Bulls spawn north of Trinsic in both Fel and Tram. I don't go there often anymore to train taming, end up there more often to get leather. Don't see scripters there very often, probably because the bulls spawn so far apart and there are a few spots where it appears they or the bull they are taming can get stuck on terrain. However, it is a great alternative if you get fed up with the antics in the Jhelom pen.
Gaman require slightly less skill to tame than bulls (68.7 vs. 71.1) and you can find them in abundance around the Homare Jima gate in Tokuno, or to the North of Zento in front of the mountains.
Dire wolves require 83. 1 taming and can be a kind of fun alternative if you need a break and something that will kind of keep you on your toes. A good spot for them is just to the west of the Meer village in Ilshenar---use the Sacrifice moongate. Come prepared with sufficient skill of some sort (magery, weapons, etc.) to kill the paragons that you won't be able to tame. (Blade spirits kill them just fine.)
A couple of other options to give you a break from bulls, a bit of a challenge, and some practice with lead taming would be lava lizards (80.7 taming minimum); drakes (84.3); frenzied ostards (77.1); giant toads (77.1); hell hounds (85.5); imps (83.1); ridgebacks (83.1); and bake kitsune (80.7).