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New plants dieing after 25 hours?



I've planted over 50 plants so far and if I don't get to them RIGHT at the 24 hour mark (after I planted them) they wilt or die. And the wilted plants die the next day. Am I doing something wrong? (by die I mean empty bowl...no dead plant in pack).

I don't have time to set an alarm every day to sit at my computer. Isn't there some type of leeway (sp) to do plants, like do them them before server up the next day?

Any help, suggestions would helpful...I want to see my plants grow :(


Lore Keeper
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I suggest that you put them into a backpack, so that the growth check will be performed when you log in, and then you can care for them straight away.
I have not had any locked down, so I've not run into this problem. All my backpack plants have been fine.


Thanks...my plants were in a bag in my backpack...I'm just coming back so I've not touched my "old" seeds. Don't want to take the chance of killing them. I ony have one of each color/type :D

These seeds that are problems are the "peculiar" ones I got from a spawn.


Hmm this is highly strange, i have around 500 plants locked down in the seed/sapling stages of both peculiar and legacy plants. So far they have been thriving and keeping me quite busy (i'm starting to turn into a crazy plant lady lol).

I do remember a longgggg time ago when they first came out with plants my sister had a house in yew and she had the same issue where a patch of plants in her house would be on some sort of strange accelerated growth hot spot and wilt up and die. Just that one lil spot all the plants surrounding it thrived. When she paged a gm about it, the gm simply told her to 'Don't put them there." LOL.


For a safety margin, you might wanna dose the plants with 2 greater strength and 2 greater heal potions, every day.
It helps to prevent the usual disease and bug infestations, and if your using fertile dirt it will usually help to get the growth bump (extra day of growth).
Usually the first growth check just results in the plant showing a yellow minus (just means that no actual growth happened).
If your dosing them with too much water or poison that could be the reason for the deaths.
The second growth check is when you usually get the message of wilting or dying. If you have dosed them with the above mentioned potions you should get the message of healthy or Vibrant (unless there is too much/little water).
Wish you good luck with your plants.


I've found the most likely culprit for plant deaths is overwatering.

When you water them, is there a red or yellow plus or minus by the watering icon?

Are there red and yellow anythings?

when your plant reaches wilted or dying, you'll want to add two greater heals and two greater cures... I've never lost one this way.


Thanks all for the responses...here is what I do with my plants...

On one character, in a bag, in her backpack while she is standing in one spot...too full to move, lol

Hard dirt in pots, water twice to make soft dirt, plant seed, give 2 white potions, 1 yellow and 1 orange. This is done say noon.

Next day...need no water, need no potions...check between noon and 2 pm

Third day...either dead (empty pot) or wilted...some ask for water, some don't...never any bugs so no poison given (green potion). check between noon and 2 pm...

By 4th day...usually a bag full of empty pots...

Maybe I should try and move my "spot" to another location in my house...I don't know what else to do...



I watered my plants at noon today on the dot...they were all ok...just checked them (7:49 pm and I have 75% wilted and 2 empty pots...waaaa...frustrating :(


I know this is a Odd-ball question, but what shard are you playing on?
Reason I ask this, on the test shards you can accelerate the growth of plants, but they have to be potioned up for it to work. If not they will die real fast.
If your not on a test shard/non-production shard, then I would definately recommend moving 5 spaces to the right/left :blushing:.


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Hard dirt in pots, water twice to make soft dirt, plant seed, give 2 white potions, 1 yellow and 1 orange. This is done say noon.
I think here is your problem. You say you're giving it an orange potion - so a greater cure correct? You shouldn't be giving it any cure potions unless it specifically needs it. (yellow (gheal) and white (gstrength) are okay because they boost the plants health points). The cure potion is only used when the plant has fungus (just like the poison potion is only used when the plant has insects).

Damia TMC

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I only treat my plants if they need something, I don't do strength (white) cure (orange) or heal ( yellow) unless there's a problem that needs fixing. I normally only use strength if they're wilted, and I never have a problem.


it doesnt sound to me like its an over potioning or watering problem..the OP specifically stated that his/her plants are getting multipul growth cycles..checking at noon then checking again the same DAY and the plants are nearly dead or dead. Even if the OP is giving to much water or potions they wouldnt see the effects of that until the next 24 hour growth cycle but since its all happening in the same day it cant be that. and even then if i fug up and give it an extra water or slip up and give it an un-needed potion they usually only go to healthy on their next check not wilted/dying.

Perhaps if your having issues with lock down plants and back pack plants try changing characters that hold the pretties. if you have more then one house try that..if you have all the stuff you need including kegs, try staying at an inn for the duration of your plants lives. Other then that i dont really understand why your plants are growing so rapidly with you not being logged in..even if they did get a second growth check on logging in you should still have vibrant plants that need more stuff..so they must be going through multipul growths with you being offline. Extremely strange. I hope you find a solution that works for you!


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sounds like the same problem i am having but with my whole house!!!! i planted approx. 200 plants, checked them on the second day after planting, and they were all wilted, gave them water, and potions required then also 1 heal and 1 strength each, Third day went checked them, half about 100 plants were vibrant and on day 4, 50 were vibrant and on day 3 and 24 were still wilted and on day 2 and then 1 plant was dying. o i gave them the necessary componants again and then to the wilted dying and 1 heal and 1 strength each. we are now on the 4th day and here's the kicker they are all vibrant on days 5 and 6, and i don't use fertile dirt


sounds like the same problem i am having but with my whole house!!!! i planted approx. 200 plants, checked them on the second day after planting, and they were all wilted, gave them water, and potions required then also 1 heal and 1 strength each, Third day went checked them, half about 100 plants were vibrant and on day 4, 50 were vibrant and on day 3 and 24 were still wilted and on day 2 and then 1 plant was dying. o i gave them the necessary componants again and then to the wilted dying and 1 heal and 1 strength each. we are now on the 4th day and here's the kicker they are all vibrant on days 5 and 6, and i don't use fertile dirt
you need to give TWO strengths and heals to wilted or dying plants, and be careful not to overwater! you should only give enough water that there is no symbol... A plus sign on water means you've overwatered.


DO NOT give heals or cures to plants that don't need them.

The only potion to use as a precautionary measure is the strength potion, and even that isn't needed unless you are using fertile dirt.

You are killing your plants with kindness. Each unnecessary heal or cure is causing it to lose 1 health level. So giving each a heal and cure when they aren't needed is causing the plant to lose 2 levels of health.


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lol, ok they needed the 2 water, because i ended up with multiple double growths on my plants not just once in a while but quite frequently, unfortunately this is the largest batch ever to get double growths. and the heal and strength were to bring them back from the wilted state from which they got to be from the double growths, and i only put one heal and 1 strength per plant. And i have been gardening for many years now, so i know how to take care of them, no offense if that sounded snippy. Just a freaky thing that i thought i would post to say it's just fluky thing that going on, cause this has been happening to me for a couple of years now. and it's not the location causei have moved them to different houses and tried different ways of setting them up. and i still get freaky double growths, and plants popping out of deco mode to go to dying on me.


( and i don't use fertile dirt[/QUOTE]

Ok So How in the world do you plant seeds with no fertile dirt???

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Ok So How in the world do you plant seeds with no fertile dirt???
There's two kinds of dirt you can use:

1) Dirt from a dirt patch on the ground (any old dirt patch will do... it's dark brown, found around the world). This is "fresh dirt."

2) Fertile dirt comes from Earth Elementals primarily, and look like a reagent. You can fill a bowl with this, and you get an extra day's growth at the beginning (ie: you plant, it's day 1, after it grows, it's suddenly day 3).


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You just fill the bowl with normal earth, by clicking the bowl and then some earth.
The plants don't grow as fast. (They don't have a chance to have two growth checks at one time)
i wish that were the case for me, i have been using plain old regular dirt and still get the double growths. Cause i don't want to chance getting stranger growths then what i already do.

So the plants that i planted on friday, are going to be at days 6 and 7 today, and the one that was originally dying is going to be at day 5. Fun fun for the masses.


i wish that were the case for me, i have been using plain old regular dirt and still get the double growths. Cause i don't want to chance getting stranger growths then what i already do.

So the plants that i planted on friday, are going to be at days 6 and 7 today, and the one that was originally dying is going to be at day 5. Fun fun for the masses.
How is that possible? Regular dirt isn't supposed to give growth boosts... that's the whole point of fertile dirt. Where are you scooping your dirt from?


How is that possible? Regular dirt isn't supposed to give growth boosts... that's the whole point of fertile dirt. Where are you scooping your dirt from?
I hope this thread doesn't mislead any folks new to gardening. Personally, I'm chalking this tale up to confusion on the part of the gardener. I mean come on, has anyone else ever heard a single report of a deco plant turning back into a growing plant and then dying? Sorry, Kaiya but you've got way too many exceptions to all the rules for me to believe they could all be happening to one person. No offense, just my opinion.


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lol it's not a tale, and i used to get it in front of east brit provisioners and recently i started getting it from in front of my house in tok. and this has been happening to me for a couple of years now. but this last batch is the largest that i have ever had get double growths. I wish it were a tale this way i wouldn't have to go through so many darn potions!!!!!!!!! And as for the deco's plants they were given to me by a friend and they were all checked by 3 different people in my guild as i was decorating, and within 2 days after decorating for halloween they went to twigs.


Okay, now I'm beginning to wonder; more potions? I've never had a double growth require more potions. It requires the same number as it would have if it hadn't, it's just added an extra day.

Like the one I just got today:

Why don't you break down, step by step, every tiny little thing you do? Start with dirt, and where you're locking down or storing, and everything. you've insisted that everything we've suggested isnt' the problem; there isn't anything else. All that's left is either user error, or the largest number of bugs focused on a single person I've ever heard of in UO history.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Okay, now I'm beginning to wonder; more potions? i'ev never had a double growth require more potions. It requires the same number as it would have if it hadn't, it's just added an extra day.

Why don't you break down, step by step, every tiny little thing you do? Start with dirt, and where you're locking down or storing, and everything. you've insisted that everything we've suggested isnt' the problem; there isn't anything else. All that's left is either user error, or the largest number of bugs focused on a single person I've ever heard of in UO history.
ok you asked for it.(keep in mind these are bright orange poppies, so they do require poison potion almost everyday)

Planting Day!!!!!!

First i fill the bowls with dirt, from the general road area around my house in zento.

Second, after i get all the bowls filled, i apply 2 water to each bowl.

Third, I lock each bowl down in stacks of 5 high and the length and width of the room, Either second floor or the rooftop of my house. (I used to previously place seeds in them in my back pack, and i still get the same outcome)

fourth i raise the first row of plant bowls to the desired heights, and plant the first row of seeds, and then continue on to the next row and so on so forth, till i have either run out of seeds or plant bowls.

Day after planting.

Go to the floor with the plants and open each gump to make sure there is no water or potions needed, and what is needed is applied to the plant.
Generally nothing is needed.

Second - 7th day after planting

go to the floor with the plants and open each individual plant gump and apply water and potions needed. Pollinate plants that are ready to be pollinated

8the day till no more resources.

go to the floor with the plants open each individual plant gump, and apply water and potions needed.

if there is a double growth then i would apply the water generally 2 what potions it needs (orange petal plants) generally 2 poison and and sometimes an occasional cure. depending on the state of the plant if it's healthy then i DO NOT apply heal or strength, but if it is wilted then i apply 1 heal and 1 strength.

But like i said this last batch has been the largest double growth batch i have ever had, normally i will only have 2 - 3.

i acquire my pitchers of water from the pond next to my zento house. And my kegs of potions i make. I keep a bag of each keg in a bag to grab each day from a container along with my water pitcher, and 5 potion bottles


When growing in locked down containers you should be seeing the following results:

First growth cycle (to day 2) should occur between 24h and 24h20m from the time you put the seed in the bowl.

Remaining growth cycles will occur 23h after the last.

So the effect is your growth cycles back up an hour a day everyday they are locked down, whether you are logged in or not! For this reason I only backpack garden. With backpack gardening the cycle hits when you login as long as you have passed the 23h mark.

With a 200 plant setup like you said you have I can see where the time line could be difficult to keep straight, especially if your times backup all the way to server reboot.


I already see some of the problems.

1) You feed them Cure potions when they don't need them. Whenever I do something like that, my plant usually goes straight from vibrant to wilted.

2) AFAIK plants have their grow checks done during daily shard maintainence. Therefore, depending on your shard's maintainence...

Early Day 1 - Plant Seeds, give cure potion
Middle Day 1 - Server Downtime, plant takes hit from cure potion (Wilted)
Late Day 1/Early Day 2 - Plant has Fungus
Middle Day 2 - Server Downtime, plant takes hit from fungus (Dying)
Late Day 2 - you come back and check plant one "day" later, and it's dying.

If it's after the seeds are planted, then it's even easier. You check the plant before server up on day one and do the stuff, then later it gets infested/diseased and you don't check again until after server-up on the second day.

If this isn't what's happening, then frankly I have no idea how anything you're describing can possibly happen. The plant system really isn't that complex at all, I've never even heard of anything like this.


Grand Poobah
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I think there might be a problem with planting seeds in the bowl after it's locked down, as someone else suggested. Maybe do a small batch of bowls that have already had the seeds planted before they are locked down and raised?

Oh I missed this on the first read:

Third, I lock each bowl down in stacks of 5 high and the length and width of the room, Either second floor or the rooftop of my house. (I used to previously place seeds in them in my back pack, and i still get the same outcome)
I just dunno. Like I said I backpack garden, so any weird issues that occur are a direct result of me screwing up.


if there is a double growth then i would apply the water generally 2 what potions it needs (orange petal plants) generally 2 poison and and sometimes an occasional cure. depending on the state of the plant if it's healthy then I DO NOT apply heal or strength, but if it is wilted then i apply 1 heal and 1 strength.
I think here is where your issues are. I've been advised by people here (in the FAQs and in the forums) that *two* strengths and heals are needed with wilted/dying plants. Double growth doesn't require double potions: you should still be giving only what they need. If you look at the gump pic I posted up there, you see a plant with double growth, and it only needs one poison... it didn't even need water that day. Double growth doesn't increase its needs whatsoever.

If you're adding double water - that's what's causing your plants to wilt. You're overwatering them, because you're thinking they need more water because of the growth boost. They don't.

What shard are you on, and what time of day do you generally do your gardening? In my experience, there's only one growth check per day, at shard maintenance... it doesn't matter if I check at 8 AM or 10 PM - the plants haven't changed, and I can do my maintenance. If I miss a day, I'll come back to red + on potions or red - on water, but rarely wilted - usually they'll drop down to healthy, and I can apply as needed.

The only time I ever get wilted plants is when I overpotion/water, or forget one.

Here's another double growth I had today, all it needed was a single water. (shot taken after water) No potions at all, this time.


Could you take a couple of screens? Give us the before/after shots of your double growths. There might be something we're both misinterpreting. :) Sometimes, a picture really is worth a thousand words!


Stratics Veteran
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If you're adding double water - that's what's causing your plants to wilt. You're overwatering them, because you're thinking they need more water because of the growth boost. They don't.

What shard are you on, and what time of day do you generally do your gardening? In my experience, there's only one growth check per day, at shard maintenance... it doesn't matter if I check at 8 AM or 10 PM - the plants haven't changed, and I can do my maintenance. If I miss a day, I'll come back to red + on potions or red - on water, but rarely wilted - usually they'll drop down to healthy, and I can apply as needed.


Could you take a couple of screens? Give us the before/after shots of your double growths. There might be something we're both misinterpreting. :) Sometimes, a picture really is worth a thousand words!
The double watering is because there is this thing called a little red line at the top near the little picture of a water, and the double poison potions for because of the little red plus sign next to the little poison picture, so technically yes doubles are needed.

As far as the shard i play on napa, i genereally check the plants right after server up in the mornings which would be 8:24 am eastern time.

I can post a picture, i just have to get one first.


As far as the shard i play on napa, i genereally check the plants right after server up in the mornings which would be 8:24 am eastern time.
Napa had shard issues on 6-8 and your first post about this issue was on 6-10. Could that be the issue?


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also curious which client you're using when you tend plants - the 2d client or the KR client - I know there used to be problems with the plant gumps in KR.

(btw beastmaster - many years ago, when plants first came out, there was a bug where plants would undeco themselves and die if not tended - it was rather rare and they must have eventually fixed it because I haven't heard of it happening in years. I thinking this *didn't* happen in this case though, cause of the mentioned problems with Napa, but just wanted you to know that there was a time when such a bug existed)


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client is 2d and then yes it started on 6-8( well this last batch did) but have had problems in the past with the same thing. Just not such a big batch like this one.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
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I put my seeded pots in a secure overnight, then locked them all down the next day, all over the house. Then a real mess started in the days that followed: Some were badly wilted and some dying. So I left them all locked down and tended them, giving them what they asked for. Then I re-read the rules/links as provided in the Codex of Wisdom and gave all the sick plants GSTRENGTH potions as below:

GIVE the PLANT exactly what is asked for FIRST (dying/wilted/healthy/vibrant) THEN>>>>

It is OK to give a HEALTHY PLANT an additional One-GREATER STRENGTH POTION.
GREATER STRENGTH increases the plant's vitality.
VIBRANT plants need only what is asked for.

NEVER give an INFECTED Plant (infected with fungus or insects) GREATER HEAL potions because with the required GCure and/or GPoison, the GREATER Heal Kills the plants.

Be Safe. Only add GREATER STRENGTH to what a plant needs when it is sick with infections.

Only when a sick PLANT is finally CLEANED up, with NO INFECTIONS can both Greater Heal and Greater Strength potions be used to turn a Dying or Wilted plant to Vibrant quickly.

Can't emphasize this point enough, so excuse me for Repeating:
If you give the plant GHeal while it is suffering infestation, you will kill the plant.
Only give GStrength to a dying/wilted plant along with the required potions for the infestation treatments.

Only give Greater Heal and Greater Strength to a plant that has NO infestations.

A Vibrant plant needs only what is asked for .. Again, don't give an infected Vibrant plant GHeal unless, and only when, you have overdosed it with Two GPoisons rather than one poison. << that's the exception to the rules above.

IF you overdose a plant with two GPoisons and it only asked for one, then, and only then, give it GHeal to counteract the overdose of poison. But if the plant has both insect infestation and fungus infestation .. I think it prudent to only give it 2 GStrength rather than risk killing it with a GHeal while it has the fungus infection too. << need to experiment with that point.

Meanwhile you'll enjoy saving the plants knowing how to do it when things go wrong.
But plants do have a funny way of letting you know they are not liking certain spots in houses. Your problem seems a bit toooo extreme. Hope you have better luck soon.

I prefer to lock plants down in the house and never keep them in a backpack, because it gives gardeners freedom to tend plants any time during the day:

Plants always take a growth check when the server comes up the next day. That gives the gardener all day, any hour of the day, to tend the plants and to recheck them.

It is possible that the latest patches have messed up newly planted gardens. I have over 200 plants growing so I was pretty pleased when the GREATER STRENGTH potion treatment worked so well!

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
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PS: Being a bit paranoid after that mess with those first 200 plants, which I had prepared the same day a big patch was downloaded, ... I decided to start the next bunch of plants, 150 white seeds from Naturalist Quests, in potted dirt which I treated ONCE only, on the second day, with 1 GHeal & 1 GStrength to start the plants on a positive note.

After that ONE initial treatment with GHeal or GStrength, I only gave the plants what was required. Those plants are all doing extremely well and always have with less infestations.

Now I am placing seeds in pots that I add to my garden without giving any GStrength or GHeal until there is an infection. I will add GStrength to the white plants to keep the plants vibrant but, I don't think it is necessary. With white plants I am not taking chances.

During the day, I'll log in at different times, to tend some of the plants while having a Real Life break, sometimes finishing later in the evening before going to bed. The growth check takes place at server up time the next day and I love the freedom to tend plants any time during the day rather than being harnessed to specific log-in times. If I have to stop tending for a day or two, I throw them into a secure chest .. not in a locked down bag.

Sometimes the Game suffers a REVERT in time ..for reasons by the Powers that be... and plants will revert to before the time when you tended some of them. If you missed this revert event, those plants can be saved by using GStrength as in my message above.

By the way: I resorted to taking my empty plant pots to Moongates, *hoping* the magic of Moongates might have a benificial effect on soil around the moongate! I am convinced it works!

*chuckles* Oh the imaginations of Gardenolics - what weird ideas spring into their heads while tending all their plants!


If you give the plant GHeal while it is suffering infestation, you will kill the plant.
I do want to point out that this is not necessarily true.

I have always given 2 greater heals and strengths when a plant is in wilted, and I have not killed any this way.

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
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Jade wrote: "Quote:
If you give the plant GHeal while it is suffering infestation, you will kill the plant."

Dragonchilde wrote: Quote: "I do want to point out that this is not necessarily true.
I have always given 2 greater heals and strengths when a plant is in wilted, and I have not killed any this way."

Thank you, Dragonchilde! I stand corrected!

The Codex of wisdom does support your statement. It says:
"Heal potions and a plant's natural healing will raise the plant's hit points back up to its maximum, but ONLY if the plant has been cured of all maladies first."

It goes on to say: "If Heal potions are applied to a plant that is not poisoned or diseased and the plant has no other maladies currently affecting it, then the heal poitons will be used to help increase the plant's current hit points (in addition to the natural healing a plant performs if it is not currently infected by any maladies!" (....and I thought I was being too wordy!)

I read the Codex of Wisdom thoroughly years ago and somehow arrived at the conclusion it would be wise NOT to give the plants GHeal when infested with fungus or insects. I think the problems I encountered when I did apply the GHeal, where the plants were often extremely sick the next day, .. may have been the result of so many time-reverts UO experienced during those days. I always locked down my plants and didn't realize what was happening with reverts, so had no understanding why the plants were sometimes all sick and in the red, after tending them thoroughly the day before.