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*CURRENT* SA Client? UlTrA F4iL..


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's with all these 'but it's still in beta' excuses? Does anyone really think the official client is going to be much better than what the beta currently is?

I was really hoping to be wowed by this new client. I can't believe how little has been done in the time they've had to work on it.
And for all those people who bash it at this point. Do you know for sure what it will be like in the final stage?

I already know the answer though. And that is no.

All the beta excuses are saying is simply this: Be patient and wait until it is finished to make judgment.

Eman Resu

We heard "Relax, it's just a beta!" with KR, too. Sure enough, they shoved it out there as an unfinished pile of crap to be ridiculed. Pleas of "It's just beta!" should carry no weight with UO.


We heard "Relax, it's just a beta!" with KR, too. Sure enough, they shoved it out there as an unfinished pile of crap to be ridiculed. Pleas of "It's just beta!" should carry no weight with UO.
If you have so little faith in the devs why are you here?

Or is it you're simply are trying to make a self fulfilling prophecy? I mean if no one gives feed back and decides to take the stance "Why bother, KR sucked so SA will too" how much do you think they will manage to fix?

There are 3 roles you can play at the moment.

1) Part of the Solution
2) One of non involvement
3) Part of the problem

It is in beta, that part is not debatable. The more of role 1 we have and the fewer of role 3 we have the better off everyone will be. However if you simply see no reason to be part of the solution simply take on the role of 2.

Feedback is helpful, things such as you posted are not.

Eman Resu

Ok, so answer a couple questions for me regarding SA.

1) If I emote, does it go over my head or only to the chat box?
2) Can I change the color/font of my text?
3) Do tetsubos and some other weapons still float out of your hand?



Ok, so answer a couple questions for me regarding SA.

1) If I emote, does it go over my head or only to the chat box?
2) Can I change the color/font of my text?
3) Do tetsubos and some other weapons still float out of your hand?

I assume you already know the answer to these and if you do I hope you have sent in feedback of some kind or a bug report.

You are more likely to get these things fixed by letting the Devs know there a problem. Saying nothing but some form of "They won't fix it, just look at KR" is far less likely to get the desired result, that is of course assuming you want these things fixed and do not have some ulterior motive.

If you have not done so yet, I do recomend submitting a bug report and trying to become part of the solution.

Eman Resu

The tetsubo thing is a day-one KR bug that's years old. If it's really not fixed now, it likely never will be. The others were changes that they really should have made early on.