With the impending release of Stygian Abyss, I'd love to see Electronic Arts allow all closed accounts in good standing to play for free for 14 or 30 days once UO: SA has been released-- 30 if possible since there is a LOT to learn for people who left years ago.
Has this been discussed in any way? I believe I remember this happening in the past since it is one reason I decided to return to Ultima Online after quitting myself.
Lord of the Rings Online has done this repeatedly and from what I've seen it's brought back a lot of my friends who played in Beta back in the day.

Has this been discussed in any way? I believe I remember this happening in the past since it is one reason I decided to return to Ultima Online after quitting myself.
Lord of the Rings Online has done this repeatedly and from what I've seen it's brought back a lot of my friends who played in Beta back in the day.