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Beating a dead horse, or rather it beating me.



to begin with, Im on a really nice computer with an excelent connection.

This happens in fel Yew gate alot, I kill someone and bam my con drops, I have ben logging the drops to see if there was a pattern. If I kill a faction horse, 1 out of 2 times the screen flickers and I lose connection. Is this an issue or Do you believe I have a graphics glitch?

I have been asking questions around and it seems that if it is a graphics glitch I am not the only one with it. If it helps It seems to be the faction horses or killing only a select group of people. Made a list each ti e of whos horse or who the prson was after I dropped its seems to be connected to one group of people (guild) but then again they are the ones I fight most so it may be just a co-incidence.

Any information would be helpful

Stupid Miner

to begin with, Im on a really nice computer with an excelent connection.

This happens in fel Yew gate alot, I kill someone and bam my con drops, I have ben logging the drops to see if there was a pattern. If I kill a faction horse, 1 out of 2 times the screen flickers and I lose connection. Is this an issue or Do you believe I have a graphics glitch?

I have been asking questions around and it seems that if it is a graphics glitch I am not the only one with it. If it helps It seems to be the faction horses or killing only a select group of people. Made a list each ti e of whos horse or who the prson was after I dropped its seems to be connected to one group of people (guild) but then again they are the ones I fight most so it may be just a co-incidence.

Any information would be helpful
Might be unrelated but there has been a problem with going through moongates and crashing soon after. Not sure if that's been fixed or not.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem to loose connection everytime if I'm dragging the pets bar right as it gets killed. I think it may have something to do with the problem people were having with crashing if they recalled or went through a gate as someone was moving an item (putting or pulling item from chest or bank, or moving things from the ground to pack).


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I seem to loose connection everytime if I'm dragging the pets bar right as it gets killed. I think it may have something to do with the problem people were having with crashing if they recalled or went through a gate as someone was moving an item (putting or pulling item from chest or bank, or moving things from the ground to pack).
Do you get the UO Connection Lost gump like when shards go down?

Or do you get a Windows client error?

If it's a client error you may be able to correct it by uninstalling and reinstalling UO.

And yes, I occasionally get the Client crash when I go through the moongate to Yew.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the normal client crash just like the ones you get every once in a while recalling or going through moongates. I try not to move other peoples pet bars very far when I'm attacking it.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's the normal client crash just like the ones you get every once in a while recalling or going through moongates. I try not to move other peoples pet bars very far when I'm attacking it.
I kinda figured it was that, but wanted to make sure in case it was an issue with this ISP or hardware. If it was just a Conn Loss gump it may be a bad cable or Ethernet card, essentially something physical causing his problem.


Always Present
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Has to do with holding the shift key (item handles) while looting/grabbing someones bar and someone dies/loots themselves. The screen updates as you are bringing up item handles or using the shift key and your connection to UO drops.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has to do with holding the shift key (item handles) while looting/grabbing someones bar and someone dies/loots themselves. The screen updates as you are bringing up item handles or using the shift key and your connection to UO drops.
i know that when i go from luna gate to yew gate it happens fairly often. I am holding no keys down as i enter/dbl click the gate, so not sure why it happens.

I've heard about if someone dies just as you enter, stuff like that, but not sure the true reasons.


Did a massive systems check including physical, card conections cables etc. checked system integrity. Turned everything off Uo automap and vent included and went to the gate and fire. For about 2 hours no problem then at yew gate killed someone and as they died i crashed. logged back in, went to get ressed of course.... restocked and went back. I made sure not to pull bars or anything while fighting. I fought some more killed someone and his war horse was there and someone else klilled it , crashed again this time it was not just me 3 people dropped. I asked in guild chat upon return.
I mean There are plenty of people that can kill me online and active , but dieing to this is getting old and frustrating.

The gate crashes I have noticed are luna to yew, the lost land caves into delucia are horrible, deciet enterance and fire dungeon entrance.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you have macros that require you to hold CTRL+SHIFT and hit another key, that is probably causing you to crash.


Im sorry but this is still NOT FIXED.....STOP new content untill issues that severely effect game play are fixed. I need CTL_SHIFT to loot and pull bars. Or is the answer for thios the one other told me to use a loot script and a target enemy bar puller script?


Do you get the UO Connection Lost gump like when shards go down?

Or do you get a Windows client error?

If it's a client error you may be able to correct it by uninstalling and reinstalling UO.

And yes, I occasionally get the Client crash when I go through the moongate to Yew.
when i crash lately it's been a straight D-T-D crash UO is there and them boom I'm looking at my computers desktop