look they havent even fixed anything from the so called faction fix publish to begin with.
i understand years ago we had 24 hours of guarding only had to do it once a week and that was hard to do but this now where every 6 hours they can change hands and only have to be posted for 4 hours then can be placed again is messing up vendors, guards, breeders the whole 9 yards. none of it works right. heck member after a week of factions we had guilds just after week with 200,000 faction points.
now we have the following which has not be fixed because now they are over 2,000,000,000 and yet gm's have not fixed the issue they have not stopped them and or EA has done nothing to rectify it.
in my eyes, change the timer for sigils to 10-12 hours fix the exploit to duplicate points and ban all players, guilds who have used it. all of us know how they are doing it, its about time the developers do something to rectify it. hell i can remember yrs and yrs ago on baja when our guild LoD we lost almost the entire guild to bannings for something not even close to what is goin on, on the japanese shards.
im not picking on japanese shards they are just at the top. im sure atl, gl, and many others have used it at some point.