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Dye Rarity? Does this seem to be panning out for anyone else the same way?...

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

After getting a bit of a sampling of new dyes, I'm noticing the following:

5 of the dyes seem to be more common than the other 5 as follows:

Common Dyes

Deep Brown
Pale Orange
Fresh Peach
Pale Blue

Rare Dyes

Burnt Brown
Noble Gold
Light Green
Chaos Blue

Anyone seeing the same pattern or are different people getting different rarities.

Kind of curious simply because the Mempo makes me wonder if and how the ToT drop system might be weighted. If all items (including name/dye variations) are equally possible, then it's 1:106 for a given item. If the dyes, urns, and swords are simply listed as "base" which then go to a sub table for the variation, then the chance for a given Minor is 1:22.

Of course then enters the questions of "are the drop rates weighted" and of course what effect does our friend the RNG have on the whole process (case in point, my last 4 minor drops were Deep Brown|Exiler|Deep Brown|Deep Brown which is rather odd to see 3 out of 4 be the same thing that quickly).

Just some random drop stat thoughts for people to have fun with.


For me the more common Dyes are as follows.

Silver, Rose, Pale Green, Chaos Blue, Pale orange

Less common are.

Deep brown (have not gotten any), Burnt brown, Fresh peach(another one I have not gotten), Pale Blue, Noble Gold


I have not gotten any orange and the second lest one I have got is pale blue I think. So its just random luck I don't think its rare like mempo.


It is completely random.

I got plenty of:
- Fresh Peach
- Pale Blue
- Chaos Blue
- Pigments
- Light Green

I got least of:
- Deep Brown
- Noble Gold

Foolio the Bard

Silver is definetately not more rare for me. I have a ton of silvers, far more than any other (this is with 210 drops total).

Noble Gold isn't rare for me either.

Chaos Blue I have the least of. Next least is Fresh Peach.

Foolio the Bard

If the dyes, urns, and swords are simply listed as "base" which then go to a sub table for the variation, then the chance for a given Minor is 1:22.
My personal belief is that it is 1:31.
If it were 1:22 (with dyes counted as only 1 slot) why do dyes seem to be 1/3 to 1/2 of the drops?

1:31 with all the dyes seperate.... 11 dyes plus the 20 minors (swords and urns have a 2nd roll for the name like you suggest). Like I said, this is just my opinion.

edit: I wanted to add that I actually think if that if the Mempo slot comes up, it goes thru a SECOND roll (that you have like a 10% chance of winning) otherwise you get Blackrock.
If you win the 1:10 roll, you get the Mempo. (Numbers may be off, but I think you get the idea). This would explain the rareness of the Mempo.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Silver is definetately not more rare for me. I have a ton of silvers, far more than any other (this is with 210 drops total).

Noble Gold isn't rare for me either.

Chaos Blue I have the least of. Next least is Light Green.
The opposite is true for me. I have around 8 chaos blue, only 2 noble gold, 0 silver. Around 4-5 each for the rest.

Just to check, it actually does say "Silver" in it's description right? And not the bleach thingy?

Wife has also gotten a second mempo...wife 2, me 0. Bah...

Foolio the Bard

Just to check, it actually does say "Silver" in it's description right? And not the bleach thingy?
Yea, says silver. I've gotten about 8-10 "bleaches" (can't remember exactly, i turned some in and am not in my Keep right now). But I know I have over 12 silvers.


My personal belief is that it is 1:31.
If it were 1:22 (with dyes counted as only 1 slot) why do dyes seem to be 1/3 to 1/2 of the drops?

1:31 with all the dyes seperate.... 11 dyes plus the 20 minors (swords and urns have a 2nd roll for the name like you suggest). Like I said, this is just my opinion.

edit: I wanted to add that I actually think if that if the Mempo slot comes up, it goes thru a SECOND roll (that you have like a 10% chance of winning) otherwise you get Blackrock.
If you win the 1:10 roll, you get the Mempo. (Numbers may be off, but I think you get the idea). This would explain the rareness of the Mempo.
The idea looks dead on, at least the dyes/ minors piece. The OP's view of common and rare dyes is incorrect, ours don't sync at all with the observation, and varies from the variances everyone else is mentoning. You've mentioned the RNG in other threads, it seems it rears it's ugly head for the color. The concept may be correct for the Mempo, we're still under 100 so our sampling is too small, but the blackrock:mempo ration for us is closer to 3:1 (but with only one mempo and three blackrock the sampling is too small for anything conclusive). The only really "wierd" thing we've witnessed has been which character type has received which drops. The archers get bows, arms of tactical excellence, and dyes. The bards receive a high percentage of flutes, but I've noticed elsewhere folks saying they never seem to get these at all. Tamers/ Mages seem to receive a broader spectrum. Our only menpo was from a warrior, who normally seems to mix between dyes and weapons. We tend to play several character types with most events, and have played all the ToT renditions. We never noted anything like this "character type association" before. Dyes seem more common with the bards for what it's worth. As for the number of drops relative to time played, quantity is clearly more of a driver than quality, as noted elsewhere. On Chessie you really can't do much in the Dojo due to the 24/7 unattended macroing/ scripting in every room not addressed by the GM staff, but the high payoff area that is viable is the champ spawn, even with the 20 minute reset, you can still turn one drop for every 12-15 minutes, but out working the overland spawn, it seems the drop rate falls closer to 30-45 minutes. Hope that helps.


For me, the common ones are:

Silver (LOTS of that one), Pale Green, Pale Blue, Noble Gold. The rest I either don't have or have singles of them.


We're heavy on Deep Brown, Pale Orange and Burnt Brown, light on rose and chaos blue, and non-existent on Fresh peach.

Foolio the Bard

Ok, organized my dyes so here are the exact numbers. Ignore my previous estimates.

72 total colors (+ 5 bleaches [I also turned in about 3 bleaches])
Out of roughly 220 minor drops total (1 Mempo)

12 Silver
10 Pale Orange
9 Noble Gold
8 Burnt Brown
8 Pale Blue
6 Light Green
6 Rose
5 Deep Brown
4 Fresh Peach
4 Chaos Blue


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After 50 total drops:
1 fresh peach
3 light green
2 of everything else.


That's quite a collection Foolio :thumbsup:

Just curious, do you have any plans for them yet? Suits, deco, etc?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I :heart: silver and light blue.
I think im the only one who dislikes that peach pink color.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
for me have all the same rarity... the do, the dyes, swords, ecc... all equals... only the mempho is rare.
is a random between lots of items so is simply real luck if you get a blue instead of green or a nunchaku or everything else...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

After getting a bit of a sampling of new dyes, I'm noticing the following:

5 of the dyes seem to be more common than the other 5 as follows:

Common Dyes

Deep Brown
Pale Orange
Fresh Peach
Pale Blue

Rare Dyes

Burnt Brown
Noble Gold
Light Green
Chaos Blue
It's the exact opposite for me. I've got more silver/light green/noble gold than I know what to do with.

Mr. Gnome

Its pretty much the opposite for me, I have about 40 dyes, 10 of which are chaos blue.

Th only dye I have not gotten at all is the Pale Orange.

Stupid Miner


After getting a bit of a sampling of new dyes, I'm noticing the following:

5 of the dyes seem to be more common than the other 5 as follows:

Common Dyes

Deep Brown
Pale Orange
Fresh Peach
Pale Blue

Rare Dyes

Burnt Brown
Noble Gold
Light Green
Chaos Blue

Anyone seeing the same pattern or are different people getting different rarities.

Kind of curious simply because the Mempo makes me wonder if and how the ToT drop system might be weighted. If all items (including name/dye variations) are equally possible, then it's 1:106 for a given item. If the dyes, urns, and swords are simply listed as "base" which then go to a sub table for the variation, then the chance for a given Minor is 1:22.

Of course then enters the questions of "are the drop rates weighted" and of course what effect does our friend the RNG have on the whole process (case in point, my last 4 minor drops were Deep Brown|Exiler|Deep Brown|Deep Brown which is rather odd to see 3 out of 4 be the same thing that quickly).

Just some random drop stat thoughts for people to have fun with.
I've gotten twice as many of those "rare" ones as the common ones.
Not to mention the list doesn't make much sense. If some were rarer, they pick the nice looking-ones to be rare. Silver and brown don't look good, and pale gold is very debatable.


Silver is definetately not more rare for me. I have a ton of silvers, far more than any other (this is with 210 drops total).

Noble Gold isn't rare for me either.

Chaos Blue I have the least of. Next least is Fresh Peach.
210 drops???? How much do you play?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
U need to consider some people are farming this 24/7 afk/// hunting low end spawn that does not damage or using dragons while hidden hence no damage...really needs sorting as peeps are setting this up b4 they go to work then return to PACK FULL OF MINORS!!! crazy crazy

Foolio the Bard

U need to consider some people are farming this 24/7 afk/
Or you need to consider some people (like me) are farming this 4 hours a day while at their keyboard.

4 hours a day times 12 days times 4 drops an hour = around 200 drops

(I played a little more on the weekends)

People farming 24/7 don't have 210 drops. They have 2010.


U need to consider some people are farming this 24/7 afk/// hunting low end spawn that does not damage or using dragons while hidden hence no damage...really needs sorting as peeps are setting this up b4 they go to work then return to PACK FULL OF MINORS!!! crazy crazy
thats certainly true for some, but also not true for all.

I have around 150 drops. I have a full time job and did not take time off for a silly game. I hunted hard till a mempo dropped (100th for me), and then 15-60 minutes here and there since then. All of it was attended, averaging a drop every 15-20 minutes. Its perfectly reasonable for anyone doing 3-4 hrs a day of hunting have a lot of drops by now.

Just because some folks might've worked harder than you, doesn't mean they cheated.

FOOLIO... you beat me to it :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I thought maybe some dyes were rarer than others, but from the looks of this thread, the dyes appear to be weighted equally. I have 6-7 of each color except for only 2 pale blue and deep brown. Go figure that pale blue is the color I like most.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I :heart: silver and light blue.
I think im the only one who dislikes that peach pink color.
You aren't alone. Though I am fond of the light orange. I am trying to collect 4 light blue and 2 silver for a uniform set.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I thought maybe some dyes were rarer than others, but from the looks of this thread, the dyes appear to be weighted equally.

This was really the question I was asking. I wasn't setting for the listing as a "This is what the rarities are", but as "This is what the rarity levels have been for me" as I have multiples of the top 5 and only one of each of the bottom 5. I was interested in seeing what other players' distributions were.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is my haul so far,

10 burned brown
4 silver
7 deep brown
16 rose (wow)
7 pale orange
4 light green
7 fresh peach (used 3 also)
7 chaos blue
4 plae blue
5 noble gold


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I've gotten at least 5 of every color save one

The Noble gold in which I've only managed to get 1 .... though I have 3 .... 2 people felt sorry for me and each gave me one


wow thunderz thats quite a collection! tell me, do you need a best friend? hehehe naw wtg!!

Id like to see what all the dyes look like on something tbh ive gotten a whole 2! lucky me

anyone on oce selling dyes lemme know :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got about 5 of all dyes, exept Chaos Blue, which I don't have any. (No Mempos).


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
113 Dyes. I traded 4 more for 110 powders of fortification. I was going to post a pic here, but I don't have anywhere to host it.


you can host them on here...
click user cp then pictures & albums :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
113 Dyes. I traded 4 more for 110 powders of fortification. I was going to post a pic here, but I don't have anywhere to host it.
Someone gave you 110 pof in exchange for 4 minor dyes? What other colors does he need? :D


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chaos Blue, rose and deep brown are the ones I get the most.

Silver, Peach and light green the least.


Pretty sure all dyes are equally likely...I have gotten more chaos blues, silvers, & burnt browns than the others, but I think it's just statistical noise (especially since those are all ones that the OP lists as "rare").