A guildmate of mine recently returned in-game and we were reminiscing about old adventures we had. One of the things which came up was luring a plague beast out of the swamps into the compassion desert to provoke it on the bounty of creatures that spawned there. I think she took great glee in watching the plague beast eat the creatures which ambushed her when she recalled there on her dial up at the time. 
Anyway, I know plague beasts were altered. Do chests still spawn on them if you "feed" them by provoking creatures onto them for them to kill and devour? If not, any chance we could see this returned to the way it was?
Anyway, I know plague beasts were altered. Do chests still spawn on them if you "feed" them by provoking creatures onto them for them to kill and devour? If not, any chance we could see this returned to the way it was?