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Please don't go to remote locations alone.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If any of you are used to hunting alone in remote parts of uo...don't...
It used to be you could call for help when you knew you were FAR away from healers etc. Not the case now. You have to talk to a GM just to rez from an area there are no healers even close.
And umm.. I love our GMs but.....you really think they are going to help you when you are dead and FAR from you body? If you are out with no healers or friends...kiss whatever you had goood bye.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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if you keep a runebook with a rune to where you are hunting, you can use the Stuck option in the help menu and teleport to a city, once ressed you can then recall back to your body and be ok.


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
Hmm 5 mins to run to get a ress, that enough time to run all over every map twice. Then you have 5 mins to get back to corpse and by then you can be mounted. Im not sure what you problem is but just run to a healer has always worked for me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm 5 mins to run to get a ress, that enough time to run all over every map twice. Then you have 5 mins to get back to corpse and by then you can be mounted. Im not sure what you problem is but just run to a healer has always worked for me.
I guess you and I hunt in other places. You Must hunt close to healers. But not everyone does.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also as Xalan said, HELP STUCK out. Then there's also spellweaving Gift of Life. Or you could just call up a guildmate or friend for help. Seems like I'm missing another option...
Hehe You are missing the loner up at 2:00 am hunting away from the crowds part. If I died alone faraway from anyone...at times I would hit help and be rezzed in a town of my choice. Then it's up to me to go back and get my body. Now...you have to call a gm to rez you in parts where UO hasn't placed a healer.
I know, my fault for not hunting where 30 others are. Silly me.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The point is...I am wondering why EA took that option away, and left it on the shoulders of GMs that are already too busy.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes it used to happen to a lot of the people a lot of the time. Now you have Sacrifice, Gem of Salvation, Help Stuck feature, Insurance, Guild Chat; a myriad of ways to stop you losing all your stuff.
If you step out of any town you may die and lose all your stuff. Your choice.


Hehe You are missing the loner up at 2:00 am hunting away from the crowds part. If I died alone faraway from anyone...at times I would hit help and be rezzed in a town of my choice. Then it's up to me to go back and get my body. Now...you have to call a gm to rez you in parts where UO hasn't placed a healer.
I know, my fault for not hunting where 30 others are. Silly me.
WTF? There is no such thing as such a remote location that you can not get to a healer and then your body before it decays (we are talking like 20 minutes here) in 20 minutes you could run across tram, enter fel at run at trinny run to minoc go to ilsh run to any other shrine go to umbra run to luna get a res and run back to your body. BTW how does hitting the help stuck button and go to town and get a res from the healers in town and run to your body mean you need 30 other people? o.o Either...your English is bad (and that is fine if this is the case) or someone here has no idea what is going on.


Stratics Veteran
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Glorious Lord
OK i would say most remote place in all of uo should be the island in fel t2a. From there to del its like a 2 min run. If you could specife where you could be further away from a healer please tell me.


Stratics Veteran
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14 mins corpse decay time. I've died on foot a lot of time in the bottom level of Shame and it's been a mighty close thing to run out, find that healer and get back to the body in time.
I used to hide bandies along the way on my travels but since the summoning talisman came in I don't have to do that anymore.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
are you saying that 'help - stuck' no longer works? I only ever used it when dying at a treasure map on an island with no healers.
Please tell us where you died, you are perhaps missing some information on where to rez, for instance the tree, fountain and flow stone in Ilsh perhaps?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1318486 said:
WTF? There is no such thing as such a remote location that you can not get to a healer and then your body before it decays (we are talking like 20 minutes here) in 20 minutes you could run across tram, enter fel at run at trinny run to minoc go to ilsh run to any other shrine go to umbra run to luna get a res and run back to your body. BTW how does hitting the help stuck button and go to town and get a res from the healers in town and run to your body mean you need 30 other people? o.o Either...your English is bad (and that is fine if this is the case) or someone here has no idea what is going on.
Okay I see you hunt close to healers. That or you have a cheat that allows your ghost to run extra fast. But not everyone does. If EA wants to take this option away from solo hunters... can you please place healers in remote places? Just one or 2 here and there?


14 mins corpse decay time. I've died on foot a lot of time in the bottom level of Shame and it's been a mighty close thing to run out, find that healer and get back to the body in time.
I used to hide bandies along the way on my travels but since the summoning talisman came in I don't have to do that anymore.
O.K. I assume you were directing some or all of this at me, and I will simply say I was obviously exaggerating....but then again, so is the OP? I mean really...there is nearly no where you can die where you are to far from a res.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
are you saying that 'help - stuck' no longer works? I only ever used it when dying at a treasure map on an island with no healers.
Please tell us where you died, you are perhaps missing some information on where to rez, for instance the tree, fountain and flow stone in Ilsh perhaps?
Petra, are you saying that option is still there??? Am I bugged?


Okay I see you hunt close to healers. That or you have a cheat that allows your ghost to run extra fast. But not everyone does. If EA wants to take this option away from solo hunters... can you please place healers in remote places? Just one or 2 here and there?
You are seriously on something....What is far from a healer? there is no such location -.- once again we are talking about almost 20 minutes, there is no location that is that far away, even on foot. And honestly I am just smart about my hunting and don't die when I am alone.

Aside from that, we all have stated to use the HELP STUCK, and you have not even said what the hell you are on about. My lord people. *just mumbles*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He won't tell us where he died. Maybe it was a mongbat spawn and he's too embarrassed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1318494 said:
O.K. I assume you were directing some or all of this at me, and I will simply say I was obviously exaggerating....but then again, so is the OP? I mean really...there is nearly no where you can die where you are to far from a res.
Again you must hunt were the masses do. Nothing wrong with that. But...yes there are areas that don't have healers anywhere close.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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In Tokuno, it seems the healers don't spawn/despawn. They just sorta wander around the same place. If you know where one is, you can find it any time.

For me, the help/stuck option sometimes lets me teleport, but sometimes instead asks me to explain why I wish to do so. Not sure why.


Again you must hunt were the masses do. Nothing wrong with that. But...yes there are areas that don't have healers anywhere close.
There are healers everywhere in fel...What are you smoking again? Seriously, I know someone who might be interested in buying some.


In Tokuno, it seems the healers don't spawn/despawn. They just sorta wander around the same place. If you know where one is, you can find it any time.

For me, the help/stuck option sometimes lets me teleport, but sometimes instead asks me to explain why I wish to do so. Not sure why.
This can happen for two reasons. One is you are in a facet where the function does not work (I believe ilsh and tokuno, but I am not sure on exactly what facets it is) And the second reason is you have used it to often.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In Tokuno, it seems the healers don't spawn/despawn. They just sorta wander around the same place. If you know where one is, you can find it any time.

For me, the help/stuck option sometimes lets me teleport, but sometimes instead asks me to explain why I wish to do so. Not sure why.
Thank you. A reply from some one that doesn't hunt close to Haven. I hunt in remote areas of Ilsh, tram, and fel. In the last week, when I am far from a healer, I am sent to a GM and asked to explain why I need help. My fault I know, I am usually in the worst places I can be alone....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1318516 said:
This can happen for two reasons. One is you are in a facet where the function does not work (I believe ilsh and tokuno, but I am not sure on exactly what facets it is) And the second reason is you have used it to often.
I use it maybe onece a week. I tried it more this week because I saw it wasn't working the same.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1318516 said:
This can happen for two reasons. One is you are in a facet where the function does not work (I believe ilsh and tokuno, but I am not sure on exactly what facets it is) And the second reason is you have used it to often.
Hmmm New to me, but you may be right. Never had an issue in Fel or tram. But I have been in Tok more. And yes I was in Tok, once the other time in Tram. Maybe I need to stick to fel.


Hehe You are missing the loner up at 2:00 am hunting away from the crowds part. If I died alone faraway from anyone...at times I would hit help and be rezzed in a town of my choice. Then it's up to me to go back and get my body. Now...you have to call a gm to rez you in parts where UO hasn't placed a healer.
I know, my fault for not hunting where 30 others are. Silly me.
I hunt solo probably 90% of my game time, yet not once in almost 5 yrs now of playing UO, have I ever had to hit the help button. You were given the perfect solution. Two of them in fact. Sacrifice so you can self rez, and the Gem of Salvation. Both methods work just fine. Sacrifice is great because you don't even need to go back to your corpse. Everything you had on you is in your pack when you rez. Maybe you should stop complaining for a few and actually look at the options you have.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I hunt solo probably 90% of my game time, yet not once in almost 5 yrs now of playing UO, have I ever had to hit the help button. You were given the perfect solution. Two of them in fact. Sacrifice so you can self rez, and the Gem of Salvation. Both methods work just fine. Sacrifice is great because you don't even need to go back to your corpse. Everything you had on you is in your pack when you rez. Maybe you should stop complaining for a few and actually look at the options you have

Hmm are you kidding??? I asked a question and gave a warninng. You are the biggest whinner here. Trying to shift focus????


Hmm are you kidding??? I asked a question and gave a warninng. You are the biggest whinner here. Trying to shift focus????
No, the biggest whiner would be popps, but in this case, you might want to look in the mirror for who is whining.

Btw, it's not "whinner", it's "winner". :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Help stuck is a bit strange, but just reopen the gump and after awhile you dont get to write to the gms and get the option to choose a town instead. Have been like this for ages, only thing I think is strange that it never had happened to you before.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Help stuck is a bit strange, but just reopen the gump and after awhile you dont get to write to the gms and get the option to choose a town instead. Have been like this for ages, only thing I think is strange that it never had happened to you before.
Maybe I just didn't use it enough. I would just hate to see anyone else stuck in a place far from healers. I have a new machine.....maybe that's it.
Bottom line....any solo players out there...just be careful.


One definitely must have sacrifice if you like to hunt alone
or are on when no guildies are on. I tend to get antsy and like to
explore places that I have never been before and sometimes wind up
biting the dust.
As far as the stuck option, I think something got changed back during
the event where people would run thru the Ilsh dungeon during the
Melissa event I think. Then they would use the stuck option to get their
ghost and the prize out of there.


UO Forum Moderator
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It's been tested - The most isolated place in Ilshenar is, even as a ghost, less than a 5 minute round trip to the nearest shrine (And all facets have shrines, and all but Malas have wandering or stationary healers in the wild).

the only truly isolated spots are some of the remotest areas of Tokuno (And even they aren't as isolated as Ilshenar), and parts of the Lost Lands.

My guess is the poster was probably trying to solo a Fel T2A spawn (or maybe Valor in Ilshenar), died (or got raided), and got lost as a ghost wandering that area. T2A in general can be HELL to get through as a ghost, and I've seen people get lost there, even alive (thank God UO Automap, though orphanware, still works for that area).

The only other possibility is that they are hunting some place where you have to fight your way through to get back to it, after a death, and those are really only an issue on Siege Perilous where you can't recall or Sacred Journey, because you can ghost past them, then recall BACK to your corpse using your rune book, after rezzing, on normal ruleset shards.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's been tested - The most isolated place in Ilshenar is, even as a ghost, less than a 5 minute round trip to the nearest shrine (And all facets have shrines, and all but Malas have wandering or stationary healers in the wild).

the only truly isolated spots are some of the remotest areas of Tokuno (And even they aren't as isolated as Ilshenar), and parts of the Lost Lands.

My guess is the poster was probably trying to solo a Fel T2A spawn (or maybe Valor in Ilshenar), died (or got raided), and got lost as a ghost wandering that area. T2A in general can be HELL to get through as a ghost, and I've seen people get lost there, even alive (thank God UO Automap, though orphanware, still works for that area).

The only other possibility is that they are hunting some place where you have to fight your way through to get back to it, after a death, and those are really only an issue on Siege Perilous where you can't recall or Sacred Journey, because you can ghost past them, then recall BACK to your corpse using your rune book, after rezzing, on normal ruleset shards.
Umm yes...maybe I was someplace you have to fight your way back to. I guess i don't know anyother way, but that is not the point.
The point is... there seem to be a few spots in ilsh and fel where it may be hard to get back to your body right now. I have used opt out in the past, seems they want blood and Id now, I just don't want others to get stuck. That's all. Sorry for a few I will deal with later. Not all of us need help out alone, but it would be nice if it were there. Again may just be a new PC issue.Thank you you all for your help. :)


Never try to kill an Ancient Wyrm alone. Never leave home without your GD.

Please pass this on it will definitely save lives! :thumbsup:


Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Bioras, I have never had it happen myself, but I think that it has been the case for a while that if you use the "help stuck" option too often, you may eventually have a GM respond to its use with an actual conversation.

I know some areas in Ilshenar are a pain to run from if you die and need a rez. However, don't forget that a few healers actually do spawn in Ilshenar and there are also a few other locations there where you can get a rez without a healer.

Take a peek at the big Ilshenar map here and locate the "H" symbols: http://uo.stratics.com/content/atlas/ilshenarbig.shtml. I believe you can also get a rez at the gypsy camps. (Marked with a "G" on the map.) As you most likely know, some spawn in random locations and some are in the same location all the time.

And here is the list of other Ilshenar rezzing locations: http://uo.stratics.com/content/guides/ilshenar/resurrection.shtml.


I think if you use your help stuck option too much the game stops its function for awhile.
I believe this happened to me.


Lore Master
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I use it maybe onece a week. I tried it more this week because I saw it wasn't working the same.
Occasionally help-stuck will bring you a description gump instead of a town selection. This has been going on for a good long while now. If you get that, just cancel your help and retry. Most of the time you will end up with a town selection.

And, I can personally say ... there is nowhere in Ilsh that is *that* far from a gypsy camp and healer. I lived there for 2 years before insurance. The only time I lost armor was when I stumbled into something way over my head and got looted :p