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Whats a poor mage to do?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@kaleb again; define "do well". To me, a mage in protection is just fighting 1/2 second slower on every spell. That "do well" could be amazing if they used it situationally.
The "do well" protection mage on my shard with protection running 24/7 is simply one of those 60dci mage with 50EP that survive very well. They aint killing anyone worth their salt especially another mage.

Many newbie mages thinks protection dropping 0.5 second to all spell is "not significant". It's actually huge. Your mini heal is as slow as my fireball, my lighting is as fast as your harm, and my Flame Strike is a tick faster than your ebolt... Mini heal at 1 sec cast blows buts. And unless you are fighting another noob mage, even tho you wont get cycled (you can NOT cycle them at all because your casting is as slow as me running on 28.8k dialup on foot 11 yrs ago) a good mage will catch your gheal and have a poison ticking on you, and even worse if you are fighting a dexer with fast weapon, he could have killed you before you can finish casting a gheal probably.

Protection mage is never a threat, and they have never been looked up as a symbol of "skill". If your shard is worshiping a protection mage, then your shard isnt exactly a "PvP-active" shard, more like bouncha trammies trying to "play pvp" at each other. Sorry but it's true.

Protection = Offscreen bait. Unless all the players on your shard are noobs who dont know how to pvp, otherwise you shouldnt be killing anything halfway decent really. :coco:


1. My shard doesnt worship Protection. I am one of the few who run around using it.
2. I play Atlantic. One of...if not the biggest PvP shard for the last 5 years.
3. I agree that Protection can hinder you...but you make it sound like a Protection mages spells dont interupt other mages...believe me...they do...
Also...Evil Omen is still painfully fast..so is weaken...if you know how to cycle through your spells...you should be ok..

Like I said though...I am more of a defensive mage who looks for the right moment to start the attack.

Whether I am using my Weave Mage or Resist Mage...my tactics are similiar.
I dont look for the the quick kill....I look to survive and catch you off guard.

Its alot hard to do on my Weave Mage as he is basically a glorified Meat shield....with GOR and Attunement...

But with Resist it throws people off.

You have neglected one of the most interesting things about the 120 Resist Pro Mage.
People will try to poison me and fail....making them false assume that I can be interupted..they spend half their time casting small spells thinking they can interupt me...when they cant.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ATL eh. I see now. However ATL has everything but skilled PvP enviroment.
ATL is the zergiest US shard if not the zergiest in the world. And I do see a point running weaving gimping templates because all the PvP you are gonna get is gank, zerg, dismount gank and dismount zerg.

There are good people there yes but saying ATL is the best PvP shard is laughable. Many shards less zerggie have very skilled players too and they specialize in 1v1 not "zerging".

Btw protection weaken takes 1 full second to cast. You can barely disrrupte anyone, but "cycling" for me is so my opponent can barely cast any spell, NOT I can interrupt my opponent once every 3rd or 4th spell, but that's just me.


Also, he is neglecting to consider the fact that the RNG and resist is streaky. Having 120 resist does not = immune to poisons. I've had 15 minute long duels where I didn't resist a single poison.


You could create a char similiar to my most recent creation.

105 Magery (120 with ring)
120 Eval
115 Resist Spells (120 with items...while in protection)
90 Spirit Speak (100 with Bloodwood Spirit)
100 Necromancy (105 with Bloodwood Spirit)
100 Inscribe
90 Meditation

Cast Protection...
Make sure you have 35+ Resist Spells on items..
I have +10 on Scappers, +10 Aegis of Grace, +15 Resiliant Bracer
In all...my items add 65+ in skills...

With Inscribe you get higher bonuses from Reactive Armor, Protection and Magic Reflection.

My full suit is - (Main reasons)
Aegis of Grace - 20 DCI and +10 Resist Spells
Scrappers - +10 Resist Spells and 15 LRC and the 1 FCR
Chaos Musuem Shield - For the 2 FCR
Bracelet - +15 Resist Spells, 10 DCI - 20 Physical Resist
Ring - +15 Magery, 2 FCR, 20 LRC, 10 DCI, 8 LMC
Quiver of Infinity - 5 DCI
Gloves, Arms, Tunic, Legs...you can use what you want...

My suit is all 70's with 35 LMC, 100 LRC, a little MR ..
I might swap out my legs for Spell Woven Britches to give me more Int and LMC and Meditation.

This allows you to run around in Protection without getting Para'ed and Poisoned to death by Mages...and with the DCI...you dodge alot of Dexers...
Of Course Blood Oath helps...

Its my newest Template I created and frankly....I am owning with it....when normally I get powned while in protection.

This allows me to heal through Mage Dumps and to also heal through dexers while still being a spawn character.
I waited and waited for someone to tell him that "Aegis of Grace" is non-medable.

So basically, his 90 points in med are wasted. I hightly doubt that he actually run this template because he won't be able to kill anyone with it because the lack of mana and slow FC.

Anyone can heal thru a mage dump at FC = 0 (in his case he has -2 FC since there's no FC items to offset the -2 from protection).

Protection has its place in the game but hardcore pvp is not one of it. A mage can out heal your dump and you can't put in your finishing spell when the dexer bolted with 10hp left.

If he actually can kill someone with this template and equipment then he can kill that same person much quicker with a little more practice w/o protection.

and Yes, I registered just to reply to this :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I waited and waited for someone to tell him that "Aegis of Grace" is non-medable.

So basically, his 90 points in med are wasted. I hightly doubt that he actually run this template because he won't be able to kill anyone with it because the lack of mana and slow FC.

Anyone can heal thru a mage dump at FC = 0 (in his case he has -2 FC since there's no FC items to offset the -2 from protection).

Protection has its place in the game but hardcore pvp is not one of it. A mage can out heal your dump and you can't put in your finishing spell when the dexer bolted with 10hp left.

If he actually can kill someone with this template and equipment then he can kill that same person much quicker with a little more practice w/o protection.

and Yes, I registered just to reply to this :p
The circlet version of AoG is medable.
Wow I just looked at his equipment and that really look like -2fc to me...
That makes weaken a 1.5 second cast (as slow as 5th circle from fc2 mage)
Gheal would be 2.25 cast which is the casting time of 8th circle spell.
Explosion is 2.75 thats 10th circle (non-existant)
FS at 11th cycle

If his pwnage story were true, then he either rolls with a zerg group or the pvp level on his shard is humuliatingly low.

Any half way decent archer using mortal will kill him before he can move again (any spell he cast is an unbreakable paralyze) I feel sorry...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Technically, if he doesn't get disarmed, I believe he's getting fc1 from the scrappers and a second fc1 from the musuem chaos shield.


Technically, if he doesn't get disarmed, I believe he's getting fc1 from the scrappers and a second fc1 from the musuem chaos shield.

Wow I just looked at his equipment and that really look like -2fc to me...

Any half way decent archer using mortal will kill him before he can move again (any spell he cast is an unbreakable paralyze) I feel sorry...
I am not -2...you need to study the physics of the game more...and the items I listed. Remember I have 45 dci...also....my SS heals through mortal.
But yes...archers with 2 hit spell bows that are extremely fast are my weakness. Every template has a weakness somewhere.

I waited and waited for someone to tell him that "Aegis of Grace" is non-medable.

So basically, his 90 points in med are wasted. I hightly doubt that he actually run this template because he won't be able to kill anyone with it because the lack of mana and slow FC.

Anyone can heal thru a mage dump at FC = 0 (in his case he has -2 FC since there's no FC items to offset the -2 from protection).

Protection has its place in the game but hardcore pvp is not one of it. A mage can out heal your dump and you can't put in your finishing spell when the dexer bolted with 10hp left.

If he actually can kill someone with this template and equipment then he can kill that same person much quicker with a little more practice w/o protection.

and Yes, I registered just to reply to this :p
So, you waited and waited to post incorrect info?
The AoG circlet is medable.
My Med isnt waisted.
Pain Spike casts plenty fast enough to put in a finishing hit...

The Elite mages can heal through the dumps..yep...
But the Elite mages arent as rampant as you think.
My template is more or less a catch you off guard template...
I have killed some Elite mages with it just because they cant disrupt me...so they realize I am in Pro...and then they waste time casting:
Vamp, Curse, Poison, Para...and it doesnt work.

Most people I run into that dont know me well, are obviously confused as to why they cant disrupt me or para me.

People can dog protection all they want...but no one understands its strengths and weaknesses like me. I only play Pro mages and all my templates are built differently around it with their own weaknesses. It all depends on the location I am going to be fighting.

Limlight - Weak to mages
Redlight - Weak to Fast Archers and Poison Dexers
Lemolight - Working on him...but this one chugs pots...


Limlight what do you do when someone spams EO + Poison.

While I could possibly see you doing okay 1v1 in some situations, I see no way you can remotely handle a 1v2.

Yes hard cap of 0.


You sure there's a hard FC cap of 0?
What protection does is takes cap -2, so if you have 4/6 casting on a mage you will still get 0 fc because protections takes you down to your cap and then -2. so on a spellweaving type char and you had 6/6 casting it would still bring you down to 2/6 as your SW fc cap is 4 so protection brings it to the cap then -2, its not really capping it at 0, if you have 0 fc it will bring it down to -2.


Limlight what do you do when someone spams EO + Poison.

While I could possibly see you doing okay 1v1 in some situations, I see no way you can remotely handle a 1v2.

Yes hard cap of 0.
Evil Omen enhances all spells...

Poison, Para, Curse, Corpse...

The mages that give me trouble are the ones who are great at cycling.
Basically, like I said...the Elite mages.

Also, you are correct 2vs1 is always tough...but tough in any situation.


Cloak‡1278945 said:
What protection does is takes cap -2, so if you have 4/6 casting on a mage you will still get 0 fc because protections takes you down to your cap and then -2. so on a spellweaving type char and you had 6/6 casting it would still bring you down to 2/6 as your SW fc cap is 4 so protection brings it to the cap then -2, its not really capping it at 0, if you have 0 fc it will bring it down to -2.
Log on and try, it doesnt matter how high you stack you casting...in protection its 0.


Log on and try, it doesnt matter how high you stack you casting...in protection its 0.
err...my point was for magery it will be 0 no matter how high you stack it, for chiv and sw it is 2....granted I could be wrong for everything but for magery I was correct (and you pointed that out....) what I said is that when you cast protection it takes you down to your fc cap and then subtracts to. for magery this would mean it makes your fc 2 then subtracts 2 making it 0. but for chiv and sw it brings you down to 4 making you end up with 2, basically I was just claiming you can not stack on the fc to overcome protection. And since I know fc can go negative I made the assumption that having 0fc when you cast protection will make it so you have -2 fc while in protection, granted that could be wrong.


Could be true I suppose, although I'm pretty sure Protection caps FC at 0..

To Limlight, my point was that you're not going to be able to cure fast enough in protection, especially with no pots, and any 2 decent mages will just wreck you. Even 1 on 1 EO + Poison would kill you because it takes you so long to cure.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could be true I suppose, although I'm pretty sure Protection caps FC at 0..

To Limlight, my point was that you're not going to be able to cure fast enough in protection, especially with no pots, and any 2 decent mages will just wreck you. Even 1 on 1 EO + Poison would kill you because it takes you so long to cure.
Not only is his defensive spells extremely slow, but his offense is slow. You will die and you will never get a kill unless you are zerging it up, in which case any template gets kills.


Pretty sure he pots, also its not that slow curing yourself with protection on. EO + poison is pretty slow one v one and even besides that EO + poison does not mean 100pct poison, and 2 mages? wow, as if two mages was any "easier" with out protection on, aside from all this banter to try and dismiss the template, why don't you try to stay on topic? his template vs a dexxer works out just fine, just because you cant do it does not mean anything, honest to me that simply means he is better than you. every time people can not use a template they always say it can not do anything, until you run into someone who wrecks you with it then it becomes "gimp" I could claim half of the templates the rest of you post are horrible because you would never kill me with them, does that mean they actually are horrible? or does that mean you are bad with the template? or does it simply mean no template is the be all end all of UO. generally I like to think its the third option, for some of you it is surely the second one tho. And for all of you who are about to take offense to my extremely general statement, you are who I am talking about, and remember if I have not said it before I am saying it now, I don't run with protection on all the time, I feel protection is situational, being able to cycle the mages or pop on protection and defend yourself against a dexxer, tactics are the thing none of you seem to understand.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
He would go down against any decent dexer or decent mage.


His template vs a dexer would do.. what? How is he going to kill any half-competent dexer that knows how to run off screen? Or any half-competent mage that sees you have protection on, so simply gheals through a harm spam, since no spell is going to be quick enough to interrupt.

Protection IS situational, no one is arguing that. He plays 100% in protection. That is just dumb. He would do better if he used it situationally, which anyone that has pvped as a mage seriously would know.

And a necromage should have zero problems killing him. EO does a lot, it would just be like killing a mage without protection on, except easier.

edit: It would be a lot easier to kill 2 mages without protection on than with. Interrupts do a lot, and good luck interrupting with protection on.


Again, just because you can not do it, does not mean he can not. watch him play perhaps?

Everyone always assumes things when they don't have a solid answer and by a solid answer I mean you have never seen anyone do it thus it can't be done right?

Glad people don't treat life that way, else we never would have had the Renaissance , or inventions.


Cloak‡1281333 said:
EO + poison is pretty slow one v one and even besides that EO + poison does not mean 100pct poison,.
This comment...FAIL

EO + poison = 100% poison even at 120 resist.

I DP Poison EVERY time against 120Resist with that combo, and its not slow...especially against a Pro Mage.


its slow enough to catch it and be prepared for it. and it is not 100pct as even 10 resist can cuase you to fail poisoning.


My point was 2 competent mages will drop you extremely quick.

With the template and items I have now, and given my uber skills :thumbsup:, I have no problems staying alive vs 2 mages for a long enough time to get away or drop one.


Cloak‡1281875 said:
its slow enough to catch it and be prepared for it. and it is not 100pct as even 10 resist can cuase you to fail poisoning.
After an evil omen, poison is 100% guaranteed


Cloak‡1281730 said:
Again, just because you can not do it, does not mean he can not. watch him play perhaps?

Everyone always assumes things when they don't have a solid answer and by a solid answer I mean you have never seen anyone do it thus it can't be done right?

Glad people don't treat life that way, else we never would have had the Renaissance , or inventions.

I'm pretty sure I would slaughter lim mage vs mage, and I would slaughter you as well. Again, you think that interrupts are not important in mage vs mage pvp. I think you are incorrect, as I have hundreds (if not thousands) of 2 mages vs me kills, and if I had prot on, I woulda been perma poisoned while the other mage casted on me.

I have to say, my "slaughter" lim isn't based upon quickness of killing, as I am a pure mage. But he would never get even remotely close to killing me, and he would HAVE to pot (a lot) to survive. If I had necro, it would be laughably easy.

He would have to weaken as soon as he saw the evil omen to interrupt my poison, which of course he couldn't do as he would be frozen casting a spell. Evil omen casts as fast as a weaken, so he wouldn't interrupt that, and he WOULD be poisoned, almost guaranteed. And as I pointed out earlier, even with 120 resist, he can still get unlucky and get poisoned 10 times in a row.

I don't understand how you say protection is situational, and then say it isn't situational when Lim uses it. It is either situational or it isn't. His 120 resist in protection doesn't negate it being situational, as resist doesn't win battles, only prolongs it. This is why elite mages rarely count on poisons not landing in duels, unless near full health with a gheal casted already. Resist is streaky, you would think a mage would know this.


Despite all the criticism that myself and others have given, I would just like to say if he truly has fun playing it that's what's important. I don't think any of us have any mean intentions. We just don't want other players to perceive this as a great template, when it's not.

By all means if you are in a zerg and you enjoy it, have at it. However, it is definitely not the most effective.


You could create a char similiar to my most recent creation.

105 Magery (120 with ring)
120 Eval
115 Resist Spells (120 with items...while in protection)
90 Spirit Speak (100 with Bloodwood Spirit)
100 Necromancy (105 with Bloodwood Spirit)
100 Inscribe
90 Meditation

Cast Protection...
Make sure you have 35+ Resist Spells on items..
I have +10 on Scappers, +10 Aegis of Grace, +15 Resiliant Bracer
In all...my items add 65+ in skills...

With Inscribe you get higher bonuses from Reactive Armor, Protection and Magic Reflection.

My full suit is - (Main reasons)
Aegis of Grace - 20 DCI and +10 Resist Spells
Scrappers - +10 Resist Spells and 15 LRC and the 1 FCR
Chaos Musuem Shield - For the 2 FCR
Bracelet - +15 Resist Spells, 10 DCI - 20 Physical Resist
Ring - +15 Magery, 2 FCR, 20 LRC, 10 DCI, 8 LMC
Quiver of Infinity - 5 DCI
Gloves, Arms, Tunic, Legs...you can use what you want...

My suit is all 70's with 35 LMC, 100 LRC, a little MR ..
I might swap out my legs for Spell Woven Britches to give me more Int and LMC and Meditation.

This allows you to run around in Protection without getting Para'ed and Poisoned to death by Mages...and with the DCI...you dodge alot of Dexers...
Of Course Blood Oath helps...

Its my newest Template I created and frankly....I am owning with it....when normally I get powned while in protection.

This allows me to heal through Mage Dumps and to also heal through dexers while still being a spawn character.
Intresting Temp ,What shared do you play?


Intresting Temp ,What shared do you play?
Have a look for the shard with over 300people in a faction guild, that is allied toa non-faction guild with probably over 200 people.

Oh while your there...guess what zerg fest he inhabits!


I'm pretty sure I would slaughter lim mage vs mage, and I would slaughter you as well. Again, you think that interrupts are not important in mage vs mage pvp. I think you are incorrect, as I have hundreds (if not thousands) of 2 mages vs me kills, and if I had prot on, I woulda been perma poisoned while the other mage casted on me.

I have to say, my "slaughter" lim isn't based upon quickness of killing, as I am a pure mage. But he would never get even remotely close to killing me, and he would HAVE to pot (a lot) to survive. If I had necro, it would be laughably easy.

He would have to weaken as soon as he saw the evil omen to interrupt my poison, which of course he couldn't do as he would be frozen casting a spell. Evil omen casts as fast as a weaken, so he wouldn't interrupt that, and he WOULD be poisoned, almost guaranteed. And as I pointed out earlier, even with 120 resist, he can still get unlucky and get poisoned 10 times in a row.

I don't understand how you say protection is situational, and then say it isn't situational when Lim uses it. It is either situational or it isn't. His 120 resist in protection doesn't negate it being situational, as resist doesn't win battles, only prolongs it. This is why elite mages rarely count on poisons not landing in duels, unless near full health with a gheal casted already. Resist is streaky, you would think a mage would know this.

Glad you can assume to know my abilities at all. Secondly I am glad you can say I said things I have not. I said for me protection is situational, I would not run around in it full time, but hey its a personal opinion. What I did however say was that you are ignorant, sure I assumed you were intelligent enough to understand that is what I am saying but hey I guess i was wrong due to the way you replied to me saying you cant do something.

Again just because you are unable to do something does not mean NO ONE CAN, also just because he can effectively use his template does not mean it is for everyone, it also does not make him unbeatable. But you obviously are unbeatable so I now bow to you and am sorry that you are able to kill me. I have not pretended I know anyone on here and said I could kill them.

Tinsil I believe any template can be played well, it is a matter of adapting to things. I have never been in a zerg guild, but I also believe in just having fun, if you can have fun doing something then by all means do it, this has been my point all along. Aside from the person who I quoted, I have no ill feelings for anyone here was just stating my opinion.

BTW to all of you, if you really read what he wrote he either started his posts in this thread by stating he can heal through mage dumps and dexxers, while being mainly a char for spawning. But of course no one here is about enjoying themselves. ::Edited out the rest as I found it to insulting to the general population:: (this does not apply to everyone here...I do not play with most of you so don't take offense just because I am generalizing.)


Cloak‡1282711 said:
(this does not apply to everyone here...I do not play with most of you so don't take offense just because I am generalizing.)
I DO take offense!!!

How DARE you say this game is FUN!!!

Go wash your mouth out FOUL child!!!



The spell is situational, period. Not to you, to everyone. To people that choose to play solely in protection and enjoy it, then kudos to them. No one here is saying that they shouldn't enjoy how they play the game. But the bottom line is that regardless of it being a spawn character or not, his character would be more *effective* if he used protection situationally.

You clearly said that in a 2v1 that not being in protection wouldn't help. I am saying that you are wrong, that in most cases, not being in protection will help you a heckuva lot more than being in protection. This isn't always the case (one mage may simply weaken spam or whatever), and thus protection is sometimes useful. Personally when you fight people like that, it's best to isolate them and kill them, and being fizzled will help in that regard as you won't be frozen casting a spell, and just interrupt one and run, leave the other casting, and you might get a 1v1 for a few seconds.

I find it strange that you have "ill feelings" towards me, as I haven't stated anything different from any other pvper in this thread. If you pvped as a mage, you would understand. You're trying to negate the fact that I have killed that sort of template numerous times. It's annoying as hell to do (just like killing evasion dexers/mages is/was), and relies on the RNG for poisons, but dying from it just isn't in the cards.

edit(short version): I have no problem with his playstyle. I'm just saying that his character (read: not his playstyle) would be more effective if he didn't play in perma prot.


No one here is saying that they shouldn't enjoy how they play the game.
I AM!!!

Peopple should play this game out of sheer addiction and feel hate in themselves for not being able to stop!!!



I AM!!!

Peopple should play this game out of sheer addiction and feel hate in themselves for not being able to stop!!!

I was not going to read this thread anymore but Your two posts are hilarious =p

Edit: mr.blackmage

My feels for you stem from the fact that you can "slaughter me". I have not posted about myself a single time here, and everyone's attitude to the situation is to "not do this or you suck so much" when in fact not everyone does. Never mind that you continue to argue a point that I have yet to argue, continually stating that I said differently when I didn't. I feel the spell is situational, I also know having it on or off 2v1 is not so much a difference as to hold that as a point of argument as you are ALWAYS at a disadvantage 2v1. Either case I never said it was not situational, I said he was able to play with it always on, they are not the same argument. And stating that you are able to do something when you know nothing about it is just distasteful. (in reverence to you "slaughtering me")


Cloak‡1281333 said:
and 2 mages? wow, as if two mages was any "easier" with out protection on,
That's what I was basing my post(s) off of. A 2v1 generally IS easier without protection on, for the reasons that I stated. And most people are not competent playing mages, hence for "good" mages, a 2v1 isn't as difficult as it may seem.

My reference to slaughtering you was in regards to mage vs mage, since you are talking about mage pvp, which would lead me to believe that you have experience in that aspect. I don't play currently, so if you have recently started playing a mage and are better than all of the ones that have quit, than I apologize. But there hasn't been a mage to slaughter me since AoS.

I never said he wasn't able to play with it on, either. All I've said is that it would be more effective (not more enjoyable, for him) if he didn't use it permanently.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That's squeezing a suit pretty tight though, unless you're the in-game equivalent of Donald Trump.
Faction glasses ---25 DCI
Faction HoL---------15 DCI
Ring------------------15 DCI
Quiver---------------5 DCI
Mage book---------10 DCI
70 DCI w/o needing donald trump :)

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have a look for the shard with over 300people in a faction guild, that is allied toa non-faction guild with probably over 200 people.

Oh while your there...guess what zerg fest he inhabits!
Get your facts correct before posting such drivel. The guild currently has 235 CHARS...not people. (huge difference...as one person alone has 32 chars in the guild) In addition, the guild was created and members added to compete vs. several other (at the time) active and large guilds.

IMO you cannot fault the guild for being able to maintain this large member base...the guild is not full of egos, thieves, or immature people.

Crying because you cannot compete to such a beast is not my problem...and it just makes you look a tool.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Get your facts correct before posting such drivel. The guild currently has 235 CHARS...not people. (huge difference...as one person alone has 32 chars in the guild) In addition, the guild was created and members added to compete vs. several other (at the time) active and large guilds.

IMO you cannot fault the guild for being able to maintain this large member base...the guild is not full of egos, thieves, or immature people.

Crying because you cannot compete to such a beast is not my problem...and it just makes you look a tool.
Hot recruiting everything they can isn't anything to boast about. It's a pretty typical zerg like the mindless swarms of zerglings found in every game. What you lack for in skill you can always make up with enough numbers.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
go wrestle if you want less interuptions that or protection your best bets and for the people who think ageis of grace is not medable i say try it out before you go spewing garbage yes the old one is non med the one that looks like a dragon helm but Circlets are medable don't believe me then try for yourself.

120 wrestle
100 scribe
120 eval int
120 mage
120 resist spells
120 med
leftovers into focus 20 if ya can

gear Armor of fortune, fey leggings, Folded steel glasses, ornament, totem of the void, Scrappers, Ring with 10 dci and 2 fcr + any other desired mods lrc lmc resists whatever ya need and can find or buy, Gloves sleeves neck need massive resists + decent lrc and lmc, Quiver or melissa's cloak i prefer cloak since i get way over max dci without and 5 more fire resist is handy especially vs them damn necro mages.

Not cheep suit but if you have gotten all the scrolls to 120 out the character you should invest in the suit to make it good,