Let's just say this guy on Pacific was so desperate to get into the daemon room on the 2nd level of Fan Dancer Dojo that he repeatedly lured succubi on me and, actually, being a n00b that he is, died in the process of doing so and got his greater dragon killed as well after I hid myself lol. (No I didn't page on him... c'mon you must be a fool to expect the GM'a to get there within a few minutes... and no I left because I just don't have the energy to deal with people who are born stupid.)
But honestly... you see what happens when you start throwing out events like this, when the goal of them is pretty much personal gain? People luring, afk-er marty farmers, scripters, everywhere. All the bloody losers who can't achieve anything in RL all log in at the same time because UO give them that false sense of reality that they are "1337". The horror, the horror. I don't expect you devs to be perfect, and I understand that this is a business, but please at least take a look at this, get involved as a player or something, and tell me if this is really what you want as a game developer.
As much as I'd like to thank you for bringing ToT back because I missed the first 2 due to RL, thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather you turned this on permanently (with a drastically reduced drop rate and rotating pigments), and made the future events more community based. No more gold rush, new chars won't have to deal with that outrageous Luna vendor prices after the events, and people who can't play 24/7 won't be missing out too much.
Just how I feel (and for once I think I should live up to my user name as the Whine-maker). Cheers.
Let's just say this guy on Pacific was so desperate to get into the daemon room on the 2nd level of Fan Dancer Dojo that he repeatedly lured succubi on me and, actually, being a n00b that he is, died in the process of doing so and got his greater dragon killed as well after I hid myself lol. (No I didn't page on him... c'mon you must be a fool to expect the GM'a to get there within a few minutes... and no I left because I just don't have the energy to deal with people who are born stupid.)
But honestly... you see what happens when you start throwing out events like this, when the goal of them is pretty much personal gain? People luring, afk-er marty farmers, scripters, everywhere. All the bloody losers who can't achieve anything in RL all log in at the same time because UO give them that false sense of reality that they are "1337". The horror, the horror. I don't expect you devs to be perfect, and I understand that this is a business, but please at least take a look at this, get involved as a player or something, and tell me if this is really what you want as a game developer.
As much as I'd like to thank you for bringing ToT back because I missed the first 2 due to RL, thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather you turned this on permanently (with a drastically reduced drop rate and rotating pigments), and made the future events more community based. No more gold rush, new chars won't have to deal with that outrageous Luna vendor prices after the events, and people who can't play 24/7 won't be missing out too much.
Just how I feel (and for once I think I should live up to my user name as the Whine-maker). Cheers.