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anyone else having problems with pets listening

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No matter if i say all follow me or all kill my cu stands there like a statue no movement at all. Its like it doesn't listen to a word I'm saying. I get that from my real dog who sits there ignores you, and you know dang well she can hear ya. The cu is always wonderfully happy and well fed so that isnt the problem.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you try "All stop"?
I have seen the described behavior happen, if the target moved away after a hit on escape. The pet will still defend against new attackers, but not move one step, before either the offending target has been killed or sometimes after commanding it with all stop.

Old Man of UO

If you feed your cu sidhe or mount/dismount, it will listen once again.

I'm not sure how it happens, but seems to get stuck after fighting multiple critters at once, or maybe gets paralyzed and never unstuck.


A fix I use all the time is to teleport just a few tiles. If I'm in an area where teleporting is not allowed I find I have to leave that server to fix the issue.


A friend of mine has been having a similar issue with her GD. She can feed it and make a command. it will immediately go right back to extremely happy after she issues the command.
She has 105 lore/120 taming so it should only occasionally do this, but it is everytime!
It mainly seems to happen in tokuno (where other problems of this nature have been found to happen), but it even happens in the travesty's lair. where there is no uneven terrain to stop the pets line of sight.
I guess that it has something to do with all of the new things being added/taken away/and tinkered with, inside UO. Its the best I can come up with.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A friend of mine has been having a similar issue with her GD. She can feed it and make a command. it will immediately go right back to extremely happy after she issues the command.
She has 105 lore/120 taming so it should only occasionally do this, but it is everytime!
It mainly seems to happen in tokuno (where other problems of this nature have been found to happen), but it even happens in the travesty's lair. where there is no uneven terrain to stop the pets line of sight.
I guess that it has something to do with all of the new things being added/taken away/and tinkered with, inside UO. Its the best I can come up with.
I have 120 lore/ 115 taming 120 w/the birds tailsman. It mainly seems to happens in tokuno for me to. first I was using my GD same issue your friend was having I was also having. So I switched to my CU. the problem is not a line of site the Cu sees it. When I say all kill and target what I want killed The CU turns towards it, but makes no move to go kill it, the CU waits for it to come to it then it attacks. I tried all stop leaving and going back. Im more concerned about it not following me especially when I all follow me when Im right beside it. seems tokuno is more the problem Ill just have to be careful


I have a problem with my lesser hiryu at 115 bushido. I have to constantly feed him to keep him from going wild.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I suggest that folks with control problems please please send in bug reports, especially if you can reproduce the problem?

With a frozen pet I suggest feeding it then try commanding all stop then all follow me. I've found the odd frozen pet after a pixie paralyse but the feeding has always unfrozen a pet when it's happened.

The loyalty dropping however seems to be a recent bug and we really need everyone sending in the info about this bug to EA so they can hopefully pin down the exact cause and fix it.



When I say all kill and target what I want killed The CU turns towards it, but makes no move to go kill it, the CU waits for it to come to it then it attacks.
This is the exact same issue I see on a regular basis. It happens with all types of pets I hunt with. It has nothing to do with your ability to control the pet. As you noticed, your pet turns to go to the target but doesn't move.

Try teleporting as I suggested earlier and you'll see it 'unsticks' your pet.

Old Man of UO

This is the exact same issue I see on a regular basis. It happens with all types of pets I hunt with. It has nothing to do with your ability to control the pet. As you noticed, your pet turns to go to the target but doesn't move.

Try teleporting as I suggested earlier and you'll see it 'unsticks' your pet.
Or Feeding it, Or mounting your pet if it is ridable. There are several ways to "unstick" your pet. This is a pretty common occurrence. Annoying, too!


I've had this happen but only in dungeons. My fix is to log out and back in. Fixes it every time.


Don't worry, Wenchy. I made sure that she sent in a bug report. I have had the sticky problem from time to time, and I make sure to fire off a bug report for any action that is not operating as its intended.
Otherwise how could they know to fix it. :D

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I noticed that if the CU is killing really weaker monsters like spiders etc is when it gives me the most problems. If it is killing rune beetles lesser hiyrus etc I seem to have no problems with it. I put it in the stables for the night and when I went out tonight I didn't have any problems. Im going to stable it all week and see if doing that fixes the problem.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can I suggest that folks with control problems please please send in bug reports, especially if you can reproduce the problem?

With a frozen pet I suggest feeding it then try commanding all stop then all follow me. I've found the odd frozen pet after a pixie paralyse but the feeding has always unfrozen a pet when it's happened.

The loyalty dropping however seems to be a recent bug and we really need everyone sending in the info about this bug to EA so they can hopefully pin down the exact cause and fix it.

I did send in one, but also wanted others who might not realize it is a bug to know about it, and this is why we need a bug form area.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the exact same issue I see on a regular basis. It happens with all types of pets I hunt with. It has nothing to do with your ability to control the pet. As you noticed, your pet turns to go to the target but doesn't move.

Try teleporting as I suggested earlier and you'll see it 'unsticks' your pet.
I agree whole heartedly with Beastmaster on this issue. Teleporting usually snaps my stuck pet out of it's lethargy when it is frozen. Something to do with using magic next to the pet, breaks the hang up. It happens often, to all my pets too, in any location where I am hunting.

I don't give my dragon "kill" commands when it isnt needed. The fewer commands you give your pets the better their loyalty. I will give them food after a battle, and tell them to follow/guard plus a short rest if possible. Dragons auto attack monsters if you stay close to your pet, and move behind the pet when a monster targets you.