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OPEN BETA!!!!!!!!!!!



There is an Open Beta
I am in the Open Beta
I can not talk about the Open Beta


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is for the new client :) Not the expansion content.
My end needs further testing please let me try it with SA content :)

Seriously, i had previously signed up for the closed SA beta with my old computer and i wonder if i wasn't approved because i didn't meet the system requirements. I signed up again with my new computer and can even play with KR now where i couldn't before. Do you people look at them again or just throw out the new requests 'cause we had signed up already?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
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I hearby deem this day whence forth to be known as Christmas 2 :danceb:


I understand the part about new client. Does this mean we won't be
able to see the new housing tiles etc?


I understand the part about new client. Does this mean we won't be
able to see the new housing tiles etc?
You wont be able to see the new housing tiles, they are part of the "SA content" and the general public have not been given the content.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Imagine it as Everything you have allready but in a new client with new UI and shiney new buttons and sparklies.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you didn't play KR and are new to the SA client you may wish to use the SA user guide on Spellweave.com.

Note this is a client guide only and does NOT contain any SA content.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Bedtime is it Morgana?
nite nite. :p

I am just underwhelmed once again by the 3d option. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 3d games. I love EA's 3d games. I don't love this new client.

Just like KR, I am glad everyone has the option to use it, but I am even more glad I don't have to.

For me, there is one Ultima Online, and only one.



I am just underwhelmed once again by the 3d option. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 3d games. I love EA's 3d games. I don't love this new client.

Just like KR, I am glad everyone has the option to use it, but I am even more glad I don't have to.

For me, there is one Ultima Online, and only one.
Agreed. Totally underwhelming.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Well I get a head ache after playing this. I have spent the last hour trying to adjust the graphics so there is minimal skipping and still the way the animation is it is just not for me. The targeting cursor could be a lot bigger also. Is there a way to increase it????

The only way I will play this client is if I am forced to.

I guess I will do some more reading on what to do to make this look better.


It looks like they actually dumbed down the 2d graphics... how you can actually make 13 year old graphics look WORSE, however, is beyond me.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree the Legacy graphics look dulled, and something about it killed my eyes... massive headache. I don't have this issue with SWG or SL... weird.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Okay...so as not to just complain without something to back it up...here goes:

I tested the new client briefly (although I was not selected for the beta...thanks for the customer loyalty btw...11+ years of monthly payments, and that's the thanks I get...sheesh) and I found the exact same problems that I have had with KR, and even Third Dawn to a lesser extent...

...let's take a look...

Okay, this first shot is of the 2d client. I am shown here riding my nightmare. I think we can all agree that a nightmare has the same proportions as a regular horse, and most of the usual mounts that we all use in the game...

...notice the scale of my body as it is compared to my nightmare. Notice where my feet are as they relate to the ground. Notice the proportions of the horse as to me.

Here is the "new" version. I use quotes, because I, sadly, see no change from the KR client. How this could not be addressed is beyond me. I still have no idea how the KR client, or Third Dawn, shipped with this obvious graphical error.

The nightmare, bless her heart, has seemingly gain a lot of weight...and gotten much blurrier. Not to mention, she has become a drawf horse. Now, if my proportions are the same, they cannot be the same in relation to the horse. My feet are dragging the ground, or at least they appear to be. I have included 'relief lines' to highlight my points here.

Seriously, how could this have made it past QA??!!

Next...let's look at me, Morgana LeFay herself...

Okay...so the hat has looked silly from the beginning, but the armor looks right. All one color, sleek, and flattering the figure...as it always has been.


WEIGHT GAIN 5000!!! And, why is my bustier now brown?? As if I would mix brown and light blue. Yuck!!! And what the heck is up with that hat?? As if they couldn't look worse than they did before...wow.

Next, let's take a look at one of my favorite pets...

Ah, my trusty Rune Beetle. Black with glowing blue runes on his back...very impressive looking!!


What happened??? Spray paint? Zombie-ism? This is terrible! A Rune Beetle is NOT white. Why is it white?? :coco:

(on the upside, Morgana got a boob job! Thanks for the DD's guys!!)

Now, I don't know what happened with KR, but I had some really high hopes from some of the things I had read that we would finally see some of this ... lackluster effort ... addressed in SA. But no.

I am saddened by not only the fact that the dev team basically blew off fixing the problems that alienate old school UO players from using the new client, but also by the fact that it seems that they just don't care what we think anymore. Use some common sense, it is primarily the old time players that have stuck with this game through thick and thin that pay the bills guys!!

I really didn't expect to like the new client, but I was hoping I would.

Like I said before...devs, powers that be... PLEASE!!! DO NOT DISCONTINUE THE 2D CLIENT!!!

I am afraid that would have to be my last day of UO.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay...so as not to just complain without something to back it up...here goes:

I tested the new client briefly (although I was not selected for the beta...thanks for the customer loyalty btw...11+ years of monthly payments, and that's the thanks I get...sheesh) and I found the exact same problems that I have had with KR, and even Third Dawn to a lesser extent...

...let's take a look...

Okay, this first shot is of the 2d client. I am shown here riding my nightmare. I think we can all agree that a nightmare has the same proportions as a regular horse, and most of the usual mounts that we all use in the game...

...notice the scale of my body as it is compared to my nightmare. Notice where my feet are as they relate to the ground. Notice the proportions of the horse as to me.

Here is the "new" version. I use quotes, because I, sadly, see no change from the KR client. How this could not be addressed is beyond me. I still have no idea how the KR client, or Third Dawn, shipped with this obvious graphical error.

The nightmare, bless her heart, has seemingly gain a lot of weight...and gotten much blurrier. Not to mention, she has become a drawf horse. Now, if my proportions are the same, they cannot be the same in relation to the horse. My feet are dragging the ground, or at least they appear to be. I have included 'relief lines' to highlight my points here.

Seriously, how could this have made it past QA??!!

Next...let's look at me, Morgana LeFay herself...

Okay...so the hat has looked silly from the beginning, but the armor looks right. All one color, sleek, and flattering the figure...as it always has been.


WEIGHT GAIN 5000!!! And, why is my bustier now brown?? As if I would mix brown and light blue. Yuck!!! And what the heck is up with that hat?? As if they couldn't look worse than they did before...wow.

Next, let's take a look at one of my favorite pets...

Ah, my trusty Rune Beetle. Black with glowing blue runes on his back...very impressive looking!!


What happened??? Spray paint? Zombie-ism? This is terrible! A Rune Beetle is NOT white. Why is it white?? :coco:

(on the upside, Morgana got a boob job! Thanks for the DD's guys!!)

Now, I don't know what happened with KR, but I had some really high hopes from some of the things I had read that we would finally see some of this ... lackluster effort ... addressed in SA. But no.

I am saddened by not only the fact that the dev team basically blew off fixing the problems that alienate old school UO players from using the new client, but also by the fact that it seems that they just don't care what we think anymore. Use some common sense, it is primarily the old time players that have stuck with this game through thick and thin that pay the bills guys!!

I really didn't expect to like the new client, but I was hoping I would.

Like I said before...devs, powers that be... PLEASE!!! DO NOT DISCONTINUE THE 2D CLIENT!!!

I am afraid that would have to be my last day of UO.
I agree the art is screwy ... i am still giving the rest a chance ... I also very long time player ! in the 3 hours i cannot give a valid report and we all must remember this is beta ... so i plan on playing over the weekend and strictly this client then i will decide on the beta client! report what i think sucks and then try with the new release ... thats my plan!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm on the opposite spectrum and I really don't want to be negative as I'm all for moving UO forward into the future. I've eagerly awaited the SA client and I wanted to support the new client but I flat out do not like it. I am an UOKR advocate...no 2D for me..whatsoever. I hate the 2D client after becoming accustomed to UOKR there is no going back.

That being said the SA client is worse than the UOKR client! I can't stand the legacy graphics. It's like I'm playing Ultima VII The Black Gate. If I wanted legacy graphics I'd be playing 2d Client or using something from the modder's Exchange that enables those graphics. How is this moving the game forward besides the fixes to the memory leaks?

Where are the improved graphics for christ sake? It's so damn blurry compared to UOKR.

I feel bad for you guys (the Dev's) because you can't win regardless of what you do. You can't please guys like me and you can't please the 2der's.

I don't mean to be negative but I'm totally disappointed and I'm sticking with my UOKR client memory leaks and all.

Hopefully many of the 2D players which make up the majority of UO players are happy with it and give it a go. If so..then it's a success and you guys have accomplished something you set out to do. I sincerely mean that!

But my hunch is in trying to combine parts of both clients you're simply going to **** everyone off.

Why can't UO had been takin' in the direction of a game engine such as Iron Lore used in Titan Quest? Something alone those lines?

I'll continue to support UO regardless (As long as I can have my UOKR) and I will hope someday another client will appear. One that is actually pushing the game forward in regards to improved graphics.


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Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I am just underwhelmed once again by the 3d option. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE 3d games. I love EA's 3d games. I don't love this new client.

Just like KR, I am glad everyone has the option to use it, but I am even more glad I don't have to.

For me, there is one Ultima Online, and only one.
agreed, UO is a 2d game and will always be to me, i dunno why EA keeps trying to change this in different ways, its fine as 2D, you can't compete graphic wise with games that originated in 3d just face the fact and stop wasting time producing bad graphics.... i dunno why people are excited or why they are actually downloading the client, i'm happy waiting for the expansion to come out and play 2d in it with all the changes there


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It looks like they actually dumbed down the 2d graphics... how you can actually make 13 year old graphics look WORSE, however, is beyond me.
this made me laugh but its very true, its amazing how they do this.... can you imagine how much EA could have done content wise if they never tried to make third dawn, kingdom reborn and the 3d stygian abyss client.... they could have put all those years of focus into fun things in game to do and we would have had so many more events over the years and more things to do


agreed, UO is a 2d game and will always be to me, i dunno why EA keeps trying to change this in different ways,
Have you tried the new client? It uses the 2D artwork for most things. I think you may be jumping to conclusions without trying it first.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

agreed, UO is a 2d game and will always be to me, i dunno why EA keeps trying to change this in different ways, its fine as 2D, you can't compete graphic wise with games that originated in 3d just face the fact and stop wasting time producing bad graphics.... i dunno why people are excited or why they are actually downloading the client, i'm happy waiting for the expansion to come out and play 2d in it with all the changes there
I have to disagree to an extent.

EA has some really talented 3d artists...look at this...

Can you imagine if they made Ultima look this good??!!

So that begs the question...why the **** do they mess around with half-baked 2d/3d hybrids?? Just make a 3d engine and be done with it!!! I don't mind UO turning into a 3d game...as long as it is not a 3d game that looks like a forth grade art class did it!

The new client is an embarrassment. It is embarrassing for 2d legacy players, because things that used to look really good now look abysmally awful, and it is an embarrassment to people that want to see new cutting edge 3d graphics. There was a Diablo clone made by some guys in their basement, Darkstone, that came out many many years ago. It tried the same 2d/3d hybrid approach, and to some extent...they pulled it off better than KR/SA because they had less to live up to...

EA/Mythic needs to either give up on making UO a 3D game, or just say "F IT!!" and do it RIGHT! This middle ground thing is like the Malaysia of video games...some where between a real boy and a wood puppet.


UO Forum Moderator
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You know, it really makes me want to groan every time I hear people referring to SA as a "3D" client.

The devs have even stated on record that it IS NOT A 3D CLIENT.

It is a NEW client. that's all.

Eyes of Origin

Ok finally downloaded.. omg was looking forward to seeing the new graphics, now i have a big headache... not from the graphics, but ugh :( I love being able to read what people are saying in game or casting, etc... I figured out how to change my fonts for the chat box, but cant change anything in game, which means I need to look at the chat box constantly to see anything. If I missed it somewhere someone please tell me where to change it. Maybe its just late and I'm tired.

I dont like the paperdolls, chargers look uhm yea.. you get the point. Swampies however look f'n awesome lol love the changes to them.
Even on a newer computer and upgraded graphics card it seems very choppy to me.
I so want to play a new client, but this 2d/3d this isnt going to cut it :(
I've seen what EA can do with 3d graphics as well and either we go to something like that or we leave UO alone and keep it 2D. Maybe they dont see it as being worth it because of losing players and accounts, but I know a lot of ppl who are going to close accounts or keep them open based off this new client and from what I've seen so far, I'm afraid more are going to close them. I dont want to say this, but some are looking for graphics like you find in *whispers* WoW and other 3D games.
I'm gonna leave the new client alone for tonight, but take a look at it tomorrow after I've slept and see what I think then, but right now I'm sticking to 2D.


Haven't tried it yet (still patching), but I will say that the patcher is pretty swanky looking.

Good thing too, if I have to spend even half the time I spent patching KR on SA.


Now, I don't know what happened with KR, but I had some really high hopes from some of the things I had read that we would finally see some of this ... lackluster effort ... addressed in SA. But no.

I am saddened by not only the fact that the dev team basically blew off fixing the problems that alienate old school UO players from using the new client, but also by the fact that it seems that they just don't care what we think anymore. Use some common sense, it is primarily the old time players that have stuck with this game through thick and thin that pay the bills guys!!

I really didn't expect to like the new client, but I was hoping I would.

Like I said before...devs, powers that be... PLEASE!!! DO NOT DISCONTINUE THE 2D CLIENT!!!

I am afraid that would have to be my last day of UO.
I did not bother to quote everything, but I am hoping you know what you posted.

First picture...Perception has changed, your proportions have not changed, if you look at something from the side, and then move to a nearly over head view....you will notice it "seems" like you are now walking on the ground. >.>

paperdoll.... O.K. that sucks.

RuneBeetle....Give you this one too....Of course saying they are not white is like telling the creator of the game what color things are meant to be. :p But again, I give you this one...

Now, the Artwork is what was complained about and it was addressed, the Character models...Might not have been, but I am sure if you keep complaining they will be addressed. >.>

I normally would accuse any nay sayers to something crooked, but I am close to sure I know you well enough to not say anything like that about you. I will however add that it is very sad to see that once again graphics are going to be the deciding factor of how well a game does, seriously...it is not that important if you can play on it. I will say that today I am having some issues with the SA client...Not sure why but it insists I am pinging at 400+ms and trust me, it seems like I am as well, it also seems broken in terms of fluidness but that might just be because it thinks I am pinging at 400+. This may be an unrelated issue but it seems as if my mouse is "floating" around in the 2d client now....ever since I tried to run the SA client today...but meh.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
there are 2d tile, why dont import the 2d animation instead of make this kind of genetic mutation of everything? :p

I hope that swamp dragon has no more enormus wings and 4 legs like in KR...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I may be naive, but I cannot understand why they cannot do 2 things that can save uo .
1) get equipment that is state of the art on the server end.
2) redo the uo client in it's entirety on the best, newest engine that money can buy and rescue this game from extinction.
....take the uo concept as is and rework it with the "state of the art" technology that is available. I have looked at Beta and it was a big disappointment from the get go.
It lacks distinct sharp color ,the artwork is squished,and the basic draw of UO is lost in the animation they have chosen.
If we are going to lose 2d,at least do it with class and wow us!


Some of the features are nice; to bad the new client was hit with a ugly stick.

I think it might actually look worse than the original client.

well... it seems a like a big step backwards from KR.


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a castle owner i love that i can see the whole house with the 2d artwork and most of the right dyed items.

Theres a few problems with my deco in this client because i cannot go through my southern second level archway and i've sent a bug report. It only happens in my castle


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have to disagree to an extent.

EA has some really talented 3d artists...look at this...

Can you imagine if they made Ultima look this good??!!

So that begs the question...why the **** do they mess around with half-baked 2d/3d hybrids?? Just make a 3d engine and be done with it!!! I don't mind UO turning into a 3d game...as long as it is not a 3d game that looks like a forth grade art class did it!

The new client is an embarrassment. It is embarrassing for 2d legacy players, because things that used to look really good now look abysmally awful, and it is an embarrassment to people that want to see new cutting edge 3d graphics. There was a Diablo clone made by some guys in their basement, Darkstone, that came out many many years ago. It tried the same 2d/3d hybrid approach, and to some extent...they pulled it off better than KR/SA because they had less to live up to...

EA/Mythic needs to either give up on making UO a 3D game, or just say "F IT!!" and do it RIGHT! This middle ground thing is like the Malaysia of video games...some where between a real boy and a wood puppet.
im not saying EA is bad at creating 3d games, im saying they should not try to turn a 2d game into a 3d one... when a game originates in 3d then it usually looks good


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How is this moving the game forward besides the fixes to the memory leaks?
Sometimes you need to take a little step back in order to get those that are behind to catch up. I think that is what they are trying to do now. The playerbase of UO is unique I think in that many have never played any other MMO. Ever. They are not used to hotbars, macros and whatnot. They are accustomed to 2D, that is UO for them. Some of the KR advocates calls them luddite, but in order for UO to "move forward" and to survive - these are needed players, needed subscribers. KR failed the moment it was released. Fell to the ground and it could never have risen from that, never overcome that initial first impression.

SA is a new start, and hopefully it will be easier to adjust to SA than KR. I do think 2D has to go, eventually. When it does - UO will probably lose some subscribers, I don`t think that can be avoided. But the numbers of those that leave will hopefully be less with SA there. Then we can probably start getting some updated graphics and move UO into the next century.

What devoted KR users can do now is to share that wealth of experience you now have, with macros and mods and skins and whatnot - making the transition easier for the rest of us.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes you need to take a little step back in order to get those that are behind to catch up. I think that is what they are trying to do now. The playerbase of UO is unique I think in that many have never played any other MMO. Ever. They are not used to hotbars, macros and whatnot. They are accustomed to 2D, that is UO for them. Some of the KR advocates calls them luddite, but in order for UO to "move forward" and to survive - these are needed players, needed subscribers. KR failed the moment it was released. Fell to the ground and it could never have risen from that, never overcome that initial first impression.

SA is a new start, and hopefully it will be easier to adjust to SA than KR. I do think 2D has to go, eventually. When it does - UO will probably lose some subscribers, I don`t think that can be avoided. But the numbers of those that leave will hopefully be less with SA there. Then we can probably start getting some updated graphics and move UO into the next century.

What devoted KR users can do now is to share that wealth of experience you now have, with macros and mods and skins and whatnot - making the transition easier for the rest of us.
Well I sincerely hope that it does just that. Bring along other players.

I'm not resistant to change but I want change for the better. I don't want a 3D UO. I've never been a fan of 3D games but I do want to see smoother, cleaner, more detailed 2D graphics even better than what UOKR had. SA client is just the opposite. Instead the graphics are worse than UOKR. At some point UO needs to be taken into the direction of a Titan Quest engine or something alone those lines. Titan Quest was a great graphic engine.

What I don't want to do is be playing a game that is running on graphics designed circa 1997 and that is what we have going on now with the SA client with the awful legacy graphics.

I'm friggin' burn out on those godawful graphics Ultima VII graphics.

So again I hope the masses are pleased. I hope SA is a success.