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Crazed Zealot
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Ok on Siege players are loading there backpacks with blessed bods or anything they can carry to farm Tokuno Artifacts so that the items go strait to the bank box. Some are also farming them as a ghost.

Can you please verify if this is or is not an exploit.

I know this thread probably does not belong here and I apologize for putting it here but I know this forum get's looked at more than any other and I'm not sure where the thread even belongs to begin with. But I would love for my question to be answered thank you Dev team.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Farming as a ghost? I would guess is an exploit.
Loading up your bag so it goes straight to bank box? It's debatable.

Edit: I don't think it is as long as you're doing it attended. But then again, if you're doing it attended I don't think you would need to do that, lol.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Farming as a ghost? I would guess is an exploit.
Someone told me about this a couple of days ago, Ive tryed it and didnt get it to work. But im sure that it counts as an exploit.

Hmmmm now that i think about it. It could work if your backpack is ful though while you are dead. Didnt try that part though.
I think this works as with the marties in the virtuedungeons and sots, If you get an item while dead it ends up in your corpse. Guess that means your bankbox if your dead :(


Stratics Veteran
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Dev's we need an answer because if its not guess what im gonna be doing


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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When I saw the subject of this thread, and it had "PLEASE ANSWER DEV TEAM" - I immediately knew that it was important.


Farming as a ghost? I would guess is an exploit.
Loading up your bag so it goes straight to bank box? It's debatable.

Edit: I don't think it is as long as you're doing it attended. But then again, if you're doing it attended I don't think you would need to do that, lol.
Could be an ok idea to do on siege....a bit boring tho, but heh. Doubt anyone would do it attended but if I had enough people to talk to on game I might consider it if I didn't feel like fighting that particular day, of course then...I would just not be on siege, so I don't know.


What if they load up with arties, rune books, different slayer spellbooks. It could easily be done to make it look innocent. Way more trouble than it's worth policing something like that.

I hear what you're saying they're blessed items non stealable so you're screwed but really what legal items people carry in their packs is their own business.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What if they load up with arties, rune books, different slayer spellbooks. It could easily be done to make it look innocent. Way more trouble than it's worth policing something like that.
Well on siege there is no insurance and slayer books are not blessed unless you are siege blessing it and siege bless only allows you to have one blessed item.

So they only load there backpacks up with 125 items usually it's gold coins, bandages, or Blessed items like holiday stuff or bods.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Siege is the risk it all shard. You can pk anyone anywhere even in town if you successfully get them without being guardwacked...

So pretty much they're bending the rules to they do not have to risk anything. It takes the fun out of pking... Siege back in the day was fully of pk's sadly there are very few left due to things like this... Nothing worse than successfully killing a tamer with superdragon only to find an empty corpse...


Well on siege there is no insurance and slayer books are not blessed unless you are siege blessing it and siege bless only allows you to have one blessed item.

So they only load there backpacks up with 125 items usually it's gold coins, bandages, or Blessed items like holiday stuff or bods.
Aye I realised what's blessed/is not might be diff after posting. I must admit that's easier to police on Seige kind of obvious but still a sort of ... "you must only do this with your backpack" kinda thing. It's a bit you know - nazi for want of a better word.


Siege is the risk it all shard. You can pk anyone anywhere even in town if you successfully get them without being guardwacked...

So pretty much they're bending the rules to they do not have to risk anything. It takes the fun out of pking... Siege back in the day was fully of pk's sadly there are very few left due to things like this... Nothing worse than successfully killing a tamer with superdragon only to find an empty corpse...
Well since it's siege 99 % are pk so I dont see the point in farming monsters for arties since after 5 min you be busy fighting another player or group. And if you somehow defeat them you will have to move from the spot and run into another group who just want to fight. Let alone trying to get to a bank to drop your arties before you get killed and stolen from if you even get one.
Which reminds me does bag of sending work in siege? If it does you probably get a couple uses out of it before it's stolen. Nah don't think farming for arties is possible in siege unless you have a large guild covering you while you killing orcs. Don't see that happening either.
I guess the only way is to get anything spawn on you straight to the bank. Once again does bag of sending work there? Oh well for the production shards this isn't a issue. Good luck trying to find out the answer to the question. It looks intended anyway as chest of heirlooms goes straight to the bank because our backpacks cant hold the weight also because it's on a point basis it would really suck to lose artie opportunities because you overweight or full.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I farm on Siege with no problem. Usually even if a group try's to pk me I kill them all. If you are to lazy to equip your pvmer then you deserve to die. If you have a superdragon and you are in a small room and you die then you are failing a playing this very easy and fun game.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, having 125 items in your back pack and having items placed in the bank is not and should never be considered an exploit.

As far as I know, Ghost are NOT supposed to be able to interact with their environment other than through speech to another player nor NPC Healer. So I would classify the receipt of items as an unintended action and should be fixed and treated as an Exploit.

Siege is the risk it all shard.

So pretty much they're bending the rules to they do not have to risk anything. It takes the fun out of pking......
Well now isn't that funny as in a great laugh.

Ok the fun in PKing is the Looting ...... :)

Well, from day 1 of UO, you know SP came AFTER UO went live, the rule of thumb HAS ALWAYS BEEN PLAYER INGENUITY is acceptable.

There were always ways of Hiding the things you did not want Looted.

Now some one figures out how to USE the Game Mechanics to secure an item and you whine like some ..... Poster about how THEY are the problem, cheating YOU out of your fun .... :)

I farm on Siege with no problem. Usually even if a group try's to pk me I kill them all. If you are to lazy to equip your pvmer then you deserve to die. If you have a superdragon and you are in a small room and you die then you are failing a playing this very easy and fun game.
You who can PK a gang of 20+ Seasoned PKR's with your Pvmer :) should know better than to come to a public forum like this and whine about a PLAYER INITIATIVE TACTIC to protect THEIR reward. I mean you don't seriously think this thread will REDUCE the use of the tactic do you?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're an idiot if you believe that loading your backpack up with 125 blessed items so that when you get an arty drop and it goes strait into the bank box is not an exploit.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
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Not saying that I agree with the way it works, but if the Devs implemented the system so that the items would go to your bank when your pack is full - it isn't really an exploit. Maybe a flawed game design.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're an idiot if you believe that loading your backpack up with 125 blessed items so that when you get an arty drop and it goes strait into the bank box is not an exploit.
You calling me or any one else names is the easy part for you and actually may be all you know how to do. :danceb:

Game Mechanic, System Generated objects go to the bank if A) Weight limit is exceeded B) Item count is exceeded. Heck lets say the facts behind this, the object IS NOT SENT TO THE BANK, it is given a Tag saying it is a Bank Item as in your Bank Box and Player Back Pack are the same OBJECT with items taged to separate them. At one time using this FACT was an exploit. Some where/when some UO Team (member) chose to CAPITALIZE on the exploit in a CONTROLLED WAY, hence this Game Mechanic AND the Bag of Sending.

Now then are you going to assert the ABOVE GAME LOGIC DOES NOT EXIST? :thumbsup:

Well get over your elitness IT DOES EXISTS period.

It can NOT AS IN NEVER be an exploit to use a Game Mechanic, that is FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED. IF SO THEN HELL LETS GET ALL OF THEM.

You know you stand on one side of a Wall and let all the Monsters focus on YOU while everyone else runs by them.

Shall we make a 1000 line post about all the types of GAME MECHANICS BEING USED?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seige players, exploiting game mechanics :eek:
Surly not, their whiter that white over on Seige? They tell us that often enough :D


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're an idiot if you believe that loading your backpack up with 125 blessed items so that when you get an arty drop and it goes strait into the bank box is not an exploit.
Edit: Enigma covered it!


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Well since it's siege 99 % are pk so I dont see the point in farming monsters for arties since after 5 min you be busy fighting another player or group.
lol... clearly never played siege much


Most explosive UO Legend
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Not saying that I agree with the way it works, but if the Devs implemented the system so that the items would go to your bank when your pack is full - it isn't really an exploit. Maybe a flawed game design.
*nods* Flawed game design, but not an exploit.

The ToT system was specifically geared as a promotional PvE event.

The idea was "The players have put in a ton of time to get the object, and it resets their loot roll after they get it, so if we just delete it or drop it on the ground that's cruel."

They could, of course, have just made it so it doesn't reset your loot roll (so you'd have the same "chance" next time of getting it), but that doesn't *guarantee* you'd get the item next kill.

So, instead we have the guaranteed backpack or bank system, with the unintended consequences on Siege.


Its an exploit of game mechanics that won't be addressed in anyway. Who cares?

For the ease of getting the arties whats the big deal?

SO you use the exploit. Wow you get an arty and goes to the bank.
If you don't use the exploit, you run when you get one and get to the bank anway. And bank it.

Whats the diff?

In the event you get one and get pk'd so you lose one.

Big deal.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Sorry but just because game mechanics allow something ...doesnt make it legal...

And if players want the hardcore expirience of playing Siege then the risk of losing your drop is part of it...

its the same as fencing in pets to train prov or using luring mobs to cast on you on a boat to gain resist.

usually if something is to easy its not suppose to work that way.
And sorry but you should all know better then to question it


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry but just because game mechanics allow something ...doesnt make it legal...

And if players want the hardcore expirience of playing Siege then the risk of losing your drop is part of it...

its the same as fencing in pets to train prov or using luring mobs to cast on you on a boat to gain resist.

usually if something is to easy its not suppose to work that way.
And sorry but you should all know better then to question it
I think the point would be that your suggesting two separate code basis for how putting things in the bank is handled.

I suspect that each Fork in the road boosts the cost of maintaining SP. I some how do NOT believe this is in SP's best interest.

This is not about is some one being a GOOD Citizen or a BAD Citizen, it is about something working as designed.

When I first encountered this on my return I was well flabbergasted that it had been implemented this way. I have read Draconi's reply and understand the thinking and agree with it more than I disagree with it.

It is in my opinion a thing that benefits far more people than it inconveniences and this in the end can only benefit UO.

I disagree with this being un UO/Seige/Felluca becasue of these kind of activities that were common practice in the Original Release of UO.

Dye a cloth black and cover your items with them in your back pack. Isn't this an abuse of the game mechanic of dying cloth? Isn't it an abuse of the game mechanic of layering items in your Back Pack. One could extend this to isn't the arranging the items in your back pack to Hide something of value an abuse of the Game Mechanics?

I fully accept a rebuttal of yes but this isn't the same as the item being sent to the bank. I WILL counter that yes but the Items we are discussing are NOT common dropped items that you loot. They are after all a REWARD the message even says so.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can think of other things that are far less in Siege interests and incredibly much more damaging to game play than this:

1) Faction recall runes
2) Faction arties


*nods* Flawed game design, but not an exploit.

The ToT system was specifically geared as a promotional PvE event.

The idea was "The players have put in a ton of time to get the object, and it resets their loot roll after they get it, so if we just delete it or drop it on the ground that's cruel."

They could, of course, have just made it so it doesn't reset your loot roll (so you'd have the same "chance" next time of getting it), but that doesn't *guarantee* you'd get the item next kill.

So, instead we have the guaranteed backpack or bank system, with the unintended consequences on Siege.
Thank you Draconi for answering. As I figured it benefits a majority of the population while it discomforts much fewer. Siege should really have a seperate world from everyone else. Different patches for them "Different forum as well for complaints :)" I hate when they get mixed in. But this poster was courtious and mention siege in his post I appreciate that greatly.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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You're an idiot if you believe that loading your backpack up with 125 blessed items so that when you get an arty drop and it goes strait into the bank box is not an exploit.
Calling us or some names from behind a keyboard takes no stones to do.....and judging by your steady demands for an answer, I see this as a sniveling rant, not much more.

You also didn't mention how someone farms as a ghost, not everyone knows these things, some of us don't live on UO.

Let it go, you'll live longer....in UO and RL.


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Since Kage has had the answer he asked for I'm locking this, before it turns into even more of a flame-fest.

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