and may your career take you to new heights!

(If you join WoW I will disown you.)


And who's the replacement?
You are in good hands. My replacement "Jay" will most likely not be posting to these forums and like a ninja he hides in the shadows so he's a more behind the scenes guys than a poster/public figure.

He's been with EA and CS as long as I have, and has launched and supported just as many games.

I'm only 6 feet from him, so I'll always be there to lend a hand if he needs it.

Thanks everyone for the great times, and the kind words. Have a great weekend and maybe I'll see you in the game!



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are in good hands. My replacement "Jay" will most likely not be posting to these forums and like a ninja he hides in the shadows so he's a more behind the scenes guys than a poster/public figure.

He's been with EA and CS as long as I have, and has launched and supported just as many games.

I'm only 6 feet from him, so I'll always be there to lend a hand if he needs it.

Thanks everyone for the great times, and the kind words. Have a great weekend and maybe I'll see you in the game!

Hello Jay! Considering some of the responses here, I don't blame him for ninjaing :)

Say, if any of the old timers remember moving 10 cute little sheeps for a player across server lines between yew and brit in the early days, plus advising him to trying running across the server lines in the future - tell him I said Hi and even though I forgot his name, I remember the event even after 10 years!