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Well, well. Look what I just found on Siege...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What he said. Down with the hoarders.. make it public knowledge.

Lord Drakelord


Will try to get one on Europa before I say. Will let you know in a few days though if no one else beats me to it... :)
we going to hold you to that, no matter how many knifes blades you feel at your back!


Grand Poobah
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What he said. Down with the hoarders.. make it public knowledge.
Don´t worry. I´m not one of those guys. You just need to be patient a few more days. At least now you know that you will know the location soon. And I´m pretty sure someone else will tell you before I do...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Make a post on the rares forum too, including the bit about revealing it in a day or two.. I wanna watch the people that were keeping it secret squirm. :D


Looks like a nice little hoax you got cooked up. Enjoy the attention.


Grand Poobah
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Looks like a nice little hoax you got cooked up. Enjoy the attention.
Heh, if you knew my post history I´m sure you wouldn´t make a post like that... ;)


Its not a hoax, Its true they are spawning, and I didn't want to say Until I got my second one, the trick to his post is the fact that he doesn't have his cursor on it........I hate secrets ......*Holds Breath*........ I don't think I'll last much longer without outing this to the public....


Babbling Loonie
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I'd hope nobody would be stupid enough to make a post like this over the quest item ones people have known about forever that aren't the ones people are searching for.


No Crysta its not a quest item, but if he showed "EVERYTHING" it said it would be a dead giveaway, It is the real thing, New thing as of server up yesterday, Hats off to Draconi for making this so secret, It was a good idea, and nobody worry, everyone will get plenty.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Well the only other things it could be that I can think of that would be hidden like that are an artifact rarity tag, or typical crafting tags, and either one wouldn't count as what people have been looking for for so long since those aren't tagged in any way and would only serve to make the ones already hoarded worth even more, completely missing the point of revealing the location to the public, unless the hoarded ones get tagged retroactively as well.


Maybe some people like them because of the deco value. I'm going to be quiet about it now, I don't want to ruin the original's poster fun. Good Hunting people thou.


Babbling Loonie
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Meaning its an artifact and the problem that caused all this (people keeping the location secret and hoarding them to make millions off selling them) has been completely ignored.

I agree I want to see it for deco, but I was hoping they'd solve both problems at once, not solve one problem and make the other far worse.


Grand Poobah
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Well, Freya is spot on. I did have my cursor on it on the first screenshot I took but then reconsidered.

And yes, the reason I reconsidered was a selfish one cuz I´d like to see if I can get my hands on one on Europa over the next few days.

However, it will be going public soon enough. By me or someone else...


I agree Tjalle, I'm also being selfish, But in all fairness, if your the first one to find it you should be able to try and obtain as many as you need before going public. I was to excited last night, and I've got 2 people holding me down physically right now, otherwise I would have outted this yesterday. But I'm not to worried either way as I said before, plenty will be on the shard's before long, Hopefully they made all past stools the same..


Well, Freya is spot on. I did have my cursor on it on the first screenshot I took but then reconsidered.

And yes, the reason I reconsidered was a selfish one cuz I´d like to see if I can get my hands on one on Europa over the next few days.

However, it will be going public soon enough. By me or someone else...
Shouldn't go public. Mind you I havent found yet nor Have I bothered to search for it but dont we know pretty much all the secrets in this game already. When it does go public it will be camped for the first few months maybe a year then it will be full bottles and broken chair worthy. Untill of course it comes out as a heritage reward and then it becomes full fruit basket-tall candle worthy


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
tjalle and Freya, congratulations on finding the little buggers!! I knew that sooner or later they would be found and someone would share the wealth... don't blame you one bit for gettin' yours first :thumbsup: good for you guys!!

Lord Gareth

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I agree Tjalle, I'm also being selfish, But in all fairness, if your the first one to find it you should be able to try and obtain as many as you need before going public. I was to excited last night, and I've got 2 people holding me down physically right now, otherwise I would have outted this yesterday. But I'm not to worried either way as I said before, plenty will be on the shard's before long, Hopefully they made all past stools the same..
I would have to agree. I would want to get two before I released it publicly. Once you do then your going to be luck to get a second one at all. You think someone is just going to give you the stool just because you told everyone where is was? heh no.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I don't get it. I guess I never have really understood the "rares" market in UO...but its a stool. What makes it any better than any other stool that any carpenter can craft?

Lord Drakelord

I don't get it. I guess I never have really understood the "rares" market in UO...but its a stool. What makes it any better than any other stool that any carpenter can craft?
because right now no carpenter except a Game master can craft one of those


Always Present
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Hopes and prays you finally put the stool mystery to rest....

.....oh and watch the greedy hoarders cry over there spilt milk.


Lore Master
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Hmmm some one posted on the rares forum wanting to know a value on a level 6 arty of one of these. Hmmm where do arties spawn, unless this is a hoax but I think not this gives some insight as to possible locations.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And the point of the complants was completely missed...

Not to mention if it really is a level 6, its been changed from a daily rare to an every other day rare, so not only are the people that hoarded it still going to have a monopoly on tagless ones, its going to be harder for everyone else to get them now.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Meaning its an artifact and the problem that caused all this (people keeping the location secret and hoarding them to make millions off selling them) has been completely ignored.
How exactly is that a problem? Because you're not the one making money from it?

They found it, they are selling it, deal with it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Never been a single day i've cared about making money in this game.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Thiers no real confirmation yet as to them being spawning as arties of level 6 rarity. If so thier would be two types of those stools now one with the artie tag and one with out. It's possible that both are spawning with one being a daily up spawn and one as a doom artie for example. Have to wait and see how this plays out really. For now its just speculation, but it sounds like thier could be plenty of these down the road for any players who wish to deco thier houses with them at a reasonable price I would think.


Seasoned Veteran
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and really is it any different from the guys spamming 2 mil for the new cloaks at the bank? Anyone who bought these stools over the past couple months should have known better, but they are prob the same people buying the 2mil cloaks.

UO is a game where you wait it out before buying anything. Buy it later for 150k tops.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I've had this one for quite a while, just confirming for everyone that, as yet, the older ones have not changed their tag.... I even unlocked and moved it a few times to see if it updated



Lore Keeper
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Doom Gauntlet Shop, SE Corner

I just had a guildie see it, so I stole it and wanted to be sure that now -everyone- has the same shot as everyone else to get it.

Enjoy :)


Doom Gauntlet Shop, SE Corner

I just had a guildie see it, so I stole it and wanted to be sure that now -everyone- has the same shot as everyone else to get it.

Enjoy :)
I just stole it myself, but it was on SW kinda corner so it must not spawn at same location all the time.


Grand Poobah
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Well, seems as if it´s official now. :p

So save your gold people and start camping!
