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Unlocked-down items decaying in houses.


Stupid Miner

Could we get unlocked-down items moved to the moving crate instead of disappearing after 3 hours? If we want to trash something we can always just place a trash barrel, but it gets annoying losing entire bags of items when we forget to lock them down.


If this was ever implemented....my miners crate from my move into my keep would be sad.

Forgot to lock it down....yup...it sucked.
50+ Bronze Runics
2 Aggie Runics
1 Gold Runic
over 10 million iron ingots
over 1 million colored ingots
7 +60 ASH's

Was a sad day in the world of mules everywhere.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I agree with this to a point though. Yes move them to the moving crate but ONLY til the next time that account logs in. Have a Warning come up like a system message "Warning "X" items were moved to the moving, you have 1 hr to remove them or they will be deleted" For you know as well as I if they get to stay there indefinitely people will abuse this to no end. It will put an end to my cleaning & just tossing stuff I don't want onto the floor to decay. Unless they do it so only bags/box's/chests/bod books (done bod books 3x's on a floor when rearranging types & forgot them :blushing:) are allowed to be popped into the moving crate ?

Stupid Miner

I agree with this to a point though. Yes move them to the moving crate but ONLY til the next time that account logs in. Have a Warning come up like a system message "Warning "X" items were moved to the moving, you have 1 hr to remove them or they will be deleted" For you know as well as I if they get to stay there indefinitely people will abuse this to no end. It will put an end to my cleaning & just tossing stuff I don't want onto the floor to decay. Unless they do it so only bags/box's/chests/bod books (done bod books 3x's on a floor when rearranging types & forgot them :blushing:) are allowed to be popped into the moving crate ?
Hm, people can already move items to the moving crate, just place a wall on them. But yea, something should be done to keep people from effectively getting infinite storage out of this.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hm, people can already move items to the moving crate, just place a wall on them. But yea, something should be done to keep people from effectively getting infinite storage out of this.
What makes you think the moving crate doesn't count towards your lockdowns?

Stupid Miner

What makes you think the moving crate doesn't count towards your lockdowns?
I know it does, but with the idea i presented there would be a loot hole that would force items into the storage crate thus effectually allowing for infinite storage. Unless the items were either removed after a short period, or the items werent moved unless the house owner had enough storage to store them.


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
Always have since about the 4th week of customization. For I lost a vendor at my house, logged in on the toon that placed it, Loads of stuff in bank, said odd, wheres the rest... looked & looked. Said huh, musta just poofed because of no room in the bank. Went to lock down something that next day in the house, big warning pops up "You Can not lock bla bla... for it will exceed the storage limit of the house" WHAT! I should have 25 open locks at least.. Checked house sign, -15 storage..! Yip, I now knew where the other stuff went :blushing:.

Should be til one Toon from that account logs into that account, If a Toon does not log onto that account within a Max of 14 days (got to allow for vaca's), POOF, it goes bye bye

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Ya I can see it now all the Dee Dee Dees dropping trash in public vendor houses. You can still drop things in other boats holds. Always fun having to unload bunch of junk to dock your boat.


I know it does, but with the idea i presented there would be a loot hole that would force items into the storage crate thus effectually allowing for infinite storage. Unless the items were either removed after a short period, or the items werent moved unless the house owner had enough storage to store them.
That would be the obvious solution. It wouldn't make sense to move items to the moving crate if they don't have the storage for them.


I can see someone just throwing stuff down in a house somewhere they don't want and someone having to clean out their moving box heh Would be nice to have some sort of system for the accidentally missing a lock down problem.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know, it would be nice if when I left the pizza in the oven and forgot about that it magically appeared on a plate on the counter. However, it's not like that. Seems to me that you are just ranting about something that you forgot about. I've done this many a time and I've even switched houses before and forgot about a house decaying and lost everything inside it. I don't ask for changes though because I realize it was my fault. All that I see is more potential exploits popping up from something like this.

Stupid Miner

I can see someone just throwing stuff down in a house somewhere they don't want and someone having to clean out their moving box heh Would be nice to have some sort of system for the accidentally missing a lock down problem.
Snakeman's idea to auto-delete them after a period of time would solve this problem. And if they auto deleted after a time, they wouldn't need to take storage space, to prevent trash other people throw on the floor using up all of a house's lockdowns.

Lord Gareth

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I know, it would be nice if when I left the pizza in the oven and forgot about that it magically appeared on a plate on the counter.
If you want that move in with your mom heheh.

(Just a joke)


Hows this for an idea... When entering/exiting your house on foot you get a little message saying something like this "There are currently xxx number of un-secured items in this house" if any. This message could be altered like "You have un-secured items in your home" for before any toon on the house holder account/co-owner account logs in/out they get the little message until the items actually decay or you lock them down. Not sure if this could work or not but its an idea. Ive lost many many many items do to my forgetfulness and this would help. lol. Could work for recalling out as well possibly. I could see no negative side effects to this.

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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As long as I can get an option to turn it off like the targeting system. I hate using trash barrels and I clean allot.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If this was ever implemented....my miners crate from my move into my keep would be sad.

Forgot to lock it down....yup...it sucked.
over 10 million iron ingots
over 1 million colored ingots
10 Million iron ingots - even in stacks of 60k these would be 166 stacks alone?
Or do you mean the value in gold?

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hows this for an idea... When entering/exiting your house on foot you get a little message saying something like this "There are currently xxx number of un-secured items in this house" if any. This message could be altered like "You have un-secured items in your home" for before any toon on the house holder account/co-owner account logs in/out they get the little message until the items actually decay or you lock them down. Not sure if this could work or not but its an idea. Ive lost many many many items do to my forgetfulness and this would help. lol. Could work for recalling out as well possibly. I could see no negative side effects to this.
I like this. Not exploitable and very feasible if you ask me.

Stupid Miner

Hows this for an idea... When entering/exiting your house on foot you get a little message saying something like this "There are currently xxx number of un-secured items in this house" if any. This message could be altered like "You have un-secured items in your home" for before any toon on the house holder account/co-owner account logs in/out they get the little message until the items actually decay or you lock them down. Not sure if this could work or not but its an idea. Ive lost many many many items do to my forgetfulness and this would help. lol. Could work for recalling out as well possibly. I could see no negative side effects to this.
Sounds good. The method doesn't matter. Getting the effect of no longer accidentally losing unlocked down items is the only important thing.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I'd rather have it left just the way it is. People KNOW it works this way and I'm sure I'm not the only person who clears out clutter by just leaving it on the floor, rather than messing with moving the trash barrel from one floor to the next. Plus I sometimes get rid of a lot more than 125 items at once. I don't really want to have to wait for the trash barrel to have to cycle through clearing out just 125 items at a time. And I don't want to have to drag bags of junk outside the house if I don't have the patience to wait on the trash barrel because I can't just pitch stuff on the floor and know it will poof.

Any old player who doesn't realize a change like this has happened and comes back to the game could end up being terribly surprised and puzzled at having all the storage they thought they'd freed up by cleaning out stuff all of a sudden disappear and be taken up with the junk they thought they discarded.

Leave it the way it is and learn to double check yourself when you get busy cleaning things or rearranging stuff. If the house is private, you can always customize it if you want to be absolutely sure everything is locked down. Anything that's not will end up on the ground outside and you can run out and get it. That's how I double check myself if I really want to make sure everything is locked down.


Pretty sad when the only real objection to this is because you would rather throw junk on your floor to decay. Are people really so selfish and lazy? lol We have trash barrel's, bags, pack animal you can buy for 400g or around that and throw your junk on it and kill it or even use a horde minion if ya can. Or stop collecting so much junk? Either way its easy to forget to lock something down when you have real life to deal with as well... Lots of distractions from children needing attention to burning your dinner or people showing up at house in r/l and so much more to sidetrack ya.

I mean its not really a big deal if this is implemented or not but i think its a good idea.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just take precautions before you move items around. Maybe I'm paranoid (or maybe it's cause I have three vendor houses) but I don't just put stuff on my floor that isn't locked down. I move things around from packy to chest or chest to chest.

Precaution 1:
Don't put items on your floor that you want to keep. Put them inside a secured container instead.
Precaution 2:
You are moving houses! Great! Now before you do anything write down the secure/lockdown numbers in your old house so you know what they should be in your new house after you move. The check the numbers after you have moved.
Precaution 3:
Packies are great but they won't autolog with you if they have stuff in them. Mouse over packies to make sure they say 13 stones on them before you log.
Precaution 4:
Still paranoid after moving around a bunch of items? If you have a custom house go into custom mode and quickly exit it. Anything not locked down will go under the house sign. Be aware that any chopped add ons will poof if you haven't locked them down that day.

I think most of us have been burned by forgetting to lock down or secure items. I know I have. Sometimes the lesson is more important than the stuff. When you rely on others to take care of you you lose your own self reliance.

Stupid Miner

Just take precautions before you move items around. Maybe I'm paranoid (or maybe it's cause I have three vendor houses) but I don't just put stuff on my floor that isn't locked down. I move things around from packy to chest or chest to chest.

Precaution 1:
Don't put items on your floor that you want to keep. Put them inside a secured container instead.
Precaution 2:
You are moving houses! Great! Now before you do anything write down the secure/lockdown numbers in your old house so you know what they should be in your new house after you move. The check the numbers after you have moved.
Precaution 3:
Packies are great but they won't autolog with you if they have stuff in them. Mouse over packies to make sure they say 13 stones on them before you log.
Precaution 4:
Still paranoid after moving around a bunch of items? If you have a custom house go into custom mode and quickly exit it. Anything not locked down will go under the house sign. Be aware that any chopped add ons will poof if you haven't locked them down that day.

I think most of us have been burned by forgetting to lock down or secure items. I know I have. Sometimes the lesson is more important than the stuff. When you rely on others to take care of you you lose your own self reliance.
Those are good, but i didn't make this thread just for the people who read the Uhall, hundreds of people who don't read these boards who are effected by this... while it's a good list, not all of us can stay paranoid all the time about losing items, it's not in our nature. And everyone gets careless. They're all good ideas, especially customizing the house (except for those with legacy-style houses or houses with several illegally place items). But as i said, no matter how good the list is, it'll only affect those who read the Uhall, and this thread specifically, which really isn't that many.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could we get unlocked-down items moved to the moving crate instead of disappearing after 3 hours? If we want to trash something we can always just place a trash barrel, but it gets annoying losing entire bags of items when we forget to lock them down.
I'm sorry but, how exactly do you forget to lock something down?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just take precautions before you move items around. Maybe I'm paranoid (or maybe it's cause I have three vendor houses) but I don't just put stuff on my floor that isn't locked down. I move things around from packy to chest or chest to chest.

Precaution 1:
Don't put items on your floor that you want to keep. Put them inside a secured container instead.
Precaution 2:
You are moving houses! Great! Now before you do anything write down the secure/lockdown numbers in your old house so you know what they should be in your new house after you move. The check the numbers after you have moved.
Precaution 3:
Packies are great but they won't autolog with you if they have stuff in them. Mouse over packies to make sure they say 13 stones on them before you log.
Precaution 4:
Still paranoid after moving around a bunch of items? If you have a custom house go into custom mode and quickly exit it. Anything not locked down will go under the house sign. Be aware that any chopped add ons will poof if you haven't locked them down that day.

I think most of us have been burned by forgetting to lock down or secure items. I know I have. Sometimes the lesson is more important than the stuff. When you rely on others to take care of you you lose your own self reliance.
Those are good, but i didn't make this thread just for the people who read the Uhall, hundreds of people who don't read these boards who are effected by this... while it's a good list, not all of us can stay paranoid all the time about losing items, it's not in our nature. And everyone gets careless. They're all good ideas, especially customizing the house (except for those with legacy-style houses or houses with several illegally place items). But as i said, no matter how good the list is, it'll only affect those who read the Uhall, and this thread specifically, which really isn't that many.
Sure, I posted a list of four things that should be common sense to anyone who has played UO for a while. It's not about reaching the masses with information, but more about pointing out obvious information. I was trying to do it politely, but that's not really my nature.

Everyone gets careless sometimes, and that serves as their reminder to be more careful. There is no need for the devs to waste time coding for every instance of carelessness.

I really hate the current RL trend of trying to smooth corners so no one bruises their shins. The world is full of bad things we should do our best to prepare for and when you try to make everything safe you only end up making people stupid. Common sense isn't something people are born with, it comes from learning from one's experiences.


I had a map of known world unlocked on my floor for more then 4 weeks before it disappeared :bored:

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Last week, a guildmate found 4 full soulstones lined up in the grass somewhere in Fel on Lake Austin. Brought them back to our keep and I locked them down on the roof to see if anyone posted about losing them. Didn't see anything, so I unlocked them to let them go poof. They've been sitting on the roof now for 3-4 days, unlocked, just blinking away and making me wish I could get the skills off them.


I'm sorry but, how exactly do you forget to lock something down?
The most common way is to be locking down things, and get in a hurry... and slightly mistarget something. I do this with plants all the time.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Last week, a guildmate found 4 full soulstones lined up in the grass somewhere in Fel on Lake Austin. Brought them back to our keep and I locked them down on the roof to see if anyone posted about losing them. Didn't see anything, so I unlocked them to let them go poof. They've been sitting on the roof now for 3-4 days, unlocked, just blinking away and making me wish I could get the skills off them.
They were from an idoc, they don't decay (like vet statuettes and tap of sosaria, phillips steeds, etc etc). I used to be the only person on Baja as far as I could tell who'd stick no decay items in the courtyard of their castle, but the trend seems to be catching on now. (Really) old furniture and items won't decay either, makes for interesting deco out on the grassy area. I mean in a way it's totally worthless since you can't really show off no decay items, anyone can just pick em up if you don't keep your place locked, but then again it's kind of fun to be able to do up the courtyard. :) Of course if they made that area lockdownable I'd have a bunch of hedges and other plants out there in second, and use all that old furniture for firewood. :D


10 Million iron ingots - even in stacks of 60k these would be 166 stacks alone?
Or do you mean the value in gold?
Yes...10 million....and yes...I know its over 125 lockdowns...


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So how did you put all that in "your miners crate"? This seems to be one box, and I am not aware of a container which can hold more than 125 items.




All I can say is it was all in my box.

But I wouldnt be able to lock that down now.