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Thanks alot EAMythic

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Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After waiting FIVE YEARS for a particular housing spot thanks to your broken, glitched up housing server my sister lost her dream spot. I had to open a FIFTH account so she wouldn't lose her house.

What happened is this: Sis found that the spot was finally open, and place a house. She wanted to make the foundation large so she used the resize option it demolished the new house but then WOULD NOT LET HER rebuild her new house said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!!

She and I scoured www.uo.com NOTHING! WE both checked the information database and THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT not using resize on a new house.
Now someone else has taken the spot and I'm going to have spend A disgusting amount of gold to buy it for her. Don't worry I will get it because price is a non issue with me.

I'm just disgusted that I could get NO HELP from in game CUSTOMER-NO-SERVICE. All I got was canned massages that they can not help WITH ANY HOUSING issues. So basically if you have any kind of housing problem including stuff stuck under your house or small things that GMs used to fix....YOUR SCREWED!!!!

Thanks EAMythic and Dev team ....Thanks A HELLVA lot!


jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After waiting FIVE YEARS for a particular housing spot thanks to your broken, glitched up housing server my sister lost her dream spot. I had to open a FIFTH account so she wouldn't lose her house.

What happened is this: Sis found that the spot was finally open, and place a house. She wanted to make the foundation large so she used the resize option it demolished the new house but then WOULD NOT LET HER rebuild her new house said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!!

She and I scoured www.uo.com NOTHING! WE both checked the information database and THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT not using resize on a new house.
Now someone else has taken the spot and I'm going to have spend A disgusting amount of gold to buy it for her. Don't worry I will get it because price is a non issue with me.

I'm just disgusted that I could get NO HELP from in game CUSTOMER-NO-SERVICE. All I got was canned massages that they can not help WITH ANY HOUSING issues. So basically if you have any kind of housing problem including stuff stuck under your house or small things that GMs used to fix....YOUR SCREWED!!!!

Thanks EAMythic and Dev team ....Thanks A HELLVA lot!

thats a shame, if it was Europa i could have helpe doyu now i am active again, no consolation i know

at least you can buy the house for her, that ssomething at least

it has become apparent to me over the last few years that it is better to ICQ a game friend for help/advise rather than GM/EARep help


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did she place, then trade her old house away? When you trade your old house, that's when the seven day penalty is incurred. This includes resizing houses, unfortunately. It is a pain in the rear and it's a shame you guys didn't know about it. This was, however, enacted because of the cheaters out there taking advantage of things, so EAMythic is not wholly to blame. It should be mentioned in the housing section on the website, however.


Did she place, then trade her old house away? When you trade your old house, that's when the seven day penalty is incurred. This includes resizing houses, unfortunately. It is a pain in the rear and it's a shame you guys didn't know about it. This was, however, enacted because of the cheaters out there taking advantage of things, so EAMythic is not wholly to blame. It should be mentioned in the housing section on the website, however.
Actually it happens when you accept a house in a trade, or place a new house. Not knowing the rules is no excuse to blame EA.

Marcus Blackwell

After waiting FIVE YEARS for a particular housing spot thanks to your broken, glitched up housing server my sister lost her dream spot. I had to open a FIFTH account so she wouldn't lose her house.

What happened is this: Sis found that the spot was finally open, and place a house. She wanted to make the foundation large so she used the resize option it demolished the new house but then WOULD NOT LET HER rebuild her new house said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!!

She and I scoured www.uo.com NOTHING! WE both checked the information database and THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT not using resize on a new house.
Now someone else has taken the spot and I'm going to have spend A disgusting amount of gold to buy it for her. Don't worry I will get it because price is a non issue with me.

I'm just disgusted that I could get NO HELP from in game CUSTOMER-NO-SERVICE. All I got was canned massages that they can not help WITH ANY HOUSING issues. So basically if you have any kind of housing problem including stuff stuck under your house or small things that GMs used to fix....YOUR SCREWED!!!!

Thanks EAMythic and Dev team ....Thanks A HELLVA lot!

Not sure sure its a housing server issue.. if your sister didnt demolish her old home before attempting to resize the house then you wouldnt be able to place cause when you placed that smaller house it started the seven day housing timer. Since she still had her old house on the same account if this is the case she wouldnt be able to place til she droped that old house.


Sorry to hear of the problems.

When you place a new house and have a house already you cannot resize the new house until you get rid of the original (1st) house.If you do try to resize,it won't allow you to,because of 1st house.When you place a new house always make sure the original house is demolished when trying a resize!


If you have a condemned house you can not use the resize option. Once you traded the condemned house you should have been able to place again.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Cloak‡1318054 said:
Actually it happens when you accept a house in a trade, or place a new house. Not knowing the rules is no excuse to blame EA.
It shouldn't let you resize if you are unable to put down a new house. This is a game fault.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wah wah wah wah wah wah



It is not EA's fault, you should quit UO since you hate EA for their poor "support."

I mean I am pretty sure your problem was more important than everything else the GMs or EA tech staff has to worry about. The reason they are so busy is because of all the crybaby people like you whining and crying when they feel they are "owed" something. You saw the spot so automatically its yours and its EAs fault that you did not read the warning when placing a new house/resizing or at least did a little research on stratics to find out that you cannot resize if you still own another condemned house...definately sounds like EAs fault...

Grow up, spend your gold and take it as a life lesson.

roflcopter soi soi soi soi soi soi



It shouldn't let you resize if you are unable to put down a new house.
This, I'll agree with.
But, if you're going to do something with something high-value, you really should understand the rules before you make a move.

Jirel has a habit of screaming bloody murder against the players/devs/game, whenever something goes wrong. Fairly often, it's her own fault, and even when this is made apparent, she'll never admit it or apologise to the people she's attacked. So, honestly, no sympathy.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A simple search on stratics after placement but before resizing would have given you the answer you needed. With over 700 posts I am sure the OP would know how.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In Jiriel's defense, where is it explained? I went looking on UO.com for the rules regarding the housing timer and had no luck finding it. I didn't look in the help database, however, but it should be in the playguide along with the housing section. I'm sure you could look through the patch notes, but you really shouldn't be made to jump through hoops to find what you're looking for, especially with something as important in-game as housing.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She did tryto place after we traded her old house to Henry Fitzroy that's my fifth acct char. She went back to the spot and tried to place....Said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!! GRRRR Well today is the Seventh day and I tried to trade her house back to her and it said that she'd have to wait ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS! We're closing our accounts. I'm through with UO. I have a account I can't place a house with, one that hasn't aged since May and no support!!! I am THROUGH with EAMythic they will not not get another penny from me....Idocers enjoy the free loot.


She did tryto place after we traded her old house to Henry Fitzroy that's my fifth acct char. She went back to the spot and tried to place....Said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!! GRRRR Well today is the Seventh day and I tried to trade her house back to her and it said that she'd have to wait ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS! We're closing our accounts. I'm through with UO. I have a account I can't place a house with, one that hasn't aged since May and no support!!! I am THROUGH with EAMythic they will not not get another penny from me....Idocers enjoy the free loot.
where are your houses


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She did tryto place after we traded her old house to Henry Fitzroy that's my fifth acct char. She went back to the spot and tried to place....Said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!! GRRRR Well today is the Seventh day and I tried to trade her house back to her and it said that she'd have to wait ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS! We're closing our accounts. I'm through with UO. I have a account I can't place a house with, one that hasn't aged since May and no support!!! I am THROUGH with EAMythic they will not not get another penny from me....Idocers enjoy the free loot.
Server? Coords?


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She did tryto place after we traded her old house to Henry Fitzroy that's my fifth acct char. She went back to the spot and tried to place....Said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!! GRRRR Well today is the Seventh day and I tried to trade her house back to her and it said that she'd have to wait ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS! We're closing our accounts. I'm through with UO. I have a account I can't place a house with, one that hasn't aged since May and no support!!! I am THROUGH with EAMythic they will not not get another penny from me....Idocers enjoy the free loot.
Give me your lootz


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lol...come back and this is the first thread I see. Nice to see some things never change around here. And Ludlim, don't hold your breath. Go back through her posting history and you will see why Kiminality said what she said about Jirel...its always the same thing, her or her sister screwed up because neither one knows what they are doing, she comes here screaming at the Devs/EA/other players, cries and waffles for a bit, then when someone (usually several someones) points out that it was her mistake, she then comes back, waffles some more and then threatens again and again to quit, which never actually happens.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
didnt you read uo stratics rules, can only offical quit uo, once every 3 weeks, you now have to wait 2 weeks for this quit to be actioned upon cya next quitting post in 4 weeks!!!!!

She did tryto place after we traded her old house to Henry Fitzroy that's my fifth acct char. She went back to the spot and tried to place....Said she had to wait SEVEN DAYS!!! GRRRR Well today is the Seventh day and I tried to trade her house back to her and it said that she'd have to wait ANOTHER SEVEN DAYS! We're closing our accounts. I'm through with UO. I have a account I can't place a house with, one that hasn't aged since May and no support!!! I am THROUGH with EAMythic they will not not get another penny from me....Idocers enjoy the free loot.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay to the people asking for coordinates ....You know so DANG MUCH Find em yourself, your THE UO FREAKING EXPERTS....otherwise...KISS OFF!

My sister and I scoured UO.COM,and the EA Knowledge base. Why should we have to come to Stratics for information.


How many times have the Stratics Staff and the EAMythic staff told us this!

FYI My sister I did check UO Stratics Castles and Courtyard and did not find the info. Obviously she missed it.

I talked to customer support by phone and they can't do anything. In game support says THEY ARE NOT ALLOW TO DO ANYTHING WITH HOUSING, PERIOD! We actually found that in the Knowledge base! Follow this URL and got to the bottom of the page!


Here is sis's first page to the GM concerning the housing mess.

Greetings, thank you for your petition.

We have searched and confirmed based off your question that information
pertaining directly to your issue can be found in our Knowledge Base in the
following article by following this link<a href="http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=141">

Our Knowledge Base is consistently updated as to ensure that the most recent
information is available to you. Should you have any difficulty finding the
information you need, don’t think the information relates to your issue, or need
assistance with the information itself, please contact us via the "Contact Us"
tab (within the Knowledge Base website). Please let us know what you searched
for, the details of your issue and we will assist you as quickly as possible.

Thank you once again for your patience and understanding. Take care!

GM Kerlean

EA.com Customer Relations

Petition history: On 07-11-2009 you asked UO support: Hi. i made a mess. i
place a house after doing so i decide to resize it. it say i hve to wait 186hrs.
i my current house will fall before then. Can you help me at least save my
current house. ty
Hi. i made a mess. i place a house after doing so i decide to resize it. it say
i hve to wait 186hr

Here's the second one!

Greetings Wyrm Guardian, thank you for your page.

Please be advised, that in game support is not able to fix bugs or assist in
house placement. This is not a service that we provide. If you would like to
see in game support assist in house placement, please submit feedback requesting
that to be a service that we introduce. You may submit feedback at the
following address.


Additional information pertaining to player housing and house placement is
available in the following knowledgebase articles:






We apologize for the inconvenience, but unfortunately, in game support is not
able to assist in placing a home or able to discuss house placement with the
player base. Thank you for playing Ultima Online.

Take care.

GM Drasaw

EA.com Customer Relations

Petition history: On 07-12-2009 you asked UO support: HELP! I resized my house,
it demolished it but then it said it couldn't place new foundation for 185
hours???? What?? I just placed the house and I wanted it bigger. I am on
Legends shard. thank you Wrym Gaurdian
HELP! I resized my house, it demolished it but then it said it couldn't place
new foundation for 18
The account didn't clear, she still can not take possesion of or place a house.
Her other account has been stuck at 99 months since May 1st and my account 3/4 of the time my characters can not be partied even though I am NOT IN A PARTY!

I have paged on all these issues and no one can help so will take my money else where. Ya'll are pathetically addicted to this game otherwise you'd see the light and leave too. Because this game is broken, they're NEVER going to fix it,They will keep taking your money and give you NO SUPPORT at all.


Via Con Dios ....Ya'll need it



All I can say is wow...maybe you need to take a break form UO. To be
this upset is a sign to go outside and get some fresh air.

Jirel of Joiry

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Deb, you are obviously a little teenager and Mommie and Daddy still pay for your accounts. Part of my RL job is customer service if we treated our customers like EAMythic does ....WE'D HAVE NO CUSTOMERS. We're a small business, I guess when you're a multi billion dollar business you can treat your customers like dog doo and the come back for more...whatever.

I work very hard for MY MONEY, I decide HOW, WHERE and WITH WHOM I spend it! Why do I want to keep paying these lazy people for broken accounts and NO CUSTOMER SERVICE?

If ya'll could see past you addiction you'd see things my way....Maybe YA'LL need the 12 step program!!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ooookay, enough of this I think...

Just FYI, as you like to point out, these aren't the official EA/Mythic forums and as such, posting your rant here because you're mad at them really doesn't do much. Might I suggest that you contact them through their feedback form to let them know how you feel?

Sorry for your housing issues, good luck with whatever game you go on to play...

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