My character Sha'etemmu was built specifically for the tok champ. As many templates as I've run at the champ, his is easily my favorite:
120 med (+ from spellbook)
120 ss (+10 from mark of travesty)
110 tame (+5 birds of brit)
115 lore (+5 birds of brit)
110 vet
115 mage (+ from spellbook)
110 necro (+10 from mark of travesty)
You want to run this one in wraith form, for constant withers. Have the greater guard you, run into spawn, invis, and let everything agro your greater. Thereafter, wither away. You find it easy to keep your greater alive, as you're killing things before they can do too much damage and you're close enough to vet. Also, since animate dead doesn't count toward control slots, by the time the champ is out, you can have an army of a greater and three skeletal dragons.
As always, be sure your necro has 40 lmc, 3/6, and between 10-12 mr for constant withers. Also, if you can afford/fit it, 120-130 hp and some hpr will help. This guy is a TON of fun to play - I highly recommend it.