Why am I getting this message on one of my guys but no others?
It's stuck. Been like this for 30 mins tonight.
I've had this problem before at random times and someone told me to buy a pen and try to make something and that usually fixed the problem, but now I can't get it to work. Maybe I forgot what was told to me.
Can anyone help? Thank you.
Edit: Just thought I'd update and say I'm not even sure I've played this guy much at all since I reactivated this account. No idea why it'd be doing this. Would greatly appreciate some help. Trying not to page a GM unless I absolutely have to because it's not a character I play a lot, but it bugs the heck out of me not to be able to use his skills.
It's stuck. Been like this for 30 mins tonight.
I've had this problem before at random times and someone told me to buy a pen and try to make something and that usually fixed the problem, but now I can't get it to work. Maybe I forgot what was told to me.
Can anyone help? Thank you.
Edit: Just thought I'd update and say I'm not even sure I've played this guy much at all since I reactivated this account. No idea why it'd be doing this. Would greatly appreciate some help. Trying not to page a GM unless I absolutely have to because it's not a character I play a lot, but it bugs the heck out of me not to be able to use his skills.