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[UO Herald] FoF: Happy 4th of July

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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Champ/Harrower titles, Faction Stat Loss, and Gargoyle flying.

For the full article click here.


Lord Gareth

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It's been mentioned that Gargoyles will be able to fly as fast as a mounted person running....will they be able to dismount a person on mount...and still fly at mounted speed? If so, that will lead to a HUGE disadvantage to any non gargoyle race. How's this going to work out? can you shed some light please.
When it comes to dismounting another player, a flying gargoyle will be subject to the same restrictions as a human or elf on a mount.

Give me a break shesh.... I got so PO when I saw this question.


Stratics Veteran
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I could've sworn they asked the Gargoyle dismount question already.
Only the faction question was interesting.


When you have equipment with Spell Damage Increase on does it increase the potency on positive spells such as bless and heal?
No it doesn't.

That one seems like a wasted questions to me. It's Spell DAMAGE increase... Damage - as in "not beneficial".

But considering the holiday, I'm glad we got a FoF this week.


Seasoned Veteran
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In this week's Five on Friday we cover Champ/Harrower titles, Faction Stat Loss, and Gargoyle flying.

For the full article click here.

Did.......did you just link BACK to Stratics to answer a question?

Can I just send you a link to an image of my checking account next time my account comes up for renewel?


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When you have equipment with Spell Damage Increase on does it increase the potency on positive spells such as bless and heal?
No it doesn't.

That one seems like a wasted questions to me. It's Spell DAMAGE increase... Damage - as in "not beneficial".

But considering the holiday, I'm glad we got a FoF this week.
Next, they'll ask if Damage Increase helps with bless.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Next, they'll ask if Damage Increase helps with bless.

Only if you can find a way to tie it into gargoyle flying.

Hey devs? The gargoyle flying thing is getting pretty old now k.thx.


I could've sworn they asked the Gargoyle dismount question already.
They did. Last week....:cursing:

From June 26 FoF-

It's been mentioned that Gargoyles will be able to fly as fast as a mounted person running....will they be able to dismount a person on mount...and still fly at mounted speed? If so, that will lead to a HUGE disadvantage to any non gargoyle race. How's this going to work out? can you shed some light please.
Gargoyle players will have access to nearly all dismounting abilities and weapon styles that are presently in game. They will also experience the same limitations that the other races have. A gargoyle that attempts to dismount another player must land first and will require the same delay before being able to take flight again. In return, gargoyles may be knocked out of flight just as humans and elves may be dismounted.


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Well it's nice to see the new titles for the Samurai Empire/Mondain's Legacy champions, since most people has never seen them in-game :)

I have never even been at a Harrower, yet I'm Champion of Evil from killing Serado and Ilhenir. Apparently the Harrower title overrides the normal titles as soon as you reach 7 champions killed, even if the 7th champion is not the Harrower itself!


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I agree, titles are messed up. My necro has only done Serado, yet the title says Annihlator. Would be way cooler if it said sleeping dragon in my title.

Would be more cool if we can "pick" which title we want to show.

Maximus Neximus

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Well it's nice to see the new titles for the Samurai Empire/Mondain's Legacy champions, since most people has never seen them in-game :)

I have never even been at a Harrower, yet I'm Champion of Evil from killing Serado and Ilhenir. Apparently the Harrower title overrides the normal titles as soon as you reach 7 champions killed, even if the 7th champion is not the Harrower itself!
I've done/killed every Fel Champ, Serado and the Harrower multiple times. My title says Champion of Evil. Shouldn't it say Assailant of Evil if I'm reading Draconi's post correctly?

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Next, they'll ask if Damage Increase helps with bless.

Only if you can find a way to tie it into gargoyle flying.

Hey devs? The gargoyle flying thing is getting pretty old now k.thx.
Yeah, was really good to hear this answered yet again

Let it go already!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Oh I'm about sick and tired of the stupid gargoyle flying question myself. How about answering why in the heck didn't you make the Mempo a MAJOR artie to replace the missing pigments!

I could go into a 4 page rant right now but I'm tired and my eyes hurt from farming smeg in Tokuno to no avail.


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Its a pretty typical 5 on friday to be honest. Its seems to work out that every FoF gives between zero and two decent questions with the rest being a complete waste. Its a shame and I just wish that they'd invest a little time and try and answer some of the more relevant questions ... there are a lot of them.



Grand Poobah
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I wondered this last week and yet I still can't see how hard it is for people to understand that gargoyles flying have the exact same restrictions as all normal mounts! With the exception that it can fly into special areas.
It was mentioned last week and it was even mentioned before that.

Foolio the Bard

Seriously, they are now purposely f**king with us. The gargoyle flying question is the exact same one from last week. And anyone who reads these boards knows the complete anger over more gargoyle flying questions on FoF.


Morgana LeFay (PoV)

I am still confused on this whole gargoyle flying/dismount thing...I think I will submit it as a question for next Friday's FoF :D


Wow i guess i should be appreciative my question made it into the fof. When they are put in there doesnt that mean your freaking answering them.

I mean seriously put another god damn flying question in if ur not gonna answer one.

Mine was the statloss hardcap and this is the ****ing answer i get congrats

"I don’t believe jewelry and other modification methods were take into account when the statloss for factions was originally implemented."

I mean ****ing wow. This does nothing for the question. I could have told u this crap before. Factions was before skill jewelry omg NO WAY.

What a god damn joke. Here add this one into your next fof. When im overloaded and i take steps i lose my stamina will you explain in great detail why this is and maybe explain how much i lose per step depending on how overweight i am? Also will chugging total refreshes make me able to move longer?


Crazed Zealot
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So you didn't have a question, you had a request for a change/feature disguised as a question?

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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Gargoyle flying = :bdh:

Lets stop with questions from the brain-dead and move on to new, fresh questions that haven't been answered for multiple weeks in a row.

Or, you could post a FAQ for SA... Oh, wait.. there IS ONE: http://www.uoherald.com/stygianabyss/gameoverview/faq/

Sorry, I forgot that most UO Players are incredibly lazy...

Either make the Five on Friday a useful source of information, or end it.


Crazed Zealot
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Either make the Five on Friday a useful source of information, or end it.
There's no law that requires you to read it if you're feeling that bad about it.

(then again, there's no law forcing me to read people complaining about having read it ... *wanders off to mind my own business*)

Foolio the Bard

There's no law that requires you to read it if you're feeling that bad about it.
No but Martyna makes a good point. If FoF is just merely information that can easily be found elsewhere (ex. the SA faq) or just features the same questions over and over week to week, then it really serves no purpose.

FoF should ideally be questions that are current in nature (ex. about the ToT3 event) or questions about something that reveals NEW information not available elsewhere.

Heck, it doesn't even have to be FIVE questions if that makes it too hard for them. 2-3 GOOD questions beats 5 mediocre ones.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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There's no law that requires you to read it if you're feeling that bad about it.

(then again, there's no law forcing me to read people complaining about having read it ... *wanders off to mind my own business*)

You miss the point... The FoF should be must-read for those of us who care about UO. Having the same questions repeated ad nauseum reflects poorly on everyone involved.

People complain because they care, and are more than likely correct in assuming that more interesting or valuable questions have gone unanswered so gargoyle flying can be explained for a 5th time.

Gargoyle flying = mounted human/elf. Same restrictions, same penalties, same 'dismount'. Its not hard to understand. Time to move on.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Can someone take this answer about flying and sticky it up top?
And Chrissay, for God's sake, put it in all caps on the Herald's top banner?
Have it pop up on a bark when you log in to play, like the vet reward gump does?
Have each of the little statues that talk to ya and tell ya history when ya walk by, say it spontaneously ingame?
Sherry and the Town criers barking it every 5 minutes?

Sounds silly, I know...but so is answering the same question every week.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If FoF is just merely information that can easily be found elsewhere (ex. the SA faq) or just features the same questions over and over week to week, then it really serves no purpose.

FoF should ideally be questions that are current in nature (ex. about the ToT3 event) or questions about something that reveals NEW information not available elsewhere.
Exactly! If a question has been answered by a recent post to the UO Herald (I.E. the ToTIII FAQ, SA FAQ, a previous FoF, patch/publish notes) don't answer it in the current FoF!

Give priority to new questions, and update the SA FAQ on a regular basis...


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's no law that requires you to read it if you're feeling that bad about it.

(then again, there's no law forcing me to read people complaining about having read it ... *wanders off to mind my own business*)
Finally...but hey, at least you didn't post your usual..."What question did you submit?" response :p

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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FoF should ideally be questions that are current in nature (ex. about the ToT3 event)

Yep... I think given the messages over the past couple of weeks, an FoF blurb on the rarity of the Mempo vs other Minors (or the drop distribution system of Minors in ToT) would be a better piece of information than the 5th or 6th week of gargoyle flying.

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

FoF should ideally be questions that are current in nature (ex. about the ToT3 event)

Yep... I think given the messages over the past couple of weeks, an FoF blurb on the rarity of the Mempo vs other Minors (or the drop distribution system of Minors in ToT) would be a better piece of information than the 5th or 6th week of gargoyle flying.
Wait... Gargoyles can fly?!?


Grand Inquisitor
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I had actually asked a real question about the mathematics behind Luck's role in the Doom Gauntlet and Treasures of Tokuno systems a few weeks/months ago. Draconi even replied on these boards that I should expect it in the FoF "soon."

However, it seems that the thread that all of this was in was deleted somehow, so now I don't even have proof that it ever happened.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Aww...they didn't answer the question I submitted...

It's been mentioned that Gargoyles will be able to fly as fast as a mounted person running....will they be able to dismount a person on mount...and still fly at mounted speed? If so, that will lead to a HUGE disadvantage to any non gargoyle race. How's this going to work out?

Maybe they will get to it next week. :D


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So in this installment of FoF we have:

1 question about factions (meaning it could be a good question, but I don't care)
1 question with an incorrect answer (Sorry, but the "of evil" titles are not harrower related)
and 3 questions which have been answered multiple times.

It wasn't their most impressive week.

Maybe next week they'll answer my question about gargoyles flying and possibly creating an imbalance due to "dismount". :D


So in this installment of FoF we have:
1 question with an incorrect answer (Sorry, but the "of evil" titles are not harrower related)
Are you saying that because it is broken or are you saying that because you think they are not meant to be harrower related? Only asking because currently they do not work so yea they are not harrower related, but they are suppose to be so I was not sure how to address your point about it. :p It does not matter enough to make the fof anyway tho, are people really complaining they are not getting the right title from spawns? >.>

Kingshore Dad

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Farsight is right. me for example never even saw the Harrower (playing drachs lot of bad reds und blue cowards hrhrhr) but i got the Title "Campion of Evil"


I'd send feedback to ask if they could stop answering questions about Gargoyle flight, but I'm worried that they might answer it...


UO Forum Moderator
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just curious why is the gargoyle flight a permanent question in the FOF ? Is it because they think we are to stupid to get it the first dozen times so they repeat it ?? its really not that hard to understand the answer come on people stop sending the same darn question in !