Back in March 2001, a man named Gilforn spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to create permanent facet gates. One night, as if in a dream, a wisp appeared and led him to a gate below Moonglow in Felucca --a gate unlike any he had ever seen before. The wisp vanished and then a chorus of voices spoke to him out of the darkness.
"you have worked hard friend. your efforts will not be in vain. look upon the gate and see...."
Gilforn asked, ""Who are you and why do you disrupt my dreams with this strange vision?"
"we are wise. we seek to help."
"see what you have not seen. find what you seek. we offer it freely."
Gilform replied cynically, "Nothing is free. With what cost does this knowledge come, spirit?"
"no cost to you, friend. no cost to you at all. look upon the gate and learn."
The next morning, Gilforn awoke and as a sort of madness overtook him, he found himself gathering ingredients to make spells and soon, chanting words he'd never heard before:
"init kal vas gres
trak sek-de ter-mer..
re in ew tu-tim in-ten
re grav beh
i trak-por "
The spell components erupted in a flash and the moonstone he had placed in their center sunk into the ground. A swirling gate like the one he had seen in his dream appeared. Stepping through the gate, he found himself at the Shrine of Justice, but it looked nothing like the shrine he knew.
Gilforn returned to his lab and rushed with excitement to report his discovery to Anon and the rest of the Council of Mages. In the blackest part of the Void, three figures grinned darkly. It had begun.
My rough translation from Gargish to English of the words Gilforn used comes out as follows: (Alternate translations are in parentheses.)
"init kal vas gres"
Start call big way out (out / way)
"trak sek-de ter-mer.. "
Toward (for / unto) second (both / two) of (belong / from / possess/ than / like) worlds (?) (Cannot find "ter-mer," but do find "ter-mur/")
"re in ew tu-tim in-ten "
To begin (To) create (become / cause / form / make) and forever (always) maintain
"re grav beh "
To begin (To) field (energy / authority / power) justice
"i trak-por "
Me (I) pull (draw / attract / drag)