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Account Help Characters Missing


Gar LS

Ok, so I had three accounts about 4 years ago. 1 of them I got from a friend and cant get access to anymore, no biggie.

2nd account had 5 characters which were all blacksmith/tailor (money makers). I reactivated this account and logged on to find that they were all relatively where I found them and still had gold and bulk order deeds out the wazzoooo. So great I still have the money makers

3rd account. I reactivated it and for some reason unlike the second account it allowed me to use a 15 day free trial code. No biggie so I did it. I logged on and WHAM !!!!!!!!!! New character creation??? WTF? I had 5 decked out characters on this account.

I contacted a GM and of course same as 4 years ago I get a link to some website blab blab.

So, I'm thinking that one of two things are happening here

1. My account got hacked and the person deleted all my characters.

2. Is it possible that since its a free trial so I dont have access to the characters?

I mean after the trial is over and my account becomes fully active will I have access to those characters? I know this is wishfull thinking but perhaps it works something like this.


hopefully i am wrong but i think when put in free trial code you wiped it

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If it's a 15 day trial you're using a new account. Establish accounts that have been canceled are not eligible for free access right now. Sometimes they have a return to Britianna promotion where old accounts are able to play for free, but now's not one of them. (Unless they changed something very recently and I haven't read about it yet.)

Gar LS

Well, it wasent a new account. Ive had the account since 1998-2004.

When I re actived both accounts I got the option on both for the free trial but the one that had the characters on it said that it had already been used.

Im so confused

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think you just got a bad bit of luck then. They haven't done a character wipe since before 2000.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
check your account page it should tell you if its an acctual old account or a new one.

maybe you entered what you thought was your account name but it was just a letter off?

you should know for sure by checking the account page but on the 15 day free trial only way to use it is a new account.

other then that i have had many friends reactivate and all their chars where allways there.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I recently started up one of my old accounts and did the same thing as you. I entered the trial account code that popped up, when I logged in, all the chars were gone. As were any items I had stored in the banks. When I seen that, I went to another one of my old accounts to see if they were all wiped. This time the trial code popped up and I exited out, and went in just with my creditcard and all the chars were there.

So I would say that using the trial account code is a big mistake if your using an old account. I know that my banks were full, most likely of useless old junk, but I cant really remember since I closed the account back in 02.

The one that had the chars on it had some decent stuff, all my old roses, old gifts, and some old rares. I think that if your trying to start up an older account, that the trial code shouldnt pop up. It should only be for new accounts.

Anyhow sorry for your lose.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've heard of returning players whose accounts were wiped clean, much like your account was. The unusual thing is I have a slew of accounts that I have been inactive since before that time. I always made sure, however, to login to the characters during all the return the Britannia promotions.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
check your account page it should tell you if its an acctual old account or a new one.

maybe you entered what you thought was your account name but it was just a letter off?

you should know for sure by checking the account page but on the 15 day free trial only way to use it is a new account.

other then that i have had many friends reactivate and all their chars where allways there.

When I seen that my account was blank, I did that, my trial account was started in Oct. 1999. I think that when you use that code, it wipes everything.


Gar LS

Thats a bunch of BULL. How in the heck.

Ok, but one thing I dont get.
On the account that had the characters on it. It took me o the screen to use the trial code I put it in but it said that it had already been used. Hence if this was the case then wouldnt that account be blank also?But it wasent.

I guess there is nothing that can be done?


call EA customer service/billing and ask them

1-866-543-5435 (toll free)

open during normal business hours; not 24/7

Gar LS

LOL Can't nothings Toll Free when your Deployed to the Desert :(

I do appreciate all the responses though. I might just be out of luck.

Gar LS

Thank you very much its my pleasure....

And thank you for your help.

Garreth of Lake Superior

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It also might help to tell them you're in the service, currently deployed and have access to guns and missiles and tanks and stuff. It's called motivation. ;)

Gar LS

OK both accounts say that they were since 2004. I know for a fact this is not correct since i started in 1998. None the less they are not new accounts and should have my characters.

Well the first account did, but the second account did not.


It also might help to tell them you're in the service, currently deployed and have access to guns and missiles and tanks and stuff. It's called motivation. ;)
Roflmao :thumbsup:
They do need some motivation every so often, don't they?

Besides here, I've heard of people having the same problem when putting in the 2 week code. Hopefully EA can help or at least has some answers.

:( Sorry for your loss Gar.

Thanks for serving :heart:


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As Larry would say, Stay Safe & "Git r' Done"

We Thank you


Gar LS

Ive not had any luck at finding a good email to someone at support to give me a good answer. Does anyone have any good emails that I can get some answers?