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Anyone received a Major drop yet?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I received a Tomb of Lost Knowledge last night....how's that for a bug/glitch? hehe

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Tome of Enlightenment is the Minor, Lost Knowlege is the Major... hrm... haven't had either drop (yet), so I'll keep a lookout.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
aye, i just looked it up and it is a major. Lol
Wonder if you can hand 10 in to get a ......Tome of lost knowledge :coco:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Iv had over 100 minor drops now but havent seen a major or even one of these new 300 luck gorget things yet. hmmmfffppp


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
indeed the new mempo is really rare. i got over 40 ToT's and 9 dyes and no mempos yet :/
also no blackrock yet.......i love blackrock. :danceb:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No "major".

100 minors and not one mempo? That dev sure must be super fond of his name.

It is now really like the good old days. Every time there was something great then (imho) there was always some awful catch too.

Congrats to Op on a bug that worked for you. :)


I dont think over 100 drops with no mempo is really that rare. If you think about it, there is what, ~1/40 chance to get the mempo? So not getting one in 100 wouldnt be too rare.


I also have about 100 drops - but no mempo yet - and i know of many other players not getting a mempo yet.

I don't think the drop rate is 1 in 40, I am sure it is much lower.

Anybody got more drops without a mempo?
Who has the highscore?

(...and - no major drop or Tome of lost knowledge for me - but I don't complain .... will have looooots of stuff to hand in until I have the 2 mempos I would like to get for my chars ;) )


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, so it is 1/40 chance? lol! Hey this is why we pay to play is it not?

I go out to try again and see scriptors and hear that a mempo sold for 35 million! UOdoes not get any better than this!

How could the "team" know people would cheat at this? They never even knew we had an 11th anniversary.

I am grateful for all this funny mess because any time I think about opening another account to hold a house spot the "team" steps up like this. yay team!

So, I am ever so grateful for those killer one charge new dyes, oh ya one charge was a given. Ty!


Oh, so it is 1/40 chance? lol! Hey this is why we pay to play is it not?

I go out to try again and see scriptors and hear that a mempo sold for 35 million! UOdoes not get any better than this!

How could the "team" know people would cheat at this? They never even knew we had an 11th anniversary.

I am grateful for all this funny mess because any time I think about opening another account to hold a house spot the "team" steps up like this. yay team!

So, I am ever so grateful for those killer one charge new dyes, oh ya one charge was a given. Ty!
35 mil interesting I received my mempo on my second drop on the fiirst day of events anybody want to buy it for 35 mil?


Hehe I'll sell mine for 35mil too, got it in the 20 or so drop.. Never mind might be only one I get and my Pic addiction is worth more. 8)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, where in my posting does it say I farmed and hoarded? I Dojo'd for roughly an hour, I merely posted to show that a major dropped when I'm fairly certain it wasn't supposed to. And you offer absolutely nothing whatsoever to the discussion, a copy/past with a few dots.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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So I'm wondering is that really a 1/40~ chance? I was thinking about this the other day while farming mini's and about the swords and urns.... do those figure up as you get an urn... and then it figures "which" urn... or are all the swords and all the urns counted in the drop?

Because if they are then your chances with them Mempo are more like 1/300... but that was my thinking.


I got 2 mempos out of maybe 30 drops. The RNG Gods are smiling at me.

Smokey of LS

it took me like 85-86 to get a mempo, thats the only one ive gotten, but ive gotten about 38 dyes


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
three dyes, four weapons, one flute and a mempo

somebody up there likes me right now


three dyes, four weapons, one flute and a mempo

somebody up there likes me right now
Well, at least I know they can be gotten on our shard...... By the way Syn got one too.
I still have yet to get one, after 160 drops and nada on mempo. :cursing:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I notice all the mempo getters do not mention where they got one, nor off what creature. Aw!! :(

I will say the one that sold for 35 million was on Origin. Seller got 5 off Oni's. He is very tough! :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
been hunting mostly alone just north of the Citadel entrance... revenant lions, single spawning rotted corpse and bone mages, but I got the mempo drop when we partied a crew of alliance members and went to the dojo

Black Tom

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are the mempos just coming from high fame stuff or from about anything?

I've been getting 4 minors per hour from 1-2 hit kills. Switched to Tsuki wolves and it took 122 wolves and 45 minutes to get a drop (a dye). Though I did bank 122k and 500 bones from the wolves. Had similar luck with bake kitsunes and onis.

Seems to me that volume means more than high fame. But if mempos are only coming from high fame, then I'll need to go that direction.


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I also have about 100 drops - but no mempo yet - and i know of many other players not getting a mempo yet.

I don't think the drop rate is 1 in 40, I am sure it is much lower.

Anybody got more drops without a mempo?
Who has the highscore?

(...and - no major drop or Tome of lost knowledge for me - but I don't complain .... will have looooots of stuff to hand in until I have the 2 mempos I would like to get for my chars ;) )
Ive gotten probably around 300 drops and only 1 mempo


Ive gotten probably around 300 drops and only 1 mempo

300! guess u didn't get out much this weekend. :p

than again if you live on the east coast i don't blame u. rained like no tomorrow here...

Kazumi the Wild

Just as with totI, totII, and now totIII ive always killed rune beetles i get one to two for every 10 to 15min. :thumbsup: hope this helps!
How the heck do you do that?

I'm using a fully trained Greater Dragon of high quality, discording each RB, and killing everything in sight that doesn't give a karma drop.

I still only get about 3 an hour, 2 if i'm unlucky, 4 if i'm lucky.

I keep hearing people claim 5-6 minors an hour, and despite rushing around and killing everything in sight (including Rune Beetles) in 1-3 hits from the GD... I'm wondering how the heck they do that.

Is it because I loot gold and take a quick look at the loot while i do so?


How the heck do you do that?

I'm using a fully trained Greater Dragon of high quality, discording each RB, and killing everything in sight that doesn't give a karma drop.

I still only get about 3 an hour, 2 if i'm unlucky, 4 if i'm lucky.

I keep hearing people claim 5-6 minors an hour, and despite rushing around and killing everything in sight (including Rune Beetles) in 1-3 hits from the GD... I'm wondering how the heck they do that.

Is it because I loot gold and take a quick look at the loot while i do so?
Or the RNG just hates you. But personally, I run the same template (disco/tamer with GD) and I find I do get ~6/7 an hour if I really powergame thru it. You just need to pick your spots better I guess. Or, the RNG just hates you.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How the heck do you do that?

I'm using a fully trained Greater Dragon of high quality, discording each RB, and killing everything in sight that doesn't give a karma drop.

I still only get about 3 an hour, 2 if i'm unlucky, 4 if i'm lucky.

I keep hearing people claim 5-6 minors an hour, and despite rushing around and killing everything in sight (including Rune Beetles) in 1-3 hits from the GD... I'm wondering how the heck they do that.

Is it because I loot gold and take a quick look at the loot while i do so?
Or the RNG just hates you. But personally, I run the same template (disco/tamer with GD) and I find I do get ~6/7 an hour if I really powergame thru it. You just need to pick your spots better I guess. Or, the RNG just hates you.

I honestly just run around and 3 shot beetles with my axe and 1 to 2 shot the mages. I don`t bother looting either as there is often times too much spawn on me. :D

Sampires ftw!


Colorblind Collector
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
300! guess u didn't get out much this weekend. :p

than again if you live on the east coast i don't blame u. rained like no tomorrow here...
actually did quite a bit on sunday and didnt play much but like a few people have stated it depends where you kill stuff and are actually killing stuff and not letting your evs/pets do the work. My highest rate was 1 every 5 minutes and a few times during that run i had back to back within a minute quite a few times so lets say i had a run of 5 arties within 7 or 8 minutes.

Still no major artie drop though

Kazumi the Wild

It must be the looting I do, then.

Of course, that way i get gold, too... I mean, 100k an hour isn't a bad haul when you're also getting 3 minors at the same time, right?


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm sorry, where in my posting does it say I farmed and hoarded? I Dojo'd for roughly an hour, I merely posted to show that a major dropped when I'm fairly certain it wasn't supposed to. And you offer absolutely nothing whatsoever to the discussion, a copy/past with a few dots.
You unjustly jumped on like 4 people who were just sharing their hunting experiences. Just think its funny you then start posts about collecting tots.

Oh and sitting in one sport for an hour... that's camping.

And your right, it added nothing to the conversation, just like your however many posts on the other threads...


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
35m for a mempo.. get real!!!!!!!!

The royal LOL!!!!

lets see the base price in 4 weeks... 350k maybe

''dont waste my time is the question on your mind''


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
40 minors + 4 flute of renewal + 18 dyes and a swamp tile replica.. No mempo :(

Lord Drakelord

wife got a mempo last night, as soon as she saw what she had she recalled to the bank and put it in there, this morning she put it up at her keep in her special box where she keeps her luck outfit. I have not seen one yet and have double the minors she had when she got her's. Oh well back to farming.