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Exp/Conf Pots in PVP



I have a question about how to use exp/conf pots in pvp. Been trying to figure it out for a while now. I am on a blue character in fel, and I have 100 alchemy. If I use exp/conf pots on reds or faction players, they work as expected and damage those players. However, no matter what I do I cannot damage blue (non-faction) players with either type of pot. I can throw a pot with attacking/flagging or without, throwing pots near them or at them, yet they will not take any damage. If I flag a blue, going grey, and throw an exp pot at them, that should damage them, right? If I can't, that makes for a huge disappointment since I trained up alchemy on this character mostly for pvp as blue! Any ideas?


I have a question about how to use exp/conf pots in pvp. Been trying to figure it out for a while now. I am on a blue character in fel, and I have 100 alchemy. If I use exp/conf pots on reds or faction players, they work as expected and damage those players. However, no matter what I do I cannot damage blue (non-faction) players with either type of pot. I can throw a pot with attacking/flagging or without, throwing pots near them or at them, yet they will not take any damage. If I flag a blue, going grey, and throw an exp pot at them, that should damage them, right? If I can't, that makes for a huge disappointment since I trained up alchemy on this character mostly for pvp as blue! Any ideas?
If you are pvping as a blue then why are you trying to go red? You can only harm reds/greys/oranges with alchemy, unless you are red. then you can hurt anyone with it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Bluebie pvpers are the weak sauce. if you play an alchemist pvper, go red or go home to trammel.


Cloak‡1281406 said:
If you are pvping as a blue then why are you trying to go red? You can only harm reds/greys/oranges with alchemy, unless you are red. then you can hurt anyone with it.
I'm not trying to go red on this char, just kill blues when the occasion arises.

It doesn't make sense that pots would still be totally ineffective when you go grey. When you go grey pots should work against the people you attack, even blues.


I'm not trying to go red on this char, just kill blues when the occasion arises.

It doesn't make sense that pots would still be totally ineffective when you go grey. When you go grey pots should work against the people you attack, even blues.

The reason you cant damage blues when you are blue is so you don't flag on 30 people and go red. If you use conflags pots in pvp while blue and it can hit blue players, simply put you will be perma red pretty fast on most shards. Potions should be your back up utility not the main way you fight, and if it is then go red, its for pvp after all. If you want to kill blue namers than you need to go all the way, no half way stuff fear is not an excuse to make everyone else subject to rules that would not make any sense, hit area does not affect blue on blue only blue on grey/red/orange or red on anyone.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a question about how to use exp/conf pots in pvp. Been trying to figure it out for a while now. I am on a blue character in fel, and I have 100 alchemy. If I use exp/conf pots on reds or faction players, they work as expected and damage those players. However, no matter what I do I cannot damage blue (non-faction) players with either type of pot. I can throw a pot with attacking/flagging or without, throwing pots near them or at them, yet they will not take any damage. If I flag a blue, going grey, and throw an exp pot at them, that should damage them, right? If I can't, that makes for a huge disappointment since I trained up alchemy on this character mostly for pvp as blue! Any ideas?
Its because the Devs of past have taken Felucca so far Trammie that they've broken the notoriety system.

You can't do any area effects on another blue... even if you are a criminal.

Just take a look at looting rights (if someone else kills a monster, even in Fel... you cannot loot it! You can't even loot it and go grey... you just can't loot it period.)


I've been complaining about this kind of stuff for years. Good luck on that.


I never noticed that loot thing....it always tells me I will go grey if I loot the monster. But this could be due to the "no loot timer" that is in tram, so after that loot timer is up you get the go grey msg maybe?

On a more topical note I don't think it is wise with the current players to allow hit area to affect blue on blue, as I said before in slightly less detail. you do something with area
everyone will run through it, then run away and kill themselves. this is common even when just fighting, fighting someone they finally make it to "safety" and the off themself and rez with out losing much of anything and you are now red. I will agree the system might need work, I just don't agree with allowing the blue on blue area spells unless there is some kind of kill check, that you can only be reported if you actually kill the person, Well even that does not sound like a good idea. I am out of ideas for this but you can see it could get messy.


Im sure you can hit blues on an alchy(i use a thief and am certaini have) basically you have to actually attack(not just flag) on your target and then that will be the only blue who will take damage.

I cant get on to double check but im pretty sure thats how it works.


Im sure you can hit blues on an alchy(i use a thief and am certaini have) basically you have to actually attack(not just flag) on your target and then that will be the only blue who will take damage.

I cant get on to double check but im pretty sure thats how it works.
I am close to sure that the person you attack (same as flagging really) has to attack you in order for you to be able to damage them with alchemy. give me a moment I will try to test this out.

Edit: nope would seem there is no way to attack a blue (I guess it could be possible for the blue to attack you then go blue again and you could then possibly damage them? would depend on how much time has passed i suppose) But I can not figure out anyway to damage a blue with pots.


Cloak‡1281820 said:
I am close to sure that the person you attack (same as flagging really) has to attack you in order for you to be able to damage them with alchemy. give me a moment I will try to test this out.

Edit: nope would seem there is no way to attack a blue (I guess it could be possible for the blue to attack you then go blue again and you could then possibly damage them? would depend on how much time has passed i suppose) But I can not figure out anyway to damage a blue with pots.
Exactly. There's no way to do it. And that makes for a huge disadvantage for the type of character I'm trying to play. How it should work is that exp/conf pots for blues should cause damage to other blues when you attack them. So pots (like area effect) should not flag, but if you do flag, pots should not continue to be useless but now cause damage.


Exactly. There's no way to do it. And that makes for a huge disadvantage for the type of character I'm trying to play. How it should work is that exp/conf pots for blues should cause damage to other blues when you attack them. So pots (like area effect) should not flag, but if you do flag, pots should not continue to be useless but now cause damage.
it does not make a disadvantage, if they attack you then you are free to attack them, your "disadvantage" is cuase you wanna be all "oh no im innocent take these 9 explosion pots"
if it is your only way to attack, then you are not attacking blues if it is not then there is no disadvantage as you have extra ways to heal and such.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
true. You're trying to be a trammie newb at yew gate. This sort of behavior is to be discouraged and I think everyone here feels that you should go red or quit whining that it works as intended.


true. You're trying to be a trammie newb at yew gate. This sort of behavior is to be discouraged and I think everyone here feels that you should go red or quit whining that it works as intended.
I actually didnt know this doesnt work and is going to have to make me re-think my thief hunter temp, i suppose i could go red...but where is the justice in that?!?

I would be ridding the lands of criminals but to do so i have to be a murderer?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
red doesn't mean murderer anymore. It means. "PvP with me."

Folks who say otherwise are clinging to UO:R or drink too much.


Actually, this is an RP char for siege.

So yes Red does mean murderer...so why should i have to be a murderer to hunt thieves?

If thieves where perma grey again it wouldnt be a problem.

(my point of that is being on siege means come PVP with me!)


I actually didnt know this doesnt work and is going to have to make me re-think my thief hunter temp, i suppose i could go red...but where is the justice in that?!?

I would be ridding the lands of criminals but to do so i have to be a murderer?
Riding the land of criminals is fine as you can still attack reds/greys it is only the blues who you can not attack like this.

BTW thieves are always perma grey, you just don't see them as the color.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cloak‡1281970 said:
Riding the land of criminals is fine as you can still attack reds/greys it is only the blues who you can not attack like this.

BTW thieves are always perma grey, you just don't see them as the color.
false they are not permagrey. They just can't give murder counts.


false they are not permagrey. They just can't give murder counts.
Exactly, and that is the whole problem now with my template.

The idea was to track and kill these pests using conflags and explosions to reveal them. As its such a tight template(need forensic eval) i also percieved it a good way to heal.

Now it appears im screwed. :(


You obviously havent met the inspector :p

Nox fencer alchy tracker was the build now...im not so sure.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hm.. stealth/alchy/necro/spellweaver...

walk around naked with dog form, max str, map hpi, enough necro regs for a blood oath and a few smokebombs, and a few conflags.

attunement, stealth up to archer, oath/conflag, followed by an lol as he kills himself.

Talk about an epic greif character.


Bluebie pvpers are the weak sauce. if you play an alchemist pvper, go red or go home to trammel.
He's probably fighting reds with blue support. I also see blue champ scouts from red guilds, hoping to avoid a fight before coming in with numbers. thats the weak sauce.

DOH, i missed the part where he said he as rp hunting thieves. my bad, heh.


There are many cases in which the ability to use exp/conf pots as a blue against other blues is useful beyond fighting at the Yew gate:

In RP (e.g., someone RPing an alchemist, which is fairly popular atm) fighting against others who are not guilded/at war/in factions/red.
As an assassin who uses pots to damage others (this would be the character I am trying to play, e.g.)
Or any blue who has alchemy or uses pots who occasionally pks other blues, without killing often enough to go red.