Fox (Europa)
Just came back and re-opened an account to try the SA client. Predictably I'm disappointed.
What we now have is 1990s graphics that run slow, look grainy and an interface that is clunky and unintuitive. Basically it’s the 2D client made worse. It has all the worst features of both the 2D and KR clients.
After three tries (3D, KR & SA) you would have thought EA would have got the simple message: The 2D client is fine, the vast majority of the players like it, it works, and it looks good... So stop trying to create a new interface and failing.
Here’s the very simple solution: Just update the 2D client! Scrap all the waste-of-time new interfaces and save the additional development/support costs and just add some new features to the 2D client it’s been crying out for for years. Like a larger play window, better macros, all the UO-assist and Auto-map features built-in, etc.
I mean, one of the stated benefits of the KR/SA clients was that they can create new content with it but as support for the 2D client has now be extended indefinitely and the SA expansion will support 2D then what’s the point of the fugly SA client?
I’m off again for another couple of years until EA has yet another try at getting the UO interface sorted out.
What we now have is 1990s graphics that run slow, look grainy and an interface that is clunky and unintuitive. Basically it’s the 2D client made worse. It has all the worst features of both the 2D and KR clients.
After three tries (3D, KR & SA) you would have thought EA would have got the simple message: The 2D client is fine, the vast majority of the players like it, it works, and it looks good... So stop trying to create a new interface and failing.
Here’s the very simple solution: Just update the 2D client! Scrap all the waste-of-time new interfaces and save the additional development/support costs and just add some new features to the 2D client it’s been crying out for for years. Like a larger play window, better macros, all the UO-assist and Auto-map features built-in, etc.
I mean, one of the stated benefits of the KR/SA clients was that they can create new content with it but as support for the 2D client has now be extended indefinitely and the SA expansion will support 2D then what’s the point of the fugly SA client?
I’m off again for another couple of years until EA has yet another try at getting the UO interface sorted out.