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EM's need Banning Power


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After tonites stupidity, that I don't even want to elaborate on, it IS CERTAIN that EMs need the ability to at least temporarily jail players that grief during events.

Basically, our EM events are unbelievably well done yet taken hostage by spamming, streaking, and other F' I N G stupid behavior that 99.9% of the attending players are sick of.....

Please allow the EMs the power to police these events!

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After tonites stupidity that I don't even want to elaborate on, it IT CERTAIN that EMs need the ability to at least temporarily jail players that grief during events.

Basically, our EM events are unbelievably well done yet taken hostage by spamming, streaking, and other F' I N G stupid behavior that 99.9% of the attending players are sick of.....

Please allow the EMs the power to police these events!
Sorry that happened to ya man. dont forget how effective ignoring people is.
I WISH, it was macro able.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry that happened to ya man. dont forget how effective ignoring people is.
I WISH, it was macro able.
Mass Squelch would be an amazing tool for the EM's; but for the individual I certainly wish we could macro the ignore function and have it make the individual invisible also, I don't want to see naked people griefing these events anymore than I want to listen to them. Once on ignore you should never have to see or hear them again!

Foolio the Bard

Yeah, the EMs should definately be given some squelch powers, as well as the ability to send you to jail (where a GM would then review the case for action.)

This is one of those cases where the rights of the many (to enjoy the event) outweigh the rights of the individual (to act like an ass).


Hunters' Moon

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mass Squelch would be an amazing tool for the EM's; but for the individual I certainly wish we could macro the ignore function and have it make the individual invisible also, I don't want to see naked people griefing these events anymore than I want to listen to them. Once on ignore you should never have to see or hear them again!
It would be nice for everyone to be able to carry their own personal "ban stick" with them huh?


Elaborate on streaking? In the traditional sense (running past naked)?


The EMs aren't the police, though.
They are, if you will, the DJs at a club. They're providing the entertainment, and it shouldn't be up to them to make sure the audience aren't being a bunch of muppets.
For each minute they spend dealing with squelching/muting/jailing a disruptive person, that's a minute they're ignoring the players they're there to entertain. Plus, a bunch of the disruptive people are after attention, anyway.

Policing the crowd shouldn't be down to them, especially if they're not in the Mythic offices, and don't have direct oversight from a superior.
That is what the GMs are there for, pretty much.

Not that I deny that something has to be done about disruptive peoples at events.


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
EVERY minute they couldnt do something, the more people spammed "PLEASE BAN" x50 which in totality can bring an event to a screaming halt.

50 attentive players vs. 3 perfectly ripe for banning idiots

I think the math is clear.

I will not attend another event that is ruined by their antics. I'm sure I am not alone.

Getting on stage, disrupting the speeches, "pull my finger EM and attending DEV"....

come on.....


Actually, I find it ironic that, often, the players telling the disruptive players to "shut up" and such, are actually more disruptive overall. And, if the disruptive players are doing it for attention, or to **** people off, only encourages them.

The EMs can't do anything, and assumedly won't be given the power to do anything.
The GMs are probably dealing with busybody/PvP-cheating/needy pages, so they're not doing anything.
The best thing the players can do is ignore them, gracefully.

This horse has been dead since around the start of the program, and has been beaten fairly regularly.
If they don't have the powers after half a year, they probably never will.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As nice as it would be for EM's to do something about the disruptive players, the fact remains that if they are given the power to do it, the next thing we will see are a lot of people accusing the EM's of abusing their power. There will undoubtedly be people who will be punished by mistake and there will undoubtedly be more threads by people claiming that they were punished wrongly. And of course, this would lead to only more trouble and accusations of crooked EM's.

Sooo, just use that nifty little ignore feature that has always been there. It works wonders! It makes it look like those spammers are actually being quiet. It also makes me wonder why people just don't use it when clearly nothing has changed with those spammers.


Mass Squelch would be an amazing tool for the EM's; but for the individual I certainly wish we could macro the ignore function and have it make the individual invisible also, I don't want to see naked people griefing these events anymore than I want to listen to them. Once on ignore you should never have to see or hear them again!
I am all for a squelch zone when the EMs are talking.

I went to EM event Friday and was well irritated by the end because I spent the entire time adding people to ignore just so i could read half of what is being said. Now those players on my ignore list and not coming off, ever.

The only problem with the squelch effect would be there are actually those that role play and shout out within reason (don't spam in other words).

So, unless they can give us an easier faster way to add spammers to ignore list or to toggle off all player speech on our end, then I am still for EMs being able to squelch the area around them.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As nice as it would be for EM's to do something about the disruptive players, the fact remains that if they are given the power to do it, the next thing we will see are a lot of people accusing the EM's of abusing their power. There will undoubtedly be people who will be punished by mistake and there will undoubtedly be more threads by people claiming that they were punished wrongly. And of course, this would lead to only more trouble and accusations of crooked EM's.
We already have plenty of that from the GMs. The question is whether the pros would outweigh the cons.

wee papa smurf

It is rather frustrating when theres an even and theres a minority of people running around trying to spoil it for everyone.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree.
I would prefer in game features to those who disrupt events, harrass event figures (like Casca) and misbehave. Is it not pretty unrealistic that lord Casca appears with a lot of guards, and some people can harrass him without consequence? If I were a game designer, I would add the following features:

  • EMs/GMs can flag players as criminals so they can be freely attacked by other players.
  • EMs/GMs can guard-whack players.
  • EMs/GMs can send players to Yew Prison and lock them up for a few hours.
  • Enhance the ignore feature of the game client (it is too limited; I want to be able to add whole guilds to the list).

I'd like this better than banning players from the game.

wee papa smurf

I agree.
I would prefer in game features to those who disrupt events, harrass event figures (like Casca) and misbehave. Is it not pretty unrealistic that lord Casca appears with a lot of guards, and some people can harrass him without consequence? If I were a game designer, I would add the following features:

  • EMs/GMs can flag players as criminals so they can be freely attacked by other players.
  • EMs/GMs can guard-whack players.
  • EMs/GMs can send players to Yew Prison and lock them up for a few hours.
  • Enhance the ignore feature of the game client (it is too limited; I want to be able to add whole guilds to the list).

I'd like this better than banning players from the game.
I like these ideas, i mean it cant be that hard, remember the event where ricardo was being tried at yew court house and all players where squelched and no-one ruined the proceedings! :thumbsup:

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Ems need to move the starting of events to their reward and museum houses where they can remove and ban people who acted up that ruin the events for others. Give them 3 warnings by kicking them out of the house after the 3rd time ban them from the house. What is also nice about this that a person cannot come back on another character on that account to keep disrupting the event since house banning is account bound.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with Hawkeye, those idea would work well. Ignore only helps with the text spam, not the running around making gestures with each other. One bowing, one saluting to make it look like... well, you know.


The EM could always put them in the animal pen...

If they behave like one...

We could also make a Petition... and let it roll...


I agree... I think they should be able to at the least jail a person until the event is finished or send them to a real GM with a copy of the journal and let the GM deal with it.

The Ignore feature does not cover everything.... For example at the Summer Faire Event outside Luna on Pacific. A few dip-****'s decided they would poison and fire field the hell out of the area when their spamming didnt have the effect they were lookin for. It was ******** laggy because of this and the EM didnt do anything. This was all before and during the EM's speech and what not.

Seems to me more and more griefers are showing up at our event's on Pacific just to spoil it for the people who do enjoy it.

Not to mention the people who actually speedhack at these events!! Sure wish they had a way to detect hacks already.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I agree.
I would prefer in game features to those who disrupt events, harrass event figures (like Casca) and misbehave. Is it not pretty unrealistic that lord Casca appears with a lot of guards, and some people can harrass him without consequence? If I were a game designer, I would add the following features:

  • EMs/GMs can flag players as criminals so they can be freely attacked by other players.
  • EMs/GMs can guard-whack players.
  • EMs/GMs can send players to Yew Prison and lock them up for a few hours.
  • Enhance the ignore feature of the game client (it is too limited; I want to be able to add whole guilds to the list).

I'd like this better than banning players from the game.
Fantastic suggestion....

Every week on my shard I just remark to my guildmates about how the "kindergarten" has obviously let been let out...

No matter what it's mostly one particular guild... they come they don't listen to the EM they run around spamming 100 spells.... you can hardly tell who's doing it because they delight in spell speaking so their speech doesn't go above their head but spams down the bottom of the screen like Alliance chat logs .... They start fighting one another at ever opportunity... Which sometimes I think is totally funny because then when the EM opens a gate for us to go somewhere they are flagged and for a brief blissful few moments the "children" can't join us.

One particular time they kept spamming and spamming spells upon spells upon spells... the EM finally asked them to please stop several times... as did everyone else...

They are extremely annoying... (but thankfully fully clothed... I think if I had to deal with them running around naked on top of the silly clown outfits most of them wear with no less than 5 different bright gaudy colors.. I think I would retch) ... It's also horrible they can't seem to stand being seperated from their pets.... so they bring those into wherever we are as well.... and have to be asked repeatedly to take them outside...

I think the EM's spend about half their time repeating things over and over because half of them don't listen or are too busy goofing off to pay attention... as well as asking people to stop doing things... It's highly distracting to people who are there to participate and aren't causing trouble.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree.
I would prefer in game features to those who disrupt events, harrass event figures (like Casca) and misbehave. Is it not pretty unrealistic that lord Casca appears with a lot of guards, and some people can harrass him without consequence? If I were a game designer, I would add the following features:

  • EMs/GMs can flag players as criminals so they can be freely attacked by other players.
  • EMs/GMs can guard-whack players.
  • EMs/GMs can send players to Yew Prison and lock them up for a few hours.
  • Enhance the ignore feature of the game client (it is too limited; I want to be able to add whole guilds to the list).

I'd like this better than banning players from the game.
Good ideas


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree.
I would prefer in game features to those who disrupt events, harrass event figures (like Casca) and misbehave. Is it not pretty unrealistic that lord Casca appears with a lot of guards, and some people can harrass him without consequence? If I were a game designer, I would add the following features:

  • EMs/GMs can flag players as criminals so they can be freely attacked by other players.
  • EMs/GMs can guard-whack players.
  • EMs/GMs can send players to Yew Prison and lock them up for a few hours.
  • Enhance the ignore feature of the game client (it is too limited; I want to be able to add whole guilds to the list).

I'd like this better than banning players from the game.
I love these ideas! Particularly the "enhance ignore feature." :D

Old Man of UO

Keep it simple... while Hawkeye-pike's ideas sound like fun, it would be overkill for an EM to use.

Have an area around the EM event, that the EM only could activate to create a cone of silence, squelching all speech except the EM's.

Beleg Megil

"I request...the Cone of Silence!" lol

Actually, I don't like that very much. On Catskills atleast, the events are crowd interactive to a degree, even though the EMs have a script to follow. Kasaven and Cernunnos are awesome at being fluid, improv, and incorporating the attendees into the fun while still staying with the pre-approved storyline and getting to the goal of the event. Squelching everyone would make it feel less participatory.

I would like the EMs to be able to squelch individuals, however, and send them to GM jail if they continue to be disruptive after squelching, until a GM can review the player's account.

Other option is have a GM at all events that will act more quickly to handle griefers. The EMs could just focus on telling a good story instead of policing events then.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You could always learn to deal with people who annoy you. A valuable real world skill, if any of you ever happen to wander there accidentally.


Last night it was fun and quiet... guess having everyone reporting on the kids for ruining an EM event got them into bed earlier... or maybe they didnt want to play at getting grounded again.

To the Catskill EMs and Community, Thank you for the Events and the FUN!


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I own and run a restaurant, I ALREADY deal with people's rudeness and immaturity of employees day in and day out. I turn to this game as a source of fun and all I'm saying is there ought to be a way to stop griefers. Thanks for pointing out, again, that the grief isn't just in-game, congrats.....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a way to stop griefing. Request more events in fel. When the griefers come through, 50 man gank them and they aren't able to bother you anymore.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a way to stop griefing. Request more events in fel. When the griefers come through, 50 man gank them and they aren't able to bother you anymore.
And if the griefers -are- the gank squad?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And if the griefers -are- the gank squad?
If you knew about griefing you'd understand that in a situation in which you have a means of administering player justice you are not being griefed. This is regardless of their intent even if they only want you to suffer, if you're in a PvP situation, You physically can't be griefed unless there is blatant cheating that prevents any chance of retaliation. Sucking at pvp is also not an excuse for saying they griefed you.

Just a heads up.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
If you knew about griefing you'd understand that in a situation in which you have a means of administering player justice you are not being griefed. This is regardless of their intent even if they only want you to suffer, if you're in a PvP situation, You physically can't be griefed unless there is blatant cheating that prevents any chance of retaliation. Sucking at pvp is also not an excuse for saying they griefed you.

Just a heads up.
That's a load of Bull if I ever heard it...... First off.... I don't know about your shard but on mine ...... typical Fel grief consists of the kiddies outnumbering everyone 20 to 1... I don't know about you but I can't take on 20.... not to mention the fact that 98% of these kiddies use hacks and other cheats... that puts anyone like me who don't cheat at another HUGE disadvantage... top that off with the fact that they all wear UBER Gear and Faction Gear and I don't do factions and it's just food for the fodder... and purely pointless. I prefer to avoid Fel and the immature gank squads. And I won't say I'm the greatest PvPer or anything but I hold my own. Just not taking on 20 of them. 15 of which are tamers...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you knew about griefing you'd understand that in a situation in which you have a means of administering player justice you are not being griefed. This is regardless of their intent even if they only want you to suffer, if you're in a PvP situation, You physically can't be griefed unless there is blatant cheating that prevents any chance of retaliation. Sucking at pvp is also not an excuse for saying they griefed you.

Just a heads up.
The only reason you can't call it griefing is because it's fel. But griefing or not the gank-squads that would attend the event would inevitably ruin the event to those who can't PvP. I've seen it happen at some of the EM events on my shard. The EM decided to try and do some events in fel. It went well until one of the guilds decided to run in try to kill everyone.