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*CURRENT* SA Client? UlTrA F4iL..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re-activated to try it out this couple of days.
De-activated in disgust.

It takes serious effort and some sick kind of motivation to ruin an Ultima game this much.

Most of the KR bugs are still present. No anti-cheating so far.
Most of the 2D goodness got lost in translation regarding graphics.
Unimpressive changes in UI, looks like a KR Mod created by players instead of a full release.
As for Stygian Abyss itself in my eyes it is a complete failure. Maybe, maybe it will be easier to obtain godly gear. But just that.

And how can you be so stupid as to keep on with the Dual Weapons instead of introducing TRUE Dual Wield among other things? Scratch that, AMONG SO MANY THINGS I DO NOT CARE TO DISCUSS.

And balance-wise? Nothing.
So what do we get? Something worse than KR in quality, ONCE MORE RELEASED WHILE IN BETA on top of everything else.

Ohhhh man. I don't know what to say. I guess de-activating is a pretty solid statement so I'll stop here. Someone please hi-jack EA Mythic's weed supply, they smoke too much it seems. Maybe if we smoke some too we'll start believing their pipe dreams.

F*ck sake.. :bored: :wall: :talktothehand: UO is dead to me.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you are wrong, if you read this forum you'll discover that EA Mythic dont smoke,... just eat queen mum cookies XD

Let's hope that they start to work seriously on this client or will be truly another fail like KR... However the hope is the last one to die :p

Lady Kiara

It takes serious effort and some sick kind of motivation to ruin an Ultima game this much.

Most of the KR bugs are still present. No anti-cheating so far.
Most of the 2D goodness got lost in translation regarding graphics.
Unimpressive changes in UI, looks like a KR Mod created by players instead of a full release.
As for Stygian Abyss itself in my eyes it is a complete failure. Maybe, maybe it will be easier to obtain godly gear. But just that.
They Have not Released anything as of yet...you can't ASSUME(ASS-U-ME) On something that isn't finsihed yet:coco::eek:

And how can you be so stupid as to keep on with the Dual Weapons instead of introducing TRUE Dual Wield among other things? Scratch that, AMONG SO MANY THINGS I DO NOT CARE TO DISCUSS.
I say to Much Coffe makes People mean:cursing::grrr:

And balance-wise? Nothing.
So what do we get? Something worse than KR in quality, ONCE MORE RELEASED WHILE IN BETA on top of everything else.

Again they are leting the world see what is done thus far...Again NOT FINAL RELEASE

Ohhhh man. I don't know what to say. I guess de-activating is a pretty solid statement so I'll stop here. Someone please hi-jack EA Mythic's weed supply, they smoke too much it seems. Maybe if we smoke some too we'll start believing their pipe dreams.

F*ck sake.. UO is dead to me.

you'll be back Thay all come back Mahahahahahahahahahahah....:next:OH Wait that might be Cigarettes..hehehe:D

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to leave it to people who feel so self important to start a whole new thread about something they know nothing about. As far as I can tell, the whole purpose of a open client beta was to tune the client and rid it of bugs. (duh...the more people play...the more that can be seen and ironed out.)

Again, this whole thing is about testing the client...not the content of SA. That all comes later.

As far as what I think, if you wish to be critical at least do so once you have thoroughly tested the client. Actually take the time setting things up the way you want to play. I really do not believe it is too much to ask.

I can say with absolute certainty that this client IS NOT KR.

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
2D goodness, gimmie a break already , will ya??

When UO has players like you, living in the stone age, and afraid of change, rants like this are expected.

Balance is for wimps & whiners, take your pick. I for one tend to think, and adapt, plan and strategize.

You ranted too soon, as said, it's B-E-T-A........can you say beta??



UO Forum Moderator
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Edited for truth

Someone please hi-jack S!ckLoveR's weed supply, he smokes too much, it seems that he is believing his pipe dreams about reactivating, deactivating and installing SA, when he did no such thing, as evidenced by his total lack of factual statements in his post (after all, he took great care not to describe anything he would have actually seen HAD he actually used SA, instead using as vague terms as possible to say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the process of slamming said client).

wee papa smurf

You tried the beta and hated it with all the bugs and stuff, im sure the bugs will be ironed out when it goes live?

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have to leave it to people who feel so self important to start a whole new thread about something they know nothing about. As far as I can tell, the whole purpose of a open client beta was to tune the client and rid it of bugs. (duh...the more people play...the more that can be seen and ironed out.)

Again, this whole thing is about testing the client...not the content of SA. That all comes later.

As far as what I think, if you wish to be critical at least do so once you have thoroughly tested the client. Actually take the time setting things up the way you want to play. I really do not believe it is too much to ask.

I can say with absolute certainty that this client IS NOT KR.

The whole purpose of open beta AWAYS gets lost for every team uo has had through out the years as it goes public with any release, EVERY time without fail.


Released? Did I miss the release of SA? I thought it was still in open
beta for us to test and report bugs. Danggg..missed the boat again.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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This is an actual open beta for Stygian Abyss, not one of those fake ones where they open up a week before launch and don't change anything. The expansion is still at least one month away (perhaps even longer since they haven't yet started releasing information). So things will be fixed and changed before launch.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I quote from the sticky on the top of the new beta client board?
The purpose of this forum is to gather information and improve the Client based on community feedback during the OPEN beta test.
Sometimes I feel seriously annoyed with people who slam something they've never seen and never tried. I think I'll go stock vendors and count to 10 several times.

Zym Dragon

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is an actual open beta for Stygian Abyss, not one of those fake ones where they open up a week before launch and don't change anything. The expansion is still at least one month away (perhaps even longer since they haven't yet started releasing information). So things will be fixed and changed before launch.
Actually this is an open beta for the client only. The Stygian Abyss content is still in closed testing. I have no idea how the OP came to get determination that the Stygian Abyss is a complete failure since it's not available to see.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly tho, i understand the OP. I hop in and it feels like a changed up KR. The characters look funny running around, the mounts seemingly glide on the ground, it just looks funny. I dunno about the actual expansion, but the client doesn't visually seem all that different from KR.


Wait...you know this is a beta right?

I agree there's stuff to be worked on, but let's just wait until the actual release to walk in circles on the corner holding picket signs that say "THE END IS NIGH".

Also, you re-activated to try a *beta* client?

Man, I need some coffee.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Honestly tho, i understand the OP. I hop in and it feels like a changed up KR. The characters look funny running around, the mounts seemingly glide on the ground, it just looks funny. I dunno about the actual expansion, but the client doesn't visually seem all that different from KR.

...... yet (you forgot that bit, just thought I'd toss it in for ya)

Zym Dragon

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
It's not that much different from KR. Same system, but the lua files were rewritten for the most part. It's more stable than KR and has improved functionality with the likes of "Stored Target" for macros.

The big difference is they substituted all of the item art with the art from the Legacy client to appease those who hated the look of KR. So aside from the ground art tiles, it's all Legacy art.

I don't particularly care for the "look" of the UI in SA any more than I did with KR, but I'm glad I will be able to change that. Many of the legacy gumps were ported into SA (Guild menu, vet rewards, virtues...) I hope more are coming. Don't be detracted by the generic looking gumps. They can be changed with a mod if the Dev's don't do so.

I know what you mean about the gliding while running, but it doesn't bother me after using KR for so long. When I go back to legacy for whatever reason, I have to get used to the choppiness of the old animation again. If you played SA for a few days w/o logging into the legacy client I bet you will see what I mean.


I've set up the interface for 2 characters, it took a while to figure everything out and there's still more to figure out (like the mysterious console commands, is putting up a list really that f***ing hard?) but yeah am loving hunting with SA and am just generally really happy not to mention mods to try or possibly make time allowing.

All hail SA client :notworthy:


Soooo, you judge on a BETA? Jeez ... glad you deactivated again. If yoyu are going to be judgemental as this, wait until they announce the GOLD version ... THEN cut loose!

Old Man of UO

... Sometimes I feel seriously annoyed with people who slam something they've never seen and never tried...
Isn't THAT the truth! The beta has been out two days... how thorough could an evaluation be at this time?

And.. and.. It's a BETA version looking for suggestions and comments to make improvements. I re-read S!ckLover's posting looking for any suggestion for improvement... I think maybe the comment about anti-cheating came close!

Felonious Monk

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re-activated to try it out this couple of days.
De-activated in disgust.

It takes serious effort and some sick kind of motivation to ruin an Ultima game this much.

Most of the KR bugs are still present. No anti-cheating so far.
Most of the 2D goodness got lost in translation regarding graphics.
Unimpressive changes in UI, looks like a KR Mod created by players instead of a full release.
As for Stygian Abyss itself in my eyes it is a complete failure. Maybe, maybe it will be easier to obtain godly gear. But just that.

And how can you be so stupid as to keep on with the Dual Weapons instead of introducing TRUE Dual Wield among other things? Scratch that, AMONG SO MANY THINGS I DO NOT CARE TO DISCUSS.

And balance-wise? Nothing.
So what do we get? Something worse than KR in quality, ONCE MORE RELEASED WHILE IN BETA on top of everything else.

Ohhhh man. I don't know what to say. I guess de-activating is a pretty solid statement so I'll stop here. Someone please hi-jack EA Mythic's weed supply, they smoke too much it seems. Maybe if we smoke some too we'll start believing their pipe dreams.

F*ck sake.. :bored: :wall: :talktothehand: UO is dead to me.
Man I MISSED you!!
The more you speak the better SA looks
Posts like this do ZERO for game improvement


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As for Stygian Abyss itself in my eyes it is a complete failure. Maybe, maybe it will be easier to obtain godly gear. But just that.

And how can you be so stupid as to keep on with the Dual Weapons instead of introducing TRUE Dual Wield among other things? Scratch that, AMONG SO MANY THINGS I DO NOT CARE TO DISCUSS.

And balance-wise? Nothing.
XD wat have you even played the expansion yet?


LOL if we go by history, SA will be released just as half baked like all the others before it.


ROFL i love all these its still in beta posts. As i remember correctly there was these same posts when kr was in beta and then released. With there track record of releasing half done crap who can blame him.


LOL if we go by history, SA will be released just as half baked like all the others before it.
ROFL i love all these its still in beta posts. As i remember correctly there was these same posts when kr was in beta and then released. With there track record of releasing half done crap who can blame him.
You all know KR had a deadline it had to fulfill because EA japan promised it to be released June of 07 right? Has anyone heard any release dates for SA? Just wondering....


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You all know KR had a deadline it had to fulfill because EA japan promised it to be released June of 07 right? Has anyone heard any release dates for SA? Just wondering....
summer..... for us, that would last until September 22, late afternoon..... for EA/Mythic? not certain :D


Cloak‡1319504 said:
You all know KR had a deadline it had to fulfill because EA japan promised it to be released June of 07 right? Has anyone heard any release dates for SA? Just wondering....
I thought I heard August 21 or something like that. Could be imagining it though.


summer..... for us, that would last until September 22, late afternoon..... for EA/Mythic? not certain :D
For EA "summer" can last until the end of October lol.

I thought I heard August 21 or something like that. Could be imagining it though.
I have not heard anything like that. But I could have missed it just the same you could be imagining it haha. Or maybe someone gave you false info...In either case. heh


Cloak‡1319504 said:
You all know KR had a deadline it had to fulfill because EA japan promised it to be released June of 07 right? Has anyone heard any release dates for SA? Just wondering....
And that excuses other releases like Age of Shadows exactly how?


I don't want to smoke what they smoke, sure a lil bit of pot but those people are smoking crack to think this was worth a three year wait.


I must say i like the new client. I will get used to it for sure. I never liked the 3d client. I reactivated my account 4 weeks ago after a break of nearly 5 years and i find the new client very cool.

it still has the 2d looks, but with the possibility to use a higher resolution. I hate having to resize my 24" widescreen monitor to an akward resolution to actually see stuff on the screen because otherwise the 800*600 window is so small. this is my major concern. Beside that the hotbars, the map, the targeting system and most importantly the ability to only chat when pressing enter is a big plus for me.

Of course i am not happy with the char "gliding", but like i said, i will get used to it.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let me re-word it for the fan bois who can't read.. THIS particular release, NOT SA as a product itself but the CLIENT.. Is a failure in my eyes. Now do you understand the words I type?

Moreover the content SA will offer does not intrigue me and I believe the Devs have pretty much told us what's in.

Now concerning cheating.. Again, THIS CLIENT does nothing to hinder 3rd Party Programs. How do I know? It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.

To the guy telling me I need to move on from Stone Age: I'm all for graphics upgrades. I love every single step forward in every game. But this PARTICULAR CLIENT is a couple of steps backwards even from the Retro feel 2D allowed and THAT is what I referred to as "2D Goodness".

I really don't need to play the expansion.. I've played every single other expansion, been through every single other "balance" pass and patch. And I'm talking about WHAT I'VE SEEN SO FAR. Nice try though.

Lastly I don't believe CapsLock equals caffeine. It does equal frustration, caused by this abomination of an Ultima game that masquerades as a once beautifull online world called Ultima Online.

I'm done trying to explain myself, either my English is terrible or some of you are completely clueless. I don't care which, either. :talktothehand: Just stated my opinion, the title clearly says it all and you could have avoided reading.

At least there were a couple of decent replies from the "opposition".
The client is still in testing and I don't think it will ever get finished in the sense a paying customer means it.

It's a joke, a modification, the product of too much pot.. I dunno. It's just failed and it definitely is over-hyped, and with it there go my hopes about Ultima Online. RIP.


Pretty immature post, can't spell in some cases either......(tell you much??)

Obviously a high quality customer.


Again they are leting the world see what is done thus far...Again NOT FINAL RELEASE

ARE YOU HIGH? This has to be the final, if not very close to final version! Otherwise they wont be releasing SA until 2011.!


Sicklover were you known as the player "Stelios" years ago? Anyway, some pretty extraordinary rants, no one is holding a gun to your head to play SA, the 2d client will continue forever.

Lord Chaos

Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I quote from the sticky on the top of the new beta client board?

Sometimes I feel seriously annoyed with people who slam something they've never seen and never tried. I think I'll go stock vendors and count to 10 several times.
Well, just to point out, many of the announces are not things they'll change in the client and couldn't possibly change in the client given the little time they have.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
S!ckLoveR, it's obvious you still feel an attachment to UO. If you can still play on the account you say you deactivated (maybe all you did was remove billing info), would you please consider posting some very specific feedback about what you don't like in the SA beta client feedback forum? And, if you do find anything you actually like, post about that too?

Take one character that you truly love to play, shuffle all the extra stuff you stashed for mothballing purposes out of its bank and backpack, and just play.

Or perhaps better yet, start a new and unknown character on a different shard and start from scratch and build character and SA desktop/macros/key bindings/hot bars from the ground up. Your feedback from going through that process could be so helpful. And if you need stuff, pretend you're just recently returned and thought you'd try out the beta client. I'm sure people would be delighted to give you a few things to get going.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My philosophy of betas: grab a pair of oars or get off the boat.

The devs need feedback about where the pain points of the client are - but (1) you need to articulate what can be changed to make things better and (2) you have to accept that resources are finite and not everyone agrees about what is good or bad. The devs have to make the best, least-offending client they can with the time, people and engine available.

We have already had one massive back-to-the-drawing-board restart after KR was rejected that cost us dearly. I've been wrong before, but I don't sense the corporate will is there to do that again. So to my eyes, if we want to move beyond the old client and its many limitations (although I expect the old client will continue to live for many years), it's the SA client or bust. If we can't help the devs stabilize and polish it up by the end of summer, we may never get another chance to move forward. So please, I beg of you if you feel like just throwing up your hands and ranting, take a step back, catch your breath and find one thing, one little thing on one graphic, one UI element or one hickup, that you feel would make the client better in your eyes and report it.

Old Man of UO

My philosophy of betas: grab a pair of oars or get off the boat.

The devs need feedback about where the pain points of the client are - but (1) you need to articulate what can be changed to make things better and (2) you have to accept that resources are finite and not everyone agrees about what is good or bad. The devs have to make the best, least-offending client they can with the time, people and engine available.

We have already had one massive back-to-the-drawing-board restart after KR was rejected that cost us dearly. I've been wrong before, but I don't sense the corporate will is there to do that again. So to my eyes, if we want to move beyond the old client and its many limitations (although I expect the old client will continue to live for many years), it's the SA client or bust. If we can't help the devs stabilize and polish it up by the end of summer, we may never get another chance to move forward. So please, I beg of you if you feel like just throwing up your hands and ranting, take a step back, catch your breath and find one thing, one little thing on one graphic, one UI element or one hickup, that you feel would make the client better in your eyes and report it.
Can you make just this one post a STICKY?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My philosophy of betas: grab a pair of oars or get off the boat.

The devs need feedback about where the pain points of the client are - but (1) you need to articulate what can be changed to make things better and (2) you have to accept that resources are finite and not everyone agrees about what is good or bad. The devs have to make the best, least-offending client they can with the time, people and engine available.

We have already had one massive back-to-the-drawing-board restart after KR was rejected that cost us dearly. I've been wrong before, but I don't sense the corporate will is there to do that again. So to my eyes, if we want to move beyond the old client and its many limitations (although I expect the old client will continue to live for many years), it's the SA client or bust. If we can't help the devs stabilize and polish it up by the end of summer, we may never get another chance to move forward. So please, I beg of you if you feel like just throwing up your hands and ranting, take a step back, catch your breath and find one thing, one little thing on one graphic, one UI element or one hickup, that you feel would make the client better in your eyes and report it.
Can you make just this one post a STICKY?


This is quite ironic but I needed some swampies and decided to just log in 2d to get them until I'm more familiar with SA - and I crashed when gating so ilsh shrine then crashed when handing some cooked bird to the guy I tamed them for haha.

If I crash it's just one of those things, if I crash with SA (not crashed a single time so far) it's because omg the new client sucks etc :p


I definitely wont be using the client if it stays anything remotely similar to what currently is,not because its not practical but i can not stand how animations and environment behave.For what i am looking for in new client its just KR with some more make up.Il probably try expansion itself tho..

Old Man of UO

I definitely wont be using the client if it stays anything remotely similar to what currently is,not because its not practical but i can not stand how animations and environment behave.For what i am looking for in new client its just KR with some more make up.Il probably try expansion itself tho..
And did you forward your comments and suggestions to EA/Mythic via the bug reporting screen? I hope so, after all that is what the Open Beta testing is for, and what you agreed to when you clicked the "I Agree" button when the client loaded each time.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
and have you tried changing any of the settings? Or have you just made up your mind after 10 minutes of using it?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's with all these 'but it's still in beta' excuses? Does anyone really think the official client is going to be much better than what the beta currently is?

I was really hoping to be wowed by this new client. I can't believe how little has been done in the time they've had to work on it.