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2D client : How to handle Pack animals backpacks ??


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
In 2D client, when having 2 or more Pack animals following they stack into one icon.

Double clicking such icon always brings up the same one pack animal backpack, not the others'.

Is there a key combination or something that allows to pull up all pack animals backpacks while they are stacked onto one icon ?



Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
control/shift then right click to close them one at a time till you get to the ones underneath


Two packies - P1 and P2.

"P2 stay"
click P1 for context menu. Select Follow and target you.
walk off a tile or 2 so you can clearly see P2
Click P2 for context menu ... select follow and target P1

Now go stroll off into the sunset with sort of a train of animals behind you. I used this with my miner ... firebeetle followed him, packy with extra gear and the ingots followed the bug. The only time it screwed up was crossing server boundaries ... just reset the follows.


Or, Pull there bars and double click them. Long time since i used packies...does this still work?

Tina Small

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My miner/LJ characters always use a pack llama and a pack horse. The llama is short enough that oftentimes I can just drag and drop stuff onto its legs that are showing under the horse's belly. Other times I just do as someone else suggested and use Control Shift. The bars for both animals are usually sufficiently offset so I can see at least a little of the one that is underneath to be able to drag and drop stuff onto it. If not, I just right click the top one to get to the one underneath.

If you're just walking along while mining or lumberjacking and not recalling between each spot, you can also open the backpacks of each pack animal and leave them open on your screen. Then you can just drag stuff to them.

I haven't experimented much with doing the same stuff in KR. It appears you can't use Control Shift to bring up the animals' bars and then drag and drop stuff onto one of them. So I think that in KR you have to drag and drop onto whatever you can see of a particular animal or click on its bar to open its backpack and/or walk along with the animals' backpacks open on your screen. I notice that it's much easier in KR to see parts of both a pack horse and a pack llama--their heads are offset sufficiently that I think you can probably just drag stuff onto one head and let go and have it end up in the right backpack.

If none of this works, then your best bet is to have separate stay and follow commands for the pets so it's easier to order them around.


control/shift then right click to close them one at a time till you get to the ones underneath
This. I've tried the various methods, and this one is by far the best. You can just double-click on the handles that pop up when you control-shift to open the packs.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Tell packy one to follow you...... tell packy 2 to follow packy one.... problem solved..

Don't say all follow me..... say "P1 follow" Target you. Say "P2 follow" target P1...

now they won't stack.


I use a horse, llama and beetle. They can stack all they want. I can still click on each one. Also, you can move just one tile. Not all your pack animals will move one tile with you. Ctrl+Shift works wonders too.


UO Forum Moderator
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i just load my bag of sending up with charges and go till i am over weight and then send it all to bank thats with leather.. if mining I use fire beetle and bag..

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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control/shift then right click to close them one at a time till you get to the ones underneath
This. I've tried the various methods, and this one is by far the best. You can just double-click on the handles that pop up when you control-shift to open the packs.
It's useless if you walk into an area with a lot of items in it, though (houses, usually). The game will only display so many tags at once, and if the horse tags don't appear...


no it isn't ... many folks have won the game. where have you been ... a cave?

<yanks tongue from cheek before he gets slapped silly>


Wow that must have been hard... 3 packies and them all stacking on top of each other and all...UO is so hard!
Yeah, and with all that other stuff around, I was just beside myself with confusion. How was I to tell which packy was which with not only their tags, but all the Cu's and champ spawn stuff too? It was sure a rough time, I tell ya....:p