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Kiss Of Death

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just seen a very interesting idea from a guy here on forum ----> special items drop when killing a pker

this idea has to be connected with the bounty system in my opinion and the faction points. the more the pker life will cost and the more points he has , the better item he will drop when he dies.

This will appear at the same chance of Dark father and it will pop in the backpack of the guy who got the last hit and the insurance.

It would be cool tbh to get some special artifacts when killing a very skilled pker...

I already imagine blue squads running around felucca trying to find some pkers for:

1) bounty system reward ---> gold

2) very nice items


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This would totally be exploited by Guilds, friends, or users with multiple accounts.

Person 1 kills person 2 over and over until they are considered "a very skilled Pker". Then Person 1 allows person 2 to kill them so person 2 can get the reward.


Guess Ill fire up that 2nd account with reds on it.


they just need to bring back the old bounty system.
1. cutting peoples heads off is rad
2. bounty money was rad
3. would also be rad if you could eat their heart


they just need to bring back the old bounty system.
1. cutting peoples heads off is rad
2. bounty money was rad
3. would also be rad if you could eat their heart
Only problem with this is the reason they got rid of the system was to get the "teen" rating, so they would have to move back to a "Mature" rating. Not sure if the game will be able to sustain ANOTHER change in the target audience, tho going back to the original intent might work for the game.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They could always create a PVP Taxidermy Kit. Works like the other kit so that if you kill someone you could click on the kit and then target the body and you would have a mounted head of your victim. Limitations would be only x number of mounted heads per account, if you want another mounted head you would have to destroy one that you already have, and your char would have to be the one that got the kill shot in order to mount the head. Maybe make the heads say things like the mounted pixies.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1297182 said:
Only problem with this is the reason they got rid of the system was to get the "teen" rating, so they would have to move back to a "Mature" rating. Not sure if the game will be able to sustain ANOTHER change in the target audience, tho going back to the original intent might work for the game.
Not sure but I think it also had something to do with other countries beliefs about not getting peoples heads off.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure but I think it also had something to do with other countries beliefs about not getting peoples heads off.
Which to me is strange considering all the violence in UO.

Funny how its OK to flamestrike someone to death and then watch their corpse face plant but god forbid we decapitate someone!


I think the OP needs to go back to the drawing board. Novel idea at best. Hardly what I would classify as "UBER".

All this would create is another opportunity for fel blues to go after fel reds and split the gains. I believe this was another reason why the "bounty" system went away.

Now, if you want to add to the original idea, bring back the stat loss for reds. Bring back Bucc's Den as the only city that they have free reign.

Ooooohhh, how about this? Reds no longer are able to use insurance or bags of sending! If you add these things, then the OP idea would carry merit with me.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
they just need to bring back the old bounty system.
1. cutting peoples heads off is rad
2. bounty money was rad
3. would also be rad if you could eat their heart
Again that could easily be exploited by guilds. Even by the lone pker.
Die, res, cut off own head, and turn it in.

Kind of hard to find a way to bring back a bounty system that will not be exploited.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the OP needs to go back to the drawing board. Novel idea at best. Hardly what I would classify as "UBER".

All this would create is another opportunity for fel blues to go after fel reds and split the gains. I believe this was another reason why the "bounty" system went away.

Now, if you want to add to the original idea, bring back the stat loss for reds. Bring back Bucc's Den as the only city that they have free reign.

Ooooohhh, how about this? Reds no longer are able to use insurance or bags of sending! If you add these things, then the OP idea would carry merit with me.
Oh how about this? Whenever someone turns red, their character is automatically transferred to Siege? AWESOME IDEA RITE?


Not sure but I think it also had something to do with other countries beliefs about not getting peoples heads off.
When they changed from Mature to Teen, subscriptions was the least of their worries, so I am not sure offending people would matter as long as their was fair warning on the box.

EA just wanted to change the target audience, this part I know for a fact (I do not remember anything about other peoples beliefs) And when they went to the ratings board they had to remove the decapitation in order to gain that Teen rating they wanted. I wonder if the article is available anywhere to read?

There were a few other things they had to change, I do not remember. What I do not fully understand is the only part of the rating that made it go from mature to teen was getting rid of the "Gore", but people exploding in game is not gore? I do not understand how they rate things these days, Teen = blood and violence and people exploding, Mature = blood, violence and chopping peoples' heads off (there was no exploding people when they made this change)

You could be right but I do not recall them caring about the beliefs of others when they removed this (it was going on for years before they did this)


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
it just hit me ! best idea ever for uo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok how bout this... this is fair to trammies and pvpers.........

how about in tram/malas/tokuno/ilsh it stays the same with insurance and all, u die u just lose gold so u dont have to worry about getting killed in between 20 dragons and losing your suit

1. but........ how about they make it so that you can't insure your items in felucca, we can go back to the old ways of simple crafted, non barbed runic kit, non val hammer made armor just regular crafted, gm made weapons and the magic in pvp could be brought back by this! i think this would be possible but it would take a while to develop it because i guess if u wore insured items into fell then it uninsures them and u'd have to reinsure going back to tram or it auto does it i dunno... but i think this idea could actually work and get people to love pvp again.............

2. also a MUST is bring back order/chaos guilds, warring specific guilds is annoying and very limited, order/chaos is like a permanent war and u always have to be on your guard

3. yes the bounty system is pretty cool too, i remember the days of the bounty, i know in germany it is not looked at well to decapitate someone in a video game for some reason but you don't have to have their head cut off, just make it so that if u kill someone with a bounty, an unblessed deed pops into their backpack and they have to rush to a town guard in felucca to cash it in

lets face it, all there really is to do pvp wise in uo is the 24/7 despise raids which are fun for quite a while but when u do hundreds over years it gets very repetitive and boring... aside from this theres yew gate fighting which always leads to gank, followed by the cocky pvper who wants to challenge you to a duel at the jholem farms.... fights at t2a champ spawns are a lot of fun, im sick of defending bridges in despise which is why i barely pvp anymore and i used to all the time....

i really hope someone from the dev team reads my ideas and ponders on them for a few minutes

Blind Otto

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No insurance in Fel.
Sounds familiar.
*pokes ground beneath feet*
Ah, there it is - good old Siege! Still here, and still insurance-free!
*makes umpteenth suit of the day*

As to the bounties - aye, bring them back! If we can have exploding, decapitated bodies during a trick-or-treat event/season, and find body parts on a wide variety of monsters, what difference does it make if we can turn in the heads of players???


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No insurance in Fel.
Sounds familiar.
*pokes ground beneath feet*
Ah, there it is - good old Siege! Still here, and still insurance-free!
*makes umpteenth suit of the day*

As to the bounties - aye, bring them back! If we can have exploding, decapitated bodies during a trick-or-treat event/season, and find body parts on a wide variety of monsters, what difference does it make if we can turn in the heads of players???
siege is no insurance everywhere, on siege you can even kill people in the doom gauntlet right after they get an orny from a darkfather and take it


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the OP needs to go back to the drawing board. Novel idea at best. Hardly what I would classify as "UBER".

All this would create is another opportunity for fel blues to go after fel reds and split the gains. I believe this was another reason why the "bounty" system went away.

Now, if you want to add to the original idea, bring back the stat loss for reds. Bring back Bucc's Den as the only city that they have free reign.

Ooooohhh, how about this? Reds no longer are able to use insurance or bags of sending! If you add these things, then the OP idea would carry merit with me.
i can see you aren't in favor of pvp, why would u want to penalize reds? they are part of the game.... if it wasn't for reds the economy in uo would be even more screwed up, think of them as a balancing force.... imagine if reds didn't raid champ spawns......... how many blues would be farming power scrolls 24/7, thank reds for being able to turn a profit on 120 scrolls

if the bounty system came back id work hard on my red to earn a high bounty, but as a blue i wouldn't split anything with anyone if i killed a red with a bounty, if you bring back statloss for reds, turn off insurance completely because that equally justifies it, i dunno why it matters what town reds can go to, no blues ever go to cities in felucca, the only people that use them are the felucca guilds in charge of factions, people that play red characters pay the same monthly fee as people that play blue characters, therefore they should be treated equally, lets not get the civil rights movement riled up !


i can see you aren't in favor of pvp, why would u want to penalize reds? they are part of the game.... if it wasn't for reds the economy in uo would be even more screwed up, think of them as a balancing force.... imagine if reds didn't raid champ spawns......... how many blues would be farming power scrolls 24/7, thank reds for being able to turn a profit on 120 scrolls

if the bounty system came back id work hard on my red to earn a high bounty, but as a blue i wouldn't split anything with anyone if i killed a red with a bounty, if you bring back statloss for reds, turn off insurance completely because that equally justifies it, i dunno why it matters what town reds can go to, no blues ever go to cities in felucca, the only people that use them are the felucca guilds in charge of factions, people that play red characters pay the same monthly fee as people that play blue characters, therefore they should be treated equally, lets not get the civil rights movement riled up !

Uhm...Powerscrolls are the reason the ecconomy is messed up, if everyone could farm 120 scrolls just the same as the next guy, there would be no market for them. Powerscrolls tipped the market into what it is today, so thank you reds for destroying the market *rolls eyes*

And considering you were penalized for being red when the game started I see no reason why they should have ever changed that, your argument is very weak here. While I have no problem with being red, and I enjoy pvping, I do not follow your argument.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Besides, UO was published in '97 and at that time the 2D graphics looked good and new. No one would give a rat's ass if you could cut heads off of corpses.

Der Rock

they just need to bring back the old bounty system.
1. cutting peoples heads off is rad
2. bounty money was rad
3. would also be rad if you could eat their heart
that´s not rad, it is simply real sick nothing else
sick people,sad those part of games are still around
(such sickness should be forbidden in all games)


Oh how about this? Whenever someone turns red, their character is automatically transferred to Siege? AWESOME IDEA RITE?
Lame. I was merely stating what would be in place before the OP's input would carry merit.
I remember back in the day, when going red had major implications. Now, those are all gone. There are no risks to being red these days.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1298037 said:
Uhm...Powerscrolls are the reason the ecconomy is messed up, if everyone could farm 120 scrolls just the same as the next guy, there would be no market for them. Powerscrolls tipped the market into what it is today, so thank you reds for destroying the market *rolls eyes*

And considering you were penalized for being red when the game started I see no reason why they should have ever changed that, your argument is very weak here. While I have no problem with being red, and I enjoy pvping, I do not follow your argument.
dupes screwed the economy up, all the thousands of barbed kits and val runic hammers


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the bounty system was great. It was awesome to check the bounty board to see what my bounty was up to. I remember people used to form parties to hunt a specific red player. I think I was up to a 600k bounty at one point.

Before I PvP'd I just remember how much of a rush it was to be hunting and all of a sudden a red would roll through. I'd get killed, and then we would come back with several people to kill the red (or get killed again).

It's a shame so many people will never know that excitement.

They should still bring it back, and in order to report a murder you have to put some sort of a bounty on them. Have a very low minimum. If you kill the red player (or blue for that matter) and they have a bounty you get the bounty gold in addition to the insurance when you kill them.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Now, if you want to add to the original idea, bring back the stat loss for reds. Bring back Bucc's Den as the only city that they have free reign.

Ooooohhh, how about this? Reds no longer are able to use insurance or bags of sending! If you add these things, then the OP idea would carry merit with me.
Just out of curiosity why should someone who is playing a RPG be penalized for their playstyle? Back before Tram, blue noto-pk's where way more of any issue than reds.

But I would be open to no insurance for reds if they made the game more skill based again than item based and got rid of Tram.

Not sure if I have EVER seen a red use a bag of sending, unless they happened to loot it off of a blue. hmmmm i suppose they could be farming silver for factions.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The bounty system could be bought back, but done differently. A bounty is put on someone that person is hunted down :p. The person who has the last kill shot will automaticly have the person's characters head appear in their packback, or maybe a deed that says I killed so and so and got the bounty. turning the head or deed in you are warded a percentage of the bounty like 5% or 10% not all of it. that way their is no cutting up any ones body


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1298037 said:
And considering you were penalized for being red when the game started I see no reason why they should have ever changed that, your argument is very weak here. While I have no problem with being red, and I enjoy pvping, I do not follow your argument.
There was no Tam when the game started too, yet that was changed.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's a shame so many people will never know that excitement.
This is so true. I have tried to explain it in posts but its just not the same as living it.

I remember having sweaty palms as i was killing things in Shame or wherever, jut waiting for the reds to role in.


they just need to bring back the old bounty system.
1. cutting peoples heads off is rad
2. bounty money was rad
3. would also be rad if you could eat their heart
Did I just wake up in the 80s?


that´s not rad, it is simply real sick nothing else
sick people,sad those part of games are still around
(such sickness should be forbidden in all games)
*cracks knuckles; gets ready to start some drama*

AHA! I FOUND IT! *holds Der Rock up high so everyone can see* So, THIS is the reason games are getting lame and boring. People like THIS! Your sensitivities bore us all. Its people like this that are raising the next generation of soft, pink-handed little wimps. . . You under-estimate a child's capacity for cruelty. I remember having a much GREATER capacity for cruelty and violence as a child. Did you not ever pull the head from a grass-hopper to watch it hop around headless? In all honesty, I wouldn't do that now... Its called a game for a reason. Because its NOT REAL! Forbid, forbid, forbid.. thats all you ever think.. "how can I forbid people from doing things they like today?" Decapitation seems tame, compared to what the harrower does to your body. Never seen it? Thats because its not in tram.
Just like pvp. Not in tram. Just like us! Not in tram!

In summary, fel is place of violence. Trammies such as yourself need not venture here at all! So basically, this conversation has NOTHING to do with YOU!

Now that the crucifixion is over, lets talk about this thing again:
I think theres a way around exploiting a bounty system. Trash these ideas if they dont work please:

1. The bounty has a max. Say, equal to, or less than the victims entire insurance set. (so if your whole suit is around 5k or so, thats yr max)
2. The bounty $$ is payed FROM the murderers bank account. (pretty much throws out that whole, 'kill yourself' thing..
3. Murderers cannot collect bounty on their own head, or the head of a guild/faction mate.

So i can see it working. You murdle a bunch of people. Each time, they put in a bounty to get their insurance that you took, BACK out of you. (if not for themselves, then to the lucky fella that got ya) Finally, some guy gets the kill on ya, cuts yr head off, takes it in to the bank, and gets all the insurance you murdled out of people!

Correct me if im wrong please. I don't see an exploit here, but I do see a way of cheating the system. Simply log in yr non-guilded character on yr other account and kill yr murdler. Take the bounty and give it back to the murdler.. Hence, he cheats the bounty.. so people would scam it a bit, but its not exploitable for huge sums.


I just seen a very interesting idea from a guy here on forum ----> special items drop when killing a pker

this idea has to be connected with the bounty system in my opinion and the faction points. the more the pker life will cost and the more points he has , the better item he will drop when he dies.

This will appear at the same chance of Dark father and it will pop in the backpack of the guy who got the last hit and the insurance.

It would be cool tbh to get some special artifacts when killing a very skilled pker...

I already imagine blue squads running around felucca trying to find some pkers for:

1) bounty system reward ---> gold

2) very nice items
It might be even better, to somehow track the number of kills you have in fel?
Not like test where it shows everyone, but like when you want to you can say something along the lines of " I wish to see my kill/death"

or something to that effect.
When you kill someone with more kills/counts, the better items
Thats how i would see it.



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*cracks knuckles; gets ready to start some drama*

AHA! I FOUND IT! *holds Der Rock up high so everyone can see* So, THIS is the reason games are getting lame and boring. People like THIS! Your sensitivities bore us all. Its people like this that are raising the next generation of soft, pink-handed little wimps. . . You under-estimate a child's capacity for cruelty. I remember having a much GREATER capacity for cruelty and violence as a child. Did you not ever pull the head from a grass-hopper to watch it hop around headless? In all honesty, I wouldn't do that now... Its called a game for a reason. Because its NOT REAL! Forbid, forbid, forbid.. thats all you ever think.. "how can I forbid people from doing things they like today?" Decapitation seems tame, compared to what the harrower does to your body. Never seen it? Thats because its not in tram.
Just like pvp. Not in tram. Just like us! Not in tram!

In summary, fel is place of violence. Trammies such as yourself need not venture here at all! So basically, this conversation has NOTHING to do with YOU!

Now that the crucifixion is over, lets talk about this thing again:
I think theres a way around exploiting a bounty system. Trash these ideas if they dont work please:

1. The bounty has a max. Say, equal to, or less than the victims entire insurance set. (so if your whole suit is around 5k or so, thats yr max)
2. The bounty $$ is payed FROM the murderers bank account. (pretty much throws out that whole, 'kill yourself' thing..
3. Murderers cannot collect bounty on their own head, or the head of a guild/faction mate.

So i can see it working. You murdle a bunch of people. Each time, they put in a bounty to get their insurance that you took, BACK out of you. (if not for themselves, then to the lucky fella that got ya) Finally, some guy gets the kill on ya, cuts yr head off, takes it in to the bank, and gets all the insurance you murdled out of people!

Correct me if im wrong please. I don't see an exploit here, but I do see a way of cheating the system. Simply log in yr non-guilded character on yr other account and kill yr murdler. Take the bounty and give it back to the murdler.. Hence, he cheats the bounty.. so people would scam it a bit, but its not exploitable for huge sums.
/agree, the dev team really needs someone who played uo before Tram and pvped back then

Der Rock

that´s not rad, it is simply real sick nothing else
sick people,sad those part of games are still around
(such sickness should be forbidden in all games)
*cracks knuckles; gets ready to start some drama*

AHA! I FOUND IT! *holds Der Rock up high so everyone can see* So, THIS is the reason games are getting lame and boring. People like THIS! Your sensitivities bore us all. Its people like this that are raising the next generation of soft, pink-handed little wimps. . . You under-estimate a child's capacity for cruelty. I remember having a much GREATER capacity for cruelty and violence as a child. Did you not ever pull the head from a grass-hopper to watch it hop around headless? In all honesty, I wouldn't do that now... Its called a game for a reason. Because its NOT REAL! Forbid, forbid, forbid.. thats all you ever think.. "how can I forbid people from doing things they like today?" Decapitation seems tame, compared to what the harrower does to your body. Never seen it? Thats because its not in tram.
Just like pvp. Not in tram. Just like us! Not in tram!
In summary, fel is place of violence. Trammies such as yourself need not venture here at all! So basically, this conversation has NOTHING to do with YOU!

SICK is SICK, and people who like such sickness in games have also a problem in real !:(

and yes, my whole family plays Wii, and we all like it much, best family fun since years :)


well.. i for one would love to decapitate you in game,
but in real life, im sure you would find me a pretty average man.
married, homeowner, compact car driver, clean record, occasional social drinking etc... yr point is weak.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SICK is SICK, and people who like such sickness in games have also a problem in real !:(

and yes, my whole family plays Wii, and we all like it much, best family fun since years :)
XMFD you're kidding right?


Not that I agree, but some of the most prolific killers ever where just ordinary people, so both points are pretty weak. However I have no problem with decapitation in game.


Cloak‡1298746 said:
Not that I agree, but some of the most prolific killers ever where just ordinary people, so both points are pretty weak. However I have no problem with decapitation in game.
i disagree. Some of the most prolific killers ever seemed to be just ordinary people.. except.. then they found out they were actually killers. .


i can see you aren't in favor of pvp, why would u want to penalize reds? they are part of the game.... if it wasn't for reds the economy in uo would be even more screwed up, think of them as a balancing force.... imagine if reds didn't raid champ spawns......... how many blues would be farming power scrolls 24/7, thank reds for being able to turn a profit on 120 scrolls

if the bounty system came back id work hard on my red to earn a high bounty, but as a blue i wouldn't split anything with anyone if i killed a red with a bounty, if you bring back statloss for reds, turn off insurance completely because that equally justifies it, i dunno why it matters what town reds can go to, no blues ever go to cities in felucca, the only people that use them are the felucca guilds in charge of factions, people that play red characters pay the same monthly fee as people that play blue characters, therefore they should be treated equally, lets not get the civil rights movement riled up !
I never said I wasn't in favor of PvP. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall that the only city reds could go to was Bucc's Den and it remained that way until some point around the Renassaince.

I agree whole heartedly about the necessity for reds to raid champ spawns. Otherwise, Tram would have them as well. All I'm saying is that initially, there were serious consequences for going red. Now there are none minus the exception for having to remain in Fel...Whoopie, they already hang there. Either way, the issue of granting rewards/arties for slaying a red is useless and lame.


Just out of curiosity why should someone who is playing a RPG be penalized for their playstyle? Back before Tram, blue noto-pk's where way more of any issue than reds.

But I would be open to no insurance for reds if they made the game more skill based again than item based and got rid of Tram.

Not sure if I have EVER seen a red use a bag of sending, unless they happened to loot it off of a blue. hmmmm i suppose they could be farming silver for factions.
You asked and I shall explain. When I first started playing (T2A was on the shelf), players that acted in accordance with the virtues were "rewarded" and players that did not suffered "consequences". Most of the RPGs that I've played have this feature. NPC's react directly to how the player conducted their gameplay.

The only way to make the game more skill and less item would be a removal of insurance or at least a serious reduction.