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Should The pies change?

What should be done with the pies?

  • Nothing at all, they aren't that much of a problem

    Votes: 27 38.6%
  • Add a timer to them so they can't be chained on people

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Make them more like snow, (IE someone has to have on in their bag to be hit)

    Votes: 26 37.1%
  • Wait? The EMs gave out something?

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Other. (if so please say in your post!)

    Votes: 4 5.7%

  • Total voters


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As some of us know the EMs had giving pies to people, and if anyone asked they would get one, it seemed... My question is... Do you think that it is a good idea that they are changing the pies, or a bad one?

" * Fixed the ability to throw the cream pies at another player if they do not have one in their backpacks."

I personally think that it is a bad idea, and they should make it so that there is a timer on it instead... Otherwise there would be no point to the pies, because we already have an item like that called snow...

What do y'all think?

- Also if you are voting please say what you think here and give a bit of a reason as to why...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i think snow should be able to be thrown at anyone.. its boring becuase nobody carries it.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, how about this idea instead:

Make it so you can throw pies at players who either have snow and/or pies in their pack. And also let players with snow be able to throw snow at players who also have either snow and/or pies in their pack.

That way you will be able to use the pies more often since not many players have pies.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with Aarons6...

Viper09 - the thing is, see, there are people who just want to have a little extra fun now and then... and really when you think of it... the only time people will have snow in their bags is if.. A: their guild is doing somehting, B: The EMs are doing something or C: a large guild or group of poeple on that shard are already doing it so they want to join in.. Otherwise no one has snow, so that wouldn't make that much of a difference...
Also I do agree that not alot of poeple have pies, I only managed to get one because my friend texted me telling me to get one now lol... I think the EMs should hand out more, but they can be hard to find in EM Robed Form now and then.. :|

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
This was my first responce to you.

It was allowing people to track stealthers across facet with no skill. and beyond the scope of the actuall tracking skill.
However. if they add distance checks, and dont allow you to throw at stealthing people. im all for tossing pies.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was my first responce to you.

However. if they add distance checks, and dont allow you to throw at stealthing people. im all for tossing pies.
My first Reply :D

There is already one, The pie will not blow up on you, nor will it be seen if you are more than 2 screens away, The person will show the action however they will toss... ^ wards not the direction of the person, (unless you ran up..)

However once someone goes stealth they shouldn't be able to toss one at you anyways maybe that is what thye should be fixxing??? lol..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Probably much easier to copy the code for the snowballs checking to see if the other person has snow in their pack than it would be to write something to check if the person is stealthed or checking for distance.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did a check, (sadlt land is messed up so hard to tell) But it seems teh max distance that you see/feel/notice pies is at 15 steps away...

(Just at the distance to see their health bars when partied)

@Cear Dallben Dragon - In fel, (presuming that is where you use your stealther could be wrong but it is where I use mine so i'm using this as the example) If there was a 1-4 minute timer, on the pies, and you haven't targetted someone or something/an item to use in that time... what are you doing? (not to be rude.. but there are some rude people out there that just want your insurance bling!~)

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Doesn't give anyone a buff/debuff, doesn't do damage and really does nothing.... What's the point in changing anything?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with Aarons6...

Viper09 - the thing is, see, there are people who just want to have a little extra fun now and then... and really when you think of it... the only time people will have snow in their bags is if.. A: their guild is doing somehting, B: The EMs are doing something or C: a large guild or group of poeple on that shard are already doing it so they want to join in.. Otherwise no one has snow, so that wouldn't make that much of a difference...
Also I do agree that not alot of poeple have pies, I only managed to get one because my friend texted me telling me to get one now lol... I think the EMs should hand out more, but they can be hard to find in EM Robed Form now and then.. :|
Incorrect to A, B, C being the only reason people having snow on them.
There are people who do just have snow on them for no reason. I am one of those people who always has snow in my pack for no reason and I find a lot of people who do as well. It's a blessed item, 1 stone. I can always find someone to throw snow at. You'd be surprised at how many do have snow on them.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I spoke with the EMs, I was told that the reason why pies had stopped being handed out was because people were able to target and throw them at stealthers, which gave away their position without revealing them.

I'd think there'd be a way to fix that and if there is, then nothing else needs to change.


Speaking of these, how do people "rapid fire" pies? Yesterday on Great Lakes people were launching these at a rate of about 20/second..

wee papa smurf

I dont mind what they do with the pies, i couldnt care less if im being blasted by pies all day long :p


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
TC1: Pub 59.01 NotesChrissay Zeeman20 Jul 2009 17:04:55Bug fixes

•Fixed the ability to throw the cream pies at another player if they do not have one in their backpacks.

That was on http://www.uoherald.com/news/

I voted they should leave them alone but I didn't think about stealthers in fel. So I'm glad they are changing it.


I think that EVERYONE should be given a pie. Some of us missed out yet again on the little extras.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that EVERYONE should be given a pie. Some of us missed out yet again and the little extras.
Right just what we all need ... more Trash on the Servers.

We talk here just about a Pie, nothing more. You can't eat it, you can't wear it, it gives no extra Bonus, it does in the end nothing important. But for some People here it seems that they have to cry even about the worst things.


Right just what we all need ... more Trash on the Servers.

We talk here just about a Pie, nothing more. You can't eat it, you can't wear it, it gives no extra Bonus, it does in the end nothing important. But for some People here it seems that they have to cry even about the worst things.
Possibly you should take a step back and chill out?

You know the old saying "one person's trash is another's treasure"!

And just for the record I didn't see anyone crying here about anything EXCEPT for you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Possibly you should take a step back and chill out?

You know the old saying "one person's trash is another's treasure"!

And just for the record I didn't see anyone crying here about anything EXCEPT for you.
Why should i cry over a Pixel Pie in an Onlinegame that I can't throw now at Peoples without a Pie? Can you see how stupid this whole Thread here is? If not then I feel sorry for you.


people people people, just be happy they gave us the pies. Guess not everyone was raised to be thankful for any gift your receive, but those of us who were appreciate the pies. They didnt have to give them to us at all. geesh


Why should i cry over a Pixel Pie in an Onlinegame that I can't throw now at Peoples without a Pie? Can you see how stupid this whole Thread here is? If not then I feel sorry for you.
Just because YOU think it's stupid doesn't make it so. Different strokes for different folks. Chances are some things that YOU think are important others would think were stupid. So go right ahead and feel sorry for me until your heart's content. :danceb: