I know the servers are burning up with complaints of AFK farming and Luring of course.TYVM
SO to decrease the work load and stress to the 1 GM left...just guessing thats how many employed my estimate may be a little high.
A new game scenario... a rift in time and space breaches our fair shards, creating cracks along the temporal glue...blah blah blah,, bridging the lands of Tukuno and Delucia Fel.... ta daaa.
all issues now resolved....
1. players unattended farming are now KOS...
2. no need to lure because they are attackable.
3. arties will be more valuable, due to the low success chance of getting out with them.
4 stealthers,,, oooo we can detect hidden and reveal them in Fel.
5. The players who believe they own spawns will never have to utter the words "lets go to fel" because we will already be there..
Until this is done , just know allot of us spend 99% of our game time in Fel.
No we don't want to go to Tram, but that where the arties are.
When the event is over you can reinstate your sovereign right of ownership and go about your merry way. However until that time realize that we are here to get arties too and as much as you dislike the trespass. there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. And as far is asking me to Fel, I'm not going to stop farming just to recall to Fel and have you stand me up. You can however feel free to find me anytime that I'm not doing arties and exact your vengeance upon me.
SO to decrease the work load and stress to the 1 GM left...just guessing thats how many employed my estimate may be a little high.
A new game scenario... a rift in time and space breaches our fair shards, creating cracks along the temporal glue...blah blah blah,, bridging the lands of Tukuno and Delucia Fel.... ta daaa.
all issues now resolved....
1. players unattended farming are now KOS...
2. no need to lure because they are attackable.
3. arties will be more valuable, due to the low success chance of getting out with them.
4 stealthers,,, oooo we can detect hidden and reveal them in Fel.
5. The players who believe they own spawns will never have to utter the words "lets go to fel" because we will already be there..
Until this is done , just know allot of us spend 99% of our game time in Fel.
No we don't want to go to Tram, but that where the arties are.
When the event is over you can reinstate your sovereign right of ownership and go about your merry way. However until that time realize that we are here to get arties too and as much as you dislike the trespass. there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. And as far is asking me to Fel, I'm not going to stop farming just to recall to Fel and have you stand me up. You can however feel free to find me anytime that I'm not doing arties and exact your vengeance upon me.