Untaxed growing sources of income into any country arent welcomed.
It creates market deviations and illusionary economies... with the current global effort to control every kind of money flux and the constant attacks to off-shores... having a virtual off-shore on every PC could be extremely dangerous.[/QUOTE
Good point - I guess it creates what amounts to a very effective money laundering scheme!
I would think it more likely to be as, I think, Maplestone suggested, a Black Market / Under The Table economy. This kind of economy exist world wide and unaccounted for funds flowing around are one way to convert the, lets call them chits , markers or any convenient mutually agreed upon combination of letters and numbers

into real life currency, without invoking the Tax system of the given country(s).
Not to create a segue, but it is like the case of "Who killed the Electric Vehicle", from the perspective of an untaxable ... thing is going on that ....
Despite the popular propaganda (deliberate or just plain old clueless) it is, in the U.S., the Government, that killed it and keeps it dead. It has this thing called a Road Use Tax, it is implemented in every state and is buried UNSEEN (good way to have the Oil Company and Station Operator take the blame) in the per gallon price of Gasoline or Diesel at a Gas Station.
Well, if you plug your car in to a convenient outlet your bypassing the Road Use Tax. They have not quite come to a unified approach on how to resolve this issue, so they throw up the roadblocks and curves at all alternate energy systems that would bypass the Gas Station Model. One thing I had heard recently was the installation of a G.P.S. system in every vehicle that would report the amount of Tax Due for the Vehicle. I can only imagine the ACLU and others .... well had their .... hum thoughts on the subject expressed.
The above is true of Natural Gas Vehicles, Fuel Cells Vehicles etc. *Cough* and home made Diesel.
And yes, all the Hybrid vehicles are CHEATING

they are NOT paying their *coughs* fair share of the Road Use Tax.

So we have the Gas Guzzlers paying for the Cheating Hybrids

to use the Roads.