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Can skill increase / decrease when at GM level?



Hi, Couldn't find any documentation on this, but is it possible to gain / lose skill when at GM level? As I am unable to do so and its driving me mad.

I have set all locks on and several active skills to lower and one to rise and there is no change.

Please could someone offer any advice reagarding this issue

Thank you in advance :)


You have to reach your skill cap before you start to decrease skill.

Example would be if you have a 700 skill cap, then you would need to get 7 skills to 100 (or any combination of skills that equates to 700) and then set one down and set the new skill you wish to train up and you will begin to decrease in that skill.


Cloak‡1298618 said:
You have to reach your skill cap before you start to decrease skill.

Example would be if you have a 700 skill cap, then you would need to get 7 skills to 100 (or any combination of skills that equates to 700) and then set one down and set the new skill you wish to train up and you will begin to decrease in that skill.
Hi, my "real skill cap" is at 700, although my normal one is at 722 (I assume becuase I am wearing ring with +11 mag etc.)

So I am pretty confused whats gonig on :S


OK.... real skill total is 700... skill you are wanting to raise is at GM... Some skills are set to be able to lower...

Is the skill you are trying to raise one that goes above 100?
Have you used an appropriate powerscroll to go above 100?

(They may be obvious questions, but I am trying to cover all bases since I can not think of anything else that may be causing the problem).


OK.... real skill total is 700... skill you are wanting to raise is at GM... Some skills are set to be able to lower...

Is the skill you are trying to raise one that goes above 100?
Have you used an appropriate powerscroll to go above 100?

(They may be obvious questions, but I am trying to cover all bases since I can not think of anything else that may be causing the problem).
I am actually trying to raise magery (currently at 67 skill)

As far as I'm aware I have done everything (have been playing 3 years now).

So it really puzzles me, I have even contacted EA about the problem, but no reply was received :/


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK.... real skill total is 700... skill you are wanting to raise is at GM... Some skills are set to be able to lower...

Is the skill you are trying to raise one that goes above 100?
Have you used an appropriate powerscroll to go above 100?

(They may be obvious questions, but I am trying to cover all bases since I can not think of anything else that may be causing the problem).
I am actually trying to raise magery (currently at 67 skill)

As far as I'm aware I have done everything (have been playing 3 years now).

So it really puzzles me, I have even contacted EA about the problem, but no reply was received :/
If you have been playing for 3 years, I would think the real skill cap would be at least 705, if not higher. As in I think there is some formula or means to exceed that 705 Real Cap.

Having said that, even if your real total is 700 (you are using the two buttons on the bottom left go get real | cap values on the Skill Gump) then you should still be gaining in Magery.

One thing one might ask is are you casting on 6th and 7th level spells?

If you have a 100% LRC suit then you should be able to sit in Luna and cast Invisibility Over and Over (Hot key cast spell - Invisibility, WaitForTarget, TargetSelf) and you should see Magery Increasing.


Correct... if your account is 3 years old, then your total skill cap should be 715. You might try using a spell-channeling mage weapon to falsely lower the magery skill to help with gains.

I have also seen skills lock at a modified-GM (Fake GM due to buff items) and the real-skill would not gain further until those items were removed.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Correct... if your account is 3 years old, then your total skill cap should be 715. You might try using a spell-channeling mage weapon to falsely lower the magery skill to help with gains.

I have also seen skills lock at a modified-GM (Fake GM due to buff items) and the real-skill would not gain further until those items were removed.
So is it an additional 5 for every year? How many years is that good for or are these 11 year folks running around with a 755 cap.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Get a wand and cast with it equipped, -29 is the best you will find but really any will work. Your gains will not be any faster than they would normally, but you will use less mana getting to cast lower level spells for gains and will also cast faster since you're casting lower level spells. At around level 38 skill I'd probably do a mix of circle 3 and 4 spells.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Get a wand and cast with it equipped, -29 is the best you will find but really any will work. Your gains will not be any faster than they would normally, but you will use less mana getting to cast lower level spells for gains and will also cast faster since you're casting lower level spells. At around level 38 skill I'd probably do a mix of circle 3 and 4 spells.
Good point on the reducing the Magery Level.

Is there a benefit to a wand vs any old junk Mage -29 Weapon?


Good point on the reducing the Magery Level.

Is there a benefit to a wand vs any old junk Mage -29 Weapon?
Not really, except it is a one hander and is always spell channeling, the one handed thing is good cuase you dont have to worry about the -1 since you can use arcane shield. Can not think of any other real benefit aside from they are guaranteed to be sc mage weapons.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Indeed. Easier to get wands then anything else.

Note that magery is difficulty based. If you're casting something too easy/hard, you won't gain. Aim for something you have a ~50% chance of casting.

(Mage Weapons lower your chance to cast everything, meaning you can gain off faster/cheaper spells.)


You could always join factions and use that magery gain trick.

Foolio the Bard

Well, ECORG911, did you figure it out? I am dying from the suspense...
