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Ummm.. Not Practical!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How are Fireplaces supposed to heat rooms inside Castles on Arctic (Ice) Island .. when there are no doors to close and the numerous open walkways allow icy winds to blow through all upper rooms of these buildings? Brrrr ! :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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That's why they're always burning. Be glad you don't have to provide the wood yourself.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Slavite: Ofcourse I realize it's really real!
Jhym: Oh Yes indeed! :)
Vertigo, Slavite made me chuckle too!
Bomb Bloke: Fireplaces create enough problems without having to refuel them.

The chimney goes right through the ceiling - filling the area above with smoke!
(Can you imagine the problem cleaning black soot off those walls? They should have expandable chimneys or allow us to hire more brick layers for the job!!)

The dirty black sooty chimney-top sticking up in a room, hallway, or on a roof, makes for hideous decor!!

So, my one fireplace is smack in the middle of, and blocking one of, the four entrances to the main room, - with its chimney outside the room, sticking up and above the Castle's roof!

Note: I do not recommend that anyone sit on the Castle roof when the wind is blowing in a Southerly direction.
Also, it would not be practical to block all four entrances to the room with Fireplaces - - as no one would enjoy sitting on the Castle roof choking from chimney smoke blown by winds from every direction!

.. besides, a room without doors but with four fireplaces is Not Practical - although it would be very warm! *:)*

Problems problems problems!! While someone solves them (hint hint to the development team) .. y'all stay safe and alive, you hear? Have fun!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hey Old Man of UO - Did Santa shave off his white beard and go on a 'diet plus exercise' with a personal trainer ... and .. and ... change out of his red outfit? Oh maybe he will have time to get back to normal by Christmas. It is summertime up North now.

Whatever .. back to the Castle. All that land inside the outside of the castle's center .. between the main section of building inside, and corridors around the outside walls -- is useless! I can't lock down a barbeque, or cook stove outside, and I don't want to burn the castle down or smoke up the rooms inside. Temporary camp fires outside won't cook anything, nor will that inside hearth! ... *mutter ... mutter .... mutter*

Have a good day everyone :)

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Jade would like to build igloos and ice caves on bare Arctic land* - without foundations please.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How are Fireplaces supposed to heat rooms inside Castles on Arctic (Ice) Island .. when there are no doors to close and the numerous open walkways allow icy winds to blow through all upper rooms of these buildings? Brrrr ! :)
The heat is kept in each room the same way you get to ice isle without using a boat. Magic!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: "“Two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.”

Won't today, tomorrow, become yesterday? Or maybe today will become yesterday tomorrow.

I really wouldn't want to be learning English as a second language!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yep curtains are the answer - open in summer, closed in winter. They are what I have used anyway.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: "“Two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.”

Won't today, tomorrow, become yesterday? Or maybe today will become yesterday tomorrow.

I really wouldn't want to be learning English as a second language!
You're correct in your logic.

But to make it a little simplier: Today is Monday, Tomorrow is Tuesday. Two days from now it will be Wednesday. So in 2 days (Wednesday) today's tomorrow (Tuesday) will be yesterday (from Wednesday's point of view).

I think I just gave myself a brain hemorrhage.

Old Man of UO

You're correct in your logic.

But to make it a little simplier: Today is Monday, Tomorrow is Tuesday. Two days from now it will be Wednesday. So in 2 days (Wednesday) today's tomorrow (Tuesday) will be yesterday (from Wednesday's point of view).

I think I just gave myself a brain hemorrhage.
But, you left out Yesterday's Yesterday, and Tomorrow's Tomorrow!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"I think I just gave myself a brain hemorrhage." <<<< HAHA HAH ha..aaah.ah *chokes*

This is what comes of being enthusiastic Gardeners! UO INSANITY at it's best!

Stop stop - Old Man of UO! - - - Even Clog/Mordain's head hurts! *ROFLOLHMAS!!

Harlequin and Bobar! YES! Curtains! Great idea, except, won't the wind blow through them? Of course, Black Sun, I suppose they are magic too! ... BUT .... (and it's a big BUTT) (anyone watching 'So you Think You Can Dance?') - - - the Castle is so full of plants now there's no room left for luxuries like chairs, lamps and pretty curtains. I am even going to have to remove Fire places and carpets soon to make room!

*Rolling on floor laughing out loud holding my aching sides!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thermal Curtains? *chokes* *sputters coffee all over the key board* Hahahaahha!!!

Some players have a sense of humor that won't quit!

But let me explain: I am a Horticulturist. The freezing Arctic weather has turned all my plants outside in the cold, WHITE. The newly potted plants from strange new boggie seeds have to be kept warm inside the castle until they grow to full maturity so I can experiment with cross pollinations to see what hybrids develop!
Serious experiments are going on in here! I really do need STORM DOORS that come with the Castle because I don't have storage room for lock-down"Thermal Curtains". Any gardener can understand my dilemma!

PS: Please don't say the simple solution is to: "Stop Growing Plants!"
I am a gardenolic!

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is quite the dilemma you have there.
Might I suggest moving to warmer climates? Perhaps the Malas desert, or the Trinsic swamps?

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That is quite the dilemma you have there.
Might I suggest moving to warmer climates? Perhaps the Malas desert, or the Trinsic swamps?
Another Reasonable intelligent answer, Black_Sun. BUT ... ( and it's a big butt .. you must watch "So you Think you can dance" repeats, to see the right episode)

Malas doesn't allow for accommodations with larger storage than a tower or 18x18 and plants require horrendous amounts of storage! I'd have to open two accounts for that. I am trying to reduce the number of houses I have full of plants as it is. The castle has 40% more storage! That's worth two accounts!! ( Not sure IF that 40% extra storage is transferrable to another house if you could move to another castle.)
But ... another castle in the Tropical Zone would give suitable storage and climate for growing tropical plants. The Arctic Castle would be great for growing and storage for all my White Plants. And I have many white plants. I love white plants. I love the bright cheerful snow outside Arctic Gardens and I must keep this recently acquired FIRST Castle that I FINALLY managed to place myself after 11+ years!

Besides, White Plants simply do not like hot climates!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grow some Vines over the open entrance, a good way to reflect the heat back inside ;)

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Petra Fyde! Black_Sun: Good ideas .. but .. a Shoji Screen needs anchoring on all sides, not just locked down, because they're so light-weight strong winds blow them across the room, damaging indoor plants! Vines, over the doorways, IF DESIREABLE, could be used in warmer environments, but (and again it's a big BUTT) .... Vines simply hate cold weather!

Tropical Castles need SCREEN DOORS!! Shoji screens are meant for privacy. I won't go into describing the undesireable insects, snakes and other wild critters that Vines attract. :)
You've got a great THINK TANK going here, don't you think?

I THINK the best solution is: Two Castles - One Tropical and One ARCTIC.
(I think the Recession is keeping this thread alive: We all need something to laugh and joke about these days! Hugs to everyone!) (or hint hint to Programmers/Developers - building blocks for putting additional doors into castles?)

PS: Black_Sun; Oops! Some plants have turned white inside the castle's central room - - near the open doorways... The magic isn't holding 100%?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
sweet jesus!
^^^ this! lmao :)

Jade had been telling me how all her plants had exploded today but nothing can bring to mind how it actually looked, wow!
(oh and if I understood her correctly, this is just one part of the castle and they are ALL OVER omg)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Allow me to pause a moment in sheer aww of your extreme dedication. I do not think i have ever seen such a wondrous monochromatic vision.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Gidge; May I pause next to you ... for a moment?

I've been tending plants most of the day and am still finding small plants, like water lilies and saplings, needing water and potions, hidden behind, under or on top of the new big trees and hedges. :bored:

ps -- can't get all names to show, expecially on Castle Roof.


How are Fireplaces supposed to heat rooms inside Castles on Arctic (Ice) Island .. when there are no doors to close and the numerous open walkways allow icy winds to blow through all upper rooms of these buildings? Brrrr ! :)
Well I got hedges and all kinds of plants too in my castle on Ice. I installed an imaginary unseen heater to keep the temperature err Tropical .


Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I got hedges and all kinds of plants too in my castle on Ice. I installed an imaginary unseen heater to keep the temperature err Tropical .

You've got electricity???!!!! :)

Sometimes lesser men need not be greater than better ones
Sometimes greater men need not be better than lesser ones
..now my head hurts.
Good night all! :sleep2:


Good night sweetie,you know sometimes stupid questions deserves intelligent answers hehe SEMANTICS all to it. :D
