Most of the "I lost my _____ " posts are due to the fact that players usually don't follow good taming practice:
a. they don't use the stable before logging
b. they consistently break line of sight for extended periods (park it somewhere) this will cause it to lose loyalty, even the 0 taming required pets
c. they probably don't feed their pets (even the 0 taming required pets)
d. try to use a pet they are no longer qualified to use
These are independent of your taming skill (except d. if you no longer meet the minimum taming requirements). Having more Animal Taming will only effect how often your pet disobeys a command. You get several chances to feed it before it goes wild due to disobedience. Now I'm not saying there are no instances where the game is to blame, but it is usaully due to player neglect.
I have been using the Stratics control chance calculator for years and have found it to be pretty spot on.
Stayin Alive,