I started playing this game since Second Age back in Nov 1998 when I was 13 yro, I stopped after the free month provide by the original purchase as I didn't have credit card nor could I afford a game card as a kid (as I bought the game, I didn't even know there would be subscription required, lol). However, this game struck deep inside my memories (still recalled one incident when I was killed by a pig after attacking it as a new character... with people around me laughing, and free PvP of course...). When UOR came out in 2000, I started to play again for few months (old account got deleted). Later I picked up some free servers and played for another few months or so and got distracted by all the new mmorpgs flourishing during the golden age of mmo. After I got tired of these new mmo, I came back again when the Samurai Empire hit the shelf in 2004 (totally by chance as I was skimming through games in store). I played yet again on a new account and continued for roughly 3 months until Feb of 2005 as I got distracted yet gain by WoW (which I dedicated for 2 and a half years) and came back right before Kingdom Reborn (another 3 months of gaming).2 days ago, I came back again, not sure how long I will play this time after losing my castle and countless loots stored in it. To be exact, I don't know why I always return to the game, but this game has some special influences on me that I couldn't explain. I know many people here are returners, I would really like to know why you guys jumped back into the game.