The only reason I even stepped into this thread is because it is discussing an issue that's a little bit of a sore point for me: the top three attackers get the goods from a single thing that only spawns at predetermined intervals and apparently, in well-known locations, and apparently only one person has the opportunity to cast a spell that will more than likely put them in the group of top three attackers.
With an event structured like this, why should anyone who has less than uber skills and/or weapons even bother to show up? Every twelve hours (or whatever the interval is) there will always be someone else camped there that will outperform you. And if you think the situation is unfair and say something about it, then you're told that you are just a "needy" person.
I happen to think it's not a good situation and so I'm saying something about it.
I have no plans to go because I frankly do not [edited to add here "do not"] give a damn about the rewards. But perhaps someone else who DOES care about the rewards and wasn't playing last summer when you had a better chance to get the cloaks in Moonglow DOES care and wants a cloak or two. With the timing set up like this and if they happen to play on a shard like Atlantic because that is where everyone suggests that new or returning players should go, I don't see how they have any realistic chance of getting one of the cloaks by participating in this event. They might as well just forego attending the event and go out and farm gold and hope that eventually they'll have enough gold to go buy what they want from someone else.
Okay, blast away. Yes, I'm some greedy needy soul who just can't wait to go camp [edited here to delete the word "out"] the Shadowlords on every shard I play because I intend to grab ALL that I can and go sell them for millions.
Sheesh...............yes, that's me to a "T." Every day I wake up trying to figure out how I can best everyone else in UO and make billions of gold. Screw everyone else, I want it all. Can't wait to stuff every bank box on every shard and every container in every house with event rares, EM handouts, artifacts, and endless checks for gold. Everyone had just better get out of my way because I will be miserable until I own it all.
/end sarcasm