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Luck Mempo???


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Over 200+ minor arti drops and not a mempo yet???? I have been grinding out minors in hopes of getting one. How is the average player suppose to get one of these. 27 days left...........

Prince Caspian

Someone in my alliance got one the very third hour of Tot3. They're out there.

I just wish they would have made them major arties.

On a related note, I have got 6 of the new dyes so far and no duplicates. Someone else in my guild said so as well... is this by design or are we just lucky?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Iv got over 120 drops, still dont have all the dye colours (have multiples of some) or had a mempo drop yet. Still have plenty of time to get one and 1000s of minors at this rate lol :D


Jeesus! when did you eat/sleep/use the throne room? or are you unattended?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No im here :) i just use a Greater Dragon and hide, with duel screens i can watch tv surf the web and just keep an eye on my pet doing the dirty work for me :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No im here :) i just use a Greater Dragon and hide, with duel screens i can watch tv surf the web and just keep an eye on my pet doing the dirty work for me :)
Why bother? This is a good example of what's wrong with UO.

Prince Caspian

Why bother? This is a good example of what's wrong with UO.
Amen. THIS is why I don't think tamers should get the same drop rate as the rest of us who have to actually engage each creature.

You can just hide and let Spot gobble em down... again and again and again.... while you go off and do something else. Even if it's not involving a macro, unattended gaming that results in your profit is still borderline cheating.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a tamer should not get the same drop rates?any difference in a mage dropping evs? a dexxer sitting in place fighting spawn? a necro mage wither spamming some simple spawn? It's all the same PAL...........


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amen. THIS is why I don't think tamers should get the same drop rate as the rest of us who have to actually engage each creature.

You can just hide and let Spot gobble em down... again and again and again.... while you go off and do something else. Even if it's not involving a macro, unattended gaming that results in your profit is still borderline cheating.
Its not really "unattended" as i can see the play window all the time. so im here its just "inactive" gaming as i dont have to do anything apart from keep my eyes open "yawns" :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a tamer should not get the same drop rates?any difference in a mage dropping evs? a dexxer sitting in place fighting spawn? a necro mage wither spamming some simple spawn? It's all the same PAL...........
Tamers can just hide for a perma-invis and let their dragon do everything. Every other character has a chance of dying.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend
i got mine at drop 5 :thumbsup:

With my Tamer, acctually running after my Dragon making sure it is ok and as allways doing a dirtnap in between somewhere... hehe

Had lots of fun though and at no time had the need to go watch TV or surf the net.

Oh and since I acctually loot my mobs i made allmost 400k too yay

Prince Caspian

Its not really "unattended" as i can see the play window all the time. so im here its just "inactive" gaming as i dont have to do anything apart from keep my eyes open "yawns" :)
And how is that different from minimizing the window? Or just walking into the next room?

If your character is inactive, you should not be getting drops, it's that simple. I think tamers should be ineligible for these drops, since it encourages just this kind of behavior.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if your hand is not on the mouse your not playing the game. They just need to track the cursor and if it don't move on and off the play screen nothing should be gained in game.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually, the fault may not only be the players'. People will automate anything that can be automated. The point is, the spawn is so predictable and static that automation is possible in the first place. Spawn should be random. Spawn should move. Creatures should not always spawn in the same place endlessly. If many of the lower creatures are slain, maybe a few stronger ones should join in to support them (it works with Champion Spawns, doesn't it?!).

Only a more dynamic game would be able to abolish afk farming and scripting.

Kazumi the Wild

And how is that different from minimizing the window? Or just walking into the next room?

If your character is inactive, you should not be getting drops, it's that simple. I think tamers should be ineligible for these drops, since it encourages just this kind of behavior.
You're right, my tamer hunting Rune Beetles for hours on end (with that very real chance of dying - trust me) shouldn't be eligible for drops, because some people are farming unattended (in ways that other skills certainly can do as well, with such minimal risk its effectively the same). Hey, it's that simple.

Oh wait, it isn't. Because play style is the deciding factor, not the particular set of skills used.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amen. THIS is why I don't think tamers should get the same drop rate as the rest of us who have to actually engage each creature.

You can just hide and let Spot gobble em down... again and again and again.... while you go off and do something else. Even if it's not involving a macro, unattended gaming that results in your profit is still borderline cheating.
I agree. All you have to do is log in and hit the hunting spots and see all the unattended tamers.

One more reason I think tamers should not be allowed in game. I never rember tamers in D&D and they are nothing but an issue in UO.

Yes, there are ways to script other classes too at this event - but you don't even need to script as a tamer. A Cu Sidhe will heal itself and while guarding you as you are invisible - gobble up spawn all day long. No script needed whatsoever. The monsters spawning on screen will keep you from timing out.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No im here :) i just use a Greater Dragon and hide, with duel screens i can watch tv surf the web and just keep an eye on my pet doing the dirty work for me :)
Why bother? This is a good example of what's wrong with UO.
Wen I read the above quote, the statement in bold is exactly what came to my head!

I just use a greater drag and hide with dual screen you can watch tv and surf the web and just watch the arties roll in.... Sorry to repeat myself but jesus christ... That is just so wrong.

Please give all creatures auto reveal or something in tokuno while this event is active, that way even tamers have to play the game to get the rewards.

Imo this is just as bad as unattended scripting.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Amen. THIS is why I don't think tamers should get the same drop rate as the rest of us who have to actually engage each creature.
It might be enlightening for the developers to include a Q&A in this week's Five on Friday edition to tell us whether tamers and mages using summons (1) have the same drop rate for this Treasures of Tokuno event as they do for something like the 10th Anniversary drops in the legacy dungeons and (2) whether their drop rate for ToT is the same as that of another character that directly damages monsters.

In the time we've had the 10th Anniversary drops, it hasn't felt like tamers have the same drop rate as dexxers do. Can't say yet for ToT III if there's a lower drop rate for tamers because so far I've only used an archer. Her drop rate has been decidedly lower than what I hear people are experiencing at the same area (Tokuno champ spawn on Sonoma) using necro mages. I think the people I feel for the most at that location are the bards trying to provoke stuff. Try as one might, it's just about impossible in all the craziness to not occasionally end up killing something that a bard has provoked (whether or not the bard provoked it before it was already being killed by someone else).

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And how is that different from minimizing the window? Or just walking into the next room?

If your character is inactive, you should not be getting drops, it's that simple. I think tamers should be ineligible for these drops, since it encourages just this kind of behavior.
Get over it! Using a pet is a means to an end just like a dexxer using a weapon to kill with, there is no difference they both can be unattended and get drops. That goes for all damage dealing templates.:loser:


if your hand is not on the mouse your not playing the game. They just need to track the cursor and if it don't move on and off the play screen nothing should be gained in game.
Apparently one of the earliest 3rd party programs (name withheld) used to afk UO was one that simply moved the cursor around and clicked it according to a pre-recorded movement. No doubt a cursor check could be faked the same way.

I parked my dexxer in the middle of a good spawn and after 10 minutes or so I realised (if I were so inclined) I wouldn't actually have to be there to get drops, basically healed and defended itself. It's dull & pointless to watch, but I still watch.


Way to many people to quote on this post.

One this event does not encourage tamers, Tamers are just as vulnerable as a dexxer is, try it some time take your dexxer put it ANYWHERE and if you die your char is just horrible or a tamers would pet would die in the same spot, pretty simple there should be nearly no situation where a hidden tamer is at a greater advantage than a dexxer, with out even vamp a dexxer can easily afk almost anywhere with out the need to heal.

I am fairly certain the 10th anniversary changes were not to the "10th anniversary system" because there was not one, the system is the tot system, the way it works is you write code for one system then you just recall that code anywhere you want to use it, and change little things such as "in area x get x set of rewards" in this way it would be safe to assume that doom/tot/10th anni all have the hidden and range checks, altho it would be nice for a dev to come out and say it, I am making the assumption based on good coding behavior *shrugs*

As to the OP the chances of getting the mempo are 1/40 each roll, so that is not really every 40th arti will be it but each time you roll you have a 1 in 40 chance of getting it (the 40 could be turned into roughly 100? if each named arti is included) so the chances of getting any of the minor arties are sort of slim, I have actually gotten a different minor artie each roll tho....luck I guess (unless you include all the dye as "1" then I have gotten 4 duplicates :p) oh well.


Over 200+ minor arti drops and not a mempo yet???? I have been grinding out minors in hopes of getting one. How is the average player suppose to get one of these. 27 days left...........

LOL Average? I`d say the average player is WAY below 200 minors. I consider myself an average player,my taly`s more like 20-30 so far.I get home from work,play for a couple hours and go to bed.Rinse and repeat.

On the bright side though I finally got my mempo last night.If it helps I just stick to wolves and the ocassional Oni when no ones there.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have about 100 and no mempo. I do have about 15 pale orange dyes though.


I've been a tamer since day 1 and I've been playing roughly 9 years? and I've never left my tamer unattended. Ya, some people do leave there pets unattended but not all. Shouldn't lump all tamers in the same boat.

Though i do believe that they should change how long the pet stays guarding. That way the owner doesn't get the loot if they aren't there to refresh the "timer". Not sure if that makes sense. This would cut back on some of the unattended killing.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
!!! They do exist! Saw one ingame!

It was gotten from oni, wolf , hiryu or some warrior maybe, she said. So much for orcs... :(

For sale- 25 to 40 million she said.

Thanks "L"! UO just cannot ever get more fun than this is. :(

Why could we not turn in ten to get this? Oh wait...lol

Sho Hashi

Someone on Sonoma said they got one of a llama yesterday. It seems like that guy doesn't need any more luck than he already has.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not a Luck Mempo, but I got a minor artifact from killing a brown bear next to the Tokuno/Isamu-Jima gate. The funny thing is that I just wanted to see how beefy my swamp dragon was, and I had it attack the bear. Next thing I know, I get the system message, and BAM!, marty.

Who knows? Maybe I'll get Leurocian's Mempo if I kill a wolf because the universe likes to play jokes like that, and I respect Irony at its finest. A rare drop like the mempo coming off one blinkin' wolf as opposed to say, the hundreds of succubus/succubi I've killed... That would be so Classic. :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Llama? I think that was made up. lol!

I just cannot understand why we cannot trade in ten to get one. Or why we cannot trade ten to get a ten use dye.

Would that hurt the scripters sales too much?

Smokey of LS

soooooo, how bout this, do like i do and if you see one of these tamers not payin attention just start killin all their spawn.... most pets move alot slower than me and on my warrior i drop them deamons 10 times faster than the pets.... more like i can run circles around the pets.... then the tamers dont get much.

oh yea and it took me 86 to get a mempo, up to 122 drops now with just the one mempo and bout 45 dyes

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Amen. THIS is why I don't think tamers should get the same drop rate as the rest of us who have to actually engage each creature.
I'm busting my butt from trying not to die. I worked HARD to get my disco, peace, music, taming, lore and vet. They have been in the work for YEARS by hand.

Trust me archers don't do a whole lot of work either. They drop the rune beetles faster then my pets.

I have 160+ drops. Double of each dye even that nice chaos blue but no mempo yet.


Played on tamers now for 15+ hours over three days....killing wolves....I have no more than 30 marties but did get mempo so undecided on staying here or doing the archer thing for more mini, but the earlier post of 150 minis off of beetles with no mempo makes me wonder too....seems like all chance to me.