LOL, now the stage is set....
What does your shard have unique? Will it now be available on all shards?
I'm working on a list of Chesapeake Unique Locations & Blessings so that a) people can find them and explore history and b) to provide EA with a catalogue of unique areas if and when they need to replace them before UOKR.
Here's what I have so far:
The Suffering Stone
Red-Yellow-Blue Headstones
Lord Thalis' Tomb
Highlord Krueger Memorial
PaxLair City Blessings
Aryslan Blessings
Duir of Yew Blessings
Ian Storm's KEEP [

] Ice Island
Galen Solstarre's Lab & Surrounding Area
Moonglow Council House
Moonglow Bank Tables & Chairs
Dragar's Lair (wintersoul)
Tower of Souls (mazrim's tower) & G'Thunk Remains
PaxLair Orc Fort
Meteorite (south Jungles)
Britain Counselor's House
Printing House
Githmore Walled Fortress
PaxLair Prison Isle
Good Luck (kissing) Tree
Dupre's Camp
Savage Hut Near Trinsic
Wall of Rock Arches & Flowers
Overwhelming Peace Pond, Aryslan Area: 89,7 N - 126,29 E
Vesper Museum Chairs and Tables
Trinsic Bazaar (World Faire?) Table Setup
EM's Office
EM's Hall of History British Castle
Britain Invasion Lizardman Statue
Govannon Mac Lyr's RBG Shield - Mythndale
Moonglow Black Fountain - Post Ant Invasion
Skara Brae Community Center
Pirate Cave
I believe I am unique so every shard should have a Gareth. My houses are also unique. So please Devs build them on all shards. Its only fair everyone has my houses on them.
I do hope your post was being funny because mine sure was LoL