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tot question for tot master leurocian


Der Rock

1.i am around 400 tot now, got 1 (one) mempo ,so why is this so rare???

2.why no new major tot´s,you removed the major pigments, most other majors are realy worthless?(would be nice if the new 1 use pigments, would be also major 50 uses pigmenst,so we could trade all the other minors )

leurocian,if sa and imbuing comes,consider that we need a lot of pigments,so i think most player would be happy if we could trade all minors for 50 uses majorspigments.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1.i am around 400 tot now, got 1 (one) mempo ,so why is this so rare???

2.why no new major tot´s,you removed the major pigments, most other majors are realy worthless?(would be nice if the new 1 use pigments, would be also major 50 uses pigmenst,so we could trade all the other minors )

leurocian,if sa and imbuing comes,consider that we need a lot of pigments,so i think most player would be happy if we could trade all minors for 50 uses majorspigments.
Just be happy with what you get. 400 tot's is a lot.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I figure I can field this:
1. Why do you think? A new piece that's very desirable? It would be a very short event if everyone got it right away...

2. The other majors are truly not worthless. In fact, stormgrip, the rune beetle carapace and swords of prosperity are used in nearly every account. Darkened sky is very useful indeed against certain opponents. Even many of the minors are very useful.

Sure, you have 400. Congratulations, you play at least ten times as much as me (and I think I play too much). I have 40. And no mempo.

I'm not disappointed. I have had more fun in the last two weeks than I've had in the weeks since the faction invasions ended.

Enjoy your farming!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The problem with no new major ToT's is that pretty much anyone that has allready done the previous ToT events allready has 1(or more) of everything.
Don't really know why the pigments new or old were removed and some more introduced as minor drops?
Whats the point of 1 or 2 pigments of the same colour. (and dont tell me to trade, like anyone is gonna be trading the nice colours)

Also with making the new Mempo so rare, the only thing you have done is made another item that only scripters or the mega rich can afford. The mempo is allready upto 15-20 mill on Europa.

I know this is event is only ment as a 'distraction' but please, use some common sense aswell.Your not gonna stop scripters while you create events soley for them to benefit from.

Der Rock

The problem with no new major ToT's is that pretty much anyone that has allready done the previous ToT events allready has 1(or more) of everything.
Don't really know why the pigments new or old were removed and some more introduced as minor drops?
Whats the point of 1 or 2 pigments of the same colour. (and dont tell me to trade, like anyone is gonna be trading the nice colours)

Also with making the new Mempo so rare, the only thing you have done is made another item that only scripters or the mega rich can afford. The mempo is allready upto 15-20 mill on Europa.

I know this is event is only ment as a 'distraction' but please, use some common sense aswell.Your not gonna stop scripters while you create events soley for them to benefit from.
rare is ok, but 1 out of 400 is hmm to rare :)
price 15-25m is also ok,what else make fun to play, if not to get whorthy items :)

(it would still worth 15m if the droprate would be more like 1:100)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Leurocian is totally responsible for how TOT3 is set up?

You know this for an absolute fact? He had the last say?

If this is true I am so shocked he would do this to us. :(


Leurocian is totally responsible for how TOT3 is set up?

You know this for an absolute fact? He had the last say?

If this is true I am so shocked he would do this to us. :(
What, exactly, did he do to us?

Der Rock

Leurocian is totally responsible for how TOT3 is set up?

You know this for an absolute fact? He had the last say?

If this is true I am so shocked he would do this to us. :(
do you TOTALLY and ABSOLUTLY have a problem,do you?

Der Rock

Good lord where do you find the time?
if you loot all dead monster and/or hunt alone or/and only hunt high end monster, then for sure you cant get as much as possible

in tot event, hunt fast and dont look behind :)


"No rants. No finger-pointing. No bitterness. Not in this article. Patrick Malott, the UO designer known as Leurocian, has tended his resignation at Electronic Arts. His last day there is June 17. He and his wife are returning to Indiana and I'm sure every seafarer in Sosaria will join me in wishing them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

A year ago, I wasn't even playing UO and this site was shut down. It was in July when I checked in at Stratics to see that a new designer, Leurocian, was posting quite frequently about his new job as a UO developer and what he was hoping to accomplish. Along with live team lead Fertbert, he championed a brief era that saw unprecedented development attention - both bug fixes and content addition - for the seas of UO. Leurocian sought out my input on his design ideas and words cannot express the wondrous joy I felt at tossing ideas back and forth, discussing how the community would react to the designs, and then seeing the players embrace them with such enthusiasm when they were implemented.

It wasn't just the seafaring community that Leurocian invigorated. All of UO's various communities and playstyles were excited by his constant public presence. His posts reflected the simple facts that he loved UO, he had gotten his dream job, and he truly enjoyed participating in the often rough and tumble message board environment. There was no "ivory tower" mentality, no "us and them" for Leurocian - he was one of us at the same time he was one of them, and that is an accomplishment that no one had ever managed in seven years of out-of-game community. There should be a Nobel prize for that or something.

The legacy of Leurocian's work - a revitalized Ilshenar, a high-end reward for fishers, and so much else - will live on past his tenure at EA. Seafarers will benefit from the fact that, in spite of almost constant player petitioning for easier ancient SOS bottles and guaranteed leviathan minor artifacts, Leurocian wisely stuck to his guns and as a result we have a system in the game that will not burn itself out for many years. Seahorse statuettes and ghost ship anchors will continue to be prized rewards for hard work, perseverance, and a dash of true luck. And I suspect that in the years ahead, players will still be guessing at just how big the biggest fish in the Sosarian seas is. Maybe someday, someone will catch it.

There's really nothing left to say here but thank you to Patrick Malott. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, and this is a stretch, never has so much been accomplished so well in such a short time. Thank you, Leurocian, my friend, for giving us all a time when the seas seemed fresh and the hope for clearer sailing ahead seemed more real than ever."

Aren't we glad this was 2005 and he is back???

Sorry if I scared anyone... but some deserved it!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh yes Der Rock!

I am so glad you finally noticed! Unlike you Sir I do not have time to park and get 400 Tots or however you obtained them.

You should share Sir. I am so sorry there are not more items for you to trade in for. :(

Good luck trying to get a change.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
400 ToT Minors; averaging about 1 every 10 minutes (my average killing Succubi in Fan Dancer's Dojo) that comes to 4,000 minutes, or almost 67 hours of playing time....When do you sleep? Do you know what day of the week it is?

considering the number of dyes and other minor's, I'm not surprised the new Mempo is as rare as it is.

Der Rock

Oh yes Der Rock!

I am so glad you finally noticed! Unlike you Sir I do not have time to park and get 400 Tots or however you obtained them.

You should share Sir. I am so sorry there are not more items for you to trade in for. :(

Good luck trying to get a change.
you know, that jealousy is one the mortal sin :)


1.i am around 400 tot now, got 1 (one) mempo ,so why is this so rare???

2.why no new major tot´s,you removed the major pigments, most other majors are realy worthless?(would be nice if the new 1 use pigments, would be also major 50 uses pigmenst,so we could trade all the other minors )

leurocian,if sa and imbuing comes,consider that we need a lot of pigments,so i think most player would be happy if we could trade all minors for 50 uses majorspigments.

400 minors and 1 Mempo? Sounds like you've had a great time playing 23 1/2 hours since the event began~! Which shard/location are you at? I'll be happy to lure your spawn away from you and report you for scripting.....

So you want more mempo's so you can sell them to other players for over the moon prices.. you're a greedy SOB to boot.

You're pancakes about the usefulness of 30 THIRTY!, *20 minors/10 majors* items in the game.... let me help you... find your paperdoll, click that "LOG OFF" button, and go get a life!

*** I got a mempo around drop 55, and have collected more than 2 million in gold from looting, plus the usual minors/dyes/majors and I feel I've been really fortunate!*****

Der Rock

400 ToT Minors; averaging about 1 every 10 minutes (my average killing Succubi in Fan Dancer's Dojo) that comes to 4,000 minutes, or almost 67 hours of playing time....When do you sleep? Do you know what day of the week it is?

considering the number of dyes and other minor's, I'm not surprised the new Mempo is as rare as it is.
killing succubi is realy dump at tot event ;)
and it is more like 5-10 in 30-40 min droprate :)

Der Rock

1.i am around 400 tot now, got 1 (one) mempo ,so why is this so rare???

2.why no new major tot´s,you removed the major pigments, most other majors are realy worthless?(would be nice if the new 1 use pigments, would be also major 50 uses pigmenst,so we could trade all the other minors )

leurocian,if sa and imbuing comes,consider that we need a lot of pigments,so i think most player would be happy if we could trade all minors for 50 uses majorspigments.

400 minors and 1 Mempo? Sounds like you've had a great time playing 23 1/2 hours since the event began~! Which shard/location are you at? I'll be happy to lure your spawn away from you and report you for scripting.....

So you want more mempo's so you can sell them to other players for over the moon prices.. you're a greedy SOB to boot.

You're pancakes about the usefulness of 30 THIRTY!, *20 minors/10 majors* items in the game.... let me help you... find your paperdoll, click that "LOG OFF" button, and go get a life!

*** I got a mempo around drop 55, and have collected more than 2 million in gold from looting, plus the usual minors/dyes/majors and I feel I've been really fortunate!*****
you know, that jealousy is one the mortal sin :)

oh boy, why must people always show his disability on stratics ;)


He could have been playing for 6 hours per day since ToT3 started...

(an average of 6 minors per hour, isnt that hard)

Der Rock

He could have been playing for 6 hours per day since ToT3 started...

(an average of 6 minors per hour, isnt that hard)
;) you got it,and it is even possible if you play less then 6h a day :)

but how to explain this to hmmm (to say in civil manner)people who dont know what they do ;)

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1.i am around 400 tot now, got 1 (one) mempo ,so why is this so rare???

2.why no new major tot´s,you removed the major pigments, most other majors are realy worthless?(would be nice if the new 1 use pigments, would be also major 50 uses pigmenst,so we could trade all the other minors )

leurocian,if sa and imbuing comes,consider that we need a lot of pigments,so i think most player would be happy if we could trade all minors for 50 uses majorspigments.
I have spent a LOT of time... several 10+ hour days.. for 221 minors and 0 mempo..

I've only tried like 1 hour in the last two days. -- Two champ spawns.


;) you got it,and it is even possible if you play less then 6h a day :)

but how to explain this to hmmm (to say in civil manner)people who dont know what they do ;)
PLease! That is complete BULL! Like you've been killing Tok critters for 6 solid hours a day for the last 14 days, without being AFK farming! No banking, repair, rezzing, traveling, resuppying, finding a spawn, looting, dropping off, restocking BOS's. Just killing whatever.. that is hogwash!

I average a drop every 11-15 minutes, I'm not afk, I wind my way through the dungeon, find a spot, and kill and do such till my swampie armor gets beaten off, then I leave. Restock, repair whatever. I'm not complaining about drop rates/rarity of the new mempo/worthless items etc. I am calling attention to the crying by the OP that he's only gotten 1 mempo so far and he's got 400 drops and boo-friggin-hoo!

I'm sick and tired of the whining of peeps...

It's too short *I am not on enough to get a mempo*
It's too long *The event's go on for too long*
It's too hard *I can't get a mempo and I've got a billion marties!*
It's too easy * I get 10 drops every second!*
It's too easy to cheat *AFK tamers in the dungeon*
It's too hard to cheat * I can't set my dexer to kill Balrons every second*

blah blah blah.. pancake pancake pancake... complain complain complain....

There IS a log-off button.. I can send you detailed instructions on how to use it if you like!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
PLease! That is complete BULL! Like you've been killing Tok critters for 6 solid hours a day for the last 14 days, without being AFK farming! No banking, repair, rezzing, traveling, resuppying, finding a spawn, looting, dropping off, restocking BOS's. Just killing whatever.. that is hogwash!

I average a drop every 11-15 minutes, I'm not afk, I wind my way through the dungeon, find a spot, and kill and do such till my swampie armor gets beaten off, then I leave. Restock, repair whatever. I'm not complaining about drop rates/rarity of the new mempo/worthless items etc. I am calling attention to the crying by the OP that he's only gotten 1 mempo so far and he's got 400 drops and boo-friggin-hoo!

I'm sick and tired of the whining of peeps...

It's too short *I am not on enough to get a mempo*
It's too long *The event's go on for too long*
It's too hard *I can't get a mempo and I've got a billion marties!*
It's too easy * I get 10 drops every second!*
It's too easy to cheat *AFK tamers in the dungeon*
It's too hard to cheat * I can't set my dexer to kill Balrons every second*

blah blah blah.. pancake pancake pancake... complain complain complain....

There IS a log-off button.. I can send you detailed instructions on how to use it if you like!
QFT, let's hope you don't get an infraction for it...yes I"m still upset about the ridiculous infraction I received, and I wish I could share it with everyone, but I don't want another one..


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
killing succubi is realy dump at tot event ;)
and it is more like 5-10 in 30-40 min droprate :)
"dump"? Do you mean dumb? How so? They have higher fame than Daemons (24,000 vs 15,000) and I can kill them just as fast (averaging around 4 hits per Succubus, 8 kills per minute). At 8 kills per minute, you'd have to kill 12-13 daemons or 20 Fan Dancers (Level 4 fame which is 9500) to get the same amount of fame points.

I believe 5 every 40 minutes (1 every 8 minutes) is possible, but 1 every 3 minutes (10 in 30 minutes) is a little hard to believe.


Before we disagree... please try the different methods.

A- try it your way.
B- go kill smaller stuff but faster
C- mix both A and B in a dungeon where you can kill easy and hard monsters.

After you done A, B and C for a few hours each... report the result.

Add partying and non-partying to the mix...
Add luck and no luck...

If we all do that... we'll learn the best way of collecting ToT.

Otherwise we can come here and argue alot but in the end we'll look like my fat cat when he is running after his tail...

Meanwhile, our 24/7 scripting friends collect, collect, collect...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A- try it your way. -Done Killed Succubi for many hours - about 6 minors per hour
B- go kill smaller stuff but faster Done 1-hit killed Headless for an hour. 1 minor in an hour.
C- mix both A and B in a dungeon where you can kill easy and hard monsters.-Done Did the 2-Daemon room with Headless for many hours - about 5-6 minors an hour.

After you done A, B and C for a few hours each... report the result.

Add partying and non-partying to the mix... -Done Partied many times with friends and still received the same/expected amount of minors.
Add luck and no luck...-Done With 260 luck or 1050 luck - same results.


This has turned into quite the conversation.

I am still happy with getting 1 tot every 18 mins, but I also got a mempo around drop 20 or so, but then again I would still be happy with it even if I didn't get a mempo at all.

How many of the people who are complaining about this actually plan to use a mempo on their characters, let alone more than one mempo? Is a curious thing how greedy people are, I would like one or two more mempos but only because I would like one on another shard I play and one for my wife (could even go as far as to say one on each shard for me and my wife but meh) But if I do not get them then meh, I got the one mostly for collectors sake.


getting drops every 4-7 minutes can be done.
It has alot to do with template and equipment/pets (NO, not some idiotic scripting program or AFK farming!).
I get regular drops every 4-7 minutes every day.
No mempo yet, but I am fine with that.

Der Rock is entirely correct. It can be done, is done, everyday.
Of course, now this will start a war, where everyone will scream for template "nerfing".
That is exactly why I refuse to say the exact template I use to accomplish this feat.
Oh, and if you have the right template and right equipment, there is no need to leave a area that is producing for you. It is all a matter of what your carrying, where your drops are going, and disregarding looting.

Good luck to you all at getting the mempo, but my opinion about it is, if its "rare" or "very rare", then if everyone has one how does that make it "rare" anymore?

Remember, It is just a game. One that I have loved for many years, but still in the end, its still just a game.

Der Rock

getting drops every 4-7 minutes can be done.
It has alot to do with template and equipment/pets (NO, not some idiotic scripting program or AFK farming!).
I get regular drops every 4-7 minutes every day.
No mempo yet, but I am fine with that.

Der Rock is entirely correct. It can be done, is done, everyday.
Of course, now this will start a war, where everyone will scream for template "nerfing".
That is exactly why I refuse to say the exact template I use to accomplish this feat.
Oh, and if you have the right template and right equipment, there is no need to leave a area that is producing for you. It is all a matter of what your carrying, where your drops are going, and disregarding looting.

Good luck to you all at getting the mempo, but my opinion about it is, if its "rare" or "very rare", then if everyone has one how does that make it "rare" anymore?

Remember, It is just a game. One that I have loved for many years, but still in the end, its still just a game.
p.s. got another mempo 1/2h ago


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
WOW you are all whiney as all hell. I love how theres countless people accusing the said poster of cheating because he has 400. Yet if i say the f word i get a infraction. What a god damn joke.

If you have a problem with scripters whine to ea because they dont give a crap. If they did they would have been watching since the minute it was introduced because like the rest of this game this even is rampant with cheating.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well so far it seems to be dropping like mad with me, just soloing the Tokuno champ spawn... about 1 mempo per spawn set, and about 8 others, and 1.5h (90mins) per set... but then i get some other nifty things and a fair bit of gold..
I think there has to be something with what your luck is set at... I find that some numbers are better than others even if they are higher, which is very odd since it is a percentile system (i think) and if I use the luck statue i get more better dropping rates... Hrmm maybe it is because there are alot of other people around you also getting the items and there is some sort of a glitch occuring.... Or you could just be very unlucky, and it is best to just harvest gold and then buy one later, even though that doesn't solve the problem...

My 2 GP worth anyways...

Der Rock

WOW you are all whiney as all hell. I love how theres countless people accusing the said poster of cheating because he has 400. Yet if i say the f word i get a infraction. What a god damn joke.

If you have a problem with scripters whine to ea because they dont give a crap. If they did they would have been watching since the minute it was introduced because like the rest of this game this even is rampant with cheating.
"yes my shield is nice" " yes i love uo" "my cloack is golden" and so on....

GMs do a good jop, beleave me...
people start call GMs even if i arrive the spot :)

it is soooooo funny to listen if player trashtalking about me ,....
most times such players have realy realy dangerous and agressive names, but they talk like lttle babys lost their nunnies :)

Sorry GMs if "I" make you so much work ;)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People sitting killing the same monster over and over for six hours a day every day? Think of what you could be doing with your lives !

Learning to play the harpsichord ! Making a huge floral clock ! Making a big life-size pteradactyl and flying it over Mount Everest ! Voltaire! Origami !

I've had 17 drops so far and I've earned enough gold from monsters to finally get that 20 Blacksmithy scroll I've needed for years.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Voltaire is about as fun as hunting the same thing over and over again.

Say, can I unattended macro philosophy?


Voltaire is about as fun as hunting the same thing over and over again.

Say, can I unattended macro philosophy?
Also, my pterodactyl won't fly over Everest. Every time I get that little ******* up to more than about 5000m he starts scratching the crap out of me.

Please, share your high-altitude paleo-flyer secrets with us!


A- try it your way. -Done Killed Succubi for many hours - about 6 minors per hour
B- go kill smaller stuff but faster Done 1-hit killed Headless for an hour. 1 minor in an hour.
C- mix both A and B in a dungeon where you can kill easy and hard monsters.-Done Did the 2-Daemon room with Headless for many hours - about 5-6 minors an hour.

After you done A, B and C for a few hours each... report the result.

Add partying and non-partying to the mix... -Done Partied many times with friends and still received the same/expected amount of minors.
Add luck and no luck...-Done With 260 luck or 1050 luck - same results.

Missing max luck plus statue.

Good job on the general testing, impressive! :thumbsup: