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Sonoma PvP Thread (v. 3.02)

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And Vhinn...Romeo and Dubie are decent Pvp'ers, I thought you were talking about Sugar or spice or someone else. And your second to last picture was like at LEAST 3 years ago. So that kinda kills your point.
Not saying Dubie is a bad PvPer. He has good defence, but his offensive isn't the best. Just an observation.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
LOL Six... beautiful screenies..my kill shot..2 points...you should have seen later. Selk/ Grimmy was all mouth at the gate. I told the folks in vent to wait a few secs before attacking him and fielded up their house..sure enough..he runs for the house to find it all locked up.

Result = dead. That coward is completely worthless if he cant hide or run into a house. Like always, we were laughing our asses off at him. He then decided to just hang in the gate and pop in and out. Whatever else he may be, his toons are all worthless window licking pee themself cowards. He was so upset, you could hear him crying through the OoooooOoos.

All in all..not a good night for COP. I think the only one who didn't go stat was Spice, because she was smart enough to simply log off. Everyone else..and I mean everyone...black and white baby..black and white!

I have been seeing a sign of the times with cop lately. I have killed so many lately and none of them are giving me points anymore. This means they are not getting kills on us or anyone else. Just another sign that the headless body is twitching its last. Their biggest nightly decision lately has been what house to fight from. LAWLS!!!!!! :loser:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like how Vhinn posted whole bounch of screenies and none of them are SCAM money shot. And many of them are obvious gank shots. I like how next to most of the cops you killed I mean "stealth pop ganked" there's a scam next to them.

What's even more funny is if you ask III me and goldberg tried to kill them while they are gate hiding and resulted me getting guardwacked and somehow Vhinn is there to take a screenshot of his mouse cursor over my "guardwacked" corpse and claim it a kill without even touching me once... Really hardcore PvPer there tough guy. And I also like how Jack died to cop grinder in starroom and you just again, SKILLFULLY placed your mouse cursor over his corpse that you have not even touched once... and claim it a kill... and your brave soul took all these wannabe screenies while "HIDDEN"...

Yes I also agree that you will fit in very very very very well if you joined COP. You got Ruffles and Sugar and Spice... you know those who with same skill level as you do, fighting by your side. And Ruffles will be willing to do "supportive pvping" all day long just for you.

You are the least I worry about on the field, because even ruffles will try to dismount me while I am at full health if I am attacking her friends. And you the mighty Vhinn do not attack until someone is 1. Dismounted (then you will disarm HL gank) and redlined. 2. Redlined and disarmed by someone else. or 3. Freshly Rezzed, and Naked. 4. AFK

Sorry but you are too "good" of a PvPer on your brave little stealther smoke bomb template that I take ANY noob cop stealth archer more seriously than you do. I mean the only time I really have to worry about you is if I am taking a rez anyways.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since the almighty stealther Vhinn has no idea what's a proper non-ganking, non-rezkilling, non-hiding real 1v1 money shot... and quite possibly have never ever had the ability to get one on his own here's an example Vhinn...

Vhinn, I will even try to explain it just for you :thumbsup:

1. There's no other player(s) on your screen that obviously would have done something harmful to the victim you killed. Otherwise this is what people called a "gank". Not "skilled" pvp play as you seem to convince yourself to believe so.

2. No "You are attacking XXXXX[COP]!!!" followed immediately by "XX00 gold has been deposited into your bank box." This indicates a stealth pop gank kill or a rez kill. Pop shots and rez kills is again NOT skill as you seem to assume these are.

3. No "You are attacking XXXXX[Min]!!!" followed immediately by "You have earned 40 pieces for vanquishing........." This indicates what happened in 2. but the victim is in a opposing faction. Again if you still firmly believe this is pure skill pwnage please read 2. again.

4. No mouse over random corpse you found on the ground and claim it as a kill. Mouse over a corpse while HIDDEN and take a screenshot doesnt mean you wtfpwned him/her... it's simply not... please believe me... you didnt even touch him... and taking screenshot isnt PvP skill...

5. No mouse over random ghost and take a screenshot that obviously had no corpse nearby... and claim a kill... Most likely the player has logged or went afk. You didnt even "touch" him... YES FINE... you "touched" a ghost with your mouse cursor... but that doesnt mean anything... really...

6. Try to take a screenshot after you have gotten a kill that was not included in condition 1 thru 5 (i know its going to be very hard for you) try to take the screenshot even if someone is attacking you. It makes you look better, and smoke bomb, hide, stealth, run in straight line are NOT the only way to survive in UO PvP... trust me please vhinn, a lot of players can do this without smokebomb AND hiding AND stealth OR dip in straight line if your smokebomb is on cooldown, hiding is on reuse timer.

Really it's possible... good luck learn to PvP and taking screenshots properly. :thumbsup:

Peace out.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like how Vhinn posted whole bounch of screenies and none of them are SCAM money shot. And many of them are obvious gank shots. I like how next to most of the cops you killed I mean "stealth pop ganked" there's a scam next to them.
OH OK you want SCAM money shots. Well be clear little girl. I haven't played much in a couple weeks, been having fun doing other things. But the last time I came to the gate to have a little fun, I only got this one. And before you need to bust out the tissues, no I don't care what you think about it being a res kill, and NO again, I don't care what you think about my mom, and NO I don't care what your excuses are for dying to me, or to cop, or anyone else for that matter. Everyone in the shots I post knows they got pwned. They don't need you to hold their hands. Thanks for playing. I appreciate the donations.

And this is why I just don't care about fighting SCAM much. Cause we all know that SCAM can't pvp and needs at least 4 people in any fight. I believe this was right after Skull talked mad trash and said he could pvp, and kill me solo... Yea ok, keep telling yourself that. haha "I'll fight you solo anytime Bal." haha Sure you will. Noob. Not only did you try to gank me 4 on 1, but you failed miserably, like usual. And oh yea, I dont ever use smoke bombs. Noob. By the way, do I need to scroll back and post all 20 of those money shots again, where I'm in 3 vs 1's? Or can you go back and read for yourself? Mine are in dungeons fighting multiple targets, yours is some noob at the gate. Go fight somewhere meaningfull. That show is boring....?

When you post even ONE action shot like this one below, of you ON the island, fighting MULTIPLE people, SOLO, AND getting the kills, because hey, I killed them all... then I MIGHT be impressed by anything you say or do. Until then, you're a mouth with no skill like the rest of your guild. Look closely too, I killed King Leonidis! The leader of the brave 300! Comon... that's just hillarious. (cop zerg... brave 300...?) I know, the subtle humor is lost on you. Noob.

Here's another 5 on 1... you only see the 3... but um, your SCAM guildmate was dead (AGAIN) and I was fighting them solo, alive, and getting kills...



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry guys I tried to explain...

1st screenshot is condition 2. And it fits exactly. Epic Fail Vhinn Epic Fail.

And whats the point of 2nd screenshot? I FREQUENTLY have 8+ cop all attacking me at once and I would survive without "HIDING" and "STEALTH" and "Smokebomb". Wow so more than one(1) person attacked you... you smokebomb like a PvP champ. I dont know maybe you think using smokebomb is also uber pwnage... but when I use smokebomb they work 100% of the time like a out of jail free card... your smokebombs involve some serious PvP skill and macro combination and super timing to pull off or something? Sorry but I really dont see your point.

Oh some good shots for killing COPs morning crew... good for you. You really pwn them Vhinn... good for you :thumbsup:

OH OK you want SCAM money shots. Well be clear little girl. I haven't played much in a couple weeks, been having fun doing other things. But the last time I came to the gate to have a little fun, I only got this one. And before you need to bust out the tissues, no I don't care what you think about it being a res kill, and NO again, I don't care what you think about my mom, and NO I don't care what your excuses are for dying to me, or to cop, or anyone else for that matter. Everyone in the shots I post knows they got pwned. They don't need you to hold their hands. Thanks for playing. I appreciate the donations.

And this is why I just don't care about fighting SCAM much. Cause we all know that SCAM can't pvp and needs at least 4 people in any fight. I believe this was right after Skull talked mad trash and said he could pvp, and kill me solo... Yea ok, keep telling yourself that. haha "I'll fight you solo anytime Bal." haha Sure you will. Noob. Not only did you try to gank me 4 on 1, but you failed miserably, like usual. And oh yea, I dont ever use smoke bombs. Noob. By the way, do I need to scroll back and post all 20 of those money shots again, where I'm in 3 vs 1's? Or can you go back and read for yourself? Mine are in dungeons fighting multiple targets, yours is some noob at the gate. Go fight somewhere meaningfull. That show is boring....?


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And whats the point of 2nd screenshot? I FREQUENTLY have 8+ cop all attacking me at once and I would survive without "HIDING" and "STEALTH" and "Smokebomb". Wow so more than one(1) person attacked you... you smokebomb like a PvP champ. I dont know maybe you think using smokebomb is also uber pwnage... but when I use smokebomb they work 100% of the time like a out of jail free card... your smokebombs involve some serious PvP skill and macro combination and super timing to pull off or something? Sorry but I really dont see your point.
Did you just miss the part where I said I dont ever use smokebombs...? Obviously you do tho.... :loser: haha And um, you get attacked by 5 cop from a house, with at least 4 guildmates healing you. I do it all solo. Grow a pair. You have no skill. You NEED guildmates. haha I also don't think we have to mention the fact that you're using an archer, with a dread war horse there? That in itself says everything we need to know about YOU. Bye now. I don't respond to tamer archers who post pictures of killing noobs. And I especially dont need to prove ANYTHING to you. haha One kill shot on a dread war horse. HAHAHAH I could post 10000 of me using my dread. What fun is that?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Did you just miss the part where I said I dont ever use smokebombs...? Obviously you do tho.... :loser: haha And um, you get attacked by 5 cop from a house, with at least 4 guildmates healing you. I do it all solo. Grow a pair. You have no skill. You NEED guildmates. haha I also don't think we have to mention the fact that you're using an archer, with a dread war horse there? That in itself says everything we need to know about YOU. Bye now. I don't respond to tamer archers who post pictures of killing noobs. And I especially dont need to prove ANYTHING to you. haha One kill shot on a dread war horse. HAHAHAH I could post 10000 of me using my dread. What fun is that?
Wow I feel for you. You cant even use the full potential of your template... sigh... Perhaps to create a macro for smokebomb might be too difficult for you. I mean you got so many keys you gotta push now. Hiding on 2/3 of the keys on your keyboard, a few bottoms for Pri. Special and a few for 2ndary special. And a key you can hold down for holylight. You're main has always been a stealther so it's extremely funny for someone who has no pair to tell another to grow a pair... hypocrit? You are like cops. You are a stealther, if you have a pair and are actually good at PvP, then Ruffles is definetely the Queen of Pure Mage Duelist. Oh yea and maybe you think pushing hiding key takes an uber tons of skill too. And last time I checked at GM hiding I can hide and enter stealth 100% of the time after breaking the LoS or have enough tiles between you and attackers. Well I guess keeping the distance for hiding is easy for you, because if you are not hidden you are running in straight line out of my screen...

Maybe your hiding key takes some mad skill to push? Made me really interested in how your macros are setup to make a stealther so hard to play :blushing:.

harrypotted III

Oh moneyshots? You mean like these? By the way, tell that SCAM I said stop dying. He died like 3 times. To COP's morning crew... um yea. Nuff said.

Again almost all of these pictures are ganks and/or have no money shot. The picture of me dead wasn't even from you lmao. Congrats on walking up to my body and taking a pic, I know thats the only way you'll get a pic of me dead because you sure as hell can't kill me 1v1.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm just reposting a pic someone else did... but oh how interesting...


Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Again almost all of these pictures are ganks and/or have no money shot. The picture of me dead wasn't even from you lmao. Congrats on walking up to my body and taking a pic, I know thats the only way you'll get a pic of me dead because you sure as hell can't kill me 1v1.
Do I need to go back and quote you that I killed you with one holy light? Alright then. HAHA You're a noob.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you accusing me of something? Because if you ARE, AND you're posting a picture of a supposed bug... I'd say you'll be losing your posting priviledges here in a few.... Which would be rather funny. haha

I'm just reposting a pic someone else did... but oh how interesting...

harrypotted III

Do I need to go back and quote you that I killed you with one holy light? Alright then. HAHA You're a noob.
Please do. It'll show that you GANKED me and claimed it as a kill for yourself. Which would prove the point we are trying to make which is that you can only gank and res kill.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you accusing me of something? Because if you ARE, AND you're posting a picture of a supposed bug... I'd say you'll be losing your posting priviledges here in a few.... Which would be rather funny. haha
I dont even know what that symblo means. Please clearify? And Vexxed said it's interesting I guess because your cut off screenshot matched some kind of interesting symbol... If you would enlighten me what is Vexxed trying to "accuse" you of?

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's ok Hairy. Your bruised pride will heal. But we'll always have that one holy light. I think it's funny that you and your girlfriends are so sad you're trying to gank me on a message board too. HAHAH I'm in a guild of one, I only fight solo 99 times out of 100, and yet you're accusing me of GANKING SCAM. HAHAHA I guess I'm a one man zerg. Nice.

Please do. It'll show that you GANKED me and claimed it as a kill for yourself. Which would prove the point we are trying to make which is that you can only gank and res kill.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't see that they match at all, the top of MY icon is pointed, whereas the top of the one that YOU posted is not... The top half of yours is grey, whereas the top half of mine is white... So I'm guessing that you posted something you shouldn't have. Cause welll, you're SCAM... Not only your name... but your uo profession I hear.

I dont even know what that symblo means. Please clearify? And Vexxed said it's interesting I guess because your cut off screenshot matched some kind of interesting symbol... If you would enlighten me what is Vexxed trying to "accuse" you of?

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What do you know about in-game allowed stealing a butt load of shrouds today, before the hot fix? Woof.


Its not really stealing, Its more like picking up something that Uo dropped. Hopefully its still doing it in about 3 hours :thumbsup:

Don't cry about it, Its a freebee!! Its not like you only got one robe and that one dropped to the ground.


HAHAH I'm in a guild of one, I only fight solo 99 times out of 100, and yet you're accusing me of GANKING SCAM.

Bal…you only fight solo 99% of the time? Almost ALL the screen shots of yours in dispise were a fight that scam was in as well. In that fight you were not attacking scam and scam wasn’t attacking you. In fact all you were doing was helping scam kill the cop. You with the death strikes did get several of the kill shots and that’s sweet. BUT you did not do these alone by any means. I think you even gave props to Goldberg(who was in a couple of the screen shots) on how he handled things(like he always does).
Yea I did spawns and looked for COP all morning long... I didn't find a one. I got so bored I actually DID SOME SPAWNS. I never do that. Spawns are boring. I don't remember going to Fel and not finding at least 2 or 3 of the "morning COPS" doing a spawn... After the weekend beatdown me and GOLDBERG gave them... I'm not shocked. You have good instincts GOLDBERG, that was fun! I actually miss pvpin with someone who knows what button to push and when.
Most of your screen shots of fel yew fights were with the help of others to, me being one of them (before scam made you kos). Again the death strike along with many others attacking does great for getting you the kill shot. Its like me when we call shots in scam, we all attack but because I do a lot of damage I seem to get the kill shot a lot. I didn’t do it alone and I don’t brag that I got a kill. I know it took a team to win these fights.

You use stealth MUCH more now because you don’t have anyone helping you. Maybe get past your own ego and join a guild. Being solo the only screen shots your going to get are the res kills and the ghosts you may come across. When your with help(as everyone is) you are way better.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't see that they match at all, the top of MY icon is pointed, whereas the top of the one that YOU posted is not... The top half of yours is grey, whereas the top half of mine is white... So I'm guessing that you posted something you shouldn't have. Cause welll, you're SCAM... Not only your name... but your uo profession I hear.
Read my guild name, and tell me that I care? I am living up to the name of a supposedly bully guild... I mean at least I actually have a pair and play a real mage and dont turtle on a cop-ish template as main pvp character, vhinn, that is very very well known on sonoma to do nothing but pop gank shots and rezkilling "uber" pvp.

Hehe again nice either way next time you need to cut off your screenshots better, because given I have no idea what that cool symbol means but seems like you are very concerned about it... Vexxed didnt put in any detail about what that icon is, but you SURELY are really quick in implying vexxed "accusing" you of something that I have no clue... It's clear that you know exactly what that is... again please elighten me. ;)

I can make my task tab back ground any color I want I can even make the background glow if I want... didnt you know that already?

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bal…you only fight solo 99% of the time? Almost ALL the screen shots of yours in dispise were a fight that scam was in as well. In that fight you were not attacking scam and scam wasn’t attacking you. In fact all you were doing was helping scam kill the cop. You with the death strikes did get several of the kill shots and that’s sweet. BUT you did not do these alone by any means. I think you even gave props to Goldberg(who was in a couple of the screen shots) on how he handled things(like he always does).
I gave Goldberg credit for having some pvp sense. I did not in any way give him props for being a good pvpER. He was dead half the time I was there. Most of those shots he didn't even get one hit on the people I was attacking. He helped with 2 or 3 of those kills I believe. The rest he was either dead or too slow to keep up. He died at least 2 or 3 times... I didn't die once.. That was against cops worst... whatever. CONGRATS GOLDBERG! haha


No Kid I am not a Cop member, I am Kyrite AKA Houdini of Thugz,
I am sure you heard of me :D .....

So my statment is True, and To be honest My account was stolen bye Six Guild a few years back, however Six today Runs around with my Bokuto, "Owned By Leathernott" So it would be nice running around with something of sixunders. so we are even...
get it right and tell it how it is.

our GM hack did all that, no one did anythign but him and Sadi he gave it to me to use. hack sold his account and he sold it with his account. way different than you make it sound.

is more the principle six, you run about with my bokuto, i am gonna buy your bow and run around with that...


I gave Goldberg credit for having some pvp sense. I did not in any way give him props for being a good pvpER. He was dead half the time I was there. Most of those shots he didn't even get one hit on the people I was attacking. He helped with 2 or 3 of those kills I believe. The rest he was either dead or too slow to keep up. He died at least 2 or 3 times... I didn't die once.. That was against cops worst... whatever. CONGRATS GOLDBERG! haha
Well when you are playing a stealther template then you should not die, goldberg was on a mage so more then likely he had every cop on him while u hid and waited for the time to attack. You can't brag about not dying when you are not showing. If you are going to brag about not dying then you might as well leave your character down in despise all day hidden so that way you can brag that you stood in despise for 12 hours and noone could kill you.:coco:

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't hate cause I got 90 percent of the kills and your guild member was dead for most of it... I'll brag that I did better than your scam sister all I like. Jealous much? You're acting like me having 300 LESS skill points to work with is BETTER than his template...? Do the math. I'm just better. Get over it. All I hear is excuses from you girls. Anytime someone kills you it HAD to be the RNG system working in their favor. Or SCAM accusing others of cheating... that's amazingly funny. haha

Well when you are playing a stealther template then you should not die, goldberg was on a mage so more then likely he had every cop on him while u hid and waited for the time to attack. You can't brag about not dying when you are not showing. If you are going to brag about not dying then you might as well leave your character down in despise all day hidden so that way you can brag that you stood in despise for 12 hours and noone could kill you.:coco:

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone actually seen this loser for the last few days? I have been on and about quite a bit for the last 3 days. Only thing I have seen of this pup is board warring. I don't see him accepting any challenges, fighting anywhere or really doing much of anything...at all. :loser:

Waste of time. This guy has no balls and does nothing. Just put him on ignore here on the boards, until he/she/it mans up. No game impact at all.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Anyone actually seen this loser for the last few days? I have been on and about quite a bit for the last 3 days. Only thing I have seen of this pup is board warring. I don't see him accepting any challenges, fighting anywhere or really doing much of anything...at all. :loser:

Waste of time. This guy has no balls and does nothing. Just put him on ignore here on the boards, until he/she/it mans up. No game impact at all.
He's a stealther... and we are too slow to keep up anyways when he tries to go for an uber skilled stealther rezkill which will FORCE her out of her PvP "survival" mode. Given that hes stealthed most of the time like COPs and he pays $15 a mo to own the whole fel without anyone in fel knowing that hes even there owning and preforming his uber PvP skills with three(3) whole skills dedicated to turn PvP mode off when baddies are attacking her. Please join COP then you should at least make a tiny difference with those friendly "stealthers" 100% just like yourself fighting by your side wile you stay hidden and wait for that rezkill or redline kill shot stealthing gank. Seriously, you will do much better if you were in COP. COP is like a guild with like 30+ Vhinns in it. Everyone knows this.

Oh yea, your mage skill is very decent, I almost felt like fighting NoMercy but he did a bit better than you. Keep it up. Grow a pair and play some real template with no PvP mode on-off bottom built-in. Welcome to Fel.


Legendary Assassin
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hunter and other mods i have to apologize for posting this in its own thread but its just so in your face to everything cop says and so funny at the same time i couldn't help myself. :D

twas the night before xmas and what do i see? 2 Cop in despise without oodles of them there, i was in shock i thought no way i am dreaming!

so i begin to do what i do best and that is kill and on my 4th best player be lucky i dont have Sixunder, Dkong or Asmadi here. i slaughtered at will, yes at will.
i took about 45 pictures but im just gonna post the ones for my xmas story.

well first there was 2 and daddy was bad...

and oh ya poison tink was blue and of course prolly to scared to be a oj but this time a rat stole my kill.

after what do i see, 2 more cop which make 4 and oops i did it again.

so then daddy goes back to loot all the bodies and what do i see even more cop but guess what there is no house there. so what do they do?
LMFAO "hey field it all up we got one guy out there!" and about this time or so Jimmy came down to try and help.

so i go around and holy cat feces there is even more! LOL

and then even more stealthers come out, lets see i dont know how many have hiding that were there, but there was alot. and at this pointas normal without 324234 dismounters one of em is gonna get ya no matter how much dci you have so of course i have ninja and as normal fighting the odds i was i went into dog form and i FINALLY died.. but it was not you cop.. so sorry to say. do you see the lines of words on my screen somehow i got bugged where i couldnt use my ninja:< so even though i may have stated EA decided to help you out cause 9 vs 1 must not of been enough:<

and this one is just a comedy note i thought i would share with yall since you were big bad mofos thinking you did something incredible by calling player after player after player.

your guild post after post after post about your quality of pvp and how you dont die, how you guys kill us all the time. and of course the whole shard laughs but this was the perfect example of how just one guy when there is no house for cop to pre cast/plan/dump etc. to gank someone is no better than a group of goats killing chickens at jhelom farms.

So a thank you goes out too...
Poison Tink
Merc Monkey
Ophelia Immortal
Robin yer Hood
and one more i wont list cause i cant read it just right in the journal shot picture.

this last part is for sugar and spice since sugar decided to run her mouth as i left as a ghost. whatever other scam members have done to ya guys in the past sorry, some people do things just cause they can and they dont care, and some of my guys are like that its not my business what my guys do im not there father. i usually dont care but COP crossed the line, i had nothing to do with our guilds past. i was polite i asked to speak with spice i found her icq cause i found out she was in fl and they booted them. and i have friends every where so gettin it was easy. but still i was very polite. "hey this is sixunder could i buy my bow please? could i trade for it?"and no response i said in the pvp thread i moved on and i will get something even better than what i had. but i just wanted to say something before i post this picture. i am not a thief, i have given more to more people on more shards than your entire shard combined mark my words on that. i have 2 castles on baja that hold nothing but weapons, val weps, val armor you name it i have it by the thousands. and i have always treated people right. All this does is show everyone once again what kind of guild Cop really is.

i am a pk, murder, rez killing p.o.s. in game but that is where i draw the line i do anything i can to help people.
so just remember karma is a pancake, i dont know maybe you'll step on a a rake and ram it through your forehead maybe you go to log in and all your characters are deleted. who knows but i promise you.. you will get yours. Because not only did you take something that is not yours, you took it from someone who could of gave you triple whats it worth with no problem. you wouldnt even talk to me, the rest of your guild have made asses of themselves on here and you have followed suit.
so enjoy it! have fun with it, but keep your eyes out!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice pwnage there man, good job and I see you dont need the big bad stealthing hiding run away tactics like our "new" PvP God does.

The new PvP God is definately the greatest Mr. Pink the 2nd. I mean Mr. Pink is still the biggest PvP God because he doesnt have hiding on each and every single one of his character he just use the RUN IN STRAIGHT LINE tactics, and he can play a mage... sorry Pink Jr. you are not quite there at Mr. Pink's level but you are now officially known to all sonomans as the great Pink Jr. :thumbsup:

I mean you claim to be everything our beloved Mr. Pink used to claim afterall. Good job. Now go rezkill more people kk. gg.

I edited the name out since this isnt PvP thread.

Widow Maker

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought it was a wonderful heart warming story. I had the urge to go get some warm tea and scones. I don't know about ya'll but I got warm fuzzy feelings about it.

When I think of the damage Six is going to do with the new Heavy x-bow I made for him.. *shudder*. I make things that kill people, and this one...well...we have a man..with revenge on his mind..and kick ass weapons in hand...*plays taps*..I think Six is going to have quite a few more pics to share.

I would feel sorry for Sugar and Spice, because I know they went up several notches in the KOS list...but I don't. :thumbsup:

COP is dead.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm beginning to wonder if you 2 are all talk or what? Considering right before I killed Mercutio, um, he, um, killed a SCAM. Then I killed Mercutio... I would have to do the math like this: (Mercution + SCAM) < Vhinn. I'm sure cop appreciates the compliment. I only logged on tho to get a few screenshots to shut you up. I think I hear the sound of mouths clapping shut. Hey, I hear COP is recruiting, you two would fit in gloriously. By the way, can you say "like" more in one paragraph? Wow.

COP is like a guild with like 30+ Vhinns in it. Everyone knows this.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW read your own post replying to my screenshot killing romeo using a "skilless tamer". I thought using a noobie zero skill dread nobie horse is only for noobs. This is even more funny now. So without all the PvP off bottoms only way you can kill is if you use a dread horse? That's still not 1v1 hehe.

You know the word... Hypocrit?

Mr. Pink Jr. you gotta try harder... play some real templates jeez...
Your screenshot didnt shut me up at all, only proved what everyone on sonoma refers you as "no skill rezkiller" and a typical cop "stealther". And your screenshots also proved that you really cannot kill on your own with your main PvPer. Oh wait COP started the whole dismount all kill archer too. Sorry Pinky YOU are already a COP as far as I concern, cept you wont attack anyone that's not redlined and disarmed/dismounted.

Get some skill and play a real non-cop template?

Oh yea if you want to play without hiding and according to yourself, noobie tamer, and wanna finally grow a pair and do some 1v1 mage vs mage I will be there. ^^

Mercutio is a joke as a mage, I am suprisied you felt proud for killing her on a cop style "Dismount Tamer". Good job there.

Oh and I see Ipsie a lot just like those gzone hugging bluebies, and when is the last time you see me play Ipmotap? I made him for pure laugh factor to show COP how everyone can just dismount all kill and moving shot spam to "own" PvP. I only played it once and I killed one of the ex-cops that was considered "good" at PvPing.

So the only Red char you can play is a stealther eh...

Dismount tamer is one of the least skilled template in whole UO, and stealthers are right up there. Next time even if you see me play that tamer ever again, take a screenshot please... kk.

Oh I dont speak good English because I am not a native speaker. If you felt hatred against non-native speaker or people of other races, you really should keep it to yourself. That's a serious crime here in the US.

I'm beginning to wonder if you 2 are all talk or what? Considering right before I killed Mercutio, um, he, um, killed a SCAM. Then I killed Mercutio... I would have to do the math like this: (Mercution + SCAM) < Vhinn. I'm sure cop appreciates the compliment. I only logged on tho to get a few screenshots to shut you up. I think I hear the sound of mouths clapping shut. Hey, I hear COP is recruiting, you two would fit in gloriously. By the way, can you say "like" more in one paragraph? Wow.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you not own a Bokuto that had another owner? Do you not know how this bokuto was obtained? Have you given this bokuto back? You are right, Karma's a pancake.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like, I didn't even bother to read this drivel, like ok? LIke it would be like beneath me to respond to like a total newb. You're SCAM, the only person who cares what you say is you. Even your own guild doesn't care. haha

WOW read your own post replying to my screenshot killing romeo using a "skilless tamer". I thought using a noobie zero skill dread nobie horse is only for noobs. This is even more funny now. So without all the PvP off bottoms only way you can kill is if you use a dread horse? That's still not 1v1 hehe.

You know the word... Hypocrit?

harrypotted III

Like, I didn't even bother to read this drivel, like ok? LIke it would be like beneath me to respond to like a total newb. You're SCAM, the only person who cares what you say is you. Even your own guild doesn't care. haha
It actually looks like he put you in your place and you have nothing to say.....

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Since you admit this should have been in the pvp thread, you won't mind if I move it there now, will you? :D


Omg Wolfie, I didn't know that Six stold your Bokuto, Damn thats really unfortunate.

I give you props Six for that post, The very VERY best part is Sugar acting her age at the last part, what she's about 10 right?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Omg Wolfie, I didn't know that Six stold your Bokuto, Damn thats really unfortunate.

I give you props Six for that post, The very VERY best part is Sugar acting her age at the last part, what she's about 10 right?
It was not my bokuto Freya, apparently it belonged to King Kyrite(?). If you read towards the bottom the first page of this thread, they are talking about how the acct was hacked and how it came into the hands of Six. He knows who it belongs to, how it was obtained, and from what I read, did not offer to return it. But now wants to complain that something of his is gone? Yep, karma.


Legendary Assassin
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Stratics Legend
Do you not own a Bokuto that had another owner? Do you not know how this bokuto was obtained? Have you given this bokuto back? You are right, Karma's a pancake.
if you are referring to the bs that was talked about me, the bokuto was taken from kyrite, hack gave it to me, i used it and hack was given it back. he has since sold his account. end of story.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm beginning to wonder if you 2 are all talk or what? Considering right before I killed Mercutio, um, he, um, killed a SCAM. Then I killed Mercutio... I would have to do the math like this: (Mercution + SCAM) < Vhinn. I'm sure cop appreciates the compliment. I only logged on tho to get a few screenshots to shut you up. I think I hear the sound of mouths clapping shut. Hey, I hear COP is recruiting, you two would fit in gloriously. By the way, can you say "like" more in one paragraph? Wow.

ROFL man, you pretty much lose all "credibility" to talk about any skill you think you have after outing yourself so many times with pics.

You need to learn how to crop your task bar better.

BTW - it's against the Stratics ROC to accuse someone of using ITPPs or name the ITPP. It's not really an accusation if you actually post evidence in a screenshot of yourself.


Like, I didn't even bother to read this drivel, like ok? LIke it would be like beneath me to respond to like a total newb. You're SCAM, the only person who cares what you say is you. Even your own guild doesn't care. haha
Wow someone got shutup hard... even gave up in replying. Gg there, you cant pvp, cant play a mage and yet epic failure even at board warfare. Gg pinky jr gg.

Yea when you grow a pair and wanna should some skill mage vs mage look for me anytime. And i believe everyone in scam would be happy to show you the difference between hiding and skilled gameplay.

But no one is forcing ya. Only accept those mage duels if you really got a pair ok.

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look at all the little scam girls banding together against one little stealther. Kinda makes ya wonder why they even play...? If you need help against me, you cant pvp. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU does. haha That's the known fact here. If I died to a stealth/ninja/dexer... I'd quit uo. Probly the reason you girls only run in groups or call in 3 to 4 others when I show up eh? haha I laugh at every one of you.

harrypotted III

Look at all the little scam girls banding together against one little stealther. Kinda makes ya wonder why they even play...? If you need help against me, you cant pvp. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU does. haha That's the known fact here. If I died to a stealth/ninja/dexer... I'd quit uo. Probly the reason you girls only run in groups or call in 3 to 4 others when I show up eh? haha I laugh at every one of you.
I've offered you countless 1v1s and you decline everytime. Then when we meet in the field 1v1 it always ends with you running away redlined.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look at all the little scam girls banding together against one little stealther. Kinda makes ya wonder why they even play...? If you need help against me, you cant pvp. And EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU does. haha That's the known fact here. If I died to a stealth/ninja/dexer... I'd quit uo. Probly the reason you girls only run in groups or call in 3 to 4 others when I show up eh? haha I laugh at every one of you.
Oh noes, someone claimed himself as the god pvper and the great Mr. Pink the 2nd, cant even play a mage and cant even get an edge on forum warfares.

You are just as hypocrit as cop members complaining about zergs, dismounts, tamers and stealthers. You got pwned because you cant get any real screenie with a valid kill shot on any scam. And your so proud kill on joe lord? You shouldve at least picked up his death robe when you rezkilled him before you claim it as a "kill". Your journal suggested you rezkilled him too. Then you told me tamer archer is noobie pos for noobs, and the screenshots you got in order to "shut me up" are purely 100% done with such noobie char, and still no kill shot on scam... then you got verbally owned so hard and you have nothing to say to come back so you said you dont care what i say... lol yet you reply so quickly with a loads of "invalid" screenshots "trying" to make urself sound valid... again pinky HYPOCRIT MUCH?

If I had to play a stealther as my main in order to pvp, Id quit UO. Also if i had to play a noobie template like those cop superstars in order to get some 1v1 screenies Id quit too. Seems like you are all of the above.

Since you dont seem to like native speakers, yet you got owned "verbally" by one.
And once again just like Worn, if you want to man up and fight, I will be there... maybe I will even let you use your dreadhorse since cop templates are all that you can play, and I will be nice. I am a lady's man after all =)

Balinor of Pk?

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And once again just like Worn, if you want to man up and fight, I will be there... =)
I would, but EVERY time I attack one of you, you run around almost dead till 3 or 4 more of you show up. It's par for the course with SCAM. I think it's hillarious how all you see lately are SCAM archers... and a, um, stealth archer? *GASP* All of SCAM are hypocrites. Not to mention cant fight worth a cop. Sadly, I'd take Ruffles over 9/10ths of you. At least she has heart.


since cop templates are all that you can play, and I will be nice. I am a lady's man after all =)

wait stop right there you can not blaim or give credit to COP for the template Bal picked to use on Vhinn he put that together him self.
he did not ask help or study what cop ran to make it .
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