I recently joined a PvP group the GM had a crossbow with unbelievable SSI mods other than the rather abnormal damage it delivers with lightning and Armor Iggy weapon extra's.
Now if we combine the usual non bugged quiver the Bow thus becomes a very potent stopper.
I always thought I was very hard to kill at full resists 70 and 120 across the board skills. As it turned out I was toast. The bows I am saying are ones with super magical properties never heard of in the crafting fletcher's community and they are there.
How this can be allowed is the question. How can it be achieved for ordinary mortals to use is another thing.
Nope I don't think all bows in UO are created equal.
Comparing these bows to my Marksman set it makes me look like a kindergarten kid going against a college degree holder.
While the Marksman set is one of the better sets IMHO, it is no where comparable to a high end runic bow.
The set has a fixed set of properties that the devs has balanced like most artifacts. They deliberately refrained from making it a +30 SSI/+15 HCI/Hit Lightning/Velocity/+50% DI weapon. This is required to prevent every archer using an uber arty and rendering runic kits useless.
To understand it better, just take a look at swords and see how many people use a soulseeker. It's not uber by runic standards, but has a combination of very desirable properties, making it one of the most popular swords.
They also try to adhere to the 5 magic-properties rule as much as possible. At most, they boost 1 or 2 of these properties beyond the normal intensities (eg 60 SSI).
Now, take a look at what heartwood fletching kits can do (copied from
Comes with 15 uses
Adds/Enhances 4 properties
Intensity range is 50% to 100%
Some properties can be crafted higher than normal (before material bonus is applied) eg:
Hit Chance Increase to 25%
Defense Chance Increase to 25%
Secondly, add material bonus.
Third, add the ML receipe bows that grants 1 extra magic property.
Finally consider the free GM Fletcher + GM Armslore bonus of 40% DI.
So potentially, you can get this if you are extremely lucky with the RNG:
1) +30 SSI, +25 HCI, 50% hit lightning, 50% velocity (from heartwood runic)
2) +10 more SSI, 20% lower requirements, 75% lower weight (from using ashwood, use yew wood for +10 di, +5 hci)
3) Balanced (Lightweight Shortbow receipe. Note, shortbow has the Lightning Arrow special, meaning massive combo damage from 3 hit effects if hit lightning and velocity also triggers in the same attack. But I think DI is not applied to Lightning Arrow shots)
4) 40 DI (from GM flecthing and armslore)
Finally, remember this is only from the bow, you are not restricted to the feathernock quiver like the Marksman set. Meaning you can equip a quiver of infinity (DI + DCI + lower ammo). Or before it was patched, the quiver of rage for that untyped 10% damage.
Important note The quiver of rage was not duped. It was intentionally nerfed by a patch. Some escaped being nerfed by the patch, hence folks also call these "prepatch" quivers. Using these could get the owner into trouble if another player pages a GM (or the GM may just patch it).
That being said, my example above is a dream bow. The chance of getting those properties at max intensities is low and totally random. An obsenely rich player can burn up 60000 heartwood runic attempts and never get a bow with those stats. While a newbie can get it in his first try. Like buying lottery.
Oh, did I mention that +DI equipment from other equipment like jewels/armour is more powerful than the DI on a weapon?