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A return of RP?



Has anyone else noticed a recent resurgence of roleplaying?

I play atlantic, and in just the past 3 days I've seen at least 4 different RP guilds advertising memberships with book drops. I've also seen tons of people in obvious RP mode all over sosaria.

I've never really RPed myself; I find typing in-game to be at times inconvenient, and RP ust requires that much more typing. But I do think those who do ingage in RP do alot to enhance the game experience for everyone and go a long way in developing UO as a whole, especially stepping out of the item-driven economy so many of us have fallen into.

So if you're an RPer or an RP guild, good job and glad to see you back!!

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I run the Zog Cabal RP guild on atlantic and i have to agree with ya. with an overall increase of uo subscriptions RP tends to buzz up as well. our community has been getting tons of new and old members back with the news of Stygian Abyss comming. Its really nice to have an expansion that has something for people who have played the ultimas RP along with. instead of oh looked elves fell out of a tree, or on noes a moongate to japan. Anywho, glad see your a fan. i'll try not to blow you up with armageddon.

Will Kaldhel

No more blackrock for you Cear. you been a very naughty boy.

Stupid Miner

Er, if you've got too many send some over to LS, we're in need.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
We've enjoyed and resurgence on Catskills too. Its been nice seeing people rp in the cities again.


Sounds encouraging.

I'd really like to see a return to grass roots RP within the game. Oceania's been lacking it for some time, save for a few diehards. Well.. Oceania tends to lack quantity in everything.


...if you have an excess of roleplayers, then please send a few along to Oceania.


Queen of The Outlaws
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We try to RP on Siege too, at least some of us :)


The only books I have noticed are those being dropped by gold sellers with links to their web sites. I make several hundred gold per day rounding them up and selling them to the provisions vendor.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
We like to RP in Pac, but we've been really short in comparison to what our alliance used to be. We used to have around 15 active RP members in just our small community and ElF was often around, but they've disappeared and there's very few of the RP on Pac.
Really folks... where are ya'll?


If you'd like to try RP come to Europa! We have RP guilds to suit all tastes, and the PvP is all pre-AoS, what's not to like?
All the RP guilds are tied into an ongoing story, friends, enemies, evil undead and drow etc. There's lots going on.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you'd like to try RP come to Europa! We have RP guilds to suit all tastes, and the PvP is all pre-AoS, what's not to like?
the fact that pre aos weapons and armour dont really exist?
Do you really have people in GM armour get explo flame striked by modern day mages? What happens if you want to have a 120 tamer?


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
the fact that pre aos weapons and armour dont really exist?
Do you really have people in GM armour
Yes they do. Atlantic cannot even hold a candle compared to Europa and some other smaller North American shards when it comes to RP. It has been like that for many years now and if you are a RP'er then you should really consider trying some of the other shards because you are really missing out by staying on Atlantic.

The incessant migration of players to Atlantic has more or less choked most of the shards pre-transfer era culture, along with RP. But hey, we got more "I pwned joo" players than any other shard! *rolls his eyes*

Kain Elderan

Atlantic cannot even hold a candle compared to Europa and some other shards when it comes to RP.
I would have to disagree. But then again, hey, we're also the one's that are not paving New Haven with books recruiting from other shards communities. I've been around Atlantic a very long time and some of the roleplay here has just been amazing. This past week I was involved in some sort of roleplay event about every other day, plus some other spontaneous stuff. I guess just goes to show that roleplay is thriving on Atlantic, no matter what those on Europa want to say.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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Stratics Legend
I am not from Europa or any other shard. I am from Atlantic but being a trader I have been to almost all other shards. What I am saying is based on experience, not misplaced shard loyalties.

I do hope that Atlantic changes for the better but in my opinion, as it stands, it is one of the lesser shards when it comes to in-game (not forum post) role play. It is definitely no where close to its glorious past and cannot compare with Europa, much less other North American shards such as Catskills, Chesapeake, and Baja. Here is a screen shot of just one RP guild/alliance on Europa (taken last month). They have many more. The last time we had such form of visible RP on Atlantic is when the orcs were still in their prime!

However, more power to you and others who are trying to bring life back to the shard. I salute you. It might be worthwhile checking out what has helped RP survive on these other shards and implementing it on Atlantic as well.

Kain Elderan

Well, as you said... your opinion. I simply disagree. Also, in regards to your edit.... Quantity =/= Quality. Europa has been known to recruit from other shards on purpose, which I consider very tacky.

Guardsmen Militia

Well, as you said... your opinion. I simply disagree. Also, in regards to your edit.... Quantity =/= Quality. Europa has been known to recruit from other shards on purpose, which I consider very tacky.
You can only recruit someone if they want to be recruited. From your remark it seems that players have left Atlantic and joined Europa.. it isn't as though we drag them kicking and screaming and forbid people to leave Europa, if they come and stay maybe you should be considering why they prefer it not blaming Europa for being able to entertain them.
I don't think it's 'tacky' to offer people an alternative or show people what other shards/guilds/communities have to offer. We all pay to play a game so clearly want enjoyment out of it, having the benefit of choice is a GOOD thing, no?

As for your remark on quality/quantity, if Europa roleplay was of such poor quality, surely people wouldn't stay or continue to RP there, you can't make someone stay. So whilst in some cases quantity may not mean quality, in this case I believe them to come hand in hand.

[Posted as Floria Tenne a member of the Guardsmen Militia, not as an entire guild opinion!]

wee papa smurf

the fact that pre aos weapons and armour dont really exist?
Do you really have people in GM armour get explo flame striked by modern day mages? What happens if you want to have a 120 tamer?
I played on Europa for years and RP'd with most of the community and the battles we had in amongst all the guilds was amazing, carrying regs and all that pre aos stuff was the best part of it, and in rp explo fs does no where near the amount of damage it does if you where wearing all the arties and stuff. RP is definitely one of the best parts of the game :D

And in my opinion Europa has the best RP'ers :)

Guardsmen Militia

Forgot to say:
Regardless of the age old "whose shard is better" argument, I think it's a great thing if Roleplay is growing again on other shards. Europa has also benefited from a small influx of both new and returning players and I hope this continues for everyone!

It's just a shame that on occasion the RP communities from different shards couldn't work together on some form of scenario/event or even idea sharing. I think that could lead to some very interesting things and would benefit everyone.

[Posted as Floria Tenne a member of the Guardsmen Militia, not as an entire guild opinion!]

Kain Elderan

There's a difference between offering a choice and COVERING the ground in New Haven with books. As to players leaving Atlantic for Europa, I don't know of any. Please realize I'm not digging or insulting all of Europa's roleplayers, I'm sure you have good ones as we do on Atlantic. The quality over quantity comment was also not a dig but something I experienced personally many years ago when UO was still a thriving community. Lessons learned the hard way I guess.

I'm probably coming off a bit worse than I meant to, I'll blame it on being 3am. But it is aggravating to see books strewn about everywhere recruiting for another shard when Atlantic has a good roleplay community already.

It's just a shame that on occasion the RP communities from different shards couldn't work together on some form of scenario/event or even idea sharing. I think that could lead to some very interesting things and would benefit everyone.
I wholeheartedly agree with you there. My biggest aggravation with this whole cross-shard stuff is I would much rather see roleplayers working together.


I've seen Escaflowne book drop on Atl so if Europa guilds like Vesper Trading Co are moving to ATL that would be brilliant.

It's not just about saying thee all the time some of the Sunday afternoon Trainsic gate pvp was awesome fun on Europa - I even saw GrD in their GM amour and wapons on foot killing a few pvpers at a harry. I was dying with laughter what an awesome bunch of players their bandie xhealing was top notch they had guys in billion dollar suits running for their lives :D

Guardsmen Militia

I even saw GrD in their GM amour and wapons on foot killing a few pvpers at a harry. I was dying with laughter what an awesome bunch of players their bandie xhealing was top notch they had guys in billion dollar suits running for their lives :D
All in a days work ;)
You didn't mention that most of us were in iron made armour and using iron weapons!

It is amazing what a group of people who are used to working together and each others style can do against the odds!

Seriously though, RP is what made the game interesting to me again. Anyone can solo a dragon in high-end gear, but where is the fun in that especially after the 5th or 6th time? RP gives the challenge back to UO and adds the community aspect that so many miss out on :(

[Posted as Floria Tenne a member of the Guardsmen Militia, not as an entire guild opinion!]


Agreed about the community aspect people get sucked into the item based game.

Combat training, xheal practice. and sounds really dumb but competitions like first to loot a suit of armour wins, everyone running around half naked in a dungeon looting bits of bone leather and plate with pvm farmers watching on thinking... "wtf is this?".

I found an old post from UCH boards regarding aforementioned harrower


Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wow this thread instantly sucks. maybe the bickering will get more people back into roleplaying. For anyone to say another shard has better roleplayers makes you a fool. To say that a community on atlantic that started september 27th 1997 and has not faltered lacks anything but presiege and respect makes you a fool. To say that Europa does not carry its own history and legend makes you just a fool. RP is one thing, the ability to immerse yourself and create your own world, and it is not
-better- anywhere. I asked a simple question. tisk tisk. and bryce i have no idea what your talking about.
If you wanna see some atlantic people stand in a line come to santcus, MTC, or umbra any drill or training. But the RP will be what you can make it. Feel free to join my guild and wear only GM armour, no skills above 100. But if you dont wanna do that, thats cool. just promise me youll keep the spirit of RP alive for yourself, and others.


I think the point to be made about Europa RP is that it's different.
With restrictions on equipment that make a pseudo-pre-AoS setting, PvP interactions are more balanced, and not so dominated by "du jour" templates, and those with the resources to buy/make the better equipment.
Of course, that doesn't appeal to a lot of people. But you can make a character, kit them out in GM leather, spend a few hours in Haven/Despise, and you have a character that's able to stand on its own feet in an RPvP fight.

It's accessible, above anything else.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone else noticed a recent resurgence of roleplaying?

I play atlantic, and in just the past 3 days I've seen at least 4 different RP guilds advertising memberships with book drops. I've also seen tons of people in obvious RP mode all over sosaria.

I've never really RPed myself; I find typing in-game to be at times inconvenient, and RP ust requires that much more typing. But I do think those who do ingage in RP do alot to enhance the game experience for everyone and go a long way in developing UO as a whole, especially stepping out of the item-driven economy so many of us have fallen into.

So if you're an RPer or an RP guild, good job and glad to see you back!!
this was the point.

Skylar Elderan

I think to play the measure Epeen contests about whose RP is better is immature. Everyone is playing this game on the server they chose and they will find if it makes a fit for them or not. As an Atlantic Roleplayer, it is really sad to hear things comparing us to other roleplayers on other servers-as I don't do this to be the best or impress anyone with my leet roleplay abilities. I simply want to play the game and roleplay with people who I consider friends.

Atlantic's roleplay may not be the greatest there ever was; but the people who RP together on atlantic are some good people putting some hard work into their story lines just like folks on Europa.

I don't think it needs to be a pissing contest over who is better and I really don't think that a thread started to admire people for "bringing the roleplay" back should have ever been turned into such. It was a simple observation from someone about the increase in Roleplaying. Why do we feel the need to blast another community?


the fact that pre aos weapons and armour dont really exist?
Do you really have people in GM armour get explo flame striked by modern day mages? What happens if you want to have a 120 tamer?
This is not meant to point fingers as I do not blame Cear, but I think this is where the problem started....I assume it was made innocently and to gather information, but it could have been negative to demote the probability of such things, either way this is for sure how this started. I have to admit I have not played on atl to long, but it would seem the rp community is not as large but I do remember the first thing Tram thing I witnessed on atl was when I was running through Umbra to search for housing/shopping and it would seem it was "Nightmare day" and there was, what I thought to be at the time, an exaggerated amount of people gathered there to seemingly eat a Nightmare >.>, Surely I have not seen or heard anything about RPers on atl going to fel, or going all pre-aos, but to see so many people gathered for something I was slightly confused about at first seemed like good RPing to me. Anyway....Do not really wanna feed the already growing rift between the shards and community, just saying that both shards seem to have a good rp community and everyone should get along.


not so dominated by "du jour" templates, and those with the resources to buy/make the better equipment.
Of course, that doesn't appeal to a lot of people.
I can only speak for Europa but I was not aware of any RPers in my guild that did not engage in conventional pvp on other chars (conventional as in with arties & runic gear etc), also a few that only pvpd got into the RP... well the rp fighting anyway but it's a start.

Ironically I found the RP community on Europa slowly losing it's imagination in terms of events, trying to suggest something was never met with a "yeah sounds fun" always with caveats and lengthy negotiation like shelling out a contract. Talk about pointlessly draining your energy.


I can only speak for Europa but I was not aware of any RPers in my guild that did not engage in conventional pvp on other chars (conventional as in with arties & runic gear etc), also a few that only pvpd got into the RP... well the rp fighting anyway but it's a start.
There is that, but there are also a bunch that lead a poor, or "Trammy" existence. They can participate, because the "cost" of RPing, in terms of resources and development time, are comparatively low.

Ironically I found the RP community on Europa slowly losing it's imagination in terms of events, trying to suggest something was never met with a "yeah sounds fun" always with caveats and lengthy negotiation like shelling out a contract. Talk about pointlessly draining your energy.
I hear that.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Even though I play am a Pacific report and play Pacific full-time, I have a second account currently that is strictly for Europa, I am currently in the Baronship of Cove, I got bored of RP on Pacific, there is no RP there, nothing to do, I have tried, I tried to make a orc guild, nobody could speak orc but me, I tried to make a guardsmen guild, it didn't work, nobody on Pacific wanted to roleplay, so I gave up, I am somewhat taking a break from UO, and I have been on Europa more than Pacific though for when I login...

I must say, Europa RP > Pacific RP


I wish EA Mythic would do more to cater towards roleplayers..


Particularly if you have any vampire hunters. We're infested with bloodsuckers!
Yes, what the buggery is going on there?

Don't worry. As we have approximately four roleplayers, three of which are vampires, sooner or later they're going to run out of blood and die. Then we can start afresh. With humans this time.