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Since I'm grouchy today anyway...

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can someone explain to me why when me and a group go hunting, I can pull health bars off all of em, but, everytime one of em dies, their health bar disappears?
And then, in the heat of battle, trying to heal others, fight, etc., I am having to struggle thru stacks of corpses, words of power, chiv spell words, etc etc, trying to find their ghost to pull a bar back off of, to use to rez em?

And yet, I can pull health bars off mobs we are fighting, and when they are killed, their damned bars will stay on my screen till I manually close em?

I sooooo hope there is a fix for this in SA. And maybe one coming sometime for 2D??

*crosses fingers*

*edit* Had a thought, this might make a FoF question if I can wrap flying gargoyles around it :p:blushing:


Because you are not using KR...

*ducks and runs*
I found him Uriah *holds Tazar out*

Old 2d client coding, not sure how many times I will get to say that before they actually fix/close the client :p (of course teaming solves this >.>)

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*has mercy on Tazar*

I am no programmer, I am tickled everytime I get the computer to boot up :)
But for the pros, can this be that hard? No idea, was just wondering *shrugs*


*has mercy on Tazar*

I am no programmer, I am tickled everytime I get the computer to boot up :)
But for the pros, can this be that hard? No idea, was just wondering *shrugs*
It would require them to recode the 2d client, it is more or less what they have been trying to do since they introduced the "3d client" back with Third Dawn, Each new client has failed tho, I think SA might be promising but never know I guess. =\

It is slightly complicated to change any of the 2d features with out redoing the whole client because the code is old and each component relies on other components. But with out actually knowing the client code I can only say as much as I have, I could be completely wrong and it is really easy but I doubt it since they have not fixed all the problems with it and have opted to keep trying to make a new client instead :p

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see this happen too, but I find that it does not happen when the health bars are stuck to one another.

Stayin Alive,



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Based on the stuff I heard at a 2003 or 2004 Town Hall at Indianapolis, and later in 2007 in Columbus, the original UO Coding teams, prior to AoS, were a bunch of old-school "we don't need no stinking comments bloating our file size" types. The problem lessened slightly with AoS, even more so with SE, but full-bore commenting really didn't come into being until ML.

As a result, you have a bunch of "Spaghetti code" written by long-departed programmers with little commenting, often altered (usually with unforeseen results) by LATER, but also gone, programmers.

Even as more and more commenting started to be added to the game, it wasn't really enough (remember when they originally couldn't find the "luck bonus" code for Bushido perfection, and decided it didn't make it into the game, only to find it 6 months later in a location where they never thought to look for it?).

It's a shame they couldn't totally rebuild the 2D client with what staff they have (to include the UOAssist features), and they can't use any of the (illegal) alternative clients as a basis, for the simple fact that it would be too easy for those illegal client writers to have slipped in a back door into the code for nefarious purposes (it would take longer to safety-check the code, than to understand any of the multi-thousand-page bits of legislation the US congress keeps passing without the slightest clue of what's in it.


basically as basara said, They could just rebuild the client. Really they could have done it when they did KR or now with SA, instead of making 2 new clients just take the kr code and infuse it with the old graphics. Only problem with using old graphics is it leaves little room for growth as the original artists are gone, and most forgers are not that good :p


UO Forum Moderator
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Actually, C&D, at least half of the SA client's graphics ARE the 2D client's, so it IS an updated version of the KR code with the 2D graphics.


Uriah, the only immediate solution to this..... party with the group. For some reason a partied member's bars never disappear when they die, or as was said in an earlier post, stick them together.
Not the best of solutions, but it works for the time being.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stop crying, start a party, problem solved.
Where is Lynks infraction for trolling? Mods? That's what I thought...all you DO is troll Lynk, yet you're still posting under this account, so that must mean you're not receiving the infractions that some of us are receiving....here's my infraction I received, because I simply don't care anymore....

Dear GarthGrey,

You have received an infraction at Stratics Forums.

Reason: Trolling / Personal Attacks
That was uncalled for.

This infraction is worth 10 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Maximilliean View Post
between me and my wife we have three accounts (two active and one not) and eventually all three will get upgraded. Hopefully by the end of the year I will be able to reopen my other account.
Almost got that 12.99 saved up do ya? :p < This is what I got the infraction for.
All the best,
Stratics Forums

If I"m banned for posting this, so be it. I think it was a personal vendetta that caused me to receive it anyway...


Based on the stuff I heard at a 2003 or 2004 Town Hall at Indianapolis, and later in 2007 in Columbus, the original UO Coding teams, prior to AoS, were a bunch of old-school "we don't need no stinking comments bloating our file size" types. The problem lessened slightly with AoS, even more so with SE, but full-bore commenting really didn't come into being until ML.

As a result, you have a bunch of "Spaghetti code" written by long-departed programmers with little commenting, often altered (usually with unforeseen results) by LATER, but also gone, programmers.

Even as more and more commenting started to be added to the game, it wasn't really enough (remember when they originally couldn't find the "luck bonus" code for Bushido perfection, and decided it didn't make it into the game, only to find it 6 months later in a location where they never thought to look for it?).

It's a shame they couldn't totally rebuild the 2D client with what staff they have (to include the UOAssist features), and they can't use any of the (illegal) alternative clients as a basis, for the simple fact that it would be too easy for those illegal client writers to have slipped in a back door into the code for nefarious purposes (it would take longer to safety-check the code, than to understand any of the multi-thousand-page bits of legislation the US congress keeps passing without the slightest clue of what's in it.
Nice. No wonder.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Cloak‡1300764 said:
I found him Uriah *holds Tazar out*

Old 2d client coding, not sure how many times I will get to say that before they actually fix/close the client :p (of course teaming solves this >.>)
they would close down KR before they closed down 2D


they would close down KR before they closed down 2D
I guess you missed that memo? Aside from that less than intelligible comment, what is your point, and how does it make it correct? I also assume you failed to notice where I said fix? hmm, wonder about people on here sometimes...


*edit* Had a thought, this might make a FoF question if I can wrap flying gargoyles around it :p:blushing:
So if I 'm a gargoyle, flying above the battlefield and have lifebars pulled, when I run to wait to fly with a dismount and I knock them off their mounts, will the mount bar pop up and replace all my spell icons?

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My experience with party bars sux, and I don't view it as the answer to all our woes by any means.
Get set up, go to battle...
someone joins the party, party bars go all over the dang screen
someone drops, or logs to get their pet, when they come back in from either case, party bars go all over the screen...
I'll try keepin em all locked, and see if that helps any, usually dont do that cause i spread em around to keep from blocking the view, but I can work around that if it will keep the dang bars up


Can someone explain to me why when me and a group go hunting, I can pull health bars off all of em, but, everytime one of em dies, their health bar disappears?
Isn't the better question:

Why are you letting members of your group die? Remind me not to go out hunting with you. There is an easy fix to this issue, DON"T LET THEM DIE, be a true friend and heal/cure them before they die.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, there ARE things called interruption, or slow casting if in protection...
mana concerns...
My rule of aid:
Guild first
Then anyone that is green to me (alliance members)
Then everyone else, unless they've been a ****, either here or ingame...

Mana don't last forever, and except for spawns, healing is the main thing I do, even to the pets. I seldom get looting rights on anything done as a group, for just that reason, but the trade-off of saving my mates some insurance gold is worth it.

Thanks for the concern and kind words tho :p


Well, there ARE things called interruption, or slow casting if in protection...
mana concerns...
My rule of aid:
Guild first
Then anyone that is green to me (alliance members)
Then everyone else, unless they've been a ****, either here or ingame...

Mana don't last forever, and except for spawns, healing is the main thing I do, even to the pets. I seldom get looting rights on anything done as a group, for just that reason, but the trade-off of saving my mates some insurance gold is worth it.

Thanks for the concern and kind words tho :p
It's amazing how many extra friends you collect when playing a healer.. especially when they're spasming all over the place. :D But yes, partied or not those stat bars are dodgy at best. I've often wished for an "Arch Heal" spell to go along with Arch Cure.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's amazing how many extra friends you collect when playing a healer
Yep, during the alt Moonglow event, I was standing around healing pets...and a char ran by and just handed me a cloak of corruption :thumbsup:

Yeah arch heal would be cool, even if it took 8th circle mana!

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
My experience with party bars sux, and I don't view it as the answer to all our woes by any means.
Get set up, go to battle...
someone joins the party, party bars go all over the dang screen
someone drops, or logs to get their pet, when they come back in from either case, party bars go all over the screen...
I'll try keepin em all locked, and see if that helps any, usually dont do that cause i spread em around to keep from blocking the view, but I can work around that if it will keep the dang bars up
Uriah, next time you need to untangle bars, try holding down the Alt key while you do it. It helps.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm never to old to learn something new...nice, Thanks Tina!