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Is this for real....!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is this tot III event for real? are we gona keep getting 50+ drops a day for a whole month at this current drop rate? this is insainely to easy its just making everone farm farm farm, for what? To get the mayors we need then what do we do will 100 one use dyes?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's a radical idea, you could stop farming basically unattended on a hidden tamer.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tell ya what Ill do. Only because I like you and think you are a real nice guy.

You give me 40 of your drops everyday and you will only get ten a day. Will that make you happy?

Since your grammer and punctuation are correct, ill also take those one use dyes off your hands.

Or tell me what I am doing wrong. Ive only gotten 4 drops so far.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Tell ya what Ill do. Only because I like you and think you are a real nice guy.

You give me 40 of your drops everyday and you will only get ten a day. Will that make you happy?

Since your grammer and punctuation are correct, ill also take those one use dyes off your hands.

Or tell me what I am doing wrong. Ive only gotten 4 drops so far.

Get a tamer with a trained greater dragon and 30 or so hiding.

Go to a location where monsters spawn.


Go eat lunch, watch a movie, sleep, get drunk, etc.

Come back the next morning.

Enjoy your pack full of minor artifacts.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dragon bites hurt my guy. Ouchie! His body is commonly found in Destard. 115 is not enough to tame one. But I dont have to worry. The OP is gonna give me 40 a day so I can watch a movie and eat.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Get a tamer with a trained greater dragon and 30 or so hiding.

Go to a location where monsters spawn.


Go eat lunch, watch a movie, sleep, get drunk, etc.

Come back the next morning.

Enjoy your pack full of minor artifacts.
you know their using human 20 :cursing:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've always kept hiding on my tamer because I couldn't afford 120 magery and eval. And never trained taming up above 100.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is phase 1, it wont last 30 days, probably 15 days then 15 of phase 2. phase 2 will probably have a way to combine the one use dyes. I could see them adding a permanent way to recieve one charge dyes of various shades and making a way to combine them. (going from what was in latest cliloc post)


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
this is phase 1, it wont last 30 days, probably 15 days then 15 of phase 2. phase 2 will probably have a way to combine the one use dyes. I could see them adding a permanent way to recieve one charge dyes of various shades and making a way to combine them. (going from what was in latest cliloc post)
Are you just making this up off of the top of your head?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see the point the OP was making though. Some are going through hunreds of drops trying to get one item. I don't want to hear from people that got it on the 3rd drop, I'm jealous already.


this is phase 1, it wont last 30 days, probably 15 days then 15 of phase 2. phase 2 will probably have a way to combine the one use dyes. I could see them adding a permanent way to recieve one charge dyes of various shades and making a way to combine them. (going from what was in latest cliloc post)
Why are you assuming the last cliloc had anything to do with this event? You should focus more on the future expansion when they do updates this close to it, on the other hand it could be as you said but again why assume things that have in no way been announced, do you know how much crap is in the clilocs that is unused by the client? Maybe they just felt like upsetting all you little people who check the clilocs every time the client gets an update.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Life as a dev must be hard. When there are no events, people complain. When you set the drop rates too low, people complain. When you set the drop rates too high, people complain. When you set the drop rates at a level you believe is just right for a limited time event, people complain...

And that's not even taking into account folks who have farmed enough of them and doesn't want others to have the same chance, or plan to sell these items for a mad profit, or even existing sellers of minor/major tomarties afraid that the price of their goods will be devalued...

Between the wife and I,
we have gotten around 50 tomarties so far (since it started, not in 1 day). We just do the tokuno champ spawn. We take breaks during the lull to do other stuff. I find that the rate is fine.

It would be nice if the marties can be turned in for other marties though. Say at a rate of 3 for 1 maybe? I want a couple of mempos and more flutes. But don't want majors and a lot of other types of minors...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Life as a dev must be hard. When there are no events, people complain. When you set the drop rates too low, people complain. When you set the drop rates too high, people complain....
And of course you forgot that No two people will agree that the drop rate is to low OR to high. With a real chance that there well be equally disbursed groups thinking that the Drop is to Low while another is thinking it is to High.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hrm. Well some of us only have had 4 drops since we haven't spent 10 hours a day farming the monsters.

I don't get the complaint. Farm for 10 hours, then get upset because you got 50 ToTs? Uh, if it bothers you then don't farm all day long. Or is the OP upset because *everyone* is getting a high drop rate (in theory) and therefore they aren't farming anything that will net them a big profit? I'm not really sure what the problem is.

I don't care that there is a high drop rate, I just care that there are no 10 charge dyes, and even then I can work around it a bit (buying 1 charge dyes cheaply when I can and farming here and there).

People should learn to tailor these events to suit themselves, not demand that things change to suit them.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very true Sarsmi.
Terry and I have gotten just over 20 between us so far, but then he's been playing golf on his xbox, I've been stocking my vendors, crafting to replace stock, working on Stratics update, monitoring the boards, beta testing, mowing the lawn, cooking, cleaning etc, etc.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do any of you people have jobs?
Watch it now.Thunderz thread won't get locked for the trolling job that it is, but you'll get it locked by insulting the Stratics Employment Challenged.....i have a job btw...leaving in 5 minutes...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You think that's bad. I was just hanging out in haven and got a drop. Then Leurocian appeared in front of me and gave me a bag of mempos and a grilled cheese sammage. (Actually I think the grilled cheese was made by Draconi as it was burned on the edges.) It's truly horrible the way the devs are just giving us everything on a silver platter.(Yes, the grilled cheese was on a silver platter.)

....it was delicious...;)

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is this tot III event for real? are we gona keep getting 50+ drops a day for a whole month at this current drop rate?
Hrm... not all of us are getting such fantastic drop rates... i don't have a fancy tamer, i just have a simple stealth mage who casts EV's and then hides while her EV's kill tsuki wolves (found out really fast that by not hiding she'd get ganked by NPC stealth ninjas). after spending 3 hours last night killing about 200 tsuki wolves, she got a whopping 2 drops (silver dye and daimyo's helm). so...... i guess if you have the time and the template you can get killer drops, but not all of us are that lucky or have that much free time.

ps - i should note that i still had a lot of fun killing the wolves and that the two times i did get a drop i squealed with glee, and that i banked roughly 200k gold (woot!) and that i look forward to killing more tonight after work! i wasn't around for the first 2 ToT events, and i have never hunted in tokuno before, and for me this has been quite fun!

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes I actually leave the computer and do stuff in the real house. Terry tends to expect food at regular intervals, clean shirts in the wardrobe, less than an inch of dust on the tv, you know the kind of thing?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
oh thanks, Petra, make the rest of us look bad....

Dev's Philosophy of Housecleaning: dirt waits

Nyte Doombringer

Sometimes I actually leave the computer and do stuff in the real house. Terry tends to expect food at regular intervals, clean shirts in the wardrobe, less than an inch of dust on the tv, you know the kind of thing?
Leave the computer, real house, what is that? What planet do you live on? Where can I find such things?
Everyone knows that there is no life outside UO. LOL


Here's a radical idea, you could stop farming basically unattended on a hidden tamer.
this could not possibly be coming from the guy i got killed with fan dancers last night while he was afk scripting hell hounds and predator cats.....lol

pot calling the kettle black much ? but a mirror already

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes I actually leave the computer and do stuff in the real house. Terry tends to expect food at regular intervals, clean shirts in the wardrobe, less than an inch of dust on the tv, you know the kind of thing?

then there is the kids that like food (real food...not top Ramen out of the Microwave) and attention once a while...the dogs need walking too... all the things you would call having a life in RL :danceb:

If you feel that you have gotten more minor arties then you deserve , please do contact me and i will be more then happy to get them of your hands.

I have gotten 7 so far

now i have to go back to tending my Schnitzel , Potato Dumplins, Gravey and Veggies


Is this tot III event for real? are we gona keep getting 50+ drops a day for a whole month at this current drop rate? this is insainely to easy its just making everone farm farm farm, for what? To get the mayors we need then what do we do will 100 one use dyes?
I have no idea what you are "farming" to get 50+ drops a day but I am lucky to get 3 drops a day and that's on a good day when I can devote several hours to playing.

If you don't want any more QUIT FARMING THEM but quit trying to ruin it for those of us who can't devote hours upon hours, day after day attempting to obtain a few of them!


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sometimes I actually leave the computer and do stuff in the real house. Terry tends to expect food at regular intervals, clean shirts in the wardrobe, less than an inch of dust on the tv, you know the kind of thing?
Hah, the only stuff I did in UO yesterday was water plants, and help someone look for a house (on atlantic no less, it is crazy full there!) Today I have watered plants and that's it. I think most of my UO time is spent watering plants lately, lol.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
now i have to go back to tending my Schnitzel , Potato Dumplins, Gravey and Veggies
This thread is making me sooo hungry, thanks to phantus going on about grilled cheese...argh! I should go get lunch or something. :p


I wish I had the time to play right now. They will have slowed the drop rate by the time I can play in two weeks….making it pointless for me to hunt in tokuno with the already abundance of minors/majors. Not to mention the best two majors are not worth getting….Just join factions for better versions of them. I would like at least 1 mempo though.