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27 dragons and the end of the event

  • Thread starter RavenWinterHawk
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


Now I am one to complain but often add ideas to help.

So far the event is just blah.

Not much fun having 27 dragons and other tames pounce on the shadow lords and lag.

Good news is I got two mempos and sold them for 15 million each. I damage enought to get a TOT. I use wither and explosion pots and carry a mage bow. I have no idea if the mage bow works. I cant target the damn lord but who knows. A tip for you all.

Does that make the event a success getting mempos? Who knows?

Is the end of the event and the shadow lords destruction going to be the same...

A bunch of tames damage, the lords die, and 3 gems go to the tamers.

Not bad for the tamers, lord nows we had events where tames didnt matter.

Is guess my problem is I could swap over to a tamer with jewels etc...

But isnt it a problem when an event dictates what player style is most effective?

It might be nice to have the Shadow Lords enter and cast a spell that repulses back the slew of players and tames.

It might be nice to have the Shadow Lords cast teleport and invisibility.

Dang their Shadow Lords they can't stealth?

Smarter AI and well planned out Shadow Lord entry might be a bit more fun.

How about a wicked transport spell that sends players and tames to a random place. Aren't they all powerful?

All I get now is they are IDIOTS. Their plan is to show up in the same place and at the same time and in the same way only to be pummeled. And we are suppose to fear them? Their idiots. Maybe the smart ones are on the way.

Vincia Eaglehorn

archers are strong too

every event i hear, damn tamers, next event damn archers, then mages etc.

you cant expect that every template has equal strength ....

if this event tamers wouldnt do enough damage ... then why exclude tamers?

its up to you what you use .... if you dont have a tamer, make one ... not for this event, but i am sure there will be other event where a tamer is a good choice


heh this is happening on Europa too, two nights ago around 1:30am in the morning I was waiting for the Shadowlord manifestation at the Waste to spawn, about two-three mins prior to it spawning a hoard of characters recall in (6-7) with a conclave of Greater Dragons in tow, then it happens...I walk inside Inu's old hut and the screen is filled with....Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tym, Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tym, Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tym, spam over and over...minute to the Shadow Lord manifestation spawning...experiencing lag from such condensed spam in one area...(ctrl+shift) name tags up arg! 14?! name tags...let me just cycle through them...it's spawned, BOOM!, ctrl+shift again (I need to quickly cycle through name tags to be able to double click and target the shadow lord manifestation through the Greater Dragons) Oh there we go! *Fires arrow* Pink 1 Pink 2; 'oh it's already dead!' I'm attacking the revenant it summoned lol! doh! oh wait *slaps forehead* thats the sixth time it's happened! *False Shuts down the pc* *makes a brew* x


It'd be kool if the manifestations could hover or even fly on the Z axis, raise them up a bit and let them zoom around for the object that they are searching for. x


If you have problems targeting the shadowlords at first do a area effect spell, then while your "pinking" away find the bar.


Seasoned Veteran
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select nearest hostile doesn't work for you guys? Works great for me.


Seasoned Veteran
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did I miss the ones where mages were damned? seeing how all i got is a pure mage...I never get to hunt ANYTHING without cowering in the corner frantically trying to med. Shoot I missed my one chance at being all powerful?

well poop.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
problem with select nearest hostile is 8/10 it selects an EV. by the time you scroll thru them, your to late to get looting rights.
God forbid they'd ever consider Dexxers in an event, looting rights? my dexxer has never heard of that word :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're wrong about one thing:

The cloak rewards do not go to the tamers, but to those who spam the screen with Armageddon spell.


You're wrong about one thing:

The cloak rewards do not go to the tamers, but to those who spam the screen with Armageddon spell.
That is actually not true....

Me, my wife, and a friend all have not casted Armageddon at all while others have, and we almost exclusively get the cloaks each time. You can in fact out damage the people who cast the spell, tho it is of course perfectly logical that the *one* player who does cast the spell has a very good chance of getting the cloak from the start. But then, it is only one and the other 2 players would have to do damage normally. :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The shadowlord should've been a hulking tall shadow. Plus would've been easier to spot if it towered over the dragons or something.
Dexer has no chance to even get on top of the shadow.
Is it here? nope. Over here? nope. Maybe here? There! Oh it's dead. Journey to next spot... repeat 2 more times.

Oh well, it's still something.


problem with select nearest hostile is 8/10 it selects an EV. by the time you scroll thru them, your to late to get looting rights.
God forbid they'd ever consider Dexxers in an event, looting rights? my dexxer has never heard of that word :thumbsup:
Well if you have it to "attack nearest hostile" and set it to the scroll wheel, you can only attack the shadow lord or guilded EVs so...unless you have guilded evs in the way scrolling the mouse wheel quickly should net you on the shadow lord every time (since you can not actually change to the EV target after you have attacked the shadow lord) granted not the most effective way (specially with guild members casting evs) but better than not trying at all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dexxer's have just as good a chance as anyone to get a cloak. there has been only one round in the last three days where i didn't get at least one cloak. i usually walk away with two cloaks per cycle, on a couple occasions i've gotten all three. i use a pally/sammy with an ornate axe, nothing fancy. i don't use the targeting system at all, i just ctrl/shift and pull health bars. EoO, divine fury, and consecrate. even when i can't pull it's health bar, i just step in close to him and i get targeted, allowing me to swing away blindly at him. it's the easiest way to get three m-arties, within minutes too.:thumbup:

Lore Master

Tamers with Greater dragons don't get all the cloaks for instance today there where only 4 of us at one time 2 tamers with a greater dragon me being one of the tamers and one fencer and one archer my dragon attacked the shadow lord first before anyone else did and it never stopped attacking the shadow lord. I was not lucky enough to cast Armageddon in time some else beat me to the punch it was other tamer. well anyway you would think id be one of the 3 to get a cloak nope i was the only one that did not get a cloak out of the 4 of us so greater dragons don't always do the most damage.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
dexxer's have just as good a chance as anyone to get a cloak. there has been only one round in the last three days where i didn't get at least one cloak. i usually walk away with two cloaks per cycle, on a couple occasions i've gotten all three. i use a pally/sammy with an ornate axe, nothing fancy. i don't use the targeting system at all, i just ctrl/shift and pull health bars. EoO, divine fury, and consecrate. even when i can't pull it's health bar, i just step in close to him and i get targeted, allowing me to swing away blindly at him. it's the easiest way to get three m-arties, within minutes too.:thumbup:
You either forgot to mention that you spam the blackrock words or you play on your own shard then. The ONLY chance a Cloak is if you are the Highest damager, which can only be achieved if you get the blackrock in. Or are you telling me you can hit harder and faster than 5-10 greater dragons??
Edit : when i talk about G-dragons, i mean trained ones not the fresh ones peeps are getting to try their luck. Europa has lots of tamers all with trained g-dragons doing every spawn.


You either forgot to mention that you spam the blackrock words or you play on your own shard then. The ONLY chance a Cloak is if you are the Highest damager, which can only be achieved if you get the blackrock in. Or are you telling me you can hit harder and faster than 5-10 greater dragons??
It is very possible to out damage all the greater dragons...it is not like you have to add the 5-10 of the damages up, you just have to do more damage the then top dragon, or top two dragons. Tho I do find it hard to believe that they are doing it just from dragging the name bars....


I think this whole shadowlord thing is basically a stress test for the new client. Why else would they have so many people and animals crammed into such a small place all spamming words like crazy all at the exact same time?


I think this whole shadowlord thing is basically a stress test for the new client. Why else would they have so many people and animals crammed into such a small place all spamming words like crazy all at the exact same time?
Honestly? Entertainment....I know if I was them, I would do it for sheer entertainment value. Good thing I don't work for them tho eh?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You either forgot to mention that you spam the blackrock words or you play on your own shard then. The ONLY chance a Cloak is if you are the Highest damager, which can only be achieved if you get the blackrock in. Or are you telling me you can hit harder and faster than 5-10 greater dragons??
i have never uttered that phrase at a spawn yet. waaaay too many others doing that. i play on napa, so the shard isn't a dead one. i have 30 or so cloaks now. i use an ornate axe with 25 ssi, 46 di, 52ml and 42hla with 150 dex. i'll show you any time you'd like.


my dexer has 8 cloaks, my mage could just wither or something like 5 times to get looting rights, also anyone can get lucky with the blackrock lotto.
to target cast whatever aoe you can manage, the walk up and auto attack.

now for all you tamers, if you GD does all the events for you then WEAK

I realy hope secretly though that in the final part, the real shadow lords do the thing skele drags used to do, make your dragon corrupt, go wild and attack you.

Im gonna have my tamer ready in a day though so blah when that dont happen , I could just join them


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
i didnt like it on europa so all i did was not go to another, problem solved?


problem with select nearest hostile is 8/10 it selects an EV. by the time you scroll thru them, your to late to get looting rights.
God forbid they'd ever consider Dexxers in an event, looting rights? my dexxer has never heard of that word :thumbsup:
That is the truth!. hehehe

I wither, greater explosion and hold a mage bow.


Mostly I cant believe the shadow lords are such idiots. Maybe they will learn something in the next 2 days... Like Ultima is a vast land with more then 3 spots to poke their head out from.

Or maybe all three of them should appear in one spot and cast EV's and blades on us.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've enjoyed the event. As a pure mace-parry-focus warrior the only way I was going to get a cloak was if I was given one. I picked up one someone dumped on the ground and have refused offers of a second one.
I've had fun meeting and talking to fellow players, I usually stick to out of the way places in Fel as that is my home.
Tonight I got the chance to tell the story of the orc who had a boat under Terra keep and my talisman of creatures is always good for a laugh with a little bit of imagination.
Events like these might bring out the worst in people but they also bring out the best.


The next event is called wacka-mole.

The fire holes in SHAME (i think it Shame when you walk in) are going to have heads of the shadow lords pop up. Whoever whacks the lords head first get token tickets for the old clean up trade ins.

The lords will poke there heads out at 3:00 pm and every 1 hour there after. The hole will smoke blue to warn us a lord is about to poke out. This way everyone has a fair shot.

Good luck.

OH the event will culminate with multiple lords poking their heads through all the holes at the same time.


Well, all I know is I've made a fortune off this event.
Just got my 6th Mempo (this one from a Shadowlord).
And all the dyes I've sold plus the cloaks and the Mempos gives me over 100 million gold for this event.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The next event is called wacka-mole.

The fire holes in SHAME (i think it Shame when you walk in) are going to have heads of the shadow lords pop up. Whoever whacks the lords head first get token tickets for the old clean up trade ins.

The lords will poke there heads out at 3:00 pm and every 1 hour there after. The hole will smoke blue to warn us a lord is about to poke out. This way everyone has a fair shot.

Good luck.

OH the event will culminate with multiple lords poking their heads through all the holes at the same time.
