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Pet Res Idea... What Do You Think?

Npc Vet Will Res Pet For 5k

  • Good Idea

    Votes: 29 51.8%
  • Bad Idea

    Votes: 27 48.2%

  • Total voters

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People have always wanted a easy way to get there pet resed without having to look for tamer... mostly on less populated shards. My Idea is that the town vet or stable person would res you pet for some gold, the gold would be taken right out of the bank if you dont have the cash on you. EA wants a gold sink well make each res cost 5k. Might seem alittle high but people will pay it.


I'd go for that ONLY for low level animals such as horses, beetles, etc. Basically anything that you need NO skill for.

Lesser Hiryu or any tamer specific beasts, heck no. People who cramp their templates and don't take vet can take a flying leap and suffer. This would include the bushido guys and the PvP tamer:loser:


I'd go for that ONLY for low level animals such as horses, beetles, etc. Basically anything that you need NO skill for.

Lesser Hiryu or any tamer specific beasts, heck no. People who cramp their templates and don't take vet can take a flying leap and suffer. This would include the bushido guys and the PvP tamer:loser:
I second the notion that should be available for those without taming skill or as above states only for animals that do not require taming to control. As Lesser Hiryu can be controlled with bushido, I would like to see them rezed by NPC for bushido players but not those controlled by taming.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Scale vet the the level of the pet

No Skill to tame / Control no skill to res

Max Skill to Tame / Control GM vet to res

Simple easy fix, also other player cannot res your pet...!!!!! if you want the beast learn to handle them properly. That include ressing them.

Lord Drakelord

in those days when we had one PC only I hated having to look for a tamer to res my bug after dieing to a reaper in a cave and not seeing one anywhere!


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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There is a Vet in Britain at the stables..... there is NO reason in my opinion why that Vet can't rez pets.... even if it is for 5k... Would be worth not having to wait around and search for someone to do it. Sometimes it's very hard to find someone to rez for me.... I've even had to go to a second computer to rez my own pets.

Morgana LeFay (PoV)

Maybe they could scale the cost of the rez based on the pets stats? Like, a horse might cost 50 gold, whereas a Greater Dragon might be 60,000?

Just a thought.


I'll agree. I think they could raise it to 15-20k to where if there is a player you know can res on it should be worth it to go to them. On the less populated shards if its not primetime it can be killer to try to find a pet resser.

It definitely should have some sort of penalty to where getting another player to res your pet is the better option, but this is not always remotely convenient.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think a better idea would be to only let characters with vet be able to bond with a pet.
That would end the idea of trying to get away not having another skill.

Cerwin Vega

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't make this post thinking about people that have taming with no vet skill... I was just thinking about a gold sink and quick pet res when no ones around. I guess there should be limits like horses, llamas and stuff like can be resed by anyone but stuff that needs over a set amount of taming to control can not be resed.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Voted No. More restrictions need to be in place than a cheap out for those who choose not to have Vet.

Nylan has an idea worth looking into, no Vet = no bonding.

Stayin Alive,


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I guess there should be limits like horses, llamas and stuff like can be resed by anyone but stuff that needs over a set amount of taming to control can not be resed.
A Horse? - Why would you spend 5000gp to rez a pet that can be bought for less than 600gp.

There are several pets that require no taming skill to own and use, like blue beetles and fire beetles. They are a formidable combatant with some training. I don't think that taming level for ownership should be used. if you are going to have a taming skill cut off, make it based on the skill required to tame, not own. That will be more discriminating.

Stayin Alive,


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Additional restrictions need to include:
Once per day per character

Stayin Alive,



Id wait till sa is released and farm the ingrediants for the pet res potion myself. Your poll is good to though...


I think a better idea would be to only let characters with vet be able to bond with a pet.
That would end the idea of trying to get away not having another skill.
Nylan's got a better idea. I am sick of the catering to the solitary, introvert hermit. Its time to bring back the "multi-player" in MMORPG, and keep what little we still have left.

Here is a list of some good ideas regarding pet rezzing:

1. If you are taking a pet into battle that cant fight worth dung, the what did you expect to happen? Rainbows and happy thoughts would keep it safe? Get a second horse and keep it in your stables. You can keep 2 pets in the stable whithout having any taming, lore or vet.

2. If you are a tamer without vet, then its time to show some respect to your pet, instead of trying to squeeze a little more mana regen. Deal with your limitations and develop tactics that minimize their exposure. I have.

3. Get a soulstone or some fragments and swap it out. We are only talking about 50.0 skill points, for a tamer. You can use jewelry to cover the other 30 points. If you are not a tamer (so no animal lore) please see number one.

4. Ride an ethy or charger of the fallen.

5. Buy another horse.

6. Try looking other places than Luna for a rez (like Brit Bank, Yew Gate, and for ToT the Fan Dancer dojo). Talk to people and ask them politely for a rez. Don't just drag the ghost behind you sweeping the floor with its incorporeal tail.



UO Forum Moderator
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The easest solution would be for dead pets to have a timer like the talismans.

Say, an 1800 second timer.

While the timer is running, ONLY other PCs can rez your pet. Personally dying or losing connection would reset the timer to 1800 seconds.

AFTER the half-hour is up (since the pet last died, you last died, or you last disconnected, whichever came last), THEN you could pay the Britain NPC pet to rez.

Cost would be half the purchase cost, if something buyable.

For tames of a type not buyable from an NPC, cost would be 50 times the pet's current barding difficulty (note this goes up as pet is trained up), times the control slots of the pets (so a pet taking 3 control slots, with a barding difficulty of 60.0, would be 50 x 60.0 x 3 = 3000 x 3 = 9000 to rez).

Of course, this would mean that a lazy tamer would have to pay something like 35k gold to get a Greater dragon rezzed, and would still have to wait a half-hour for it - if one would even allow pets over 3 slots to be rezzed by an NPC at all (which, frankly, I wouldn't allow).


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just for swampies, fire beetles, blue bettles and other non-tamer critters.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think a better idea would be to only let characters with vet be able to bond with a pet.
That would end the idea of trying to get away not having another skill.
Thank you so much for that idea, it would, to all intents and purposes, ban the use of fire beetles in felucca, and more critically, on Siege.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I voted yes for the non tamers with our low level pets oft need a pet res and there oft are no real tamers to be found to res our pets for us.

Having an npc pet res'er in Brit and possibly one other town like Zento would be nice for non tamers to get their pets res'd for a small fee or free like the healers res us...one or two to res our pets the same way *for low level pets* would be wonderful to have in the game somewhere for us non tamers to get our dead pets a res.

It actually seems silly to have an npc VET that does nothing for any of us, non tamers to res our dead pets. While we can own ethereals etc. they do not make noises nor EAT like a pony or ostard or blue beetle...sometimes it is just more roleplaying fun to have a pet that is NOT ethereal and actually makes pet noises...be nicer yet if we could get an npc or two to res our lil pets when no tamers with vet can be found to help our dearly departed low level pets to get a res. for them.


Here is a list of some good ideas regarding pet rezzing:

1. If you are taking a pet into battle that cant fight worth dung, the what did you expect to happen? Rainbows and happy thoughts would keep it safe? Get a second horse and keep it in your stables. You can keep 2 pets in the stable whithout having any taming, lore or vet.

2. If you are a tamer without vet, then its time to show some respect to your pet, instead of trying to squeeze a little more mana regen. Deal with your limitations and develop tactics that minimize their exposure. I have.

3. Get a soulstone or some fragments and swap it out. We are only talking about 50.0 skill points, for a tamer. You can use jewelry to cover the other 30 points. If you are not a tamer (so no animal lore) please see number one.

4. Ride an ethy or charger of the fallen.

5. Buy another horse.

6. Try looking other places than Luna for a rez (like Brit Bank, Yew Gate, and for ToT the Fan Dancer dojo). Talk to people and ask them politely for a rez. Don't just drag the ghost behind you sweeping the floor with its incorporeal tail.
7. Get spellweaving and use gift of life. It seems that you can already rez a pet in game without vet.



I'd prefer something more like:
((Follower slots of pet) ^2 ) *1000
So, slots of pet - cost:
1 - 1,000
2 - 4,000
3 - 9,000
4 - 16,000
5 - 25,000
And greater loss to pet skills, when ressed by NPC.

There needs to be a way to res pets, if there's no vets to be found. Although, it needs to not be like repair deeds, which provide basically no incentive to get repairs from a real crafter.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I like the idea, I had to put Vet/Lore on my miner so i could res my pack horse/blue bettle due to the lack of tamers on europa while i play

Lore Master

I would rather let my pet go and just tame or buy another pet if any of the above ideas went into affect I struggle enough to make gold so no thanks.
  • I can see it now players with dead pets begging tamers to res there pets so they don't have to pay a pet res fee and certain tamers saying go to a NPC and get the res and pay up and those players cursing the tamers for not ressing there pets costing them gold just watch and see if this idea goes into affect.
What UO needs is more freedom, less restrictions and less penalty.


I rez pets for anyone for free anytime I can. However I can understand the frustration of waiting for a very long time for a pet rez. Maybe the sliding pay scale at Haven stable - Brit stable - maybe Delucca?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got an idea as to how I think it should work.
If you use the NPC to res it, the pet will suffer more penalty to their stats and/or skills upon resurrection.

So the option will be available but it would still urge players to seek out a player or get the vet skill.


Bad idea.

Leave some player interaction in the game. Pet bonding virtually eliminated the need to buy pets from tamers, now you're asking to take away the one thing they're still good for.

Tamers can res their own pets or at least go tame another. Anyone else can buy a horse/packy from the stables. As for fire beetles, make do with a packy to cart ore around in. It's really not that great a tragedy or inconvenience to have a pet die. Pre-bonding people used to deal with it multiple times a day without any tears.