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New SA Client

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I'm not in the SA beta, but I had heard that supposedly it is supposed to have some sort of defense against cheats through a Punkbuster type app or something?

Is this true? I hope so. Does anyone know if this works with the new open beta client already? If so let's switch if it's good!

Thanks in advance for any replies. Mods I'm sorry if this is against the NDA or whatever it's called, but I figure it'll be okay since the client is in open beta now.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Of course there's absolutely no reason for cheaters to switch to SA from 2D...

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Campaign Benefactor
No anti-cheat systems have been announced. That does not mean they are not there, either active or inactive.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
On my system, on the Legacy Tab, if I select UO Container, the Bags work fine, but the Bank Container will not display anything you can (shoot in the dark) find something and pick it up and see it, if you put it back in the bank box, it disappears again.

I thought I had read that there would be a Import function to bring the UO2D macroes etc to SA. Is there something I am missing or is this just not there yet.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just tried SA client.

wtf is all i can say.

how many years of development and we're back to 1997's 2D client.





oh and weapons are still floating beside my char.

SA = Fail.

SA devs: you should be ashamed of yourselves for this kind of incompetent blunder.


just tried SA client.

wtf is all i can say.

how many years of development and we're back to 1997's 2D client.





oh and weapons are still floating beside my char.

SA = Fail.

SA devs: you should be ashamed of yourselves for this kind of incompetent blunder.
Disappointment is what I feel.

I compare it to KR and it looks a lot worse.

So if it replaces KR, I need to replace UO with something else.


just tried SA client.

wtf is all i can say.

how many years of development and we're back to 1997's 2D client.





oh and weapons are still floating beside my char.

SA = Fail.

SA devs: please hang yourselves.
For one it's in beta, we're supposed to be testing it and I assume they are wanting constructive feed back in order to fix it and get it up to snuff.

Second of all, with how many items and objects and mobiles that exist in UO the polygon count if they were to make it 3D is beyond belief. I gave up on a UO 3D because there is simply to much we would lose to gain it. Other MMO's comming out now days are struggling to give the type of large scale battles we had back in the old days of UO. Age of Conan with all it's graphical glory managed 40 vs. 40 last I heard. Long Long Long before Age of Conan hit the scene I remember much larger battles happening on a regular basis in UO. And AoC is friggin instanced and can't seem to do it and UO can with it's open world.

I am fairly certain a large part of the Stability SA has over KR stems from the downgraded graphics. I will take playability over eye candy any day. In any case, I never disliked the old 2D client KR looked nice and all but it was the functionality and the performance that got me hooked on the client (Minus the stability issues lol). SA has the 2D graphics which aren't bad as well as the stability of the 2D client. It also has the functionality and perfomance of KR. So I don't really see the drawback myself. It all boils down to prefference I guess.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Disappointment is what I feel.

I compare it to KR and it looks a lot worse.

So if it replaces KR, I need to replace UO with something else.

I feel your pain Heartseeker.

I've been incessantly lobbying for the OPTION to use KR artwork in the SA client (i.e. the way you can toggle to 2d artwork in KR, just with the default reversed to the 2d graphics), but to naught as of yet.

The UI enhancements are nice (and will be nicer once we can get UI mods up and running), but the graphics... disappointing.... especially knowing what COULD be done.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am fairly certain a large part of the Stability SA has over KR stems from the downgraded graphics.
Nah, that is definitely not it. KR and SA are both built upon the GameByro engine which run such games as Civilization 4, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Fallout 3. It can handle quite easily much more graphically intense games than Ultima Online, especially since the amount of polygons on screen are minimal. KR/SA use polygons only as 'billboards' to project the sprites onto, so maybe at most its using a couple hundred to a thousand polygons on screen for graphical display purposes.

No such luck.


Nah, that is definitely not it. KR and SA are both built upon the GameByro engine which run such games as Civilization 4, The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion and Fallout 3. It can handle quite easily much more graphically intense games than Ultima Online, especially since the amount of polygons on screen are minimal. KR/SA use polygons only as 'billboards' to project the sprites onto, so maybe at most its using a couple hundred to a thousand polygons on screen for graphical display purposes.

No such luck.

Ah well it was a theory.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Magnus is right... KR/SA uses the same animation system 2d uses (though with more frames per animation) which is basically high polygon count 3d renders that are "stop-motion" captured. In KR/SA this stop motion animation is then rendered onto a single polygon per animated model.

While this saves graphical processing, you pay for it in patch sizes any time that changes are made to the model artwork as you have to redownload every frame again.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How the hell is UO supposed to attract new players using the same old goddamn 1997 graphics!?

Move the effin' game forwards not backwards for crying out loud. It's absolutely mindblowing how bad this was thought out. Last go around you pissed off the 2d users...this time around your pissing off the UOKR users. Let the 2der's have their age old client and get going on a new client game engine that is on the cutting edge and will attract new players. I'm not talking about making a 3D game like wow. Make a 2D game with some beautiful graphics.

I'm with Dermott all the way I want the option to use KR graphics if not there is zero chance of me using the SA client.



Disappointment is what I feel.

I compare it to KR and it looks a lot worse.

So if it replaces KR, I need to replace UO with something else.

I feel your pain Heartseeker.

I've been incessantly lobbying for the OPTION to use KR artwork in the SA client (i.e. the way you can toggle to 2d artwork in KR, just with the default reversed to the 2d graphics), but to naught as of yet.

The UI enhancements are nice (and will be nicer once we can get UI mods up and running), but the graphics... disappointing.... especially knowing what COULD be done.
I agree with everything you said Dermott.

It is good to know that you have been lobbying for the improvements.

It must of been real hard for you in the Beta; watching the direction they went.

While this dev team tries hard; all teams, past and present, seem to take the middle ground of mediocrity.

I had hopes that there would finally be a great client, but see a retro type, blast from the past.


It's really interesting to see how this is unfolding.

I hated KR. But I like the SA client, and have been using it for a month now and now that I can finally use it on my home shard I can see myself switching to it permanently. I really feel that numbers-wise there are far more people like me (hated KR but will like SA) than there are those who liked KR but dislike SA... of course that's just my opinion. We shall see.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
...So if it replaces KR, I need to replace UO with something else....

I've been incessantly lobbying for the OPTION to use KR artwork in the SA client
On occasions, it may be best to understand the difference between Revolution and Evolution.

Some times change needs to be Revolutionary.

Some times change needs to be Evolutionary.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My opinions, for what little they're worth.
SA is by far more functional at the start of Beta testing than KR was at launch.
SA is a compromise between 2D and KR - I am willing to compromise, I like it. It looks familiar enough to feel like 'home' and yet is a considerable step forward in ui. I have so far been able to replicate exactly almost all of my uoa macros, with just a few compromises.

The artwork of 2D is old, I admit - but most of it is beautifully drawn. You would dump the Mona Lisa because it's old?

and finally - you may go to a different game and find artwork that is more to your taste, but you won't find the same game-play experience.

I'm sticking with UO, and I will adapt to the new client because I'm old enough to know you can't have everything you want in this life, especially when it's something you're sharing with others, because everyone wants something just a bit different.

I appreciate the Dev's attempt to reach a compromise that the majority of players can accept, I think they've reached a middle ground very well.


My opinions, for what little they're worth.
SA is by far more functional at the start of Beta testing than KR was at launch.
SA is a compromise between 2D and KR - I am willing to compromise, I like it. It looks familiar enough to feel like 'home' and yet is a considerable step forward in ui. I have so far been able to replicate exactly almost all of my uoa macros, with just a few compromises.

The artwork of 2D is old, I admit - but most of it is beautifully drawn. You would dump the Mona Lisa because it's old?

and finally - you may go to a different game and find artwork that is more to your taste, but you won't find the same game-play experience.

I'm sticking with UO, and I will adapt to the new client because I'm old enough to know you can't have everything you want in this life, especially when it's something you're sharing with others, because everyone wants something just a bit different.

I appreciate the Dev's attempt to reach a compromise that the majority of players can accept, I think they've reached a middle ground very well.
Well said Petra.

I also believe this will be a better attempt at a new client.

I wish it had a little more pazzaz, but I can see more people happy this time round.

I wonder if the items in the backpack will remain so small?

At higher resolutions you can barely tell what they are.


How the hell is UO supposed to attract new players using the same old goddamn 1997 graphics!?

Move the effin' game forwards not backwards for crying out loud. It's absolutely mindblowing how bad this was thought out. Last go around you pissed off the 2d users...this time around your pissing off the UOKR users. Let the 2der's have their age old client and get going on a new client game engine that is on the cutting edge and will attract new players. I'm not talking about making a 3D game like wow. Make a 2D game with some beautiful graphics.

I'm with Dermott all the way I want the option to use KR graphics if not there is zero chance of me using the SA client.
While Petra most likely said it better than I will. I am going to harp on you just as fast as I would harp on anyone else. GRAPHICS DO NOT DEFINE A GAME. Why on earth would I play a game that looks great but sucks? Can we say WoW anyone? Yea I said it, the game sucks while it has an "awe" factor. how about Crysis? Another horrible game that just "looked good". I could care less if they do in fact make the game look better, but quit your crying about it. Same goes for anyone who is complaining about the "KR" look of the game, which I have jump on about just as much as I have this.

You people really need to stop and think about what is important in a game. They will get new players Because UO is by far the best MMO, you don't need "cutting edge" graphics to get new players, nor to be a great game.

*walks off once again mumbling about people and graphics*


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do not mean to be cruel, because I have been in the "Hey, we are ditching your client, suck it up" crowd before. I was a 3D player that did NOT go to KR (it was too much change for me after just having had to learn 2D, which at least looked familiar). But the fact is, KR has LESS of a following than 3D did. Its harsh, but its true. They Dev's want the 2D players, because they are, what, 95% of the base? They want the KR players, too, but not enough to keep those graphics, which were mostly rejected. Maybe later on, after SA the expansion has released, they will look again at making a KR graphics toggle ... but for now ... they are after the 2Ders ... and SA has a better chance of that than KR ever did.

Nyte Doombringer

Yep there have been alot of ''pretty games'' out there. WoW is one of the best looking games out there but doesnt have anything near what UO has. LOTRO, another nice looking game, Guild Wars, AOC was supposed to be awesom, WO I guess was as well. Aion looks stunning, but if they dont have game play then all the pretty pixels in the world wont make it fun.
I am a 2d user, however I did use the old 3d. Didt like KR at all and the SA client I think does have potential. There are things they need to fix ofc. I can play 2d and it dont bother me, I am not looking so much for pretty eye candy as fun in a game. If SA turns out better I can switch as well either way.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1318355 said:
While Petra most likely said it better than I will. I am going to harp on you just as fast as I would harp on anyone else. GRAPHICS DO NOT DEFINE A GAME. Why on earth would I play a game that looks great but sucks? Can we say WoW anyone? Yea I said it, the game sucks while it has an "awe" factor. how about Crysis? Another horrible game that just "looked good". I could care less if they do in fact make the game look better, but quit your crying about it. Same goes for anyone who is complaining about the "KR" look of the game, which I have jump on about just as much as I have this.

You people really need to stop and think about what is important in a game. They will get new players Because UO is by far the best MMO, you don't need "cutting edge" graphics to get new players, nor to be a great game.

*walks off once again mumbling about people and graphics*
What in the world are you talking about? I've seen you in like 5 threads now repeating the same thing about "graphics don't make a game". Your deluding yourself and that's evident by others who complain about the blurriness of the client. Graphics play a huge role in gaming. Ever heard of a graphics card?

Don't tell me what makes a game. I'll decide for that for myself thankyou very much and you free to do likewise.


Well no @hitt! That doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't have good graphics. I don't understand what it is your arguing...

UO already has the content. What it doesn't have is graphics that are on par with other games.

Can you grasp that concept?

Your fine with the circa 1997 Black Gate Ultima VII Black Gate graphics.

I'm not okay with it. I want better and think they can do better.

That's my opinion. You have yours and I think it stinks. But don't be telling me what defines a game for me.

*Walks off mumbling about people who think UO is going to attract new players with graphics based off a game created in 1997*


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your fine with the circa 1997 Black Gate Ultima VII Black Gate graphics.

I'm not okay with it. I want better and think they can do better.

That's my opinion. You have yours and I think it stinks. But don't be telling me what defines a game for me.

*Walks off mumbling about people who think UO is going to attract new players with graphics based off a game created in 1997*
I hate to tell you, but the game IS that old. Short of making a whole new game, you are probably not going to get the awesome graphics you want. Overhead view is not friendly to "awesome" graphics. UO is never going to be a top competitor again, regardless of how "new" they make it, because gamers out there know that IS that old. Most people are not going to even give it a chance.

Sure, next generation (children of current UO players) and word of mouth (friends of current players) will keep our new incoming players at a trickle. But UO has passed its heyday, and now it is a matter of holding onto the players it has, and trying to lure back those that have left and already know how rich a game it is. This is not me being negative, this is me being real. UO is a niche game and has been for years.


What in the world are you talking about? I've seen you in like 5 threads now repeating the same thing about "graphics don't make a game". Your deluding yourself and that's evident by others who complain about the blurriness of the client. Graphics play a huge role in gaming. Ever heard of a graphics card?
Evident? You are comparing apples and oranges, 5 players out of ever 100 do not make it "evident", Which by the way further proves my point. It is sad that people would not play based on these "poor" graphics, and I am sorry if there have been a ton of new players lately proving even further that with out graphics we will still gain players.


Well no @hitt! That doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't have good graphics. I don't understand what it is your arguing...
Really? Then why do you say "No way I will play if the graphics are this awe inspiring" Come again later when you don't contradict yourself.

UO already has the content. What it doesn't have is graphics that are on par with other games.

Can you grasp that concept?

Your fine with the circa 1997 Black Gate Ultima VII Black Gate graphics.
UO is a constantly changing world, this means new content all the time. I would much rather them continue to add new content than to waste even a second of time on people who "need better graphics".

Let us look back at what others have said, 2d players make up the majority of the player base for a reason, while I do not agree with them either (same argument just reverse the roles) but the point being that it is quite obvious that the majority of people are just fine with the "old graphics" and would be just fine continuing to play like that. The only thing that holds UO back is its Age and reputation. I feel we need to remove the 2d client, but I also do not care if they went a KR route or just a complete revamp of the 2d client. They sort of took a middle road mixing the two, which I am also fine with. Most of what I say is not an opinion, but then again EVERYTHING is an opinion and "fact" only comes from a common point of view amongst the most people. *tips hat* Enjoy.

Old Man of UO


I've been incessantly lobbying for the OPTION to use KR artwork in the SA client (i.e. the way you can toggle to 2d artwork in KR, just with the default reversed to the 2d graphics), but to naught as of yet.

The UI enhancements are nice (and will be nicer once we can get UI mods up and running), but the graphics... disappointing.... especially knowing what COULD be done.
While I also like the KR graphics better, is the difference really that big of a deal? It still plays like UO to me... same PvP, PvM and PvE, same crafting system, same spells weapons and special moves, same background everything. You can tweak the graphics a bit, but that does NOT change the game play itself.

I would also like improved graphics, but I want to lobby for having ONE client and ONE graphical interface to reduce development time on any game content change and minimize the number of bugs.


What in the world are you talking about? I've seen you in like 5 threads now repeating the same thing about "graphics don't make a game". Your deluding yourself and that's evident by others who complain about the blurriness of the client. Graphics play a huge role in gaming. Ever heard of a graphics card?

Perhaps he is color blind as well not to appreciate graphics in a game :D:D

It is really die hard 2D (Jurassic ) users who are keeping this game from going into another plane. Since I feel they constitute the majority of subscribers,the NATIVES have to be pleased!



JMHO It doesn't have to be yours as well :D



What in the world are you talking about? I've seen you in like 5 threads now repeating the same thing about "graphics don't make a game". Your deluding yourself and that's evident by others who complain about the blurriness of the client. Graphics play a huge role in gaming. Ever heard of a graphics card?

Perhaps he is color blind as well not to appreciate graphics in a game :D:D

It is really die hard 2D (Jurassic ) users who are keeping this game from going into another plane. Since I feel they constitute the majority of subscribers,the NATIVES have to be pleased!



JMHO It doesn't have to be yours as well :D

Oh brother this almost does not even deserve a reply....Read my post, I will refrain from saying what is really on my mind as I do not feel like getting any infractions or bans because of simpletons who can not comprehend that it does not make a difference.

See below if you still do not understand.


I've been incessantly lobbying for the OPTION to use KR artwork in the SA client (i.e. the way you can toggle to 2d artwork in KR, just with the default reversed to the 2d graphics), but to naught as of yet.

The UI enhancements are nice (and will be nicer once we can get UI mods up and running), but the graphics... disappointing.... especially knowing what COULD be done.
While I also like the KR graphics better, is the difference really that big of a deal? It still plays like UO to me... same PvP, PvM and PvE, same crafting system, same spells weapons and special moves, same background everything. You can tweak the graphics a bit, but that does NOT change the game play itself.

I would also like improved graphics, but I want to lobby for having ONE client and ONE graphical interface to reduce development time on any game content change and minimize the number of bugs.
My savior. While I am obviously not as nice about this particular topic as Old Man is being in this post here, it is exactly the same thing I have said.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm a bit confused by your comment about dragons, can you explain, without yelling, how the SA dragon is different to the KR dragon please?


I'm a bit confused by your comment about dragons, can you explain, without yelling, how the SA dragon is different to the KR dragon please?
On the the GD, download KR if you haven't yet and compare the difference in graphics from your 2d (sux) client vis a vis the KR graphics.

Hope and pray you will be enlightened enough to understand and never be confused again ;)



On the the GD, download KR if you haven't yet and compare the difference in graphics from your 2d (sux) client vis a vis the KR graphics.

Hope and pray you will be enlightened enough to understand and never be confused again ;)

You didn't even answer her question...She knew what she was talking about.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh I have compared my 2D dragon to KR, however I have also compared it to SA, which you, quite obviously have not.
Allow me to demonstrate. I admit he's a bit obscured by the flame he was toasting the tsuki wolf with, but here's my Locrian when we went hunting for ToTs last night.


oh I have compared my 2D dragon to KR, however I have also compared it to SA, which you, quite obviously have not.
Allow me to demonstrate. I admit he's a bit obscured by the flame he was toasting the tsuki wolf with, but here's my Locrian when we went hunting for ToTs last night.
I also wonder what he is going to do when they discontinue the ability for the KR client to even work?


Perhaps he is color blind as well not to appreciate graphics in a game :D:D
Now that you've used being color blind as an insult, maybe you should go look up color blindness so you actually know what the **** it is.

People that are color blind see graphics just fine. It's ignorant people that show their discriminatory nature that generalize about things they know nothing about.

Come back when you've gotten over your ignorance. :loser::dunce:


Now that you've used being color blind as an insult, maybe you should go look up color blindness so you actually know what the **** it is.

People that are color blind see graphics just fine. It's ignorant people that show their discriminatory nature that generalize about things they know nothing about.

Come back when you've gotten over your ignorance. :loser::dunce:
You some how failed to quote the right person (I am not sure how this happened)

But everything you said is fine, just thought you may want to redirect the statement since he did not make any ignorant discriminatory remarks (ignorant ones perhaps, but not discriminatory)

Edit:....O.K. I swear it just said the other dudes name a minute ago, did you fix it? o.o


Cloak‡1318641 said:
You some how failed to quote the right person (I am not sure how this happened)

But everything you said is fine, just thought you may want to redirect the statement since he did not make any ignorant discriminatory remarks (ignorant ones perhaps, but not discriminatory)

Edit:....O.K. I swear it just said the other dudes name a minute ago, did you fix it? o.o
Already done. Blame it on the bigot that doesn't know how to use quotes. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will take playability over eye candy any day. In any case, I never disliked the old 2D client KR looked nice and all but it was the functionality and the performance that got me hooked on the client (Minus the stability issues lol).
Exactly, but here's the thing. They present us with KR, and it's like:

EA: What do ya think of KR?
Players: Wow, looks great! Kinda buggy tho.
EA: Oh, ok.
EA: *destroys graphics, adds gargoyles*
EA: Howabout now?

Kindof frustrating. Thats just the kindof crap we've had to deal with for years now. We ask for item A to be fixed, and they ignore item A and go off and break item B which worked great.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The UI enhancements are nice (and will be nicer once we can get UI mods up and running), but the graphics... disappointing.... especially knowing what COULD be done.
You know what's really upsetting? As far as graphics were concerned, all they had to do was NOTHING. And they still managed to drop the ball.

I mean seriously. It's like, "Hey lets design all these *beautifull* new high rez 3d models for monsters(the renders on the website really do look beautifull) and then render them into ultra-low-res Ultima 7 size sprites for use in game."

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

All the people in this and other threads who claim that "graphics are not an issue" are LYING.

That's right, I said it... all of you are LYING and you know it.

Listen, all of us in this thread like UO and want UO to be the best it can. The problem some of us are seeing is that the graphical aspect of the game is OUTDATED and while the beginnings of KR were indeed very rough, all that was needed was a bit more polish graphically, more bug squashing, and stability.

KR has a Legacy Graphics option for those who just CANNOT live without the original graphics and they were even higher resolution than they are in SA.

Hell, for those who were in the FG and earlier Beta that know, even SA's Legacy graphics were higher resolution until the last patch.

Yes, a game should have good gameplay, deep content, lots of choices etc etc etc. UO has that and that's a good thing.


Good game play and good graphics are not mutually exclusive and acting like they are is nothing more than accepting mediocrity when actual advancement was right before your eyes.

You people have been wanting UO to put a box in stores? Do you REALLY think that the graphics in 2d and the way they are in SA would sell a full retail box at Gamestop or Best Buy? It might fit in the $9.99 bargain jewelcase only shelf at Wal Mart, but that's it.

Even if they used the original UO artwork, the least they could have done was raise the resolution so that the art would be smooth and detailed at ANY zoom level and monitor resolution. They did not do that. Instead they downgraded even the legacy and model artwork.

Why do we accept this by fooling ourselves with the line "graphics don't matter"?

And if graphics don't matter, why the negative comments about KR's... graphics?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well unless they redo the entire uo code I really dont think there's a way to make UO graphic comparable to today's standard. And everytime when my friends trying to convert me to WoW or Darkfall by commenting on the dated UO graphics, I just show them the game "Runescape".

UO isnt the worst at least. LoL.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well said Dermott of LS. You hit the nail on the head.

I agree whole 100%:thumbsup:.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EA: What do ya think of KR?
Players: Wow, looks great! Kinda buggy tho.
EA: Oh, ok.
EA: *destroys graphics, adds gargoyles*
EA: Howabout now?
The problem is, for most of the players, this was not how the conversation went. It went more like:

PLAYERS: Wow, this doesnt look like UO at all, the graphics suck! And the client is buggy and unstable!
EA: Ohhhh ...

Now, I will say that other than some of the graphics having the wrong aspect, size, etc, I thought they looked nice. I think alot of people probably thought the same. They did not, however, look like UO. That isn't to say that I am chained to the 2D graphics, that is simply saying that the KR changed them *too* much.

Dermott probably has a fair complaint about the resolution. I will admit, I know pretty much nothing about resolutions and whatnot.

What alot of people are trying to say is that while the QUALITY of the graphics DO matter (this is why 2D is still well beloved, the graphics are QUALITY), the "fanciness" does not. UO would not still be running if "fancy" graphics mattered that much.

I am not here trying to say that SA graphics could not improve. What I am saying, is their base is solid. Sure, a toggle for KR graphics for those who have become accustomed to them would be nice. Maybe next year they can do that. Right now, the more important thing, especially with a new expansion coming, is that the new client hold some familiarity. THAT is what the majority have spoken.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

PLAYERS: Wow, this doesnt look like UO at all, the graphics suck!

But everyone keep posting "The graphics don't matter"!!!

Which is it? Hmm? Beyond the client, that's the argument that's making me want to break out the Clue By Four™ and start swinging.

And Ailish, you know me... you know I've been trying for at the very least the option for KR graphics for those who can run them and do like them. I think that would solve just about everyone's graphical complaints with the SA client.

To me, they stripped out WAAAAY too much of KR in creating SA both graphically and functionally.

SA may be an improvement over 2d, but it's a step backwards from KR as it is and the potential KR and Gamebryo have. And quite frankly for all of the people claiming "it's only Beta"... guess what... it's OPEN beta which is MUCH LATER than you think it is. There may be some polish, but SA is not going to transform into the amazing client it could be from this point forward. What we see, aside from some small tweaks here and there is what we're going to get.

I defended the SA client when it was first being developed, but I also had to keep quiet here about a LOT of things that concerned me about SA... no longer.

I tear apart SA here now not because I don't like UO, but because SA can be SO MUCH BETTER.


Lore Master
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Dermott ... the reason (thought I stated) that KR graphics failed over the majority was it was too much change too fast. That is why the "Legacy Art" option DID bring in some people. I also stated that it is the graphic QUALITY that matters the most - this would be your resolution argument. In other word, I agreed with you.

And yes, I support the KR graphics toggle for those who want it. But you and I already know that is not going to happen while it is in beta, nor as long as they are working on the expansion.

I know your frustration Dermott. While KR was not my thing (I was one of those people who felt like the changes were TOO much to happen all at once) I have seen "my" client dumbed down, made ugly (AoS avatars STILL suck!), left behind, and finally wiped out.

Dermott of LS

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Hey I used the 3d client too, I miss a lot from it as well, but I was glad to move on (my only complaint when they closed it down was that KR was still in closed beta and I didn't have it :p )

Anyway, there ARE issues with KR art that I did have... the biggest was that equipment artwork WAS changed too much. Armor and weapons in MANY cases were completely different graphically than their legacy versions which made identification difficult (the only way I really adapted to this was through filling a LOT of BODs until I 'learned' what the new graphics looked like). Also, another problem was with Ringmail. The Leggings for Ring and Studded leather IMO are swapped. I can't tell you how many times I looted Studded thinking it was Ring.

A lot of my frustration is seeing what happened with the 3d client happen AGAIN with KR/SA. First they move forward, then release LONG before they should, then dumb it down and leave it for broke.

I hoped KR would have been different... hell, I defended while warning about it and while some certain posters here may indulge in some schadenfreude at my expense, as SA stands right now and how the advances of KR are being left behind... I feel let down by a team I had considered to be one of the if not the best teams we have had in UO in a LONG time.


I like SA, I liked KR, I liked 3d, and I like 2d. If you want eye candy got to LORO, WOW, Age of Conan, Warhammer etc. UO is classic. If they change it then it wouldn't be UO anymore, they are better off making a new Game.

Dermott of LS

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If they change it then it wouldn't be UO anymore,

Graphically speaking that is a load of ROT. You can have a client with updated graphics and still be UO. Hell, you can have a client with legacy graphics with higher resolution and still be UO.

How do the phrases "graphics do not matter" and "If you change it (the graphics), it won't be UO" work together logically? They don't... they are a contradiction. If you don't want graphics past 1997, then say "I never want UO's graphics to advance past 1997" and be done with it. It doesn't mean that new graphics will not be UO on a logical and factual basis, but it is a legitimate (if debated) opinion.

I just wish people would simply say that they don't want new graphics than try those two statements. I may disagree with the taste in graphics, but I would at least appreciate the honesty involved.

Tina Small

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My biggest complaints about the SA client after having used it now for a few months, primarily with tamer characters and a little bit of crafting but no PvP, are:

(1) I can't ever seem to find a good zoom level while I'm out hunting. I have to zoom in close to make sure that if I have to take a few steps to keep vetting a pet, I don't "overshoot" my destination by walking too far. However, when I zoom in like that, I don't feel like I'm seeing all that I should be able to see headed in my character's direction. As a result, I usually can't hunt for too long in SA before feeling completely drained from messing wih the zoom level or trying to pay extra attention to sounds and scrolling for new potential targets that aren't yet close enough to see.

(2) Tooltip information isn't dynamic. For example, if you insure an item and have the tooltip info up, the tooltip box of text doesn't add the "Insured" tag. You have to mouse over the object again to see the new information.

(3) Blood tiles that spawn when killing something and that disappear too slowly, so that they interfere with being able to loot corpses. It's annoying to have to click past 3-4 blood tile objects almost every time you try to loot certain types of monsters.

(4) The atlas isn't resizable, doesn't show other character locations on it, and the circular map view is too small. I love how you can zoom in and out and can easily pull up maps of other locations, however. But it certainly isn't a very good replacement for UO AutoMap.

(5) I miss the UOAssist Organize agent for automatically moving all objects of a certain type into a specific container in your backpack (e.g., moving a bunch of blank runes you just bought into a bag before you go out on a rune-marking trip). I also miss the UO Assist Sell Agent. I use it fairly often when training up a carpenter or tinker to sell the objects they've made to an NPC to get them out of my backpack and make a small amount of gold while training.

(6) I also haven't figured out yet how you bring up a list of everyone that you're partied with, i.e., the "party manifest."

(7) I hate having to run UO as a fullscreen application so that I can't see the Windows Taskbar. However, SA runs terribly for me if I don't set it up to run fullscreen.

(8) There is no option available to follow a monster, character, or NPC. This makes taming stuff more cumbersome especially if your zoom level isn't set just right (see "overshooting the destination" comments above). It is also a feature that I will miss when doing peerless like Lady Mel when you want your pet to "follow" the monster it's killing even if the monster keeps hiding itself all the time.

(9) I miss seeing my character's health bar edged in red while in war mode.

(10) I hate having to rename pets before releasing them with a command because there's too much risk of releasing the wrong pet if you use the context menu to release them.

(11) And last but not least, I truly hate the stance of the male paperdolls and the male human/elf faces. Almost all the other graphics I can overlook. I guess maybe its a blessing in disguise that I don't have room to leave the paperdoll open and fortunate that I don't have that many male characters. I am fairly pleased with the female paperdoll and the look of most pieces of armor on the human/elf female paperdolls. I do wish though that you had the option to show helmets as circlets on the elves.

There's nothing on this list of things that annoy me about SA that keep me from using it. But a lot of these things are just irritating enough to make me grit my teeth sometimes at the thought of logging into UO while using SA. It always feels like a relief to log into the old, comfortable 2d client with UO Assist.

Dermott of LS

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Ok, I went into KR and SA and did some picture taking. Every shot provided were taken at Default zoom levels for each client first in one, then in the other form the same tile, then cut out as precise as possible to match the images being compared, then saved as PNG to retain image quality. No further image editing has been done to tweak the clarity, pixelation or details. Each image is as I see them in game.

First up, the Banana Trees, one tall and one short from Isamu Jima (45.0N x 9.12W for those who want to visit them):

Tall Banana Tree

Short Banana Tree

Second are a couple of floortiles... dark redwood and light yellow... mind you again these are the same tiles (something that seems weird given the yellow wood tiles):

Dark Red Hardwood Floortiles

Light Yellow Floortiles:

Next is the "famed" UO sandstone... in this case a small section of Luna Sandstone... note the texture differences, color, and how the shadowing brings out detail in the KR version:

Next is a larger view, my upper patio at my cabin. The patio was created and decorated with KR in mind. Notice the difference between the potted plants, the fountain, squirrel statue, bonsai tree, etc. The two rubble plants in the bottom right are lush in KR while they look straggly and wilted in SA.

And lastly, a look at items in grid view. Now here is somewhere where I'm more of a "let's split the difference" in opinion. The SA/2d graphics are too small, KR too big and in the cases of equipment (armor and weapons, not shown), the difference between KR and Legacy are simply too much that it took quite a while even for me to be able to identify common weapons and armor by sight. In this case I would want 2d/SA item artwork, but at a higher resolution for quality and larger size in the grid slots. Note both UI settings are 85%. Also... no commas!



Seasoned Veteran
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Dermott, what a great post. It really shows the decreasing quality of SA in comparison to KR. I really wonder what the design documentaion for the new client was when it came to graphics, it just seems so absurd and ridiculous.
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