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Nevermind the mempo, how many people got a renewal flute drop?

Leira of Asrai

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When the ToT3 started i was hoping to get a mempo and a complete set of renewal flutes. Mainly because I already have 2 of every other major turn in and will not be using any of the new dyes.

I have given up on getting a mempo, but am frustrated that I haven't even received a single flute drop either.

I haven't been farming the spots and have only been averaging about 2-4 drops per day. About 150 total drops so far and not a single flute! I was hoping for at least the reptile and undead, since that is what I would be barding mostly anyway.

What are your results with the flute drops? Any coincidentals I can try: specific monsters, areas, luck suit, server time?

I could always buy them from a vendor after the event, but I would like to get a free drop if I could.

red sky

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Yeah, the new drops, such as dyes and mempo, may have significantly decreased the chances of getting whatever flute that you may desire. In the previous TOT, there were only the original sets of minors, which made it easy to get the flutes.


i got 2 or 3 flutes, as well as a mempo (i'm not counting, but i got around 60 drops)

its just as radom as other minors i suppose

+ got 3-4+ of each dyes, didnt notice any 'rarity' in them. i got more rose and blue than, say, brown.

its just random numbers.


On the shard I play the least on I have actually gotten a ton of flutes....something like 10 out of my 80 or so drops....On my other shard I have gotten 0-1 (i forget) out of about the same number of drops (once I got the mempo I stopped playing on that shard altogether :p)

So...I dunno, 10 out of like 160 drops, but it is more interesting that I got alot on one shard and way less on another =\


Crazed Zealot
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I have more flutes on Catskills and Europa than anything else except for demon forks.

It seems the RNG loves giving me arachnid slayer flutes.


Babbling Loonie
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I have 10 flutes out of 360 tomarties.

Out of that, 136 are dyes. 16 of them are chaos blue. I seem to be getting a fair bit of chaos blue, not that I'm complaining :D


Lore Keeper
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Ive only taken part in the event very occasionally but got a couple of flutes, undead and elemental out of about 30ish drops.


Lore Keeper
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Something like 20 flute drops. I'm not really sure we had a bunch to start with. We have a bunch of undead 10+, its the most common one we get.


I've gotten plenty of flutes as compared to the rest of the items. So far I've completed two sets, have all but 1 of a third set, and have another 5-6 individual flutes also. There's just so much chance anything else will drop other than a flute that it may seem that they're rare. Then add in that you can any one of the 6 flutes, and trying to find that one you need, and you get even more rarity.


I'm at around 25ish...definitely one of my more common minors. If I keep doing this much longer, I may wind up turning them in too...they're really eating up a good chunk of my shrinking lockdown space.

King Durango

I got two flutes both very early on, a demon slayer and an undead slayer, on Lake Superior out of only about 30-35 drops. I am using a bard/mage killing mostly Oni, Revenant Lions and Bake Kitsunes.


Crazed Zealot
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I got 2 flutes very quickly and turned them in to procure 2 Swords of Prosperity. I have subsequently picked up 2 more, but I am hardly pursuing this event as ....rigorously as others are. I probably have around (+-20) 100 drops, certainly not more than 150.


Crazed Zealot
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13 flutes in just over 600 drops (and no mempo, I finally just bought one for 15mil).


Grand Poobah
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Everyone needs to stop crying about getting or not getting items. Suck it up, if you don't get what u want, sell what you did get and go buy what u want. Maybe i should start pancakes that i can't go out back and dig in my back yard and find oil too.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I've gotten at least 8 or 9 in my 250+ mini's...

about 4 demons and 3 undeads... a couple of elementals and a repond I believe.


I've gotten one flute in my ~200-250 drops. OTOH, I've gotten two mempos so I think I'll suffer with my luck:thumbsup:

Out of everything else, I think I've gotten the Ancient Samuri Do the most at 10 of them. But I've also gotten like 8 of the chaos blue dyes:p


Lore Master
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120 drops 4 mempos, 2 flutes

I've gotten one flute in my ~200-250 drops. OTOH, I've gotten two mempos so I think I'll suffer with my luck:thumbsup:

Out of everything else, I think I've gotten the Ancient Samuri Do the most at 10 of them. But I've also gotten like 8 of the chaos blue dyes:p


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
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Something like 20 flute drops. I'm not really sure we had a bunch to start with. We have a bunch of undead 10+, its the most common one we get.
Could we swap our RNG perhaps? That is the only one I am missing now :)

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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The flutes are a one item check on the list of many then a random type. So ya they are not as common to come up. When they do hit then the random type is generated. Dumb luck does happen for I got two reptiles back to back. It's the Black Rock HAH HAH no mempo for you again that is a pisser.

Kensai Tsunami

68 drops, 7 flutes, 2 mempos
gave one of the mempos to my wife who still hasnt gotten one out of over 100 drops. she keeps goin on about not getting "her own mempo drop". heh. and i have a guild mate who has gotten, i think he said, almost 300 drops with no mempo but a few flutes.
seems extremely random on all drops from mempos to flutes to which dyes are most common for each individual character.
gotta love that RNG huh?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
have done well with flutes got about 60 of them from 750 drops and 4 mempo's on napa, and 12 of 70 on alt.


Lore Master
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3 flute drops in about 25 drops. I haven't really been doing Tokuno like anyone else here has. I lost these three flute however due to connectivity issue when I was moving crates in my house and a few buddies replaced mine. Flutes seem to drop a lot on Pac.


3 flute drops in about 25 drops. I haven't really been doing Tokuno like anyone else here has. I lost these three flute however due to connectivity issue when I was moving crates in my house and a few buddies replaced mine. Flutes seem to drop a lot on Pac.
You've been luckier than me. I've gotten only one. I've been playing around at the Tok spawn every once in a while.

Always fun watching the same guys die:next:


I've only got a couple flutes in maybe 100-120 drops. Not sure what they were exactly.

Maybe you could trade people the dyes and minors you dont want for the flutes. I do this with my guild/alliance...for every urn, sword display or flute that I get that someone wants, I get a new dye or minors to turn in. If you aren't in a guild, ask people who are farming or anyone else you come across while in tok who are hunting and see if they would like to trade a flute you need for a couple minors or a dye you have.


UO Forum Moderator
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2 flutes in about 75 drops, and none of two of the dyes (and no mempo)


I am in a wierd luck mode.

I am unlucky because in 400+ drops I have 0 mempos.

But I do have 40+ Chaos Blue dyes and 30+ Fresh Peach.
Along with about 3 of every Flute.
Of my 400+ drops...almost 250 are dyes.

The only item I have gotten more of then Chaos Blue is Tomb of Enlightment...like 55 of those.

*I am not counting blackrocks in my 400+ drops*